Rise of Qinglian

Chapter 4734 Teng Xiao’s Helper

In Qingzhu Peak, the door to a secret room opened, and Wang Qingshan walked out with a smile on his face.

He took the Snow Amber Bingzhi Pill that was refined into ten-color crystal nuclei, cultivated for millions of years, and successfully advanced to the late stage of Da Luo Jinxian. If it were other Da Luo Jinxian, he would still be in the middle stage.

The Chaos Beast has also learned well. The Ten-Colored Chaos Beast will not show up easily. Even if it does show up, Dao Ancestor may follow behind.

The existence of Ruyi Gate makes high-level Chaos Beasts frightened when going out alone, and the same goes for small drum troops when traveling alone.

Before that, immortals went to dangerous places to hunt for treasures. Even if they had a golden body in the inheritance list, they could only accept it as bad luck if they were killed by a Chaos Beast in a dangerous place. But it is different now. If you find a high-level Chaos Beast alone, you can notify the Wang family. , the Wang family will arrange experts to intercept and kill the chaos beasts, even the ten-color chaos beasts are no match for the Wang family's Daluo Jinxian.

Wang Qingshan took out an Immortal Mirror with flashing green light and inserted a spell into it. Wang Yixin's face could be seen on the mirror.

He asked: "Yixin, have Uncle Nine and Aunt Nine come out of confinement?"

"I came out of seclusion once, and not long after that I went into seclusion again."

Wang Yixin said.

"So fast? What happened?"

Wang Qingshan said doubtfully.

"I discovered the dojo of Shifang Dao Ancestor. The ancestor personally led a team to the Beiming Immortal Domain to hunt for treasures and found a lot of good things. Ancestor Qingshan has something to do with them?"

Wang Yixin asked.

"That's not true, just asking casually."

Wang Qingshan said.

"By the way, Ancestor Qingshan, I just received news that someone discovered an old Julei tree in Fenglei Ruins in Fenglei Immortal Domain. However, the restrictions there are very strong, and it is difficult for Daluo Jinxian to penetrate deep."

Wang Yixin said.

"Then how did this person find out?"

Wang Qingshan said doubtfully.

"This person accidentally broke into this place and was banned and killed. However, he has a golden body in the inheritance list. He notified his clan members, who reported it to our family."

Wang Yixin replied.

The He family donated a top-quality mutated Hongmeng spiritual treasure, and the Wang family gave four top-quality Chaos Armors and four bottles of fourth-level elixir to cultivate into a top-level immortal body. They also married into the He family. This news had already spread throughout the world. In addition, In addition, the forces or individuals who provided important information to the Wang family received heavy rewards, which naturally attracted more imitators.

"Wind and Thunder Immortal Realm! Let me take a trip!"

Wang Qingshan took the initiative to ask for help. He defeated the Supreme Being of the same realm and got a chance to be resurrected. In addition, he also has a golden body in the family's inheritance list.

With his current strength, he wouldn't be afraid if he didn't meet Dao Ancestor.

"I will come over immediately and give you the information about Fenglingxianyu."

Wang Yixin said.

Wang Qingshan nodded and walked out. Bai Ling'er and Wang Qiuting were sitting in the stone pavilion, drinking tea and chatting.

Wang Qiuting has been promoted to Daluo Jinxian, and it is currently in the early stage.

"Madam, Qiuting, what are you talking about!"

Wang Qingshan asked casually.

Wang Qiuting said: "Dad, there is a blank history in the immortal world. We have recently collected a large number of classics. Some classics clearly record the existence of some Taoist ancestors. However, they do not exist in the orthodox history of immortal cultivation. There are two possibilities. One is It was artificially erased, which is not very likely. Another possibility is that there was a dark period in the immortal world at a certain period, and most of the immortals in that period were killed, with only some survivors."

"The Dark Ages of Fairyland?"

Wang Qingshan said in surprise.

Wang Qiuting nodded, and then explained: "Yes, most of the existing forces or creatures in the immortal world were born later, and this kind of historical gap will appear. If it has always existed, there cannot be no records in the classics. For the era when Chaos first opened, , only a few words."

"Uncle Jiu personally ordered someone to collect the classics recording the history of the world of immortality."

Bai Ling'er said.

Wang Qingshan nodded and said: "I'm going to Fenglingxianyu to do something. Madam, you come with me!"


Bai Linger agreed.

"Dad, I'm going too."

Wang Qiuting took the initiative to ask for help.

"Your father and I are enough. Qiu Ting, you can continue to sort out those classics! Ninth Uncle and Ninth Aunt may want to ask you about the records of this blank history. We will be back soon."

Bai Linger said.

"Yes! We are enough, you can stay!"

Wang Qingshan said.

Wang Qiuting agreed and said nothing more.

Not long after, Wang Yixin came over.

She took out a silver jade slip and a green animal skin, handed them to Wang Qingshan, and briefly introduced the situation of Fenglingxianyu and the dangerous area.

"Ancestor Qingshan, please don't be careless. About 100 million years ago, three Daluo Golden Immortals entered this place to hunt for treasures and died."

Wang Yixin reminded.

Wang Qingshan nodded and agreed.

He and Bai Linger came to Qinglian Peak and saw Wang Tuntian sitting in the stone pavilion eating and drinking.

Wang Qingshan chatted with Wang Tuntian for a few words and walked towards Qinglian Pavilion. The senior executives of the Wang family knew how to use the Ruyi Gate. If necessary, they could use the Ruyi Gate without asking Wang Changsheng for instructions.

Kuleimu is one of the ten immortal trees. It can be used to set up formations and assist high-level immortals to overcome tribulations.

Wang Changsheng once obtained a set of fifth-level formations, and the main formation flag was made of Julei wood.

Wang Tuntian took them to a secret room and saw the Ruyi Gate.

"I'll send you to the Wind and Thunder Immortal Realm, so be careful."

Wang Tuntian said, punching a magic spell into the Ruyi Gate, and the Ruyi Gate suddenly bloomed with a dazzling fairy light.

Wang Qingshan and Bai Ling'er walked towards the Ruyi Gate and disappeared after passing through the Ruyi Gate.

After their eyes blurred, Wang Qingshan and Bai Ling'er appeared in an endless blue sea.

"Let's first contact the tribesmen in the Fenglingxian Domain to collect information about that dangerous place, and then go deeper to search for Juleimu."

Wang Qingshan said.

They flew into the distance and quickly disappeared into the sky.


A vast and boundless red mountain range, the sky is all red, the air is filled with the pungent smell of sulfur, and volcanoes erupt from time to time.

A huge valley extending in all directions, filled with a large amount of red mist, making it difficult to see what was going on inside.

A ray of black light flew from a distance and landed outside the giant valley, revealing a huge tower that held up the sky. It was the mother tower of the Shifangzi Mother Tower, and Teng Xiao appeared.

"Why are you here? You shouldn't be here."

A somewhat weak male voice sounded.

"I know your worries, don't worry! All the creatures that come into contact with me will be destroyed. If it wasn't an emergency, I wouldn't come here."

Teng Xiao said.

"What's the matter? There's no way those guys from Zulong can beat you. They've reached the middle stage of their training?"

The man asked doubtfully.

"They can't threaten me, but the Qinglian Immortal Couple. They are enlightened by the Supreme Law. Even in the era of chaos, they are also great people. What's even more frightening is that they have a Taoist weapon in their hands. Just like me, they can By devouring rare treasures, immortal weapons and Taoist artifacts to strengthen itself, a sub-tower was swallowed up by this treasure.”

Teng Xiao said.

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