Rise of Qinglian

4563 Mutated Hongmeng Lingbao

Qinglian City, Qinglian Peak.

Wang Changsheng, Wang Ruyan, Wang Qingling, Wang Qingfeng, Wang Qinghao, Chen Yueying and others were sitting in a blue stone pavilion, talking about something.

"Hongmeng Lingbao! The original thing! What do you want to exchange for?"

Wang Changsheng asked.

Chen Yueying and the others obtained a Hongmeng Spiritual Treasure and an Origin Object at Qiankun Ruins, and presented them to the Wang family in exchange for resources for cultivating immortals.

"I want a third-level elixir that can assist in cultivating an immortal body."

Ni Tianlong looked forward to it.

"I want to understand the rules at the Enlightenment Tower."

Chen Yueying said.

"I want a third-level elixir that can assist in cultivating an immortal body."

Li Qinghuan said.

"I also want to enter the Enlightenment Tower to understand the rules."

The Four Seasons Sword Master said.

"Let's do this! Each person has a bottle of Blood Rhinoceros Pill refined into the eight-color Chaos Beast Crystal Core of the Taiyi Golden Immortal Stage, and each person has a chance to enter the Enlightenment Tower to practice the rules."

Wang Changsheng said.

Chen Yueying and the other four contributed the original objects and Hongmeng Lingbao, which was a great contribution. Wang Changsheng was willing to be more generous.

He planned to refine the Hongmeng Lingbao into the Enlightenment Tower, so that it would be easier for his people to comprehend the laws.

Kunlun Taoist Ancestor has many major forces under his sect, such as the Nangong Immortal Clan, Wanbao Sect, Ten Thousand Beasts Palace, Tiandan Sect, etc. Wang Changsheng also hopes that the family's affiliated forces can become stronger and provide more help to the Wang family.

"Thank you, Senior Wang."

Chen Yueying and the others looked excited and thanked them repeatedly.

Wang Changsheng gave some instructions and asked them to retreat.

"Dad, this is the treasure. Cousin Haitang used the formation to put it into the Green Lotus Pendant."

Wang Qingfeng took out the Green Lotus Pendant and handed it to Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng nodded and said: "You have worked hard, go back and rest! Don't tell anyone about the existence of that treasure."

Wang Qingling and the other five agreed and left Qinglian Peak.

"Lei Chi! Mutated Hongmeng Lingbao?"

Wang Ruyan's face showed an expression of interest.

They have heard the name of the mutated Hongmeng Lingbao for a long time, but they have never seen the mutated Hongmeng Lingbao.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan walked into a secret room with a picture of the four seasons hanging on the wall. They entered the picture of the four seasons.

Wang Changsheng took out the Green Lotus Pendant and inserted a magic spell. The Green Lotus Pendant spurted out a stream of cyan glow. The cyan glow dissipated, and a steep peak appeared on the ground. Lightning flashed and thunder struck, and thick red lotus fairy thunder crackled down.

According to Wang Qingling, the other restrictions on the mountain have been broken, and the thunder pool can guide the Red Lotus Immortal thunder to strike. To a certain extent, the thunder pool is comparable to a special thunder bead.

When Wang Changsheng and Wang Changsheng arrived at the top of the mountain, two thick red lotus fairy thunders pierced the sky and struck towards them.

Wang Changsheng raised his right hand, and a huge Tai Chi figure appeared, blocking their heads. Two red lotus fairy thunders struck the Tai Chi figure. The Tai Chi figure rotated, and the red lotus fairy thunder collapsed.

He jumped into the thunder pool, and a large amount of thunder and lightning power came from all directions, flooding Wang Changsheng's body.

He felt numb, but it didn't affect him much.

When he came to the center of the thunder pool, he felt that the power of thunder and lightning became more powerful. Fortunately, he had cultivated into an immortal body and could withstand it.

"Mutated Hongmeng Lingbao! This is quite rare!"

Qingxuan's voice sounded.

Wang Changsheng shook his sleeves, and the Green Lotus Fortune Cauldron flew out and floated in mid-air. The lotus pattern on the cauldron lit up with a green light, and Qingxuan walked out of it.

"The mutated Hongmeng Lingbao? Are you sure?"

Wang Changsheng asked.

"I still have this bit of eyesight, but I don't know what it's used for."

Qingxuan said that the direction of Hongmeng Lingbao's mutation is uncontrollable. No one knows which direction it will change and what its purpose will be.

"Qing Ling and the others picked up the original object near this treasure. Maybe its function is to give birth to the original object."

Wang Changsheng guessed.

"This treasure can attract the Red Lotus Immortal Thunder. It's not that the immortal body cannot reach the central area of ​​the thunder pool. Maybe it is gestating something."

Wang Ruyan guessed.

"Maybe! But I remember that you refined a fairy island before. You can use this treasure to provide energy to maintain the operation of the entire fairy island."

Qingxuan suggested.

"Using this treasure to provide energy to the Immortal Island? This is a good idea, and it can also improve the level of the Immortal Island."

Wang Changsheng said.

He can collect these red lotus fairy thunders, which can be used to attack enemies or to assist in training.

"With your current level of weapon refining, this is not difficult. All you need to do is collect rare materials."

Qingxuan said.

"There is no rush in this matter. Let's find out its function first. If it can really give birth to the original thing, that would be great."

Wang Changsheng's face showed longing.

When Wang Qinghao and the others approached the thunder pool, an original object happened to fly out of the thunder pool. Wang Qingling believed that it was reasonable for the thunder pond to give birth to an original object.

"Anyway, the treasure is in your hands. You can slowly explore its functions. This treasure has the potential to be promoted to a Taoist weapon. If you cultivate it well, you may be able to get a Taoist tool. This is how I was born."

Qingxuan suggested, with a look of reminiscence on his face.

"Taoist weapon!"

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan's expressions hardened, and their eyes became fiery.

"It's just that it has this potential. It's not that easy for the mutated Hongmeng Lingbao to be promoted to a Taoist weapon. There were many guys similar to me at the beginning, but they all failed."

Qingxuan said.

"We understand the preciousness of Taoist tools. Even if we cannot be promoted to Taoist tools, it is enough to be able to give birth to the original thing."

Wang Changsheng said excitedly.

The Green Lotus Creation Cauldron can purify the chaotic beast crystal core and use it to brew wine, set up formations, refine elixirs, and make talismans. Among other things, it is relatively easy for the Wang family's Taiyi Golden Immortal to cultivate into an immortal body, but it is difficult for the top immortal body. In addition, the original objects can allow the tribesmen to practice Taoism and improve their strength.

"It would be better if it could become a Taoist weapon."

Wang Ruyan's face showed longing and excitement.

Wang Changsheng thought of something and said, "If you eat it, will you recover immediately?"

"It's a treasure, not a weapon refining material. I don't need it."

Qingxuan said.

"I heard that the Shifang Zimu Pagoda is collecting Hongmeng spiritual treasures and origin objects. Can it be eaten?"

Wang Changsheng said curiously.

"Maybe! The functions and characteristics of Taoist artifacts cannot be the same. It is normal to have some similarities, but they cannot be exactly the same."

Qingxuan said, he stretched and flew back to the Qinglian Fortune Cauldron.

Wang Changsheng put away the Green Lotus Creation Cauldron, and Wang Ruyan exited the Green Lotus Pendant, and started working on their own.


Chahar City, a secret underground cave, Cricket is reporting to Yu.

"What? Missing?"

Yu's tone was full of shock.

Bat and Xiao led a team to search for treasures in Qiankun Ruins. When they failed to return, all the tribesmen who accompanied them were killed.

"That's right, the news from the Barhu tribe is that Lord Bat escaped alone, and Xiao Xiao doesn't know the whereabouts of Lord Bat."

Cricket said.

"It couldn't be that he was killed by Immortal Lord Taihao and Master Qingyi! Send people to investigate, and you must find out clearly. If you want to see the person alive, you will see the corpse if you die."

Yu ordered.

"Yes, Master Yu."

Cricket agreed and took the order and left.

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