Rise of Qinglian

Chapter 681: Mysterious Black Lotus Fire (First update)

A gust of dark wind blew by, and Wang Changsheng and Ye Lin's hair fluttered in the wind, flying several feet away from the gold-eating ants beside them before they stopped.

The black water rolled violently, and a half-moon-shaped island gradually emerged from the water. The island was more than ten miles in size.

It is more like a huge reef than an island, covered with a kind of black moss, and there are a large number of bones scattered on the island.

Ye Lin's eyes lit up with a faint golden light, carefully scanning the entire island.

"There are abnormalities there, but no ghosts were found. Maybe it knows the art of hiding!" Ye Lin pointed in a certain direction and said with some uncertainty.

Wang Changsheng let go of his consciousness and scanned the island several times, but found nothing unusual.

In the Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Ghosts, his consciousness was affected. If there were really ghosts on the island, it would be easier to hide them.

"Be careful, there may be third-level ghosts on the island." Wang Changsheng warned with a solemn expression.

Ye Lin nodded, took out a pale golden talisman, and patted it on his body. The golden light flashed, and a pale golden light curtain appeared close to his body.

Wang Changsheng wears the Lingbao gold and jade Buddha pendant. He is not worried about being attacked by ghosts.

Wang Changsheng pinched the secret, and the blue shuttle carried them to the island.

Not long after, they stopped. Below them, there was a hole several feet wide.

According to Cheng Zhenyu, the spiritual fire of heaven and earth is in this cave.

Wang Changsheng's mind moved, and hundreds of gold-eating ants flew into the cave.

Not long after, hundreds of gold-eating ants cut off contact with Wang Changsheng without making any sound.

Apparently, there's something ghostly in here.

Wang Changsheng shook his sleeves, and hundreds of blue formation flags flew out and disappeared around the cave. He took out a blue formation disk and entered several magic formulas. Countless black mist surged out, covering the entire island. Even if a high-level monk passes by here and uses his spiritual sense to detect it, he will not find anything unusual.

"Follow me and be careful." Wang Changsheng warned, landed, and strode towards the cave.

As soon as Wang Changsheng walked into the cave, a biting chill hit his face, and there were gusts of cold wind.

The soul-eating golden cicada inside the spirit beast bead became irritable and restless, as if facing a formidable enemy.

Wang Changsheng's expression became solemn, and with a flick of his sleeve, a large piece of fine yellow sand flew out, turning into a yellow shield that flew around them.

Before they had gone far, Wang Changsheng frowned, and suddenly clapped his right fist toward his left hand. With a flash of blue light, a giant blue palm several feet in length flew out and struck the void like lightning.

There was a muffled sound, and a gray shadow flew out, letting out a shrill scream.

The black shadow was clearly a black ghost about ten feet tall, with sharp black fingers and a single horn on its head. It stared at Wang Changsheng with a pair of bloody eyes.

The black ghost exuded a cold aura, and it was clearly a ghost king.

In the lower right corner of the cave, there is a pool more than ten feet in size, with a large black flame emitting a chill.

Wang Changsheng snorted softly, and the yellow shield suddenly turned into a large piece of yellow fine sand, rolled around, and condensed into a huge yellow eagle, which pounced on the black ghost.

He turned his hand over and found five long nails as black as ink.

The Ten Thousand Bones Shuangsha has many treasures against ghosts, and these five ghost-fixing nails are one of them, which can fix ghosts in a large area.

The sound of "chichi" broke through the wind, and five ghost-fixing nails flew out, heading straight for the black ghost.

The black ghost flipped his hand, and a gleaming bone knife appeared in his hand, slashing towards the yellow giant eagle in the void.

The black light flashed, and a black light of more than ten feet shot out, slashing towards the giant yellow eagle.

With a loud noise, the giant yellow eagle was smashed to pieces by the black light and turned into a large piece of yellow fine sand.

Five ghost-fixing nails flew towards him. The black ghost opened his mouth and sprayed out a black ball of light, knocking the five ghost-fixing nails away.

A "chichi" sound broke through the air, and dense yellow sand flew in and hit the black ghost.

The black ghost made a series of muffled sounds, and countless yin energy emerged from the body surface, covering the yellow fine sand. The yellow fine sand swayed up and down, and its spirituality was damaged.

A ray of black light fell from the sky and hit the black ghost. The black ghost let out a shrill scream, a large cloud of blue smoke came out of the body, and its size shrank by one-fifth.

Wang Changsheng held a bone whip wrapped in black light in his hand. The bone whip was made up of dozens of white bones, and each bone was engraved with a ferocious skull.

The ghost-killing whip can weaken the power of ghosts.

Taking this opportunity, five ghost-fixing nails flew out and pinned the black ghost to the ground. It struggled violently and let out a weird roar.

The light of the five fixed ghost nails increased greatly, and a large black light bloomed.

Wang Changsheng flicked his wrist, and the ghost-killing whip's light surged, hitting the black ghost again.

He whipped him more than ten times in a row, and the black ghost screamed in agony, his breath was weak, and his eyes were red.

A giant blue palm filled with a large amount of blue arcs fell from the sky and hit the black ghost hard.


Countless blue arcs enveloped the figure of the black ghost, and the black ghost let out a miserable scream.

Not long after, the blue arc dissipated, and the body of the black ghost became looming, looking like it would be driven away at any moment.

Wang Changsheng flicked his wrist, and the soul-eating golden cicada flew out of the spirit beast bead, and instantly fell in front of the black ghost. It bit the black ghost's body crazily. The black ghost was already dying and could not resist at all. It was swallowed by the soul-eating golden cicada. It disappeared from the mouth.

After the soul-eating golden cicada swallowed the black ghost, it immediately fell asleep. No matter how Wang Changsheng contacted it, it did not respond.

Wang Changsheng took it back into the spirit beast bead and looked at the black flame with a fiery gaze.

He raised his hand, and a small blue cauldron flew out, expanded instantly, and flew into the sky above the black flames.

The nine dragons on the surface of the giant blue cauldron seemed to come to life, swimming on the surface. The giant blue cauldron sprayed out a large blue glow, covering the black flames.

The Nine Flood Cauldron, a refining furnace used by the people of Mingshui to refine heavy water, and a tool used by Yuanying monks, should have no problem collecting this ball of heaven and earth spiritual fire.

The black flames rolled and turned into a black lotus, taking root in the pool.

"This is the Xuanyou Black Lotus Fire! This fire ranks ninety-fifth on the Heaven and Earth Spiritual Fire List. Brother, please refine the Xuanyou Black Lotus Fire. It will be much more convenient for you to refine weapons in the future."

Ye Lin said excitedly, the higher Wang Changsheng's strength is, the stronger the Wang family will be, and Ye Haitang and Ye Yutong will have a better cultivation environment.

Wang Changsheng smiled and nodded, and hit the Nine-Flood Cauldron with several spells. The Nine-Flood Cauldron's light rose sharply. Nine dragons flew out from the cauldron, opened their bloody mouths, swallowed the black lotus, and flew back to the Nine-Flood Cauldron. .

Wang Changsheng waved to the Jiujiao Cauldron, and the Jiujiao Cauldron quickly returned to its original size and disappeared into his sleeves.

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