Rise of Qinglian

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Deep in the Hulan Mountains, a large number of monks are building cities and setting up formations.

Pieces of blue boulders were piled up to form a tall city wall. The formation master carved formation patterns on the city wall and arranged formations around the perimeter.

There is a steep peak with a magnificent palace on the top of the mountain. On the plaque are the three characters "Yunxue Palace" written on it.

The door was open, Nangong Yuexue was sitting on the main seat, Fairy Liuyun and a dozen Taiyi Golden Immortals were sitting on both sides, their faces looked happy.

They killed a Chaos Beast belonging to Taiyi Golden Immortal and wounded Falcon, the leader of the Hulan tribe. Tens of thousands of Immortal Armor troops were responsible for wiping out the Chaos Beasts below Taiyi Golden Immortal. Twenty of them were cultivated into peak true spirits. The golden immortals are the main force. They have mastered the art of combined attack and are invincible.

"We have captured the Hulan Mountains, and the Falcon has also been injured by us. It should have gone to ask for help from other tribes. We don't have much time left. We need to build a dungeon as soon as possible and set up formations to resist Chaos. An army of beasts.”

Nangong Yuexue said.

"Fairy Nangong, reinforcements are on the way! It's difficult for us alone to stop the Chaos Beast from counterattacking."

Yan Yu said with some worry.

The last time the Nangong Immortal Clan took the initiative to launch a war against the Chahar tribe, the result was heavy losses. The Snow Mantis Clan, the backer of the Huoyue Clan, lost four Taiyi Golden Immortals and was completely in decline. The Huoyue Clan took the opportunity to replace the Snow Mantis Clan and take over. The dungeon controlled by the Snow Mantis clan has developed for many years before it has the strength and foundation it has today.

She does not want the Nangong Immortal Clan to start a full-scale war with the Chahar Tribe. If they win, the Huoyue Clan will not get much benefit. If they lose, the Huoyue Clan may suffer bad luck and suffer a serious loss of vitality.

"Don't worry, Ancestor Yuwei has already mobilized his troops and will send a high-grade immortal-killing arrow over!"

Nangong Yuexue said.

"High-quality immortal-killing arrow!"

After hearing this, Fairy Liuyun and others all looked happy.

They knew the strength of the Immortal-Destroying Arrow, but they did not expect that the Nangong Immortal Clan took out a high-grade Immortal-Destroying Arrow, coupled with a Yellow-level Immortal Ship, which made them feel more at ease.

"That's great. We have a high-grade immortal-killing arrow. We'll have no problem guarding this place."

Cao Yuanxing was overjoyed. If there was a high-quality immortal-killing arrow, the chaos beast would not be able to invade the dungeon so easily, let alone a yellow-level immortal ship.

"Fairy Nangong, who will manage this dungeon? You, the Nangong Fairy Clan, will personally send people to manage it?"

Fairy Liuyun asked.

As soon as these words came out, Cao Yuanxing and others looked at Nangong Yuexue.

There are many fairy mines in the Hulan Mountains. If they can take over this dungeon, they will develop better.

"Whoever has the most merit will take over this dungeon, and the same goes for that miniature Hunyuan stone vein."

Nangong Yuexue said.

If you want these Taiyi Golden Immortals to contribute, you must come up with good things.

After hearing this, Fairy Liuyun and others looked happy.

Cao Yuanxing took out a Dharma plate with flashing red light, entered a Dharma formula, and looked happy.

"Great, Fellow Daoist Wang has been promoted to Taiyi Golden Immortal."

Cao Yuanxing said with a smile.

The Wang family informed the Cao family, and the Cao family used a large immortal formation to notify the clansmen in Chaos Continent, and the clansmen reported to Cao Yuanxing.

"Master Taihao has been promoted to Taiyi Golden Immortal? That's great."

Fairy Liuyun was pleasantly surprised. She and Wang Changsheng were fellow villagers, and the Ye family had another powerful ally.

"He has not been promoted to Taiyi Golden Immortal for a long time. He cannot deal with the Chaos Beasts at the Taiyi Golden Immortal stage. This battle still depends on us."

Lin Tianba said.

With the Wang family's background, I'm afraid they don't even have a top-grade immortal weapon. Even if Taihao Zhenren's laws are perfected, it will be difficult to kill the chaos beasts in the Taiyi Golden Immortal stage.

"That's right, he was far behind. By the time he arrived, the day lilies were already cold."

Yan Yu agreed.

"Yes! It is estimated that the war will be over by then, and his promotion to Taiyi Golden Immortal will not affect the direction of the war."

Jin Xin deeply agreed.

"That's not necessarily true. I heard that they obtained a high-level divine soul technique and understood the divine soul law."

Fairy Liuyun spoke favorably for Wang Changsheng.

Yan Yu smiled contemptuously and said: "Fairy Ye is joking, how can the law of the divine soul be so easy to comprehend? To tell you the truth, I have taken the second-grade Taoist pill and the Wanhui Immortal Talisman that contain the divine soul law, but I have not been able to comprehend it. Out of the law of the soul.”

"Yes, the Nangong Immortal Clan also has the Divine Soul Cultivation Technique. If you have the Divine Soul Cultivation Technique, you can comprehend it. There are many people in the Nangong Immortal Clan who have mastered the Divine Soul Cultivation Technique. I have not heard of any fellow Nangong Daoist who has comprehended it. The law of the soul.”

Lin Tianba sneered.

"Yes! If I get a time skill, wouldn't I be able to comprehend the law of time?"

Jin Xin sneered.

"Just because you can't do it doesn't mean that others can't do it. I've cultivated myself into a peak true spirit, but you can't do it."

Fairy Liuyun retorted.

"Okay, one word for each person. Since he has been promoted to Taiyi Golden Immortal, Fellow Daoist Cao will send someone to inform him and let him lead the team to Chaos Continent. I hope he will not be needed!"

Nangong Yuexue ordered.

It's good for people to compete, but taking it too far can lead to internal strife.

"Okay, I'll ask my clansmen to notify Fellow Daoist Wang immediately."

Cao Yuanxing agreed.

"Okay, you all go back and rest! There will be a fierce battle waiting for us later!"

Nangong Yuexue asked them to retreat.

The news that Wang Changsheng was promoted to Taiyi Golden Immortal spread quickly. Wang Qingshan and others were overjoyed when they heard the news.

Thanks to Wang Changsheng's promotion to Taiyi Golden Immortal, errands such as building cities and encircling Chaos Beasts no longer need to be assigned to Wang family monks. They go directly to guard the second-level immortal mines. With Taiyi Golden Immortal as their backer, their treatment is completely different.


The Chahar Mountains stretch for hundreds of millions of miles, and this is the home base of the Chahar tribe.

Deep in the mountains, the cricket is reporting to the bat.

Bat is still in the Taiyi Golden Immortal stage. He is a senior member of the Chahar tribe and has evolved three times.

"They are so courageous. The Nangong Immortal Clan cares about food and not fighting. It seems that they have forgotten the last disastrous defeat. Send the order, and the Barhu Tribe, Zalandin Tribe, and Haierhan Tribe will allocate their troops to recapture Hulan. Mountains, kill those immortals.”

Bat ordered.

"You want to recruit experts from three tribes? Expanding the war will not end well."

Cricket's face showed hesitation.

"If you don't show them how powerful they are, they will push it further. This time they destroyed the Hulan tribe, but next time! They must be beaten painfully."

Bat ordered.

"It won't be long before the Hundred Branch Conference will be held. It is not appropriate to expand the war."

Cricket suggested.

"I know. Because of this, I want to quickly destroy the invading enemies, end this matter, and prepare for the Hundred Branch Conference with all my strength."

Bat explained.

The Hundred Tribes Conference is a grand gathering of twelve Chaos Beast Tribes. The best ones are selected to enter the Mother Tower of the Shifang Child Mother Tower to evolve. The Child Tower allows the Chaos Beast to evolve up to three times. If the Chaos Beast wants to continue evolving, it needs to enter the Mother Tower. Even if Entering the mother tower may not necessarily allow you to evolve again.

"I know, I'll ask Qin Man to convey the order right away."

Cricket agreed.

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