Rise of Qinglian

Chapter 570 Wang Ruyan comes out of seclusion (second update)

"Nine Skylark! Thank you so much, Fellow Daoist Zhu."

Wang Changsheng knew very well that there were better soul birds in Yulingmen, but he would not sell them to him easily. Anyway, he just bought them for transportation.

"Do you want a first-level Nine-Skylark or a second-level Nine-Skylark, Wang Daoyou? If it is a first-level Nine-Skylark that has been cultivated since childhood and is more compatible with you and easier to tame, even if its cultivation level is higher than yours, it may bite the master. The sex is relatively low. If it is a second-level Nine Skylark, the compatibility will not be that high. At most, it will succumb to your cultivation. If its cultivation is higher than yours in the future, it is likely to bite the master. The former is suitable for individuals, while the latter Good for groups.”

"Then I need the first-level Nine Skylark! I'm sorry to trouble you, Fellow Daoist Zhu."

Zhu Yunzhen smiled calmly and said, "It's a trivial matter. Fellow Daoist Wang is being polite."

He took out a communication plate, entered a magic spell, and ordered: "Martial Nephew Lu, pick two better first-order low-grade Nine Skylarks, and bring a batch of food that Nine Skylarks like to eat, and send them to Yuling Palace. "

"Yes, Master Zhu, the disciple will send it over right away."

After a cup of tea, a middle-aged man with a steady face walked in quickly, holding a cyan spirit beast bag and a blue storage bag in his hands.

Zhu Yunzhen took the spirit beast bag and asked the middle-aged man to retreat.

He threw the spirit beast bag into the air, and a spell hit it. Two half-foot-long blue peacocks flew out of the spirit beast bag.

The body of the blue peacock is covered with blue feathers. The long feathers on its tail are several feet long, and its wings are spread out over ten feet.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, good things come in pairs, so these two Skylarks are given to you, just in time for you and your lady to have one each."

Wang Changsheng thanked them and accepted the two Skylarks and some of the food that Nine Skylarks liked to eat.

"Fellow Daoist Zhu, the Yuling Conference is over and we have to leave. The matters in Fangshi will be handled as we have agreed."

After the Yuling Conference ended, Wang Changsheng and Ye Tong left the Yulingmen with their disciples and went back to their respective homes.

Wang Changsheng briefly told Wang Qingkai about the city and the site, and asked him to send someone to take over the site and handle matters related to the establishment of the city.

The cruelty of the world of immortality can be seen from the Tianbing Sect forcing the Yuling Sect. If one day, the Wang family does not have the Jie Dan cultivator, will all the territory they occupy be vomited out? Even though the relationship between Bailingmen and the Wang family is good, both sides have alchemy monks. If something happens to Wang Changsheng, maybe Bailingmen will swallow up the Wang family in one go.

Returning to his residence, Wang Changsheng heard a sad cry of a woman, which seemed to be Wang Ruyan's figure.

He frowned slightly and walked quickly towards the source of the sound.

In the side room where Wang Pingan's spiritual tablet was located, Wang Ruyan held Wang Pingan's spiritual tablet and cried bitterly.

Judging by her aura, she has reached the ninth level of foundation building.

She had just come out of seclusion and was very sad to learn from Wang Changyue that Wang Ping'an had passed away.

Wang Ping'an was sent to the secular world at the age of five. Unexpectedly, this farewell would be an eternal farewell.

"Madam, don't be too sad. Life and death are fateful, peace is in the sky, and he doesn't want you to be like this."

Wang Changsheng sighed softly and spoke to comfort him.

Wang Ruyan leaned in Wang Changsheng's arms, with tears on her face, and blamed herself: "Husband, I am too incompetent as a mother to see you safe for the last time."

"Ping An didn't blame you. He said he would always remember your kindness. When he got married and had a son, you sent people to send gifts. He passed away peacefully. According to his will, I cremated him and scattered half of his ashes. At Qinglian Villa, half of the ashes are kept, and I built a memorial tablet for him so that we can worship him from time to time."

A few years later, Wang Qingyang passed away, and Wang Changsheng had to experience the pain of losing a son again.

Wang Ruyan remained silent and cried bitterly in Wang Changsheng's arms. In any case, she was very guilty of not being able to see Wang Ping'an on his last journey.

Over a cup of tea, Wang Ruyan stopped crying, and Wang Changsheng wiped away her tears.

"The road is ruthless, peace is in the sky, and I don't want to see you wash your face in tears. Madam, please don't be too sad."

Wang Changsheng didn't know how to protect Wang Ruyan. To be honest, every time he saw Wang Ping'an's spiritual tablet, he was filled with grief.

"Husband, I remember that Qingyang's longevity is almost over, as well as Qingqing and Qingzhi. If they cannot advance to the Danjie stage, they will also turn into a pile of loess."

Wang Ruyan looked up at Wang Changsheng and asked in a low voice.

"Children and grandchildren will have their own blessings. As parents, we have a clear conscience. Madam, you have worked too much for this family. It is a long road to immortality. I don't know about others. I hope you can walk with me. Before we get married, , I told you, hold your son’s hand and grow old together with your son.”

Wang Changsheng kissed Wang Ruyan's forehead and said with tenderness on his face.

He prepared three pill-forming spiritual objects for Wang Ruyan. Wang Ruyan's chance of successfully forming a pill was still very high.

Wang Ruyan burst into tears and smiled, her beautiful eyes full of tenderness, and said: "Husband, becoming a spiritual couple with you is the most correct choice I have ever made."

"Okay, stop crying and let your great-grandchildren see it. They think I bullied their great-grandmother!"

Wang Changsheng comforted him for a while, and then Wang Ruyan's mood improved.

"Husband, I want to visit the place where I lived in peace, otherwise I would feel really uncomfortable."

"Okay, I'll accompany you. You used to accompany me to find the spiritual water of heaven and earth, but now I'll accompany you."

Wang Changsheng said softly, his face full of tenderness.

He accompanied Wang Ruyan to leave Qinglian Villa and came to the secular world.

They cast an invisibility spell so that mortals couldn't see them.

Wang Ping'an's family has a great cause. When Wang Changsheng left, he asked Wang Tai to take over Wang Ping'an's position and erect a tomb for Wang Ping'an.

In the mourning hall, a coffin was placed in the center. Wang Pingan's children and grandchildren were quarreling over the family property. Wang Pingan had too many children. In the face of the huge wealth, Wang Tai couldn't hold it down at all. Everyone wanted to share more property.

They all said that they were very kind to Wang Pingan, and some even took out Wang Pingan's will. For the property, the brothers were so angry that they even had to fight.

Seeing this scene, Wang Changsheng shook his head. He didn't want to interfere too much in mortal affairs. Those present were all his descendants, and it wouldn't be good to favor anyone.

Wang Changsheng didn't want to interfere, but Wang Ruyan couldn't stand it.

She appeared, and a powerful spiritual pressure rushed out of her body and swept around. All the mortals in the mourning hall softened their legs and knelt down in unison.

"Ping An passed away, his body is still cold, but you all want to divide the family property. For a little money, your brothers are fighting with each other. Do you want him to have peace after his death? You are really the filial sons and grandsons of Ping An."

Wang Ruyan said coldly that she had to do something for Wang Ping'an to feel better.

No one cares about how to deal with Wang Ping'an's funeral. These filial sons and grandsons want to separate the family. In order to share more property, they forge wills, insult their uncles, and the brothers fight with each other and even fight. If these people are not their descendants, Wang Ruyan immediately destroyed them, venting a bad breath for Wang Ping'an.

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