Rise of the Dark Witch

Chapter 376 Return to Magic Machine Academy

Qiao Nuo's strength test has ended, and it's time to reward him.

Jono looked at Roja expectantly.

Roja gave Lina the magic weapon to cross the flame magic thread, helping Lina find the wizard path of the magic weapon school, and solved the major flaw in the magic power of Yan Dou.

Let Lina, a person with no future, find the path of a wizard that suits her.

For Lina, a student, the rewards are so great.

As the grandson and heir of Roya, what gift will Roya give him?

It can’t be worse than Lina, right?

As everyone watched, a square bronze magic box appeared in Roja's hand.

Roja waved his hand lightly, and the bronze magic box flew towards Qiao Nuo.

Jono excitedly took the bronze magic box.

"Grandpa, can I open it and take a look?"

After getting a positive reply from Roja, he carefully opened the lid of the bronze magic box.

Inside the bronze magic box, he saw an apple-sized black crystal ball and six gems arranged around the black crystal ball.

"Grandpa, this is..." Qiao Nuo said curiously.

Roja said:

"Qiao Nuo, you have already learned two burning witchcrafts. The reason why I have asked you not to learn the third burning witchcraft for the time being is because I think you should have a better choice."

"What is recorded in the memory crystal ball in your hand is the third recording witchcraft I selected for you."

"A powerful sorcery related to time."

"The slow mark of time!"

"As for those six gems, they are time-engraved stones used to assist in learning the time witchcraft, the slow mark of time."

"With the assistance of Time Carving Stone, it can greatly shorten the time for you to learn the Slow Mark of Time."

Roya's words made the entire hall become extremely silent.

The third witchcraft he chose for Jono turned out to be time witchcraft?

You must know that the power of time is one of the most terrifying forces in the world!

Every wizard with time-based witchcraft is much more powerful than other wizards of the same realm!

Qiao Nuo's strength is already extremely terrifying. If he adds time witchcraft, what's the point?

But when I think that Roja himself can learn the Jenga of Time, he must have extremely high talent in the time system.

As Roja's grandson, it is normal for Qiao Nuo to inherit Roja's talent for time.

Roja has always said that Jono is more talented than him.

They didn't take this statement seriously before.

I think this is just an ordinary compliment from Roya to Jono, his grandson.

I don’t think Jono can really compete with Roja at all.

Now, this idea in their hearts has been shaken!

A rising star who could surpass Roja was born right in front of them?

Under the envious gazes of Lena and Glory.

Qiao Nuo looked dull for a long time before slowly coming back to his senses.

"Time witchcraft? Time slowdown?" Qiao Nuo's eyes widened.

"Yes, this is my gift to you." Roja nodded.

Jono perfectly inherited his talents in all aspects.

An ordinary knight talent, an extremely poor wizard talent, and a time and space talent that can be called the pinnacle of non-god life!

Qiao Nuo, who possesses the extraordinary talent of time and space, directly awakened the time-based life talent of Time Analysis Spirit Pupil when he advanced to the first level.

Shiji Lingpu is a psychic pupil that can see the past, present, and future, has strong analytical ability, and has an absolutely calm self-awareness.

It is an extremely powerful auxiliary life talent.

Roja was thinking about it when he learned that Qiao Nuo's awakened life talent was the Time Analysis Spirit Eye of the Time System.

Do you want to choose a time witchcraft for Jono?

Roja has personally understood the power of time witchcraft.

You must know that the auxiliary time magic spell Jenga of Time, which is not known for its powerful combat power, has been of great help to Roja when he faces various powerful enemies.

So far, whether it is an enemy, himself or a friend, he has never encountered a witchcraft that can improve combat effectiveness more than the Jenga of Time.

Even an auxiliary time witchcraft's improvement in strength is extraordinary.

How powerful should combat time witchcraft be?

It can be said that the power of time and space witchcraft is simply not comparable to other witchcraft!

Even the dragon's dragon language magic is probably not as good as the time and space witchcraft!

Since his grandson Qiao Nuo has a strong time-based talent, wouldn't it be a big waste if he doesn't choose a time-based witchcraft practice?

The question is when to choose the time for witchcraft?

It would be best if I could learn Jenga of Time like him.

However, Qiao Nuo already has an auxiliary time-based time analysis pupil. Wouldn’t it be bad to have another auxiliary time-based witchcraft?

Maybe learn an offensive time wizard?

With Qiao Nuo's time talent, there is no problem in learning time witchcraft with the same level of difficulty as Jenga of Time.

However, after some in-depth thinking, Roja gave up the idea of ​​choosing difficult time-based witchcraft for Jono.


You must know that Roja, who has the certificate of two souls, spent five years under the guidance of a fourth-level time system instructor to learn the Jenga of Time.

After learning it, it took him hundreds of years to gradually master the Jenga of Time, and then he understood the witchcraft derived from the Jenga of Time, the Shile Barrier.

He has been wasting so much time, how about someone else?

The time-based witchcraft of Time Jenga is really difficult!

It’s hard to get started!

Mastery is even harder!

Although Qiao Nuo's talent in the time system is not weaker than his, if you want to get started with Jenga of Time, you will have to study hard day and night for at least several decades.

Isn't it a bit outrageous to require a first-level wizard to continue to learn a witchcraft for decades without stopping for 24 hours a day?

As a first-level wizard, time is very valuable, and there are a lot of things that need to be done.

Do you want to practice?

Want to collect resources?

Want to learn other knowledge?

Because you have to do other things in the middle, if you learn Toki Jenga for an average of eight hours a day, then it will take more than a hundred years to learn Toki Jenga!

It takes more than a hundred years to get started, but what about mastering it?

Three hundred years up!

As for learning to derive the witchcraft Shile Boundary?

Don’t think about it until 500 years!

Jenga of Time is too difficult and not suitable for Jono at all.

Roja is constantly searching among the many time-based witchcrafts.

He wanted to find a time witchcraft that was not too difficult. With Jono's time talent, he could learn it in a few years and master it in a few decades.

And the power must not be too weak, it must be able to greatly improve Qiao Nuo's overall strength.

There is a lot of time witchcraft.

But the powerful time-based witchcraft is very difficult to learn.

Those time-based witchcraft that are easy to learn have mostly useless functions.

Think about it.

His eyes finally fell on the Time Slow Mark.

The effect of the witchcraft of Time Slow Mark is very simple, that is, it delays the injury on the body!

If a person is injured in an artery, the wound will cause the injured person to spurt out a liter of blood in ten seconds.

With such a serious injury, even if you were sent to the emergency room immediately at the moment of injury, you might not be able to save him.

What if the person who injured the artery had some relief?

Can we use the power of the Time Buffer to delay the injury a hundred times?

Then the injured person will lose one liter of blood in ten seconds instead of one liter of blood in ten seconds.

Although there was still a lot of blood, the chance of being rescued was many times greater.

Another example is a wizard who was cursed to die within ten days.

Then, under the effect of the hundred-fold delay of the Time Slow, the curse will not occur until a thousand days later.

If some wizards with extremely powerful body healing abilities learned the Time Slowing Cure, since the onset of the injury would be delayed hundreds of thousands of times, it is very likely that the wound would heal directly before it appeared.

It's equivalent to not being injured at all!

In addition, Time Slowing can even slow down the aging of the body and extend life span to a certain extent!

As a life wizard, Qiao Nuo's self-healing ability and life span are much better than those of ordinary wizards, and with the addition of Time Slowing, it is even more powerful.

Especially since Jono has also embarked on the path of the green wizard's blood sect.

The path of a wizard in the bloodline sect is extremely dangerous, and a slight carelessness can ruin a wizard's career.

However, with the time buffer, the error tolerance is much greater.

It can greatly reduce the danger of the sorcerer's path of the bloodline sect.

The witchcraft of Time Slow Marks can be said to combine the advantages of being easy to learn, easy to master, low consumption, long lasting, obvious effects... and so on.

Although it is not as good as the Jenga of Time, it is definitely a first-class auxiliary time-based witchcraft.

If Qiao Nuo can learn the Slow Mark of Time, his strength will definitely increase greatly!

In the past, Roja felt that Qiao Nuo already possessed the auxiliary time witchcraft of Time Analysis Spiritual Pupil. Wouldn't it be bad to learn the auxiliary Time Slow Mark again?

Is it too lacking in attack power?

But when he learned that Qiao Nuo had embarked on the path of the Bloodline School, his worries suddenly disappeared without a trace.

There is no time-based witchcraft that is more suitable for Jono than the Time Slow Mark!

After Roja introduced the content related to the Slow Traces of Witchcraft Time in detail.

After listening to the introduction, Jono immediately hugged the bronze magic box with excitement, and his eyes burned with hot flames when he looked at the memory crystal.

"Grandpa, can I really learn the time witchcraft of Time Slow Mark?" Qiao Nuo said in disbelief.

"It can be seen from your awakened life talent, the Time Analysis Spirit Pupil, that you have a powerful talent in the time system. There is absolutely no problem in learning a time witchcraft, Time Slowness, which is not too difficult." Roja encouraged. .

"Well! Thank you grandpa!"

Qiao Nuo stepped aside holding the bronze magic box.

It can be seen from his body that is constantly shaking with excitement that he can't wait to start learning the sorcery of Time.

I can’t wait to experience the power of the witchcraft of Time Slow Mark immediately!

The assessment and rewards for both Lina and Qiao Nuo are over.

Only the last person is left.

Gloria Laurent!

Glory, the queen of Roya, walked out.

After Roja gave the order, the battle between Glory and the Wood Soul Armorer began.

Glory stared at the Wood Soul Armorer with her eyes.

Facing the Wood Soul Armorer, she saw with her own eyes the previous battle between Lina Jono and the Wood Soul Armorer, and she did not dare to be careless.

She knows that she is weaker than Lena Jono, but she still has to fight with all her strength to get Roja's recognition for her strength!

Invisible thoughts surged out of her body.

Her waist-length purple hair floated in mid-air under the influence of telekinesis.

Her own feet slowly lifted off the ground and were suspended in the air.

Beautiful butterflies appeared all around her.

This is her witchcraft weapon - the magical butterfly of divine light!


The battle between Glory and the Wood Soul Armorer has officially begun!

As a telepathic wizard, Glory uses telekinesis to fly in mid-air, skillfully using one telekinesis weapon after another.

Sometimes it transforms into an iron rope that can seal magic power, sometimes it takes out a horn that can attack the spirit, sometimes it holds up a weapon that can control gravity...

Sometimes she wields thunder, sometimes she controls fire, sometimes she creates storms...

The battle between Glory and the Wood Soul Armorer was far more dazzling and gorgeous than the previous Lina and Qiao Nuo.

However, this seemingly brilliant battle...

Glory was completely scraping the Wood Soul Armorer!

Lina could at least use her sword to cut scratches on the Wood Soul Armorer's body.

Qiao Nuo can use his fists to make punch marks on the Wood Soul Armorer, and use death thorns to corrode the Wood Soul Armorer's armor.

On the other hand, Glory.

She operated as fiercely as a tiger, and as a result, there wasn't even a speck of dust on the Wood Soul Armorer's body.

You can't blame Glory for being weak.

Simply because Lina and Qiao Nuo are too strong!

The strength of the two of them has exceeded the scope of the first-level realm, and they can not fall behind even in a battle with wizards who are in the first-level pseudo-second-level realm.

Glory is just an ordinary first-level and fourth-level wizard.

And she chose the path of a telepathic wizard.

The telekinesis system has a very high upper limit. It is not an exaggeration to call it the wizard school with the highest upper limit among all wizard paths.

Unfortunately, it has the highest ceiling in theory, but its actual performance is extremely mediocre.

So many wizards of the telekinesis school are simply synonymous with mediocrity.

First-level realm, mediocre,

Second level, mediocre.

The third level is still mediocre.

At the fourth level, he is still mediocre!

Glory is not a genius who is rare in telekinesis sect for thousands of years, she is just a wizard with ordinary qualifications.

Without Roja's help, she might not even be able to become a second-level wizard in this life.

Glory, who has mediocre strength and does not have the ability to leapfrog monsters, was able to fight with the Wood Soul Armorer for so long simply because she could fly.

The Wood Soul Armorer itself does not have the ability to fly.

Facing Glory flying around in the sky, it could only use the method of condensing a magic barrier under its feet to run and jump in the high air to fight Glory.

Although the Wood Soul Armorer was much faster than Glory, he was ultimately not as agile as Glory, who could use telekinesis to fly freely.

In particular, Glory also has a variety of telekinetic weapons with strange functions.

So, when Luo Ya specifically ordered the Wood Soul Armorer to release the water.

Glory had a "wonderful" battle with the Wood Soul Armorer.

Half an hour later.

The battle is over.

Glory stood panting.

Although she persisted for half an hour, far surpassing Lina and on the same level as Jono, there was no happy expression on her face that she had passed the test.

Because she could see that the Wood Soul Armorer's strength was much weaker than in the previous two battles!

The Wood Soul Armorers don't use any skills, which is a waste of time for them.

But when fighting her, the Wood Soul Armorer could no longer call it a release of water, but directly released it into the sea!

If the Wood Soul Armorer used the strength he had when fighting Lina Jono against her, she might not be able to hold on for even a minute.

Glory sighed slightly inwardly.

She was extremely envious of Lina and Qiao Nuo.

I envy their strength and their talent.

Her level of cultivation is higher than Lina, but Lina can easily kill her instantly.

Her level of cultivation is the same as Qiao Nuo, and Qiao Nuo can also easily kill her instantly.

Thinking that as the queen of Roja, her intimacy with Roja is no lower than that of Lina and Qiao Nuo, but her strength is actually so much weaker?

She knew she couldn't blame Roya.

Luo Ya has given her the best resources and the best training environment.

The reason why she is weak is simply because she is not talented!


Glory sighed and knelt down in front of Roya.

Lina, Qiao Nuo and Roya in front gave generous rewards.

Now that it's her turn, there will definitely be a reward, right?

But she knew that the reward that belonged to her was definitely incomparable to Lena Jono and the other two.

Who makes her talent so poor?

Who makes her so weak?

In her somewhat expectant and somewhat dejected mood, Roja spoke.

"Glory, how many telekinesis spells have you burned?" Roja asked.

"...Three." Glory lowered her head in shame.

As a variant of the spiritual wizard school, the telekinesis school is a very special school.

In order to obtain pure telekinesis, telepathy wizards need to purify their own bloodline and "wash" away the bloodline talent.

In other words, telekinesis wizards do not have bloodline talents and are inherently weaker than other wizards who have awakened bloodline talents.

Secondly, telekinesis wizards can only learn telekinesis witchcraft.

Other wizards can learn various magical and powerful witchcraft, make up for their own shortcomings through different witchcraft, and obtain various powerful and magical abilities.

Telepathy wizards only have one kind of telepathy witchcraft.

The function of telekinesis witchcraft is to fuse magic and spiritual power into telekinesis.

When learning the first telekinesis witchcraft, the method and difficulty are no different from other wizards learning witchcraft.

It's completely different starting from learning the second telekinesis witchcraft.

Subsequent telekinesis witchcraft must be based on the original telekinesis witchcraft!

Other wizards learn three different witchcrafts, which is equivalent to building three different houses.

The telekinesis wizard learns three telekinesis witchcrafts to continuously improve the house on the original basis!

The number of telepathic witchcraft possessed by a telepathic wizard is related to the strength and accuracy of telekinesis.

Only learned one telepathic witchcraft?


It can be called the weakest among all wizards at the same level!

Two telepathic witchcrafts?

The strength is still at the bottom level in the same realm!

Three telekinesis witchcrafts?

With an ordinary mediocre level, the probability of becoming a level two wizard is less than 10%!

Glory has only learned three telekinesis spells.

If she had not met Roja, there was a high probability that she would not be able to become a level two wizard in this life.

Even if she met Roja and became a second-level wizard, her level would be at the bottom of the second-level wizards.

That's why when Gloria said the words "Three telekinesis witchcraft" when facing Roja's inquiry, she showed an expression of extreme shame.

"Without the guidance of a teacher, you have to explore on your own. It's already quite good to be able to achieve what you have achieved today." Luo Ya comforted you.

However, the sad and ashamed expression on Glory's face still did not fade away.

Glory successfully inscribed three telekinesis witchcrafts. It would be no problem for other wizards to inscribe three witchcrafts at the first level.

Even Roja has only recorded three witchcrafts now.

But the telekinesis school is different!

Three telekinesis witchcrafts?

Just barely passing.

Five telepathic witchcraft?

It's an okay level.

It is rumored that a telepathic wizard who has burned five telepathic witchcrafts has become a fourth-level wizard.

Seven telepathic witchcraft?

A real genius!

Not inferior to Roja!

Nine telekinesis witchcraft?

He can be compared with Lena Jono and the other two, and can be compared with the top bloodlines such as the Star Spirit bloodline and the pure-blood dragon bloodline.

As for the maximum number of telekinesis witchcrafts that can be condensed?

Since the wizarding world has been recorded, the strongest telepathic wizard recorded a total of twelve telepathic witchcrafts when he was at the first level!

That person is the second seat of Ten Thousand Demons Cave - the Master of Jueneng Territory!

Roja didn't have high demands on Gloria, but burning five telepathic witchcraft spells was the bottom line he could accept.

Glory only has three...

Fortunately, Glory is still young now, only over a hundred years old.

As long as she is given enough time, there is no problem in burning the fourth and fifth telekinesis.

"I have often guided you in your cultivation over the years."

"But my guidance is only about improving your cultivation level. I have never cared much about your telekinesis cultivation."

"You can explore on your own and successfully burn three telekinesis witchcrafts, which is pretty good."

"But without anyone's guidance, the speed of cultivation will eventually be affected."

"This memory crystal ball contains a lot of knowledge related to the telekinesis school. I spent a lot of money to buy this knowledge at Magic Machine Academy. You must study it carefully. I will stay in the Holy Luo Empire for a while. Time, if you don’t understand anything, you can always ask me.”

Gloria excitedly took the memory crystal ball and thanked Roja continuously.

After completing the assessment and rewards for Jono, Lina, and Glo.

Most of what Roja needs to do in the Saint Luo Empire has been completed, leaving only the final finishing touches.

"If nothing else happens, I will come back the next time the nightmare world opens."

"But how can life always be smooth sailing?"

"Maybe there will be an accident and you won't be able to come back for decades or hundreds of years?"

"Follow-up arrangements must be made!"

He handed over part of the authority of the Wizard Tower to Jono, Lina, and Glory.

He took out many precious potions and gave them to the three of them.

He left behind many third-level potions as the foundation of the Holy Luo Empire.

He also wrote books to the Ancient Kingdom of Thousand Forests, the Ashbone Empire, the Land of Fusheng, and Qiwu Gray Castle, asking them to take good care of the Holy Luo Empire during his absence.

After all the finishing work is done, it's time to return to Magic Machine Academy.

In a secret room where he was alone.

He shook his hand, and a palm-sized black token appeared in his hand.

This is the student ID card of Magic Machine Academy.

It is also the gate for him to travel to and from Magic Machine Academy.

About to return to Magic Machine Academy.

He closed his eyes and thought about what had happened over the years.

"Help Mandolin Wizard and Mhua Wizard become level two wizards."

"Go to the Gray Bones Empire and reach cooperation with the gray wizards of Qiwu Gray Castle."

"lurking in the endless forest, making wood viruses to seize the second-level magic strain."

"A battle with the third-level wizard Andre."

"Collaborate with Wizard Belexi."

"Reunite with Fernanda and help Fernanda refine the ice dragon crystal."

"Go to the Ash Volcano and meet the wizard Catolico, the guardian of the Ash Volcano."

"We also signed a contract with the Crist family behind Quilin."

In just sixty years since he returned to the Holy Luo Empire, too many things had happened.

His strength has improved so much compared to before.

""Planting Tree Rings" has reached the 3,300th level."

"I also found a way to cultivate the "Planting Tree Ring" to the fifth thousand level."

"After learning the Shile Barrier, I can use the Shile Barrier to speed up time and assist in cultivation."

"I made the Wood Soul Armorer, and asked the Land of Fusheng to help refine the matching magic pattern witchcraft for the Wood Soul Armorer."

"We also have a new trump card - level four ice dragon casting materials!"

"This time when I return to Magic Machine Academy, I will definitely show off my talents!"

After thinking about it carefully, I made sure there were no omissions.

He injected magic power into the Magic Machine Academy student ID card in his hand and muttered the activation spell.

The magic machine academy student ID card that absorbed the magic power slowly levitated from his hand under the influence of the spell, floating in mid-air a few meters away from Roja.


A small passage suddenly opened in the center of the token-shaped student ID card.

It was a dark and deep space passage that was so big that even an apple couldn't fit into it.

Roja stepped forward without hesitation.

call out!

His figure suddenly shrank and flew into the passage.


The channel is closed.

After the student ID card spun in place for a few times, it disappeared like a phantom, as if it had never existed. (End of chapter)

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