Rise of Qinglian

Chapter 662 Bailing Fairy (first update)

Time flies, years fly by, and five years have passed in the blink of an eye.

In the Red Moon Sea, on a certain desert island, the bodies of dozens of red sea snakes were scattered on the beach.

These red sea snakes were lying scattered on the beach, and the sea water washed ashore, washing away a lot of blood.

After a while, a group of giant blue demon shrimps emerged from the water. One of the blue demon shrimps was three feet tall and had eyes the size of copper bells. This was a second-level middle-grade demon shrimp.

More than twenty blue demon shrimps moved towards the beach. They were very fast. When they came in front of the red sea snake, they opened their big mouths and started to bite.

At this moment, countless yellow mist suddenly appeared, and a light yellow light curtain suddenly appeared, covering dozens of blue demon shrimps.

A dozen blue demon shrimps were not covered by the yellow light curtain. They rushed towards the path they came from, very fast.

There was a muffled "rumbling" sound from the ground, and two huge yellow crocodiles suddenly emerged from the ground, opening their huge mouths, revealing a row of sharp teeth, and each bit into a blue demon shrimp.

These two monster shrimps were only at the first level and their defense was not strong. The two yellow crocodiles easily bit through their shells. They struggled violently and their bodies kept swinging.

Other blue demon shrimps rushed towards the sea water, trying to escape back to the sea.

An astonishing high temperature hit, and more than a dozen giant fireballs as big as water tanks fell from the sky, hitting more than a dozen blue demon shrimps accurately.


A series of explosions sounded, and rolling flames enveloped a dozen blue demon shrimps.

Under a coconut tree not far away, a flash of inspiration appeared, and ten immortal cultivators appeared. They all had a red lotus pattern on their clothes. They were Wang Qingling's group.

Wang Qingling is already at the seventh level of foundation building, and Wang Qingjun is also at the seventh level. However, in terms of strength, Wang Qingling's strength is still higher than Wang Qingjun's.

Four foundation builders and six qi refiners formed a demon hunting team.

Wang Qingling flicked her wrist, and a large group of golden-spotted fire insects flew out from the spirit beast bead, turning into a two-foot-long red flying fork, covered with a layer of red flames, and struck at a dozen blue demon shrimps with great force. .

Wang Qingqi sacrificed two red flying eagle puppet beasts, each spitting out a thick red flame and hitting the blue demon shrimp.


The roaring continued, the fire increased, and the flames enveloped more than a dozen blue demon shrimps, and they let out a miserable cry.

A red flying fork covered in flames flew over, pierced the body of a blue demon shrimp, and stuck it on the beach.

More than a dozen thick beams of light hit the blue demon shrimps, piercing through their bodies.

At the same time, within the yellow light curtain, a large yellow boulder suddenly appeared in the sky, fell quickly, and smashed the blue demon shrimp into meat patties. The second-level demon shrimp's defense was stronger, and it opened its mouth and spit out more than a dozen thick transparent missiles. The water arrow hit the yellow light curtain, which made a chaotic "bang bang" sound and remained motionless.

The yellow boulders seemed to be endless, constantly appearing in the yellow light curtain, and hitting the blue demon shrimp hard. Even though the blue demon shrimp had thick skin and thick flesh, it could not withstand the large number of yellow boulders hitting its body.

This wasn't the end yet, sharp earth thorns burst out of the earth and pierced the body of the blue demon shrimp.

A whine sounded, and dozens of blue demon shrimps were pressed down by dense yellow boulders. Their flesh and blood were covered with blood. Some blue demon shrimps were not dead. They made whining sounds and kept twisting their bodies, trying to lift them off. He turned over the yellow boulder, but it was of no use.

A dazzling yellow light suddenly appeared in the sky, turned into hundreds of yellow boulders, and quickly crashed down.

Hundreds of yellow boulders hit him, and not a single blue demon shrimp survived.

At this time, Wang Qingling and Wang Qingqi also eliminated the dozen or so first-order demon shrimps.

They removed the formation and disposed of the corpses of the monsters.

"Other cultivators are coming, so be careful."

Wang Qingling reminded her with a solemn expression.

The most dangerous thing when hunting monsters is not the monsters, but other immortal cultivators.

Wang Qingling and others encountered several robberies and killings, but they were no match for Wang Qingling and others.

A ray of cyan light appeared in the sky and flew towards them quickly.

Not long after, the cyan light stopped, and a cyan flying boat appeared, with more than 20 immortal cultivators standing on it. The leader was a round-faced man in his early thirties, who was on the eighth floor of the foundation.

Eight are building foundations and fifteen are refining Qi. Their overall strength is much stronger than that of Wang Qingling and others.

"Fellow Taoists, do you have any advice?"

Wang Qingling smiled slightly and asked seriously.

The round-faced man saw the red lotus pattern on Wang Qingling's clothes, and then saw the two yellow crocodiles biting the blue demon shrimp. He seemed to have thought of something, and with a sincere smile on his face, he said, "No advice, Fairy Wang." , we are just passing by, sorry to bother you."

The round-faced man pinched the magic formula, and the green flying boat glowed and flew into the distance.

"Hey, leaving so soon? I thought there was going to be a fierce battle!"

Wang Qingling said with a chuckle.

Wang Qingqi and Wang Qingjun looked at each other and smiled bitterly.

"Tenth sister, I'm afraid they have recognized you. When it comes to Fairy Bailing, I'm afraid not many people don't know about it."

One time, Wang Qingling and others encountered a group of evil cultivators. The opponent had nine foundation-building cultivators and fifteen Qi-refining cultivators. Wang Qingling released spiritual beasts, insects, and birds, and one person killed three foundation-building cultivators. Many Wang family members were killed and injured. , all the bloodthirsty locusts raised by Wang Qingling were wiped out.

A team of demon hunters passed by and witnessed the whole process. After the incident spread, Wang Qingling got the title of Bailing Fairy.

Wang Qingling has made quite a name for herself by raising spiritual beasts, insects and birds, and even the discerning immortal cultivators dare not take a chance on her.

"Fairy Bailing? It would be great if I tamed a hundred kinds of spiritual beasts. Hurry up and dispose of the corpses of the monsters and return to Red Lotus Island. If you really meet the masters, they won't be scared away by a false reputation."

After disposing of the corpse of the monster, Wang Qingling released a green flying boat, carrying all the clan members towards Red Lotus Island.


Donghuang, Bailingmen.

Wang Changxue was lying on the bed. She had white hair and wrinkles on her face. She was on her deathbed.

Su Cheng passed away two years ago, and so did Wang Changxue.

Wang Qingkai and a man in green shirt stood aside, and Guangdong Ren stood beside him, looking slightly sad.

Guangdong Ren has cultivated to the ninth level of elixir formation. Logically speaking, he is the elder of the sect and does not need to appear here. However, in the early years, he chose to help Ye Tong form elixir instead of Su Cheng. Guangdong Ren felt guilty.

"Master Nephew Wang, I sent people to the South China Sea, but Bingbing was not found. Don't worry, I will take good care of Yuren."

Su Yuren is Wang Changxue's youngest son and Su Bingbing's younger brother.

"Aunt Changxue, don't worry! I will also take good care of cousin Yuren."

Wang Qingkai echoed.

Wang Changxue nodded happily and said, "Yu Ren, if your sister comes back and lets her practice well, as long as she is fine with you, your father and I will be relieved."

"Mom, I know this, please stop talking and have a good rest!"

The man in green shirt knelt down and choked.

After hearing this, Wang Changxue slowly closed his eyes.

Su Yuren howled and cried, looking very sad.

Guangdong Ren sighed softly and said, "Yu Ren, my condolences and my condolences, I will send someone to take care of the funeral affairs of Senior Nephew Wang."

"Yes! Cousin Yuren, you don't have to be too sad."

Wang Qingkai patted Su Yuren on the shoulder and comforted him.

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