Rise of the Dark Witch

Chapter 286 Saint Diroya

The day of the founding ceremony of the People's Republic of China has finally arrived.

Hundreds of thousands of people gathered in every city in the Six Kingdoms.

Although they were unable to go to the royal capital to witness the establishment of the Holy Roman Empire, they could watch it on the live broadcast screen.

In the sky above every city, there is a huge screen hundreds of meters in diameter.

These screens were condensed with magic power and broadcast live the founding ceremony of the royal capital.

"I have finally waited for this day."

"If there is anyone who is qualified to unify our six countries, that person is undoubtedly the Paladin of Roya."

"Yes, he saved us from the greatest plague in history. He is our hero and our god!"

"The Paladin of Roja is not only powerful, but also of noble birth. He is the orthodox successor of the Holy Luolan Empire!"

In order to increase the legitimacy of Roja's unification of the five countries, many articles were written on his identity.

Although these stories are only circulated among the people and have not been officially recognized, everyone believes them to be true.

That is--

Roya's mother is the daughter of a princess from the Seiran Kingdom and a prince from the Shinra Empire.

Because the Seiran Kingdom and the Shinra Empire are feuding, the love between the princesses and princes of the two countries cannot be recognized.

So the two of them fled the royal family for love, lived incognito in a remote place in the countryside, and eventually gave birth to a daughter.

But I didn't expect that they both died of illness soon after, leaving only their daughter alone.

Then he met Roya's father Delhi, and they fell in love and eventually gave birth to Roya.

Unfortunately, she inherited the frail body of the princess mother and died shortly after giving birth to Roya.

There are really too many flaws in this story, but the people can’t help but enjoy hearing it.

Ever since.

Roja wants strength and strength, merit and merit, and identity.

If anyone can unify the five countries and regain the glory of Emperor Luo Lan, there is no one except Luo Ya.

People looked at Roja through the screen and whispered to others.

The murmurs of hundreds of thousands of people gathered together to create an unprecedented din.


Everyone fell silent!

People closed their mouths and raised their chins, holding their breath and staring at the screen.

On the screen, Roja stood on a high platform, carefully holding an exquisite crown in his hands.

Behind Roja were the kings of the five countries: Shenglan Kingdom, Shinra Empire, Guoao Empire, Snuman Grassland Empire, and Forest Kingdom Tallinn Empire. They all knelt on their knees.

The crown in Roja's hand was forged from the crowns of the five former empires.

Roja held the crown high and slowly brought it to his head.

After putting on the crown, Roja opened his arms.

He took a deep breath and loudly said: "The Holy Luo Empire has been established!"

The next moment, thunderous applause and cheers resounded throughout the entire Saint Luo Empire.

"Holy Emperor——"

"Holy Emperor——"

"Holy Emperor——"

People cheered loudly.

Their voices were hoarse, but they were still cheering.

Even though he fainted, he still opened and closed his mouth to call out to the Holy Emperor.

From now on, the Holy Roman Empire was truly established, and the cheering crowd truly became the subjects of the Holy Roman Empire.

And Roja also became their Holy Emperor!

Roja stood on the high platform.

He stared at the crowd below, listened to their cheers, and couldn't help but laugh happily.

Seventy years after he came to this world, he finally stood here.

He went from being the son of a medicine dealer without a knighthood to becoming the Holy Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire.

From a mere quasi-knight who could be seen everywhere, he became a second-level wizard who was invincible in the Six Kingdoms.

Seventy years is a long time, but for Roja, it is just a small episode in a long life.

Because he still has seven hundred, seven thousand, seventy thousand years...even longer years to live. In the future, his status, identity, and territory will only be billions of times greater than now!

He is just in the beginning stage of his life now!

But he was still happy.

Looking at the people below who kept cheering for "Holy Emperor", Roja's calm heart began to ripple.

"Now that the founding ceremony of the Saint Luo Empire has ended, then..."

When Roja was about to take the next step, his eyebrows suddenly lit up and furrowed.

He raised his head and stared at the distant sky.

The change in Roja's expression was caught by everyone present.

"what happened?"

"What is the Holy Emperor looking at?"

"Why does the Holy Emperor's face become so ugly?"

Everyone raised their heads and looked in the direction of Roja's gaze.

Under their sight, they saw only a clear sky of blue sky and white clouds.

In their doubts.

They discovered that where the sky and the earth met, there was a small black spot approaching them quickly.

"What it is?"

"Is it a bird? You can see it from a distance, it must be big, right?"

"Could it be that a monster is coming?"

Looking at the small black dots that are getting closer and closer, people are surprised, confused and puzzled.

I saw the small black spot in the distance approaching quickly at an unimaginable speed, and even a long crack was torn open in the sky.

Finally, people can see clearly.

That is--


"It's actually a ship flying in the sky!"

"Is it an airship? But an airship can't fly that fast!"

A huge spaceship that was a thousand meters long appeared in the sky above the royal capital, crossing a distance of thousands of miles at a terrifying speed of dozens of times the speed of sound.


The wind howled.

Many old buildings in the royal capital could not withstand the strong wind and collapsed.

After the spacecraft arrived over the royal capital, it began to descend.

As the spacecraft continued to descend, the sunlight was gradually blocked, and the entire founding ceremony venue fell into darkness.

People stared blankly at the sky, staring at the thousand-meter spaceship that blocked all sunlight.

"What exactly is going on?"

"How can there be such a big ship in this world that can fly?"

"You were still on the horizon when you saw it just now, right? Why did it fly right in front of you all of a sudden?"

What was happening before them was beyond their imagination!

Don't talk about ordinary people who don't know about wizards.

Even the wizards looked at the spacecraft above with dull expressions.

At this time.

Invisible power surged from the spaceship.

That was an extremely powerful pressure!

Under this huge pressure, everyone felt as if a hungry tiger suddenly pounced on them and kept biting them.

The crowds of people were instantly paralyzed with fear.

Even those watching through the screen found it difficult to breathe, let alone those present.

Under this heavy pressure, the people at the scene collapsed to the ground, wailing in pain, and their feces and urine flowed out uncontrollably.

Not long ago, everyone present cheered and celebrated Saint Diroy's ascension to the throne.

But now, looking around, there are people wailing everywhere, and the stench of shit and farts fills the air.

Where is the joy that the founding ceremony of the People's Republic of China should have?

Faced with all this suddenness, Roja looked gloomy.

With a squeeze of his hand, he signaled Wizard Rebrandon, Wizard Mhua, Glory... and other official wizards not to get excited.

You need to know about this ceremony.

In addition to nobles from various places, all the strong men from the Six Kingdoms were also gathered.

Even the official wizards from the Kingdom of the Sea, the Empire of the Sea, Ash Volcano, Devil's Palm, Ancient Kingdom of Thousand Forests, all the major forces around the Six Kingdoms came to attend the event.

There are nearly twenty official wizards gathered here!

The other party must know this.

But they did it anyway!

Still don’t give Luo Ya face!

Don’t give any face to the big forces present!

There is only one reason why they are so confident and arrogant.

That is--

They come from the land of Fusheng!

The Land of Six Kingdoms is located in the Shenwa Witch Domain.

In the Shenwa Witch Domain, there are four major forces: one palace and three cities.

The first hall is the Shenwa Witch Hall.

The three cities are the Land of Fusheng, Forest Soul Castle, and Scary Moon Wind Cliff.

As one of the three cities, the Land of Fusheng has third-level wizards, multiple second-level wizards, and dozens of first-level wizards. It is a veritable power.

It is absolutely incomparable to the Six Nations.

It is a super huge force that neither Ash Volcano nor Qianlin Ancient Kingdom can match!

However, on the occasion of Roja's coronation ceremony, a spaceship from the Land of Fusheng suddenly arrived.

Are you here to congratulate me?


Roja raised his head and stared at the spaceship high in the sky, thinking quickly.

What is the other party's purpose?

Why do they do this?


Emperor Luo Lan once had a grudge against the Land of Fusheng.

After the death of Luo Lan, the Holy Luo Lan Empire will be fragmented so quickly, and the Land of Fu Sheng has contributed a lot behind the scenes.


When Luo Ya was still at the Root of the Earth, a small third-class apprentice, he once encountered a wizard from the Land of Fusheng.

Then Roya killed them and accidentally let one of them escape.

Whether it's because of Emperor Luo Lan or Luo Ya himself, it's not surprising that the Land of Fusheng would take action.

Moreover, Roja had already expected that someone would come to cause trouble today, and he was already prepared.

Roja took a deep breath, stared at the spacecraft and said loudly:

"Everyone from the Land of Fu Sheng, welcome to my enthronement ceremony."

"Fine wine and delicious food have been prepared for you all, and you can take your seat at any time."

After Roja finished speaking.

Three figures in black robes flew down from the spaceship.

Each of those three people exudes a heavy aura, and each one is an official wizard.

They make no secret of the coercion of their official wizards.

Under the influence of three heavy pressures, except for Roja and others who were also official wizards, even the great knights could not maintain their standing posture.

If this continues, the people present will probably suffer heavy casualties, right?

Roja narrowed his eyes, and invisible power surged out of him, blocking the pressure of the three formal wizards from the Land of Fusheng.

The three of them landed lightly.

What flew out of the spaceship and landed in front of Luo Ya and others was a middle-aged man and three other people, a man and a woman.

The middle-aged man was wearing a black robe, his skin was covered with red dragon scales, and two huge dragon horns protruded from his temples on both sides. The breath he exhaled was a fiery red color.

And that one man and one woman.

The man has a tall and slender figure, holding a heavy book in his hands, but he does not have a weak temperament, but has a domineering look on the world.

The daughter was hunched over, with her hands on her knees almost touching the ground. She kept grinning widely, and saliva flowed straight from the corners of her mouth, evaporating and disappearing before it even dripped to the ground.

With just one glance, Roja recognized who these three people were.

After all, the three of them are well-known strong men in the Shenwa Witch Domain.

The middle-aged man named Blue is a second-level dragon-vein wizard.

Blue is not an ordinary second-level wizard, but a student of the third-level wizard in the Land of Fusheng. At only three hundred years old, he has reached the pinnacle of the second-level fusion realm and will be able to do so in less than fifty years. Entering the second level exhibition realm.

Blue is not only powerful and talented, but his experience is also legendary.

It is said that he was once a slave of an earl family who did not even have a surname. He followed his young master to participate in the wizard trial, but he was the one who became a wizard and came back alive.

Later, he had a falling out with that Earl family. He used his strength as a wizard apprentice to fight against an Earl family. Even the first-level wizard from the Earl family who was approaching the end of his life was consumed by him alive. He became one of the few people in the past thousands of years. One of the people who rebelled against the formal wizards in the apprenticeship realm.

After successfully defeating the official wizard, he was noticed by the third-level wizard in Fusheng Land and accepted as a student.

The man and woman standing next to the second-level wizard Blue are his two students.

One of the men was named Carlo Sibot.

The Sibot family has as long a history as the Land of Fusheng. It was one of the families that participated in the establishment of the Land of Fusheng. There were two third-level wizards in their ancestors, and now there are multiple second-level wizards sitting in charge. They are an extremely powerful family. A terrifying and powerful ancient family.

And Carlo's talents are among the top ones even if we look at the entire history of the Sbot family.

When he was still an apprentice, Carlo was the first apprentice in the Land of Fusheng. He had participated in many competitions jointly organized by the One Palace and Three Cities, and sometimes he could even beat the geniuses of the Shenwa Witch Realm to win the first place.

Not even a few decades after becoming a first-level wizard, he became the strongest among many first-level wizards. Even in the Land of Fusheng, there were no more powerful first-level wizards than him.

He is a veritable genius who is expected to reach the third level!

The other woman is named Siso Firth.

Although his origin, talent and legend are not as good as Carlo's, he is still a veritable genius in the Land of Fusheng. When he was a wizard apprentice, he was definitely one of the best in the Land of Fusheng.

It has been a hundred years since she became an official wizard. She is only 150 years old. It is said that she has cultivated her spiritual power to the crystallized state and has begun to challenge the level two wizard.

These three people are each more talented than the last, more powerful than the last, and more terrifying than the last.

These three people, combined with the magic spacecraft that can travel at dozens of times the speed of sound, can easily level the six countries to the ground!

All the wizards in the Six Kingdoms combined their efforts to resist them.

Even if the wizards from the Ashes Volcano Fire Witch Academy take action, as long as the third-level guardian does not participate in the battle, he will not be a match for the three of them.

At this enthronement ceremony, there were already enough official wizards appearing, more than ten people.

However, if these dozen people join forces together, if the second-level wizard Blue Wizard does not take action, he may be able to fight the remaining Carlo and Silk Road.

The three people from the Land of Fu Sheng have arrogant strength and even more arrogant capital!

After the three of them landed.

Whether they knew them or not, their expressions became very ugly.

The only person present who could remain calm was Roja.

After Roja's eyes lingered on Carlo, who had a grudge against him in the apprenticeship realm, he looked at Blue, the second-level wizard in the fusion realm.

"Wizard Bru from the Land of Fusheng, I have heard of your name. You came at the right time for my enthronement ceremony. Did you come to congratulate me on behalf of the Land of Fusheng?" Luo Ya said neither arrogantly nor humblely. asked.

Wizard Blue didn't answer immediately.

He stared at Roja with his eyes, sizing up Roja, a genius who was born in this small place of the Six Kingdoms. He has never left the Six Kingdoms, but is famous throughout the Shenwa Witch Domain.

A few years ago, when he was in the Land of Fusheng, he was very interested when he heard that two first-level wizards in the Six Kingdoms collaborated to solve the Son of the Abyss incident.

The Son of the Abyss is not something that cats and dogs can compare to.

When did the Land of the Six Kingdoms gain two such powerful first-level wizards?

Most likely not a wizard from the Six Kingdoms, but a wizard from Earth Flame Witch Academy, right?

Although the Earth Flame Witch Academy is located deep underground in the Six Kingdoms, the Earth Flame Witch Academy and the Six Kingdoms are completely two different places, two different worlds.

Sure enough, one of them was named Fernanda, a student of the third-level wizard Catolico, the guardian of the Ash Volcano.

Anyone who can be accepted as a student by a third-level wizard is not an ordinary person. It is not surprising that he can fight against the Son of the Abyss.

The other one surprised Blue.


A native of the Six Kingdoms?

Born from an ordinary background, without a teacher, relying on the Ten Thousand Demons Cave to get to where he is today step by step? Possessing more power than Fernanda, a third-level wizard student?

What happened next shocked him even more.

This Roja actually appeared in the Starfall Ancient Mine before, and defeated all the geniuses in the Palace, Three Cities and Five Empires. Even the Queen of Ice Prison gave up obediently when she saw him.

And Carlo recognized Roja as the wizard apprentice who defeated him at the Root of the Earth decades ago!

You must know that Carlo had reached the peak of his apprenticeship at that time and had the strength to fight an official wizard.

At that time, Carlo's body was actually destroyed and he fled back from the root of the earth in embarrassment. It can be said that everyone in the Land of Fusheng was shocked.

Although Carlo wanted to hide it, people still found out that Carlo's body was not destroyed because he provoked a first-level wizard, but was defeated by someone who was also a wizard apprentice!

When did such a powerful wizard apprentice appear in the Six Kingdoms?

Although judging from Carlo's unwilling attitude, the wizard apprentice who defeated Carlo was suspected of sneak attack.

But even if it was a sneak attack, it was very powerful to be able to defeat Carlo.

At first I thought he was from the bipolar hunter clan, but later it was confirmed that he was not, so the matter became a mystery.

It was not until Roja became famous for solving the Son of the Abyss incident that the mysterious man who won the first place in the Starfall Trial and the wizard apprentice who defeated Carlo were able to solve these two mysteries.

Only then did I realize that this person was Roya Nange from the Land of Six Kingdoms!

A very strange genius that is different from any genius they know!

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