Rise of Qinglian

4264 thirty thousand years

Time flies, thirty thousand years have passed.

Tianhuo Sea Area, Chilifang City.

The streets are spacious and clean, with numerous buildings and a large flow of people. You can see many children of the Wang family.

After the Wang family got married to the Nangong Immortal Clan, their power increased greatly. The Wang family members spread all over the 60 sea areas of the Beihai Immortal Territory, collecting resources for cultivating immortals and gathering intelligence.

In a vast manor, Shangguan Feiyue and a tall young man in green shirt were sitting in a green bamboo pavilion, drinking tea and chatting.

The young man in green shirt has handsome features, red lips and white teeth, and holds a white folding fan, giving him the impression of a handsome young man.

Wang Yunsen, in the early days of Jinxian, was a descendant of Wang Zonglang and the deputy head of the Economic and Trade Hall.

After taking over a dungeon, the Wang family received more and more resources for cultivating immortals. There were more and more Golden Immortal monks, and each hall expanded. The older generation began to direct behind the scenes and let the younger generation do things, which was also a kind of training.

Wang Yunsen is responsible for managing the family's business in the Skyfire Sea Territory. Strictly speaking, he is responsible for giving orders, and other clan members will handle the specific matters.

With the support of the Wang family, the fish-men tribe continues to prosper, and there is no need to hide it. The Jinchen tribe is not targeting the fish-men tribe, there is no need at all.

The Wang family is developing rapidly without huge benefits. The Jinchen clan, Five Immortals Clan, Huoyue clan and other forces are unwilling to have a head-on conflict with the Wang family. The Wang family has added some new clan rules to restrain the clan members and avoid conflicts with other major forces as much as possible. Head-on collision.

Making fewer enemies and making more friends is the current development strategy of the Wang family.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, it will be my birthday in a hundred years. I have set up a few tables. If you have time, you must come and have a few drinks."

Shangguan Feiyue said enthusiastically.

The Shangguan family has a long heritage and failed to marry into the Nangong Immortal Clan. The Taiyi Golden Immortal of the Shangguan family also failed to receive guidance from the Nangong Immortal Clan's Da Luo Jinxian.

There are sixty sea areas in the Beihai Immortal Territory. There are a lot of Taiyi Golden Immortals, but there are not many Taiyi Golden Immortals who have understood the Supreme Law. Most of them come from big forces, and a small number come from small forces. Wang Changsheng is one of them.

At that time, Nangong Dezhi understood the laws of space. After many years of latent cultivation, he was promoted to Daluo Jinxian and led the Nangong family to where it is today.

Like Nangong Dezhi, the founders of the Li sect of Wanbao Sect and Wan Beast Palace all comprehended a supreme law. After many twists and turns, they cultivated to Da Luo Jinxian and led the sect to glory. Of course, in addition to them, there were also some enlightenments in Beihai Immortal Territory. Most of the immortals who came out of the Supreme Law died young.

In the eyes of the outside world, Wang Changsheng is likely to be the next Nangong Dezhi. The Wang family is taking the same path that the Nangong Immortal Clan, Wanbao Sect, and Ten Thousand Beasts Palace took in the past, and the forces that have good relations with these three forces have also benefited.

To put it bluntly, some forces took a fancy to Wang Changsheng's potential, so they married and formed an alliance with the Wang family, hoping that they would also benefit from the development of the Wang family.

"Definitely, I have something else to do, so I'll take my leave now."

Wang Yunsen stood up and said goodbye.

Shangguan Feiyue personally saw him off. Wang Yunsen came to the exit of Fangshi. A group of monks were already waiting at the door. Both the Wang family monks and the fishman monks were inside.

Wang Yunsen raised his right hand, and a ray of green light flew out, turning into a flying boat with flashing green light. He walked up, followed by the others.

Wang Yunsen pinched the secret, and the azure flying boat lit up with a green light and flew high into the sky.

Along the way, Wang Yunsen met many Golden Immortal monks, and some of them greeted them enthusiastically.

After entering the Chaos Continent, Wang Yunsen met fewer golden immortal monks. The green flying boat flew in the wilderness, and sometimes he encountered immortals hunting chaos beasts.

Wang Yunsen didn't pay too much attention and said hello when he met acquaintances.

More than a month later, the green flying boat appeared above a rolling mountain range. This is the Qinglian Mountain Range. It used to be the territory of the Hulan tribe, but now it is the territory of the Wang family.

After a cup of tea, the green flying boat stopped. A vast city appeared in front of it. The city wall was more than a thousand feet high. A lacquered gold plaque hung above the city gate with three words "Tianqin City" written on it. With large green characters, a group of monks were standing on the wall, and Wang Yunfu was also inside.

Since Nangong Yueshuo's celebration ended, Qinglian City and its subordinate cities have stepped up their vigilance to guard against attacks by chaotic beasts, and Tianqin City is no exception.

"Yunsen, nothing happened on the way!"

Wang Yunfu asked with a smile.

"Have a safe journey. There is no need to attack me if you want to make trouble with our family. With the current development of our family, there are not many forces that want to go against us! After all, we do not control any rare resources for cultivating immortals..."

Before Wang Yunsen finished speaking, a burst of thunder resounded across the sky and the earth. The originally clear sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds, and there was lightning and thunder.

"All tribesmen will leave Tianqin City immediately. With Tianqin City as the center, they will be on guard five hundred thousand miles away. No outsiders will be allowed to approach Tianqin City."

A loud male voice sounded.

As soon as he finished speaking, Wang Qingcheng flew to high altitude and directed the tribesmen to leave.

Under his arrangement, there were not many tribesmen in Tianqin City and they were easy to mobilize.

Wang Yunfu and Wang Yunsen looked at each other. They vaguely thought of something. It was probably that Wang Ruyan was going to attack Taiyi Golden Immortal.

More than a hundred members of the Wang family left Tianqin City and guarded the periphery. At the same time, the Wang family mobilized a large number of experts. With Tianqin City as the center, the area within a radius of three million miles was sealed off, and no outsiders were strictly prohibited from approaching. .

Wang Changsheng and Wang Qingcheng stood on the top of a peak. They looked at the nine-colored thunder clouds in the sky with solemn expressions.

"Sure enough!"

Wang Changsheng said to himself.

There was a thunderous sound, and an extremely thick nine-color fairy thunder pierced the sky and crashed into a small valley surrounded by mountains on three sides.

A yellow mist surged from the ground, covering the entire valley.

Wang Changsheng asked Nangong Changyan to arrange a third-level immortal formation so that Wang Ruyan could survive the tribulation more easily.

The Nine-Colored Immortal Thunder submerged into the sea of ​​yellow mist, like a sea of ​​mud, and no sound was heard.

Soon, the second, thicker nine-color immortal thunder crashed down and disappeared into the sea of ​​yellow mist.

The thunder continued, and the whole world seemed to turn into nine colors. Nine-color fairy thunders were submerged into the yellow fog sea one after another, and the area of ​​the yellow fog sea shrank rapidly.

In less than half a quarter of an hour, the yellow sea of ​​mist dissipated, and Wang Ruyan sat cross-legged on a blue lotus platform, wearing a medium-grade Chaos Armor.

She flicked her sleeves, and three blue-light command flags flew out. After flying around her in a circle, they turned into a thick blue water curtain, covering her.

An extremely thick Nine-Colored Immortal Thunder struck on the blue water curtain. The blue water curtain caused ripples. The Nine-Colored Immortal Thunder exploded and turned into a huge ball of Nine-Colored Thunder Light, covering Wang Ruyan's figure.

Before the nine-color thunder light dissipated, a nine-color immortal thunder that was thicker than before exploded.

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