Rise of Qinglian

4305 three hundred thousand years

Time is like a white horse passing by, and three hundred thousand years have passed.

In Qinglian City, the streets are spacious and clean, with numerous shops, bustling with people, noisy carriages and horses, and many children of the Wang family can be seen.

Since repelling two counterattacks by the Chaos Beasts hundreds of thousands of years ago, the Chaos Beasts have never attacked Qinglian City again. However, the Huangcheng under its jurisdiction occasionally encounters Chaos Beast attacks and is quickly dealt with.

Xuancheng will also be attacked by chaos beasts, but the number of times is very small, and the number of chaos beasts is not large.

The Wang family has more and more Immortal Armor troops. Whenever Chaos Beasts appear near Qinglian City and its subordinate cities, the Wang Family sends out the Immortal Armor Army to destroy these Chaos Beasts and use them to train their troops.

After many times, the Chaos Beast learned the lesson and stopped sending Chaos Beasts to harass and make unnecessary sacrifices.

A vast manor with water mill corridors and exotic flowers and rocks.

More than thirty Golden Immortal monks, including Wang Xianzong, Wang Yinyin, Liang Qiuyun, Wang Yunlong, Wang Xinghai, Lan Fukong, Gongsun Yang, etc., were sitting in a blue stone pavilion, drinking tea and chatting.

Lan Fukong has restored his original cultivation level and is currently in the middle stage of Golden Immortal. Wang Xinghai has advanced to the Golden Immortal stage.

The Wang family relied on the immortal mines, immortal trees and immortal water in the Qinglian Mountains to purchase immortal cultivation resources and cultivate more golden immortal monks. At the same time, they created a large number of Chaos Armored Stomachs, and the Immortal Armor Army continued to expand.

The number of Golden Immortal monks in the Lan Family, Zhenhai Palace, Ni Family, and Wanling Sect has more than doubled in 300,000 years, and their development is getting better and better.

The Wang family purchased the immortal cultivation resources of the Lan Family, Zhenhai Palace, Ni Family, Wanling Sect and other auxiliary forces at a price higher than the market price, and refined the finished products for sale. This not only helped the auxiliary forces solve the sales problem, but also increased their income. Narrowed the relationship with affiliated forces.

In-laws such as the Ye family, the Shangguan family, the Chu family, and the Cao family do business with the Wang family, and by the way, they buy immortal-killing arrows from the Wang family. With these two strategic materials, the immortal-killing arrows and the Chaos Armored Stomach, the Wang family was able to collect a large amount of resources for cultivating immortals, including Hunyuan Stone and Chaos Beast Corpse, even the Five Immortals Sect and Huoyue Clan also purchased Chaos Armor Stomach and Immortal-Destroying Arrows from the Wang family.

For in-laws or affiliated forces of the Wang family, the Wang family can sell more Chaos Armor and Immortal-Destroying Arrows, but other forces have limited amounts and need to exchange for high-level materials.

The Wang family does business with other dungeons, and the immortal cultivation resources obtained are refined into finished products, which are transported by the Economic and Trade Hall to multiple sea areas for sale. They then purchase the unique immortal cultivation resources in the sea area and then transport them to Chaos Continent to earn the price difference.

"This auction actually brought out ten pieces of medium-grade Chaos Armor and Stomach, which attracted many forces to come and participate in the auction."

Gongsun Yang said with a smile.

The Wang family is developing well, and the Wanling Sect is also benefiting from it. Among other things, the Chaos Armor Stomach and Immortal-Destroying Arrows are difficult for other forces to obtain. The Wanling Sect can purchase them from the Wang family. The Wang family has no limit, but the Wanling Sect cannot afford them. That’s all.

The Wang family once again united multiple forces to hold a large-scale auction, this time targeting Taiyi Golden Immortal.

"Ten mid-grade Chaos Armor Stomachs are nothing. I heard that there are also third-grade immortal talismans and high-grade immortal weapons, but they have to be exchanged for rare materials. Things of the same value are also acceptable."

Lan Fukong said, his face full of pride, as if he had taken it out.

"I have been very busy during this period. I have to entertain the immortals who come to buy resources for cultivating immortals."

Wang Xianzong said with a smile. He is currently in the middle stage of Golden Immortal, has cultivated to the peak of True Spirit, and is a captain of the Immortal Armor Army.

"Speaking of which, the Chaos Beasts haven't invaded for a long time. It's rare for them to be so honest!"

Gongsun Yang was puzzled.

For thousands of years, the Chahar tribe and the Nangong Immortal Clan have not had such a long period of peace. In the past, at least there would be chaos beasts attacking Xuancheng. Now, there has been no tide of chaos beasts for hundreds of thousands of years, and they are still a little used to it.

"Hehe, who doesn't know that the Wang family is proficient in the art of refining weapons and has a lot of immortal-killing arrows and immortal-killing cannons. Maybe Senior Wang has already refined the top-grade immortal-killing arrows."

Lan Fukong smiled and said proudly.

The Wang Family is different from other dungeons. Other dungeons can get one or two high-grade immortal cannons, which is already very good. Just assuming that there are as many as five high-grade immortal cannons on the walls of Qinglian City, this The number is still apparent, but in fact it must be more.

The Wang family has a yellow-level immortal ship, which is second only to the Nangong Immortal Clan in strength. The defense of Qinglian City is far superior to other dungeons, which is one of the reasons why the Chaos Beasts dare not invade.

"High-grade immortal-killing arrows are not so easy to refine. The materials are difficult to find. The corpse of the nine-color chaos beast is required as the main material. The two processes require the cooperation of the immortal weapon master and the immortal talisman master."

Wang Xianzong said that the status of the Wang family has increased, and he has been able to associate with the golden immortal monks carefully trained by big forces, increasing his knowledge and broadening his horizons.

The reason why the top-grade immortal-killing arrows are precious is not only because the materials are hard to find, but also has a lot to do with the two processes. Even the Nangong Immortal Clan does not have many top-grade immortal-killing arrows.

"Two processes are nothing. Senior Wang and Senior Wang are not ordinary Taiyi Golden Immortals. They will definitely be able to refine the top-grade Immortal-Destroying Arrow. It is only a matter of time."

Lan Fukong boasted, his eyes fell on Wang Xinghai, and his tone changed: "Fellow Daoist Wang has understood the laws of the stars at a young age. Gods can definitely catch up with Senior Wang and Senior Wang in the future through gods."

Wang Xinghai competed with other Golden Immortal monks and activated the Star Law to fight against the enemy. The news had already spread, and it was not considered a major secret.

He lives in Qinglian Peak, is a member of the Wang family's key training, and is also the Wang family's Golden Immortal that Lan Fukong focuses on.

"Fellow Daoist Lan is ridiculous. I am only in the early stage of Golden Immortal. How can I catch up with my ancestor so easily?"

Wang Xinghai said modestly, with a look of longing on his face.

"Just because it's not easy doesn't mean it's impossible. I'm a good judge of people. You can definitely advance to Taiyi Golden Immortal."

Lan Fukong boasted, his face full of pride, as if he was the one who could advance to Taiyi Golden Immortal.

Wang Xinghai took out a shimmering silver disk and entered a magic formula. Wang Changsheng's voice sounded: "Xinghai, where are you!"

"Ancestor! Ancestor Yunlong and I are drinking tea and discussing Taoism!"

Wang Xinghai said truthfully.

"It's nothing important. I'll go back to Qinglian Peak right away. I'll see you if I need anything."

Wang Changsheng said.

"Yes, my grandson will go back immediately."

Wang Xinghai agreed and put away the silver disk.

Wang Yunlong and others are full of envy. Wang Changsheng has advanced to the Taiyi Golden Immortal Queen. It is difficult for them to see Wang Changsheng. Wang Xinghai is lucky enough to see Wang Changsheng often.

"What am I talking about! Fellow Daoist Wang is really valued by Senior Wang, and he will definitely be able to advance to Taiyi Golden Immortal."

Lan Fukong's face was full of flattery.

"Good words from Taoist friend Chenglan."

Wang Xinghai smiled confidently. He cupped his fists at Wang Yunlong and others and said politely: "Ancestor Yunlong and Ancestor Yinyin, I'll go over first and we'll meet up later."

Wang Yunlong and others naturally did not stop him and stood up to see him off.

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