Rise of the Marvel Universe Zerg

Chapter 266: Arcado s Anderson

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The harpy Lockece did not have the weirdness of Walter, and warned the black robes of the Undead Mage Association: "Princess of the undead, I will not allow you to save these people ... Walter has killed hundreds of Harpers over the years, In the early years, there were my playmates, and I would watch Walter killed by those twill spiders! "

"Loxes, it's not my turn to speak up, unless you want to taste the power of Skeleton Archer and Skeleton Mage. You can't hide well here, don't blame me for not reminding you." The Princess of the Undead uses a sleeve robe Scolded the skeleton fight.

Lokses is very annoyed, but it can only be up to 1000 meters high, which is very difficult for long-range ground attacks, and the corridor is only 5 meters wide, and there is no air superiority outside. "You can do it, Princess Undead, but it consumes magic power here, and I wish you all to be buried in the Prince's tomb ... go."

"No," the undead princess said coldly. Dozens of undead mages converging behind him remained motionless without any discussion.

Roxes summoned the hawks to search for companions in other channels. Now no matter how the maze changes, what blood beasts and traps are there, you must first gather the companions to complete the maze. Otherwise, other forces will divide competitors and kill them! !!

Walter and Heinkel looked at Lin Qing'er, but Lin Qing'er had put on Wang Wang's mask again and could not see the expression at all.

"Ms. Qinger" was called because the Zerg dominated it. Walter thought it was Lin Qinger's full name. Inquiring like this: "These undead mages are our chance to escape now ..."

"I know, but how can I decide on the master's affairs." Lin Qinger wondered.

The undead princess smiled at this moment: "It doesn't matter, Miss Qinger, as long as we follow you, it will be my business if I can talk to the master at that time. I will not involve Miss Qinger. And the road is full of crisis and unite together And take care of one or two. "

"There is no problem following me, but I will not introduce it to you, otherwise the host will be unhappy and Qing'er will be sad." Lin Qing's voice still had some concerns.

Heinkel deliberately whispered, "... Otherwise, the host will be unhappy, and Qing'er will be sad ... The Zerg dominates is a greater heresy, and will soon be burned on the cross by the Holy See!"

"What did you say !!!" Lin Qing'er's voice exuded a chill, jade hands pinched Heinkel's neck, and the nerve paralysis was poisonous all over Heinkel's veins at once. Heinkel's physique will still stop because of blood stiffness! !!

Heinkel's body was paralyzed by nerves, his arms dangled on both sides of the body, he could not resist, and was immediately subdued by Lin Qing'er. "Why are you so powerful !!!"

"Ms. Qing'er is A-level. You are only D-level. Apologize, or you will be killed." Walter doesn't want Heinkel to die now. For the time being, this is still a fighting force, and he doesn't know the undead. What the princess planned, one more road would be one more person. "Miss Qinger, put her down. How could such a weak person catch the Zerg dominion, right?"

"Oh! Yeah. How could the master be caught by such a weak human being? I'm stupid!" Lin Qing'er knocked on his little head, put Heinkel on the ground, and laughed: "I'm sorry, you are so Weak, I still bully you, but you don't have to worry about it. I have given you the poison, and you can recover in a few minutes. "

"Kill me! Kill me!" Heinkel, who was attacked one after another, shouted angrily: "I am weak, but I still have dignity, for the Holy See, for the master, I die without regret. You do not need to use weak Come and break my heart ... my faith is firm. "

Walter blocked Heinkel's mouth with a wire saw, cursing: "You second goods, be quiet, not me to save you, you have been poisoned to death by Miss Qing'er, don't make trouble."

"Hmm ..." Heinkel was about to be bullied and wept, but his body's numbness had not completely dissipated, and his mouth could say, but he was still blocked. At this time Heinkel remembered that he was just a woman ... a fragile woman.

The princess of the undead had received Lin Qing's permission and immediately commanded: "The twill spider's silk is extremely corrosive, flexible and highly penetrable, and the venomous gallbladder spider is explosive. We don't have to go head to head, curse with fear ... "

Curse of fear is a curse magic commonly used by undead mages. It does not have substantial lethality, but it can make the target feel fear. As long as the attacker is conscious, it can have a strong effect.

Under the curse of fear, the twill spider recalled different fear memories, or was bullied by a strong fellow, or was hunted by force majeure natural enemies, barking to avoid the passage.

Walter, Lin Qinger and Heinkel took the opportunity to escape from it.

the other side.

Lin Fan and Lin Jin'er met Akado and Anderson halfway through.

Anderson stopped Arkado for a duel, and the sword became manifest from the Bible, saying: "Acadeo, the first generation Van Hessin defeated you. Now I Anderson will defeat you again and let you roll back into the dark cellar. . "

"Is it a holy dog ​​of the Holy See, don't disturb me, I'm not interested in you ... don't stop the way, I'm going to find friends." Arcado took the white spear "Gars" from his arms and put it down Beside your leg, cross Anderson. "Master, we met again, are you going to tell me your name, or are you going to be my friend ... Hey ... why are you leaving again!"

"Akardo !!!" Anderson yelled, bowing his head. The sharp sword is running through the heart of Arkado! !!

Arcado lowered his head, twitching the corners of his mouth, and put Garth on Anderson's forehead. "Bye bye ..."


Anderson was hit by a 13MM caliber enchanting ammunition, and his whole body vacated and fell backwards.


A line of white smoke floated from Anderson's eyebrows. Anderson fell to the ground and did not die. The muscle on his forehead pushed out the flat warhead and healed instantly. "Akado ... Do you think I'm so weak? Just fire one shot!", ...

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