Rise of the Dark Witch

Chapter 338 The Gray Wizard’s Persuasion

Finally Roya came to a conclusion - King Hulda wanted something from him!

King Hulda took out these precious things, so naturally it was impossible to give them to him in vain.

I wonder what King Hulda wants from him?

It should be said, what on earth do the gray wizards behind King Hulda want to do?

They left the empty room where the overlord-level monsters were placed.

Come to the conference hall located deep underground.

It is said to be a conference hall, but in fact there are no seats at all. It is just a huge room with a diameter of several kilometers.

In this room, many second-level experts were sitting on the ground thousands of meters apart.

Roja glanced around.

After looking at the second-level powerhouses present one by one, his eyes fell on King Hulda.

"His Majesty King Hulda, you should already know the purpose of my coming to the Ashbone Empire this time."

"I won't let your help go in vain."

"I can provide you with potions that can increase magic resistance!"

"I can help you refine medicine to treat physical diseases, so that the average life span of your alien race can be extended!"

Under the radiation of magical power, the alien's body mutated and gained a physique far beyond that of ordinary people.

Mutations in the body have advantages, but more disadvantages.

First, the neonatal mortality rate is extremely high.

Secondly, it will be accompanied by various diseases that are difficult to cure. Most aliens will suffer from various diseases when they are over thirty, and they will basically die after they are over fifty.

Third, animal nature often suppresses rationality and behaves like wild beasts. All kinds of cruel and unethical things often break out among aliens.

Fourth, the average intelligence is low. If the average intelligence of ordinary people is one hundred, then the average intelligence of aliens is at most eighty.

Fifth, foreigners are not qualified to become wizards. Black, white, green, and red wizards will not recruit foreigners.

It makes sense that aliens are at the bottom of the human race's contempt chain.

But aliens don’t become aliens just because they want to be aliens.

The reason why most of them became aliens was because they were forced to do so.

Forced to live in an environment rich in magic power, their bodies lack resistance to magic power and mutate. What can they do?

Don't they want to gain enough magic resistance?

Don't they want to be ordinary people?

Although the physique of ordinary people is much weaker than that of the aliens, ordinary people have the opportunity to become wizards!

Have the opportunity to join the four wizarding organizations of black, white, green and red!

The aliens don't say anything, but deep down they are very envious of ordinary people whose bodies have not mutated.

King Hulda and others of the Ashbone Empire have already heard about the Holy Luo Empire.

Can you actually refine a potion that can be used by more than a billion people?

Can more than one billion people gain resistance to high-concentration magic radiation in the wilderness?

Since a population of more than a billion is okay, how about a little more, a population of 10 billion?

Can you share some of those potions among them?

However, they did not boldly propose cooperation.

There are many reasons, to put it simply.

The Saint Luo Empire is already extremely busy in order to prevent its more than one billion people from the coming day of evil. Where can they find the energy to help them refine potions?

And if their physiques return to ordinary people with the help of potions, how can they live in a dangerous wilderness full of monsters?

There is no channel to join the dark wizards in their Ashbone Empire!

Not being able to become a wizard, and losing the powerful physique of a stranger, resulting in a significant drop in overall strength. In a dangerous wilderness full of monsters, isn't this suicide?

Could it be that the Ashbone Empire becomes a subsidiary of a certain wizard force?


Although their Gray Bone Empire was secretly supported by the Gray Wizards, they were able to become one of the five empires because of the strong men from the Gray Wizards.

But they only have a secret cooperative relationship with the Gray Wizard.

On the surface they are an independent country and force.

How can they possibly do it if they are asked to put down their power and become subordinate to other forces for the sake of the people?

Due to various extremely complicated reasons, the Ashbone Empire, which had long wanted to cooperate with the Holy Luo Empire, had been slow to take action until Roja took the initiative to come to the door.

They originally wanted to cooperate with Luo Ya, but how could they refuse when Luo Ya came to them?

Cooperation is definitely necessary.

However, the specific methods of cooperation still need to be discussed slowly.

After Roja, King Hulda and others finalized the general plan for cooperation, Roja then looked at the gray wizards present.

The reason why King Hulda sent nine jade-blooded snakes and the corpses of overlord-level monsters must have been signaled by the gray wizard behind his back.

The Gray Wizard must have had thoughts about him.

What exactly is it?

Roja looked at the leader, the second-level gray wizard.

It was a man whose whole body was as burnt as charcoal, whose voice was hoarse and whose gender could not be distinguished, and who was wearing a gray robe.

Level 2 Gray Wizard - Selip Balk!

Roja looked at Selip and did not take the initiative to speak.

It is the other party who comes to him when he has needs, and it is the other party who speaks first when he wants to speak.

If the other person doesn’t want to speak…

To be honest, Roja didn't want to get too close to the gray wizard at all.

His cooperation with the alien country, the Ashbone Empire, may have caused many forces in the Shenwa Witch Domain to curse behind his back.

If his cooperation with the Gray Wizard spreads and everyone knows about it, the reputation of their Holy Luo Empire in the Shenwa Witch Domain will plummet.

It has no impact on Roja himself.

But what about the Holy Roman Empire?

Roja didn't want him to disappear for hundreds of years and come back to see that the Saint Luo Empire had been destroyed.

Even if revenge is successful afterwards, the dead cannot be resurrected.

Although it is not that serious, and it is impossible for the country to be destroyed just because of cooperation with the gray wizard, there will definitely be negative effects.

If the gray wizard didn't show full sincerity, Roja wouldn't even bother to look at them.

Before they started talking, he gave his grandson Qiao Nuo a nine-life green blood snake and the corpses of seven overlord-level monsters. This sincerity was quite good, so he was willing to stay in the same room with the gray wizard calmly and wait. They spoke.

Under his gaze, the gray wizard Selip was silent for a while, then slowly said:

"Royal Nange, the great emperor of the Saint Luo Empire, your resume is astonishing."

"As the son of a little knight family, with your ordinary qualifications, you have seized every opportunity and grown up to this day. The efforts and efforts you have put in are unimaginable to ordinary people."

"You have experienced too many hardships to count..."

Faced with the compliments of gray wizard Selip, Roja listened silently without denying or admitting.

After Celip finished his opening remarks praising Roja, his tone suddenly became lower.

"Emperor Roja, it is precisely because your achievements today are hard-earned, so I believe you understand better how rare it is to have good resources and a good background, and to have someone who can help you on the journey of being a wizard."

"If my guess is correct, you should have passed the third magic machine trial and entered the magic machine academy, right?"

"Magic Academy has a lot of knowledge that we wizards dream of. As long as you are willing to pay enough magic crystals, you can learn all the knowledge of wizards up to level two."

"Compared with the knowledge of Magic Machinery Academy, the knowledge reserve possessed by Qiwu Gray Castle, our organization of gray wizards, is even less than a drop in the bucket of Magic Machinery Academy."

"Magic Machine Academy is the paradise that every second-level wizard dreams of. In Magic Machine Academy, you can learn almost any knowledge you want."

"The premise is..."

Gray wizard Selip raised a finger, "Only if you have enough magic crystals!"

"The items in the Ten Thousand Demons Cave are not cheap at all."

"Many things are dozens or hundreds of times the market price!"

"If you want to learn the knowledge you want from Magic Machine Academy and get what you want, you need to pay a huge amount of magic crystals."

"Of course, you can do first-level world tasks and second-level world tasks in Magic Machine Academy. However, although these tasks are quite rewarding, they can take dozens or hundreds of years."

"While you were doing world tasks to earn magic crystals, what were the other Magic Machine Academy students doing?"

Selip paused for a moment, giving Roja enough time to think.

After a while, he continued:

"Those students who can enter Magic Machine Academy are all backed by big forces. They can learn a lot from the forces behind them. In Magic Machine Academy, they only need to use limited magic crystals on the blade. That’s it.”

"Even if you have to do world tasks to earn magic crystals, students with strong backgrounds must know other forces. People who know other forces and enter Magic Machine Academy can form a team with other students to quickly earn magic crystals."

"They can follow the teachings of the seniors who have graduated from Magic Machine Academy and avoid many detours."

"Where are you, Emperor Roja?"

"You're all alone."

"You don't have a big background, and you don't have a third-level or fourth-level wizard to teach you for free."

"You have no other companions in Magic Machine Academy, so you can only do tasks by yourself."

"Even if a wizard who is also a student at Magic Machine Academy invites you in reality, would you trust him?"

"One step behind and every step behind."

"In the end, you will either be unable to graduate from Magic Machine Academy until you are five hundred years old, and you will be expelled from the school."

"Either you advance to the third level before completing the relevant trials and are forced to graduate from the Magic Machine Academy."

"We all doubt that Emperor Roja can become a third-level wizard, but I believe that the third-level realm is definitely not your lifelong pursuit. You have even higher ideals."

Every word spoken by the gray wizard Selip touched Roja's heart.

The Magic Machine Academy has a lot of knowledge, but he has very few magic crystals.

He wanted to learn more witchcraft, but if he wanted to master every witchcraft, he would need to pay a huge amount of magic crystals.

Roja now knows a lot of witchcraft, but most of them are far from proficient.

If you are truly proficient in a witchcraft, with domain assistance, it only takes a few seconds to release the witchcraft.

Is there any witchcraft that Roja can unleash in a few seconds?


If he only relied on his own specialization, even if he had the certificate of two souls, it would take at least three to five years to master a witchcraft.

There is so much witchcraft in this world, how many three to five years does he have?

And it's just proficiency. It's such a waste of time. How about understanding witchcraft to the level of a master?

He relied on his intelligence and might be able to learn ordinary witchcraft.

But what about the extremely difficult space-time witchcraft?

I remember that when he was learning Jenga of Time, he was taught by a level 4 time wizard, and it took him a full five years to learn it!

After that, he spent decades studying the Jenga of Time, but it was still not even a small success. It was difficult to even influence others, let alone use it to accelerate time and assist his own cultivation.

There are too many things he wants to learn from Magic Machine Academy, but the problem is that his magic crystals are limited.

What if he is backed by a big force?

If most of the less important knowledge can be obtained for free through the forces behind it, can he spend all the magic crystals on the blade in Magic Machine Academy?

He has been looking for a backer that he can rely on.

Unfortunately, backers are not so easy to find.

There are not many backers who are qualified for him to rely on in the Shenwa Witch Realm. If he wants to form an alliance with those forces and gain the support of those forces, he must pay a huge price.

Now that I am free, why should I be a dog for others?

And the gray wizard Selip was wrong about something.

Taroya can graduate from Magic Machine Academy even if he only relies on his own strength!

People like Gray Wizard Selip still underestimated his talent and strength.

And it’s not just a little bit underestimated, it’s vastly underestimated!

This person must have thought that he passed the first three magic machine trials by chance, and his true level belongs to the bottom level of the magic machine academy, right?

It's normal to have this thought.

After all, Luo Ya's growth trajectory is obvious to all. Anyone with some intelligence network can easily investigate Luo Ya's life.

In the small place of the Six Kingdoms, Roja grew up to be called the chosen son of God.

But if you look at the entire Shenwa Wizarding Realm and the long history of the Shenwa Witching Realm, you can count dozens of geniuses like Luo Ya everywhere.

Considering Roja's growing environment and the forces behind him.

If Roja lives in another place.

With formal wizard guidance since childhood and abundant resources at his disposal, will his achievements be even higher?

If Roja was still an apprentice, many big forces would be willing to recruit Roja.

The problem is that Roja has grown up!

How many people are willing to invest in a strong person who is beyond their control?

Aren’t you afraid that your investment will be in vain?

This is how many forces view Roja——

"The talent is very strong. If you don't die, you will definitely become a third-level wizard!"

"With his talent, he could have become a fourth-level wizard, and maybe he could have a glimpse of the fifth-level realm. It's a pity that he was born in a small place like the Six Kingdoms, and his extraordinary talent was wasted."

"It's best to stay at the third level forever, so that it won't threaten us."

Most forces do not want a strong person to emerge who can break the existing power structure.

Luo Ya became a third-level wizard, just to lead the Six Kingdoms to recreate the glory of the time when Emperor Luo Lan established the Holy Luo Lan Empire.

Emperor Luo Lan was so amazing and talented back then that he was even able to fight against the Land of Fusheng on his own and make the Land of Fusheng collapse.

Then when Emperor Luo Lan died, the Holy Luo Lan Empire immediately fell into pieces.

The Land of Fusheng, which was overpowered by Emperor Luo Lan back then, is still one of the four major forces in the Shenwa Witch Domain.

In the eyes of many forces, Luo Ya is just another Emperor Luo Lan.

They also hope that Luo Ya's achievements will be limited to Emperor Luo Lan.

If Roja becomes a fourth-level wizard, the structure of the Shenwa Witch Domain that has been stable for tens of thousands of years will inevitably be reshaped.

Roja knew very well what other people thought of him.

There was no need for him to clarify.

It is better to say that the more others look down on him and despise him, the better it is for him!

After giving Roja enough time to think, gray wizard Selip continued:

"If you, Emperor Roja, want to go further on the path of wizard, you might as well consider cooperating with our Qiwu Gray Castle?"

"Our gray wizards are not as powerful as the black, white, green, and red wizards, but we can be considered the most powerful in the wizarding world second only to the four-color wizards."

"Our five castle masters all have level six strength."

"We have portals set up in many places in the Demonic Continent, and we have traveled through the universe and conquered many planets."

“Cooperating with us will only do you good and absolutely no harm.”

Seeing that Roja still did not agree, the gray wizard Selip continued to persuade:

"Are you concerned about the identity of our gray wizards?"

"Haha, everyone knows that the Gray Bones Empire was supported by us Gray Wizards. Hasn't the Gray Bones Empire become one of the five great empires in the Shenwa Witch Domain?"

"Actually, there are many places where the four-color wizards cooperate with us gray wizards. Many dirty things that the four-color wizards are unwilling to do are entrusted to us gray wizards."

"Many powerful dark wizards in your Shenwa Witch Domain are guests of our Qiwu Gray Castle."

"So you don't have to worry."

Facing the repeated persuasion of the gray wizard Selip.

After Roja thought about it carefully, he felt that he had no reason to refuse.

So he nodded slightly and agreed.

"Haha, you won't regret becoming a guest of our Qiwu Gray Castle!"

After successfully convincing Roja, the gray wizard Selip laughed.

"Next we are going to visit the branch headquarters of Qiwu Gray Castle in Shenwa Witchland..."


When the gray wizard Selip happily talked about what needed to be done next, Roja interrupted him directly.


Gray wizard Selip looked at Roja in surprise. Didn't he just agree to cooperate?

"I didn't make it clear." Roja looked directly at Gray Wizard Selip and said, "The cooperation I promised was with you, not with Qiwu Gray Castle."

"I will not become a guest of Qiwu Gray Castle."

"I will cooperate with you at an equivalent price by handing over the money and delivering the goods at the same time."

"The relationship between the two of us is limited to the two of us, and has nothing to do with the Ten Thousand Demons Cave and Qiwu Gray Castle behind us!"

Roja's extremely straightforward words made Gray Wizard Selip's face change slightly.

Those who were with Gray Wizard Selip immediately cast heavy glances at Roja, as if they wanted to put pressure on Roja through their sight.

"Emperor Roya, you don't seem to understand?"

"Just because we are willing to have a good talk with you doesn't mean that we have to have a good talk with you. When you enter this room, many things are no longer up to you."

"Maybe you should reconsider?"

The place where Roja is located is the deepest part of the Ashbone Empire.

There were nearly ten second-level strong men present, and except for him, they were all in the same group as the gray wizard Selip.

It can be said that the opponent has the right time, location, and harmony. If he turns against the opponent, no matter how strong Luo Ya is, he will be dead!

If they kill Roja here, will anyone avenge Roja?

Other first-level wizards from the Holy Luo Empire?

Roya's friend, Fernanda of the Ash Volcano?

The Qianlin Ancient Kingdom, which is inextricably linked to the Holy Luo Empire?


No one would fight against the Ashbone Empire, one of the five great empires in the Shenwa Witch Domain, for Roja!

Once Roja dies, what will happen to the Holy Roman Empire built on Roja's reputation?

Even if the Ashbone Empire doesn't take action, there will still be a lot of forces showing their fangs to the Holy Luo Empire, right?

Whether it is for himself or for the Holy Roman Empire, Roja should surrender at this time.


Feeling the heavy killing intent falling on him, Roja responded to them with even stronger killing intent not to be outdone.

All of a sudden.

The originally relaxed and pleasant atmosphere suddenly became sparkling.

Substantial killing intent collided in the sealed room.

The second-level powerhouses present looked at Roja and sneered.

After Roja came here, he had to decide whether to answer many things.

If you dare to resist, you will only die!

We can't blame them for being despicable, nor can we blame King Hulda for being unethical.

I can only blame Luo Ya for being too naive!

He was actually deceived by a nine-life green blood snake and the corpses of seven overlord-level monsters. He dropped his guard and came to the enemy's lair.

As a wizard, you shouldn't even trust your wife beside your bed.

What's more, a stranger whom I've only met for a few days?

When a wizard lets his guard down, that's when the wizard dies!

However, facing the unkind eyes of everyone around him, Roja's expression remained unchanged.

He waited silently for Gray Wizard Selip's decision.

Because Roja's attitude was so overconfident, everyone present couldn't help but hesitate.

Does Roja still have a trump card?

This is the depths of the Ashbone Empire, and is protected by many powerful formations.

Even if a third-level wizard is trapped here, there is a high probability that he will die with hatred.

Even if Roja has space props on his body, they will not be able to play a role under the shielding of the formation.

Roja is not a third-level wizard!

Roja couldn't escape even if he really had space props!

What does Roya believe in?

They couldn't help but feel shaken in their hearts.

Roya grew up from the son of a knight to the emperor, and experienced countless bloody storms and life-and-death situations. Was he really as silly and sweet as they thought? (End of chapter)

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