Rise of Qinglian

4568 five hundred thousand years

Time flies by like a white horse, half a million years have passed. [.\\nCOM Situ’s updated chapters are the most complete and comprehensive, and error-free content is repaired in the most timely manner. Due to caching reasons, browser access is recommended.\\nCOM official website]

Qinglian City, Qinglian Peak.

The streets are crowded with people, noisy cars and horses, and very lively.

The Wang family held a large-scale auction and brought out two top-grade Chaos Armored Stomachs, a Blood Infant Jade Apricot refined with eight-color crystal cores, a third-grade Taoist Pill, a top-grade Immortal-Destroying Arrow, a top-grade Immortal-Destroying Cannon and other resources for cultivating immortals, which attracted a large number of forces. Send someone to attend.

A large number of immortals poured into Qinglian City, making Qinglian City more prosperous.

The Wang family sent additional patrolling monks to maintain order.

Several huge thunderclouds floated high in the sky above Qinglian City, far apart. There were lightning and thunder, and thick fairy thunder crackled down.

A secluded manor with pavilions and waterwheel corridors.

More than thirty Taiyi Golden Immortals, including Wang Zhijie, Blood River Divine Lord, Cao Yufeng, Cheng Zhenyu, and Zheng Nan, were sitting in a blue stone pavilion, drinking tea and chatting.

The Wang family currently has five diviners of Taiyi Golden Immortal. Wang Qiulin has the strongest divination ability. He rarely performs fortune-telling for Taiyi Golden Immortal now, followed by Wang Zhijie. The other three Taiyi Golden Immortal's divination skills are average.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, the scale of this auction is not small. Will the Nine Palaces Immortal Lord show up?"

A tall man in a golden shirt asked.

Jiugong Immortal Lord is proficient in the art of divination and deduction, and has never made any mistakes. He is well-known. Many Taiyi Golden Immortals came here to ask for Wang Qiulin's help in deduction or divination, but most of them failed to see Wang Qiulin.

"Ancestor Qiulin is cultivating in seclusion. I don't know if he will show up."

Wang Zhijie said.

He has not seen Wang Qiulin for many years and does not know Wang Qiulin's movements.

“Fellow Daoist Wang is also proficient in the art of divination and deduction, so it’s the same thing to ask him for help.”

Cheng Zhenyu said with a smile.

He and Zheng Nan are both stuck at a bottleneck and are currently in the middle stage of Taiyi Golden Immortal.

Cao Yufeng is currently in the middle stage of Taiyi Golden Immortal. She has not understood the law of fate. Even so, many Taiyi Golden Immortals come to her for divination opportunities.

The big man in the golden shirt hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said, "I wonder if Fellow Daoist Wang is willing to help? This is my wish."

He took out a golden storage bracelet and handed it to Wang Zhijie.

Wang Zhijie swept his consciousness, nodded with a smile, and said, "I wonder if Daoist Xu wants to do divination or deduction?"

"I want to divine fortune!"

The big man in gold shirt said.

"Fellow Daoist Xu, please come with me. Everyone, please excuse me for a moment."

Wang Zhijie stood up and walked towards a courtyard not far away.

The big man in gold shirt hugged everyone and followed them quickly.

"Speaking of which, Zixiao Immortal Lord and others have not shown up for many years. Are they trying to attack Daluo Jinxian?"

Cao Yufeng changed the topic.

Cao Yuanxing got a high-grade immortal weapon that was refined into the Hongmeng Spiritual Treasure in Qiankun Ruins, and he is practicing in seclusion to attack the late stage of Taiyi Golden Immortal.

"There is a possibility, maybe they show up again and it is Daluo Jinxian."

Blood River God Lord praised.

"If the Nine Palaces Immortal Lord is promoted to the Great Luo Jinxian, his divination and deduction abilities will definitely be stronger."

A plump woman in a gold skirt said.

"At that time, it will be convenient for Fellow Daoist Cheng and Mrs. Cheng to find someone to perform divination and deduction."

Lord Blood River said in an envious tone.

"Yes! You and Immortal Lord Taihao are both old acquaintances, so it's much more convenient than us."

The woman in the gold skirt was full of envy.

Cheng Zhenyu and Zheng Nan have a good relationship with the Wang family's senior officials, and Zhenhai Palace is an affiliated force of the Wang family. They can use their good deeds to exchange for high-grade Chaos Armor, Body Forging Elixir, and Level 3 Immortal Puppet that are difficult to obtain by ordinary Taiyi Golden Immortals.

When one person attains enlightenment, a chicken or a dog ascends to heaven, and when a power rises, in-laws and friends can also benefit from it.

The Wang family now has many affiliated forces, but Zhenhai Palace is the first force to follow the Wang family, and the senior officials of Zhenhai Palace have a close relationship with the senior officials of the Wang family, which is not comparable to other affiliated forces.

"It's not that easy! Without a war, it would be difficult to make meritorious deeds."

Cheng Zhenyu sighed.

The Wang family is prospering day by day, and its overall strength is getting stronger and stronger. In total, the Chahar tribe has been at war with the Nangong Immortal Clan for more than two million years. Let alone large-scale wars, the Chahar tribe does not dare to send people to harass Huangcheng, let alone large-scale wars. Not to mention the idea of ​​attacking Tiancheng, this is the first time in the history of the development of the two forces.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the Chahar tribe will be destroyed sooner or later. If it were not for the fear of the tribes under the jurisdiction of the Hunxie King tribe, the Nangong Immortal Clan would probably have taken action long ago.

"Yeah! Speaking of which, we haven't had a big battle in many years."

Cao Yufeng deeply agreed.

In the past, they were worried about the outbreak of a war. At that time, the Chahar tribe suppressed the Nangong Immortal Clan. Now, the Nangong Immortal Clan is overwhelming the Chahar Tribe. They are eager for war.

"Maybe the Nangong Immortal Clan has other plans! If a fight really starts, the Chahar tribe may not be able to stop it."

Cheng Zhenyu said.

Half a quarter of an hour later, Wang Zhijie and the man in gold shirt walked out of the other courtyard.

The big man in golden shirt was smiling all over his face. It seemed that he was very satisfied with the results of the hexagram.

Everyone was filled with envy when they saw the expression on the golden-shirted man's face.

After chatting for an hour, Cao Yufeng and others left one after another.

Wang Zhijie came to Wang Yixin's residence, took out a gold storage bracelet, handed it to Wang Yixin, and briefly explained what happened.

"Great opportunity! In a place with the word "beast"?"

Wang Yixin said in surprise.

"That's right, but my ability is insufficient. I only know that his great opportunity lies in the Chaos Continent, a place with the word "beast"."

Wang Zhijie said.

"What a great opportunity!"

A loud male voice sounded.

As soon as he finished speaking, Wang Mengbin, Wang Yingjie, Wang Yidao, Bai Yuqi and Liu Hongxue walked in.

Wang Mengbin, Wang Yingjie, Wang Yidao, and Liu Hongxue successfully resolved the bottleneck and advanced to the late stage of Taiyi Golden Immortal, but Bai Yuqi is still stuck at the bottleneck.

"Ancestor Meng Bin, Ancestor Yuqi, Ancestor Yingjie, and Ancestor Hongxue, you are back."

Wang Yixin looked happy.

"What great opportunity did you just say! Is it our family?"

Wang Mengbin asked casually.

"No, a Taiyi Golden Immortal asked Zhijie to divine opportunities. The divination results show that this person has great opportunities. You are back. Our ancestors have asked about your situation many times."

Wang Yi was overjoyed.

"How is the clan? Has the third Great Luo Jinxian appeared?"

Wang Mengbin asked casually.

"Everything is fine in the clan. There is no third Great Luo Jinxian yet. Ancestor Meng Bin, you have worked hard. My ancestor will be very happy to know that you are back."

Wang Yixin said.

She took out a golden dharma plate and entered a dharma formula. Wang Qingshan's voice sounded: "Yixin, are Meng Bin and the others back?"

"They just came back. Ancestor Qingshan, are you out of seclusion? Have you resolved the bottleneck?"

Wang Yixin asked with concern.

"It has been resolved. I have advanced to the late stage of Taiyi Golden Immortal. Have Meng Bin and the others resolved the bottleneck?"

Wang Qingshan asked.

"Except Ancestor Yuqi, Ancestor Meng Bin and the others have resolved the bottleneck and have advanced to the later stage."

Wang Yixin said.

"Great, let them have a good rest first! I will talk to them later."

After Wang Qingshan said this, he cut off the contact.

"Yixin, Patriarch Qiulin is in retreat?"

Wang Yingjie asked.

"No, he encountered a bottleneck and went on a trip with Xinghai and the others. He went to Tianwu City and has not come back yet."

Wang Yixin said.

Wang Xinghai, Wang Yinyin, Wang Dingyang and others were all stuck in the middle stage of Taiyi Golden Immortal, traveling together with Wang Qiulin.

Wang Yingjie nodded and chatted for a while. They returned to their residence to rest, and Wang Zhijie also went back. a\u003evas\u003ediv\u003eScan the QR code to download Red Sleeves and join Xiaoxiang to receive benefits. Newcomers can read for free for a limited time div\u003ediv\u003ediv\u003e

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