Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1629: Hanging electricity poles without work

Lula has been very low-key since joining the Aurora Corps, and ordinary people can't see him at all. Don't know where he works, don't know where he lives, don't know what he's doing. But his name is known to some extent.

Garcia had heard of Lula long ago, when Lula was still the captain of the gendarmerie in Merida. People who are also crazy dogs, Lula is domineering in that remote city, and abused countless people, which has become the talk of the top people in Mexico City.

Only after Zhou Qingfeng impersonated Alfonso, Lula was silent for almost two years as it disappeared. At that time, someone occasionally thought of him, and felt that this person was afraid that he had already died somewhere unknown.

In fact, Lula is still alive, not only is he still alive, but the agile jetty rescues himself when the regiment is about to sweep across Mexico. With cheeky and bottomless enthusiasm, he jumped from the broken ship of the Diego regime to the giant ship of the Aurora Corps.

After entering the Aurora Legion, Lula continued to keep a low profile. He knew that his reputation was too bad, and many people in the Legion did not like him as a murderer. He was very clever and did not trust anyone, but chose to be a loyal dog of the legion chief.

The leader of the legion asked Lula to bite, and he absolutely rushed to bite the opponent. For the first time, he bit the foreign minister Clooney, who was implicitly about to become a leader of the army.

Clooney has always been trusted and valued by the commander of the legion. He has operated the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as an iron bucket, which is leak-free. He has a small army, a business system, and investigators. He is extremely powerful, and even became a banner in the hearts of white members of the legion.

As a result, before the flag flew up to the wind, Lula flung out of the darkness to bite into a rag and the Foreign Ministry was split, and Clooney's power dropped sharply, honestly and well-behaved.

Secret investigations gathered evidence, calmly arrested several key staff members of Clooney, suddenly blocked the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and even Clooney himself was `` invited '' from his villa by Lula.

This series of actions caused a blast of 'Lula Cyclone' at the top of the legion, and many people became frightened. Even Lina Fox was secretly lamenting: his man saw that the white Americans in the legion were too powerful, and then changed hands and used Mexicans to balance.

The point is that this balance is not to build another hill in order to crack down on one hill. All power is still firmly in the hands of Zhou Qingfeng. This kind of politics is amazing.

When the middle and high ranks of the Legion thought Lula's power was going to become a scourge, the mad dog disappeared again, and he went into a situation where he couldn't find it, but couldn't find it. Some people tried to get revenge, but he couldn't find the handle. This person disappeared.

It was only now that the Garcia Director of the Veracruz Port Authority heard Lula's name before he realized that this dreadful fellow had not disappeared. He was only pulled by the dog chain by the commander of the legion, and only released when necessary.

"Director Garcia, do you have any opinion on me?" Lula's appearance is actually very beautiful, even a bit sissy and handsome. But under the small white-faced skin was an extremely crazy heart. He reached out and pushed Bophie who was hung up. His shaking body made the Deputy Director extremely painful.

Deputy Director Pofi couldn't speak at this moment, he could only struggling on his toes to whisper to Garcia's director, trying to get some help from it. But when Garcia came, he was very aggressive, but he turned his head away immediately after he understood the situation, regardless of his subordinates.

Back in his office, the director of Garcia shouted to a large number of lazy bureaucrats: "Get up and work, work fast. Who said that the crane was broken just now? Find someone to fix it."

Everyone in the office was shocked, and the sluggish group of bureaucrats was inexplicable. Someone asked, "Secretary, what happened?"

"I blame you for being so greedy. Now Lula is here, and the leader of the Corps is here, Lula, the number one mad dog. Hurry up to work if you don't want to hang a wire pole." Garcia's roar made the entire Port Authority fly chicken Dog jumps, everyone is not adapted to this urgent working atmosphere.

Garcia even began to worry about himself after venting. He wanted to say that he was the most corrupted. If he really wanted to catch him, he should be first hung on a power pole. And just when he wanted to run away, Deputy Director Bofei, who had just been hung out, rushed back in tears.

"Secretary, I'm so grateful. If it weren't for your rescue, I'd be dead." Deputy Director Pofi snotted and cried, holding Garcia's thighs shaking.

"When did I rescue you?" The director of Garcia was inexplicable, and supposedly abandoned the deputy director.

"Did you not send your son to replace me?"


"Your son saw me hanging, so he went to Lula theory. He yelled to say his identity, and said, 'Hang me up to replace Uncle Pofi, and my father will come to save me.' Your son It's so righteous, I shouldn't think he's always stupid. "


The director of Garcia felt that the sky was spinning, and he fell to the ground as soon as the black rushed. When he finally woke up, he cried and ran out of the Port Authority building, rushed to the street outside and pleaded with Lula, who was under a telephone pole, "please let my son go, I promise everything you want"

At this moment, more than a dozen people have been hung on the telephone poles outside the Port Authority, and Garcia glanced at them. They were all relatives' children or related households stuffed by the bureau's bureaucrats at all levels. These people usually do nothing but make money from the port.

Seeing his director running out again and begging, everyone in the entire Port Authority poked his head out of the window on the side of the building. No one was frightened when he learned of Lula's fierce name.

As for the plea of ​​Garcia, Lula just kept laughing. He was followed by a large group of soldiers from the Anti-Reconciliation and Inventory Committee, who were fully armed to maintain order at the scene.

Some Mexican laborers in the port came to watch, and saw that the son of the secretary who was acting like a blessing was hung on a wire pole. Everyone secretly applauded.

"Director Garcia, you go back to work. I just want to do some small investigations. As long as you work hard, everything will pass." Lula looked abnormally reasonable and even put a small piece under the director's son's feet Break the bricks and make him better.

Work, work, work, everything depends on work!

The director of Garcia understands that whether his son can live depends on whether he can work well? He cried for ten minutes, and UU read the book www. uukanshu.com rushed back to the Port Authority to become the most vicious overseer, forcing everyone to work overtime.

The damaged port equipment was repaired as soon as possible, all workers worked in three shifts, and the speed of cargo transfer was accelerated several times. The efficiency of the entire port is rampant.

It is just that the number of people hanging on the telephone poles under the Port Authority Building has not decreased, but more and more. Many idle people without background forces were hung up one by one. They did not have wooden feet to hang themselves.

People with a little background can still live. For example, the director of Garcia's son even has a special treatment and can add more stones at his feet every few hours to relax. Just wanting to be completely relaxed is dreaming. With these examples, the entire port is working hard.

After only one day of governance, Lula wrote in a report to Zhou Qingfeng: "The initial incentives are very good. Without the ability to replace port officials, everyone, including Garcia's director, realized his past mistakes. , Radiated a new enthusiasm for work.

We will proceed to the next cleanup. The anti-labor, anti-corruption and anti-malfeasance work will always be unremitting, please rest assured that the head of the army. "

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