Rise of Qinglian

4481 Capture Jin Yanxianzun

Silver Moon Sea Area, a certain sea area, the sea breeze is blowing.

There was a deafening roar, air waves were like tides, and huge waves surged into the sky.

A tall young man in a golden shirt stood high in the sky, his face flushed red, and there was a bloody hole as thick as a finger on his left shoulder.

Thousands of miles away opposite him, a girl in a golden dress with gorgeous features stood high in the sky with an indifferent expression.

A huge blue water curtain trapped them upside down, and traces of water flow could be seen on the surface of the blue water curtain.

"Who are you? I have not offended you!"

The young man in golden shirt frowned and said.

Jinyan Immortal, he is the younger brother of Bagua Immortal. He has the cultivation level of Taiyi Jinxian in the middle stage, but he has not mastered the Supreme Law.

"It doesn't matter who I am, you offended someone you shouldn't have offended."

The girl in the golden skirt spoke, and a golden sound wave swept out, heading straight for the Golden Flame Immortal Lord.

At the same time, a huge blue water column rose into the sky, heading straight towards the Golden Flame Immortal Lord like a blue sword holding up the sky.

Jin Yanxianzun wanted to avoid it, but a powerful force of confinement emerged, firmly imprisoning him in mid-air.

A stream of golden flames surged out of the body of Jin Yanxianzun. At the same time, he opened his mouth and sprayed out three flying knives with flashing golden light, facing the blue water column. He opened his mouth and sprayed out a red halo, facing the golden sound wave.

Three golden flying knives smashed the blue water column into pieces. The sea water splashed everywhere and suddenly condensed, turning into a tall young man in blue shirt.

The golden sound wave collided with the red aperture. The latter was like a paper lake, shattering instantly. The golden sound wave also collapsed and was replaced by a golden aperture.

The golden halo of light quickly passed over Jinyan Immortal Lord's body, and he felt that everything in front of him became blurry. The nearby environment changed, and he appeared in an endless desert.

"The law of illusion! The art of combined attack?"

Immortal Lord Jinyan said in surprise.

While the Jinyan Immortal Lord fell into the illusion, the young man in the blue shirt punched out, and a giant blue fist flashed out and hit the Jinyan Immortal Lord. His body suddenly turned into a blood mist, and the Nascent Soul was gone as soon as it left the body. Covered by a blue glow, the sleeves of the young man in blue shirt were rolled back.

"Finally succeeded."

The girl in the gold skirt looked happy. She was Wang Mengli, and her appearance had changed.

Wang Changsheng sent Wang Mengli, Wang Lin and Wang Huanyu to arrest the Jinyan Immortal Lord. Wang Chuanming gave an order to a Jinyan monk lurking in Ziyuefang City in the Yama Palace, asking him to spread the news that there was the essence of Nine Flames in the Silver Moon Sea. Wang Meng Li Ze showed up in the Silver Moon Sea with the Nine Flame Essence to confirm the news, and then Wang Lin followed Jinyan Immortal Lord and took action immediately when he arrived in the Silver Moon Sea.

The Golden Immortal monk responsible for spreading the news has been eliminated by Wang Chuanming, and there is no further trouble at all.

There were ripples in the void, and a hundred-foot-large hole appeared. Wang Mengli and Wang Lin flew into the hole, and the hole healed, and the blue water curtain collapsed.


On Hiyue Island, a vast bluestone square, Bagua Immortal is performing a performance. There is a golden talisman on his back. Lieyang Immortal, Fang Yuyao and Yu Qiuya stand aside.

Bagua Immortal Master prepared some protective measures before making another deduction.

Bagua Immortal activated the law of destiny, and countless mysterious characters rushed out and appeared next to Bagua Immortal.

He kept making up his mind and began to deduce.

"They are on a deserted island in the Blue Moon Sea, northeast."

Bagua Xianzun said.

"The fortune teller didn't take action again? Did you deduce this person's whereabouts so smoothly?"

Lieyang Immortal Lord was dubious. He had been teased many times and couldn't believe it anymore.

"It's not easy to block the deduction. I control the law of fate. The other party destroyed the island where they were hiding last time. I analyzed that there should be some kind of large formation on the island. I couldn't take it away in time and destroyed it directly."

Bagua Xianzun analyzed.

If the other party blocks the deduction easily, there is no need for the Bagua Immortal to perform the deduction at all.

"Mrs. Yu, can you move the formation into the space fairy weapon and let Yang Xiaoyou stay in the space fairy weapon? This will make it easier to deduce and make it easier for us to find this person."

Fang Yuyao said.

"No! Junior Nephew Yang must deduce divination under my nose. It's not that I can't trust the two of them. It's not easy for our Moon Palace to have a fortune teller who can master the laws of destiny."

Yu Qiuya refused directly. The Bagua Immortal Lord could still have a certain degree of freedom under her nose. If Yu Qiuya was not there, it is not known how Lieyang Immortal Lord and Fang Yuyao could use the Bagua Immortal Lord.

It is impossible for her to follow Lieyang Immortal Lord and Fang Yuyao everywhere. The Liang family has learned from the past and has to be on guard.

"Okay! Let's rush to the Blue Moon Sea immediately. I hope we can catch this person this time."

Lieyang Immortal Lord said that after many failures, he didn't have much confidence anymore.

He and Fang Yuyao left Hiyue Island, and Bagua Immortal frowned.

"What's wrong? Junior Nephew Yang?"

Yu Qiuya asked.

"I don't know why, but I always feel a little uneasy and something is going on."

Bagua Xianzun said.

Yu Qiuya frowned, pondered for a moment, and said, "I'm here on Biyue Island. They shouldn't dare to come and kill you if they want to deal with you."

She thought of something, took out a golden dharma plate, entered a dharma formula, and ordered: "Check where Junior Nephew Yang's brother is? Have him come back to the main altar immediately."

"Junior Brother Yang went to the Silver Moon Sea Territory to attend a large-scale auction. I heard that the Nine Flame Essence appeared, so I immediately sent someone to the Silver Moon Sea Territory."

A female voice sounded.

"What? Why did he suddenly run to the Silver Moon Sea? Who asked him to go?"

Yu Qiuya asked.

"I don't know. I'll send someone to investigate right away."

the woman said.

"Immediately send someone to find the treasure or secret talisman that can restrain the curse. No matter how much it costs, we must get it. Send someone to inform Liu Daoyou and the others and ask them for help from Haotian Palace."

Yu Qiuya ordered.

"Yes, master."

The woman agreed.

Yu Qiuya put away the Dharma plate and asked: "Master Nephew Yang, can you deduce the whereabouts of your brother?"

Bagua Xianzun nodded and said: "Divining opportunities or good or bad luck is not possible, but there is no problem in deducing the position. I will deduce it right away."

Yu Qiuya's eyebrows frowned, and she had a bad feeling in her heart.

Liang Yuying deduced Shen Ting's position, but the fortune teller in turn deduced Liang Yuying's position, and the other party attacked the coral island.

Yu Qiuya is sitting on Hiyue Island, so the other party would not dare to attack him. However, Bagua Immortal Lord has a younger brother, Jinyan Immortal Lord, and the other party is likely to use Jinyan Immortal Lord as a breakthrough point.

If you want to use the Jinyan Immortal Lord's curse to kill the Bagua Immortal Lord, only the curse law can do it.

Less than half an hour later, Bagua Immortal Lord said: "He is in the southwest of Chaos Continent! I wanted to deduce further, but was blocked by some kind of force. It should be the formation. No wonder I deduced Shen Ting so easily. They put the main force On my brother.”

"Chaos Continent! I guessed it right."

Yu Qiuya's face turned ugly, they had fallen into the trap again.

She took out a golden communication disk, typed in a magic formula, and ordered: "Contact fellow Taoist Fang and the others immediately and ask them to come back immediately. I was fooled again and sent people to find treasures or secret talismans to restrain the curse law. If Junior Nephew Yang has three advantages and two disadvantages, I won’t be polite to them.”

A Taiyi Golden Immortal who controls the law of destiny is very important, and the Moon Covering Palace is likely to rise as a result, provided that this Taiyi Golden Immortal can survive.

"Yes, master."

The woman agreed.

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