Rise of Qinglian

4485 two hundred thousand years

Time is like a white horse passing by, and two hundred thousand years have passed.

Biyue Sea Area, Biyuefang City.

In a secluded manor, Wang Chuanming, Fairy Qingmei and a sturdy man in a golden shirt were sitting in a blue stone pavilion, talking about something.

"Traitor? Why did he suddenly rebel?"

Wang Chuanming said doubtfully.

A Taiyi Golden Immortal in Yama Palace rebelled, and the senior officials of Yama Palace noticed it and issued a killing order.

"It's not sudden. He had contact with the pseudo-immortal before. He didn't know the identity of the pseudo-immortal at the time. He did a lot of things for the pseudo-immortal. He took advantage of his position to provide intelligence to the pseudo-immortal. He made many transactions and he couldn't escape even if he wanted to. If we weren’t discovered by Fairy Xu, we would definitely be in trouble.”

The big man in gold shirt said.

Chen Shan, the late Taiyi Golden Immortal, has been in the Wild Immortal Realm for millions of years, and is also the person in charge of the Yama Palace in the Wild Immortal Realm.

Chaos beasts are very clever in instigating rebellion against immortals. They usually ask pseudo-immortals to come forward and ask immortals to help them do whatever they can. They will give a reward each time. The more times they use it, the more they explain their identity. At this time, it is impossible for the immortal to turn back. , after all, the immortal has indeed done a lot for the pseudo-immortal. If you don’t know, you can be exempted, and there will be more uninformed people in the future.

If the leader of a clan or a leader of a faction defectes to the Chaos Beast, basically the entire clan or sect will be unlucky. If it's just the juniors who are acting as helpers, no one will care if the traitors are eliminated as soon as possible.

Hundreds of thousands of years ago, Tianchen Fairy, the master of the Yama Palace, killed a nine-color chaos beast in the Great Luo Jinxian stage. Her reputation soared, and her subordinates rebelled. They wanted to clean up the palace as soon as possible, and other forces would not investigate further.

"Will he escape to the Chaos Beast's territory?"

Fairy Qingmei guessed.

"He has been severely injured by Fairy Xu, and we have sent a large number of people to search the border. The probability of him escaping to the Chaos Beast's territory is very low. Senior Li has given a death order to find him at all costs and kill him without mercy. , whoever brings back his head will be heavily rewarded.”

Chen Shan said.

If something like this happens, he will be held accountable. As long as he finds this person and kills him, the impact can be minimized. If this person officially surrenders to the Chaos Beast, it will also affect the reputation of Yama Palace.

"This is his natal weapon and magical power! The pseudonym he used, as well as the status of his spiritual beast."

Chen Shan took out two golden jade slips and handed them to Wang Chuanming and Fairy Qingmei.

"By the way, Wanhu Merchant Alliance is holding a large-scale auction. Will this person participate? Send someone to guard the venue, and maybe we can find this person."

Wang Chuanming suggested.

Wanhu Merchant Alliance held a large-scale auction, attracting many Taiyi Golden Immortals to participate. Since this person was seriously injured, he might go to the auction.

"Leave this matter to me. You go to other sea areas to inquire about the situation, hoping to find this person."

Chen Shan said.

"Can you please ask a diviner from the Taiyi Golden Immortal Stage to help deduce the whereabouts of this person?"

Fairy Qingmei said.

"He doesn't know where he got a high-level immortal weapon that can block the deduction. We have already asked a fortune teller from the Taiyi Golden Immortal stage to deduce it. He has not mastered the law of destiny and cannot deduce it at all."

Chen Shan sighed.

He immediately contacted a fortune teller in the Taiyi Golden Immortal stage, but unfortunately he could not deduce it.

"Shield the fortune teller's deduction! There is such a treasure!"

Wang Chuanming said in surprise.

"Nothing strange. The Wild Immortal Territory is vast and rich in resources, rich in resources for cultivating immortals, and numerous treasures. You should leave as soon as possible!"

Chen Shan urged.

Wang Chuanming and Fairy Qingmei agreed, got up and left.

Wang Chuanming returned to his residence and quickly walked into a secret room. The stone walls were covered with mysterious runes. He took out a golden fairy mirror and entered a magic spell.

Not long after, Wang Mengli's face could be seen on the mirror.

"A traitor has appeared in the Yama Palace. This person is the Taiyi Golden Immortal, named Chen Liang. It is said that he has a treasure that can block the fortune teller's deduction."

Wang Chuanming said slowly.

"Chen Liang! Taiyi Golden Immortal, do you have more information about him?"

Wang Mengli asked.

Wang Chuanming answered truthfully and told Chen Liang's natal immortal weapon and magical power.

"I understand. I'll ask Qiulin to do a divination right away. You go look for this person first. If there's any news, I'll let you know right away."

Wang Mengli said.

"Also, the Wanhu Merchant Alliance held a large-scale auction. It is said that there is an elixir that can impact Daluo Jinxian, which attracted many Taiyi Golden Immortals to participate. The location is Wanhufang City in the Wanhu Sea Area."

Wang Chuanming thought of something and added.

"Wanhu Merchant Alliance! Large auction! I understand, and I will report it to the owner truthfully."

Wang Mengli agreed and cut off contact.

Wang Chuanming took out a golden magic plate, entered a magic formula, and said: "Lin Xin, gather people to find out who has followed Chen Liang and which sea areas he has been to."

"Yes, Senior Song."

Lin Xin agreed.


A certain desert island in the Suzaku Sea.

In a secret underground cave, Wang Tuntian sat cross-legged on the ground, his eyes slightly closed, and pictures of the four seasons hung on the wall.

Wang Mengli walked in and said: "Boss, Chuan Ming has sent word that the Wanhu Merchant Alliance is holding a large-scale auction. I heard that there is a magical elixir that can attack Daluo Jinxian."

Wang Tuntian opened his eyes, hit him, and said: "You can enter the Four Seasons Map yourself and report to the master!"

Wang Mengli nodded, flew into the Four Seasons Picture, came to the door of a secret room in Qinglian Palace, and sent out a transmission note.

Not long after, the door to the secret room opened, and Wang Changsheng's voice sounded: "Come in and talk!"

Wang Mengli walked in and saw Wang Changsheng sitting cross-legged on a blue stone bed.

She briefly told what happened, and Wang Changsheng showed an interested expression on his face: "The treasure of shielding deduction! This person's chance is not small. Let Qiulin deduce this person's whereabouts and see if he can be found."

Chen Liang took refuge with the Chaos Beast, and when he found this person, Wang Changsheng would not be polite.

"I have informed Qiulin. He is already deducing. Haitang is also back. She has mastered Taoism."

Wang Mengli said.

"Where did she get the original thing?"

Wang Changsheng said doubtfully.

He filmed Wang Qiulin and Ye Haitang heading to the Chaos Continent, where they found the Heavenly Witch to cast a curse and kill the Bagua Immortal. After completing the task, Ye Haitang went to Qinglian City, Wang Qiulin returned to the Wild Fairyland, and Wang Changsheng practiced in seclusion, unaware of Ye Haitang. How to get the original thing.

Wang Mengli told the truth, and Wang Changsheng was a little surprised: "Sold two origin objects to us in succession? This person is so lucky!"

"Should Chuan Ming use the power of Yama Palace to trace this person's origin?"

Wang Mengli suggested.

"No need, if he dares to trade with us, he must be a back-up, and the cooperation is pleasant. He has no grievances or grudges against us, so let him go!"

Wang Changsheng said.

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