Rise of Qinglian

4773 Primordial Dao Stone

4791--Andrew Taichu Road Stone

There was a rolling red mountain range, and there was a deafening explosion sound from the depths of the mountain range, the ground shook slightly, and clusters of fairy lights lit up in the sky.

Deep in the mountains, Wu Nianhong and Cai Ling were dealing with a giant-shaped ten-color chaotic beast. The ten-color chaotic beast was fighting with them with a giant red axe in its hand.

The strength of the ten-color chaotic beast is obviously not as good as them. As time passed, scars appeared on the body surface of the ten-color chaotic beast, and a dazzling ten-color fairy light bloomed from its body surface, and the cracks healed.

As time went by, the recovery speed of the ten-color chaotic beast became slower and slower, and the chaotic armor was full of cracks.

Wu Nianfeng threw out a gigantic mountain of golden light, and smashed it at the Ten-Color Chaos Beast. The Ten-Color Chaos Beast rushed to meet it with a huge red axe.

There was a muffled sound of gold and iron clashing, the red giant ax collided with the golden giant peak, and half of the ten-color chaos beast sank into the ground. onto the body of the ten-color Chaos Beast.

This blow was like the last straw that broke the camel's back. The Chaos Armor was shattered, and the heads of the ten-colored Chaos Beasts were chopped off.

The golden giant peak smashed the ten-color chaotic beast into a meat paste, shaking the ground and shaking the mountain.

As soon as Wu Nianhong retracted the tactic, the golden giant peak shrank rapidly, and flew back to his sleeve and disappeared.

"Fortunately, I met you, cousin."

Cai Ling said.

"It's better to call me Martial Arts Fellow, but it's not good to be found out."

Wu Nianhong reminded.

He came to the corpse of the ten-color chaotic beast, put away the corpse of the chaotic beast, and tried to take it out, but it was empty.

"Sure enough, it's an illusion again!"

Wu Nianhong frowned and said.

"Going forward, the days for us to enter here are endless, maybe we are approaching the core area."

Cai Ling suggested.

Wu Nianhong nodded, and the two flew forward.

After flying for 30 billion miles, they appeared above an open land, and they could see a majestic giant city with endless walls and no end in sight.

"What is this place? The core area?"

Cai Ling was puzzled.

Cai Ling released a third-order fairy puppet to investigate, but there was nothing abnormal.

They came to the gate of the city gate and attacked the gate.

After a huge explosion sounded, the city gate was safe and sound.

"What kind of restriction is this! So powerful!"

Cai Ling frowned and said.

"I'll try something else..."

Before Wu Nianhong finished speaking, the city gate opened automatically.

Before they figured out what was going on, a strong suction surged, and they flew towards the city uncontrollably.

After they flew into the giant city, the city gate was closed.


A vast and boundless glacier, Wang Mengbin and Wang Yidao stood in an open field, looking at a peak ahead.

"The restrictions here are very strong, we still don't want to break through, even if we cultivate into a Taoist body, some powerful restrictions can still kill us."

Wang Mengbin said.


Wang Yidao agreed.

They took a detour and left here.


In a cyan bamboo forest that can't be seen at a glance, there was a huge explosion sound, and a huge golden light soared into the sky. Countless cyan bamboos were blown away by the strong air waves, and before they landed, they turned into countless sawdust .

A golden light flew out from the bamboo forest and landed on the ground.

The light faded away, and Han Long's figure appeared.

"What is this place! A city."

Looking at the giant city in the distance, Han Long frowned.

He planned to fly into the air to check the situation of the city, and when he was three feet above the ground, he landed automatically.

"No air ban!"

Han Long frowned and said, his consciousness was wide open, and he planned to investigate the situation in the city, but was blocked by an invisible force.

He looked into the distance and saw a black shadow flying towards here.

Not long after, Wu Yueying appeared in front of his eyes.

"Mrs. Wu! It's you!"

Han Long said.

"Fellow Daoist Han, do you know where this is?"

Wu Yueying asked.

"I don't know. There is no plaque on the city gate. It seems that this is not the main gate. How did you come here?"

Han Long asked.

"I went through a place with a strong restriction, found this city, and went around the city looking for clues. I didn't expect to meet you, fellow Jin Daoist!"

Wu Yueying asked.

"I didn't meet him, and you didn't meet the two fellow martial artists?"

Han Long was puzzled.

"No, it's a little weird here. Most of the creatures you encounter are fake. The immortal medicine, immortal wood, and refining materials are real. I don't know if this giant city in front of you is an illusion. If it is not an illusion, the control hub is probably in the here."

Wu Yueying analyzed.

"Since we met, let's make a breakthrough together!"

Han Long suggested.

Wu Yueying did not refuse, but agreed.

They came to the gate of the city and attacked the gate.

After a loud bang sounded, the city gate remained intact.

Just when they were confused, the city gate opened automatically, and a strong suction force emerged, sucking them into the city, and the city gate automatically closed.

In Taichu City, in a certain secret room, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan were attacking the stone wall. It was strange to say that even with the use of the Sky Shaking Stick and Immortal Extinguishing Mirror, they couldn't get out of the trap, the restriction here was too strong.

"What the hell is this place, so weird."

Wang Changsheng said with a frown.

If it is controlled by the Chaos Beast, so far, no Chaos Beast has appeared. If it is man-made, no one has contacted them. Could it be that they are simply trapped here.

"This is troublesome. I can't contact the clansmen, and it is difficult to notify them."

Wang Ruyan frowned and said.

At this moment, the gate opened automatically, they walked out, and appeared in the city, where they could see a bluestone arena with an oval ore floating above the bluestone arena.

"Chaos beasts of Dao ancestor level! There are so many."

Wang Ruyan frowned and said.

There are thirty-six secret rooms in the city, and the gates are opened one after another, and Chaos beasts or immortals come out of them, including Daluo Jinxian and Daozu.

"Yue Bin! You are really here."

Wu Yueying's eyes fell on a well-mannered young man in white shirt, full of pleasant surprises.

"Ma'am! We have found you."

Han Long said excitedly, his gaze fell on a graceful woman in a red dress.

"Quihe Zhan! Why are you here?"

Wei saw two chaotic beasts of ten colors, and said in surprise.

"We stumbled into this place by mistake and have been trapped here for hundreds of millions of years. No matter how hard we try, we can't get out of the predicament, and we are finally out."

A ten-color chaotic beast explained.

Two city gates opened, Wang Qingshan and Xia flew in one after another, and the city gates closed.

"Assemble thirty-six people to start the Taichu Conference. The winner can get the Taichu Dao Stone, automatically abstain from voting, and can also leave this place."

A cold male voice sounded.

"The Dao Stone of Absolute Beginning!"

Wang Changsheng's eyes fell on the oval-shaped ore above the bluestone ring.

"This material is very precious, and I feel very familiar, as if it has the same origin as it."

Qingxuan's voice rang in Wang Changsheng's ear.


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