Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1187: Twitter

A few years ago, it was cia who worked hard to find bin Laden's hiding place, and the seals killed it. The United States of America is as good as ever, no one is invincible!

Now, it is cia's intelligence personnel who organized a hunting operation with the intention of sending a terrorist who is more dangerous than bin Laden into hell.

As cia's high-level intelligence officer, Fidel knows **** the enemies of the United States. He also knows exactly when to show himself to his superiors. For example, when he is confident of success, he stays under the command of Turkey to inform his superiors.

When the news reached the White House, the President of Twitter asked him in his White House office: "Do I want to hold a celebration party for this?"

The aide stood at the table and whispered, "Mr. President, we have connected the cia and seal personnel in front of us by satellite. The vice president, secretary of state and members of the national security team are coming. Maybe you can talk to them in the situation observation room. Watch this action together.

After the operation is successful, you need to hold a press conference immediately to announce the news to the world. This demonstrates our tough attitude towards terrorists and hostile forces. "

"Make the world safer and the United States better, right?" The president laughed a few times, and this kind of event showing the great strength of the United States is the most exciting. In particular, after these years of obscurity, Okuizi really needs to promote something that can make the people proud.

The situation observation room in the White House is not very large, and it seems that the space is cramped when it is stuffed into a long conference table. It is only the Secretary of Defense or the National Security Adviser who can sit here. As the leader of the Eagle Sauce, Twitter President Ma Dadao sat in the middle.

"What about cia's actions?" President Twitter asked after he took office.

The security adviser immediately reported: "The drone on the battlefield has shown the footprint left by the target, and cia's analysts are tracking."

The situation observation room has a large screen on the wall, which is displaying the images returned by Palmyra's front line. Small drones are flying low above the city's street ruins, and someone has circled a series of unusual footprints on the ground to explain to Mr. President.

"It looks like we are really going to succeed." President Twitter has been told of all the troubles America has left in his hands since taking over the White House. The destruction of Pandora's laboratory was the top priority, which directly extinguished the longevity dreams of many powerful and rich people.

And now is the time for revenge!

As the drone lens advances, everyone staring at the big screen starts to hold their breath. It is enough for the situation observation room to go out alone to kick the foot, which is enough to make the United States and even the whole world shake, and they are now waiting for a certain moment to come.

The atmosphere was a little tense ...

Especially when a little girl shouted suddenly in the camera, everyone's heart mentioned the throat. Although everyone in the audience couldn't hear the live sound from thousands of miles away, there was no sound at this time, and anyone could feel that the final moment was coming.


A light-distorted figure was photographed on the drone's lens. He seemed to be wrapped in a group of sparkling reflective lenses, showing a weird weird.

The situation observation room sounded an exclamation in unison, which was really unexpected. And when the strange figure on the big screen suddenly raised his gun and fired, the exclaiming turned into a yelling.

Pop ..., the video is interrupted.

Everyone in this room had an immersive illusion, as if they had just been hit by their own muzzles. The President of Twitter was facing the screen and felt particularly strongly. When the image on the big screen darkened, he was awakened to realize that his frightened hands were lifted, and his body was leaning back to avoid him.

"That's over?" President Twitter sighed and looked around.

At this moment, members of the National Security Team are holding the phone at hand, trying to contact the CIA commander in front of them to inquire about the follow-up situation. However, the image on the large screen was restored again after a few seconds of interruption, and became the image returned from the aerial drone.

The room was quiet again, and everyone quickly found the street just searched by a small drone. The small drone just dropped, and the weird figure more than twenty meters away was still clearly visible.

"What's next?" President Twitter asked left and right.

No one needed to answer. Mortar shells fired by the seal squad arrived over this area. The constantly alternating lighting light makes the whole picture feel like an old-fashioned black-and-white silent film, and under this light, the invisible target has nowhere to escape.

"Ah ... great!" President Twitter said he understood. "Will our aircraft carrier strike next?"

For the amateur of his own president, the national security adviser could only brazenly explain: "Mr. President, we do n’t need an aircraft carrier now, and our drone will be shooting missiles nearby. In a few seconds, you will see the results . "

Two Hellfire missiles on the Grim Reaper drove out in volleys and were approaching the target. In the eyes of everyone in the room, the target was unaware, and he ran to the little girl who had just alerted him.

"He has been locked and cannot escape." The national security adviser's face with a victorious smile made a strong and decisive judgement. As soon as his voice dropped, the two missiles that had been launched could be seen on the image returned by the death drone.

One after the other, one after another!

It takes less than a second ...

Boom ..., the big picture appeared on the big screen. But this explosion is still four or five hundred meters away from the target. An obvious laser beam intercepted the first missile.

What's going on ..., failed?

While waiting for everyone in the room to ask questions, the second missile followed closely, passing through the cloud of smoke that appeared after the first missile exploded, and continued to pounce on the target. The Twitter president's heart was agitated and agitated, and his mood was ups and downs.

Look at the second missile ... it was not intercepted, it hit, it exploded, it destroyed the target.

Yeah ... yeah ... yeah ...!

After a lot of difficulties, this **** guy is finally over!

More than a dozen big men in the situation observation room stood up together, and UU read the book www. uukanshu.com cheers!

President Twitter slaps the table and laughs constantly. He even had the mood to shout to the vice president and national security adviser around him: "give-me-Five!"

The crowd immediately clapped Xiangqing, and the champagne that had been prepared was taken out, and everyone toasted.

Jubilant bubbles rumbling in the wine glass, and a happy atmosphere surged in the room. This wine is not intoxicating. Everyone feels faint, happy, unhurried, and in a good mood!

"Hahaha ... I'm going to tweet immediately." His Excellency the President fortunately couldn't wait to tell the news to the world.

"Today I am extremely pleased to announce to the American people and the world that a terrorist who has always harmed the interests of the United States has just been wiped out. We will immediately confirm his identity, and we will dig deep into the forces behind him, all Clear.

We were sad, angry, and helpless. But today we can cheer, the powerful United States still does not allow anyone to challenge, ... "

His Excellency wrote a long tweet, sending it lightly, and then waiting to receive cheers and congratulations from people all over the world.

"Ah ... good luck! Being the President for a few months, I am the happiest today!" His Excellency the President raised his head again, and wanted to see the results on the big screen ...

Wouldn't Okuko's accomplishment be to kill Bin Laden? I can do it now!

His Excellency the President, however, wished he could become a great presence with historical names such as Washington, Lincoln and Roosevelt, but when he really looked up, his expression immediately changed from joy to misunderstanding, and misunderstanding into anger. Because he had just announced that his goal of death was still alive.

Fuck ..., I just tweeted!

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