Rise of Qinglian

4455 five hundred thousand years

Time passed so fast, half a million years passed.

Yunchuan Continent is located in the northeastern part of the Wild Immortal Territory. It has a vast area. Chaos beasts and immortals have power in Yunchuan Continent and compete with each other.

A tide of Chaos Beasts will also break out here. Chaos Beasts and Immortals will fight here, and it will be difficult to determine the outcome.

There is a rapid river, and a huge ship with flashing green light floats on the river and goes down the river.

A young man with ordinary features in a blue shirt and a plump young woman in a blue skirt sat around a green tea table, drinking tea and chatting. They were Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan who had changed their appearance.

They have been traveling for nearly a million years, and there is still no sign of the bottleneck loosening. They have traveled to many sea areas, made friends with many Taiyi Golden Immortals, and exchanged a lot of resources for cultivating immortals.

The bottleneck showed no sign of loosening. They went to Yunchuan Continent specifically to practice with the Chaos Beasts to see if they could resolve the bottleneck in a life-and-death fight.

Wang Tuntian stood on the deck, responsible for controlling the flying fairy weapon.

The huge blue boat went down the river at a very fast speed.

An hour later, Wang Tuntian's eyes lit up with a dazzling yellow light, and he said: "Master, ahead is the ancestral land of the Golden Clam tribe. There are five seven-color chaos beasts and one eight-color chaos beast."

"There is not even a Nine-Colored Chaos Beast! Are you so weak!"

Wang Changsheng said.

"Mosquito meat is also meat, use them to test the power of treasures!"

Wang Ruyan said.

Wang Changsheng nodded, and the huge blue ship suddenly glowed brightly and flew forward.

Not long after, the giant blue ship stopped. There was a huge city on the ground in front of it. A large number of chaos beasts could be seen in the city, as well as some pseudo-immortals.

"Enemy attack, enemy attack!"

A loud siren sounded and spread throughout the city.

A large number of Chaos Beasts flew out of the city at extremely fast speeds.

Wang Changsheng's right fist burst out with a burst of dazzling black light, exuding strong fluctuations of the soul law, and a black halo of light swept out and faced him.

Chaos beasts below the Taiyi Golden Immortal stage touched the black aperture, and instantly their souls flew away. They fell from the sky and hit the ground heavily.

The five Taiyi Golden Immortal-stage seven-color chaos beasts tried to avoid it, but a powerful force of imprisonment emerged. A black halo of light passed over their bodies, and they let out a cry of pain. It felt like a sharp sword was slashing at them. On their soul sea, a large number of cracks appeared in their soul sea.

A sound broke through the air, and a golden giant ax shot out, like chopping melons and vegetables, cutting the bodies of five Taiyi Golden Immortal Stage seven-color chaos beasts into two halves. During the whole process, they had no resistance at all. .

"Who! Dare to attack our Golden Clam tribe?"

A cold male voice sounded.

An eight-color Chaos Beast with the head of a clam flew out of the giant city, and a giant blue palm filled with mysterious musical notes fell from the sky and struck the Eight-Color Chaos Beast.

The eight-color chaos beast wanted to avoid it, but the powerful force of confinement held it in place.

After a burst of dazzling eight-color spiritual light bloomed from its body surface, it regained its freedom, and the giant blue palm came in front of it. The void could not bear the giant blue palm, and a large number of cracks appeared.

The eight-color chaos beast held a black copper hammer in its hand, facing the giant blue palm.

With a muffled sound, the giant blue palm split apart, and a black halo of light swept out, quickly passing over the body of the eight-color chaos beast. It felt a flying knife hit its soul sea. The pain was unbearable, and some cracks appeared in the soul sea.

The golden giant ax shot out, and the eight-color chaos beast waved its left fist to meet it.

With a muffled sound of "clang", the golden giant ax flew backwards. A clear trace of blood could be seen on the left fist of the eight-color chaos beast, and the white bones were vaguely visible.

"A high-grade immortal weapon refined into Hongmeng Lingbao? Why is it so powerful?"

The eight-color chaos beast said in surprise.

"It's a pity that I couldn't be promoted to the best immortal weapon!"

Wang Changsheng said in a regretful tone that he refined some rare materials into the Sky-Destroying Ax to increase its power. However, these materials were not enough for the Sky-Destroying Ax to be promoted to a top-grade immortal weapon.

He needs to refine the fourth-level fairy mine, and it is not easy to find the fourth-level fairy mine.

"Are you avenging those guys?"

The eight-color chaos beast exclaimed.

The Golden Clam Tribe launched a tide of Chaos Beasts not long ago and killed many immortals, mistakenly thinking that Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan came here to seek revenge.

Wang Changsheng didn't talk nonsense to it. His right finger lit up with a dazzling blue light, and he tapped lightly into the void. A blue rainbow flew out, and instantly arrived in front of the eight-color chaos beast.

The eight-color Chaos Beast did not dare to confront him head-on, and hurriedly waved the black copper hammer to meet him.

At this moment, a golden glow fell from the sky, covering its body, and its reaction became very slow.

"High-quality time artifact!"

The eight-color chaos beast said in surprise.

The blue rainbow hit the head of the eight-color Chaos Beast. There was a blood hole in its head and it fell down.

There was chaos in the city, and Wang Ruyan used the Law of Destruction to easily destroy the chaos beasts and pseudo-immortals in the city.

Wang Changsheng released Wang Yang, Wang Lin, Wang Mengli and others and asked them to search for the immortal cultivation resources in the city. After searching all the resources, they collected the bodies of the Chaos Beasts and returned to the giant blue ship.

The giant blue ship lit up with a dazzling blue light and flew towards the distance.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan were not afraid as long as they didn't encounter the Chaos Beast of Daluo Jinxian stage.

There are many Chaos Beast tribes in Yunchuan Continent. Along the way, they have not encountered the Nine Color Chaos Beasts yet, and none of the Chaos Beasts they have encountered are their opponents.

Seven days later, a huge blue ship appeared over a huge city. The city was in a mess, and a large number of corpses of chaos beasts could be seen. Wang Tuntian, Wang Lin, Wang Yang and others were searching for resources for cultivating immortals.

They successively destroyed four Chaos Beast tribes with Taiyi Golden Immortal as their commander, and none of these Chaos Beasts could stop them.

Half an hour later, Wang Tuntian and others returned to the giant blue ship.

There was a deafening explosion, and a huge red mushroom cloud rose into the sky, which was very conspicuous.

Wang Tuntian's eyes lit up with a dazzling yellow light, and he looked in the direction of the red mushroom cloud.

"It's the three brothers Ximen Zhi! Master, they are being chased by the eight-color chaos beast, and they can't handle it."

Wang Tuntian said.

"It's actually them. Come on, let's go over and help them!"

With a pinch of Wang Changsheng's secret, the giant blue ship suddenly emitted a bright blue light and disappeared from the spot.

Above a vast expanse of green mountains, the three brothers Ximen Zhi were covered by a thick curtain of three-color light. Their faces were pale, and an eight-color chaos beast that looked like a falcon was fighting fiercely with them.

Under the belly of the eight-color chaos beast is a pair of sickle-like claws, flashing with a cold light.

"If you dare to cause trouble in our territory, you are seeking death."

The eight-color chaos beast's tone was cold.

It flapped its wings lightly and disappeared from its place.

"No, be careful."

Ximen Zhi's expression changed and he exclaimed.

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