Rise of Qinglian

Chapter 4084 Sacrifice

During the last Immortal Meteor Catastrophe, the Murong family's losses were not so great. The main reason was that the Murong family only had two mysterious cities at that time, and their defense power was relatively strong. Now they have five mysterious cities, which spreads their strength.

In addition to the five mysterious cities, the Murong family also has a lot of territory in the Tianchen Sea area, which requires Golden Immortal monks to take charge.

Eleven Golden Immortal monks were captured by Chaos Beasts. Most of them were in the early stage of Golden Immortal, and there was basically no possibility of survival.

A difficult problem also faced the Murong family: what to do with the five mysterious cities.

With the current strength of the Murong family, they can completely defend the five mysterious cities. The question is, how long will the Immortal Meteor Catastrophe last? It lasted too long, and the pressure to defend the five mysterious cities was great.

If they do not want the five Xuancheng, the defensive pressure will not be so great, but a lot of benefits will be lost. As long as they give up the other Xuancheng, the Cao family will be handed over to other forces to take care of it, and it will not be easy to get Xuancheng again.

The Immortal Meteor Catastrophe is both a disaster and an opportunity for the immortals, it all depends on your strength.

Cangyun Palace is the oldest force in the Tianchen Sea Area. It suffered heavy losses in the last Immortal Meteor Catastrophe and almost lost its lineage. It is still just surviving. The Murong family gained many mysterious cities in the last Immortal Meteor Catastrophe. After many years Only through development can we achieve our current status.

Every time a catastrophe breaks out, some forces will decline and others will rise.

"How should I report to the Cao family? The Qian family and Qixia Palace's Xuancheng cannot be defended, and our five Xuanchengs cannot be defended either. Tell me what you think."

Murong Zhengxian said.

"You can exaggerate the losses, but you can't lose the five mysterious cities. Our ancestors' inheritance, and the efforts and sacrifices of many generations have led to our current territory. If we lose the five mysterious cities, how will our ancestors explain when they come back? How will we face our ancestors? ?”

Murong Tianbao said in a deep voice.

The inheritance of our ancestors cannot be lost, otherwise we will have no face to face our ancestors who sacrificed their lives.

"That's right, the five Xuancheng cannot be lost, nor can the Xuancheng of the Qian family and Qixia Palace. If the Chaos Beast Tide attacks again, and the scale is too large, retreat immediately. Don't hesitate. People are the most important. If the Chaos Beasts attack The scale of the beast tide is not large, so just hold on and lose Xuancheng. It will be difficult to get Xuancheng again. Cangyun Palace is a lesson learned from the past."

Murong Tianya expressed his opinion.

"Can Ancestor Tianyan deduce the direction of this Immortal Meteor Catastrophe? Or where will the war be the most brutal?"

Murong Yuhong asked curiously.

"Tianyan is already deducing it and hopes to be able to deduc it."

Murong Zhengxian said.

Fortune tellers are not omnipotent. Strictly speaking, Fairy Luoshui is no more than a Golden Fairy and her abilities are limited.

Fairy Luoshui walked in with a solemn look on her face.

"Tianyan, is there any result?"

Murong Zhengxian said happily.

"I can't deduce the direction of the Immortal Meteor Catastrophe, but I can deduce that if there is a bloody disaster in our territory, we should just defend a few important mysterious cities. The smaller the number, the easier it is to defend."

Fairy Luoshui said solemnly.

"The bloody disaster? Where are the other places!"

Murong Tianbao asked.

"I don't know. It's beyond my ability. According to the hexagrams, there will be a war in our territory. It will be a very tragic war. We must prepare for the war in advance."

Fairy Luoshui's expression was solemn.

"What? A terrible battle?"

Murong Zhengxian frowned.

In this way, they naturally cannot keep the five mysterious cities, and they are reluctant to abandon their ancestral heritage, and are in a dilemma.

"I suggest that we just need to hold on to two Xuancheng. Most of the Yellow City should be abandoned. We should send people to purchase important strategic materials such as medium-grade immortal cannons, medium-grade chaos armors, and medium-grade immortal arrows. We should also dispatch manpower from the rear to provide support. In the Chaos Continent, as long as we can resist, the territory will be even larger, and other forces may be wiped out and will give up more territory."

Fairy Luoshui suggested.

Murong Tianbao and Murong Tianya looked at Murong Zhengxian and asked about his attitude.

"Just do what Tianyan said! Report it to the Cao family and exaggerate the losses. We only need to defend two Xuancheng."

Murong Zhengxian pondered for a while and then spoke with a look of reluctance.

Everything has its pros and cons, and there are not so many things that have the best of both worlds.

"Yes, Ancestor Zhengxian."

Murong Tianbao and others agreed in unison and followed the order.


A large number of chaos beasts can be seen in the endless green mountains, mostly of five colors.

In a huge valley surrounded by mountains on three sides, an eight-color chaos beast in the shape of a beastman stood in front of a huge tower with black light constantly flowing, with a respectful expression.

Dozens of seven-color chaos beasts stood on the three peaks with respectful expressions.

The giant black tower shook slightly, and a burst of dazzling black light lit up. A somewhat immature man's voice came from the giant black tower: "Is the food ready? I'm going to eat."

"Ready, Master Teng."

The eight-color chaos beast said.

“Then let’s serve it!”

A man's voice came from the giant black tower.

"The sacrifice begins."

The eight-color chaos beast shouted loudly.

As soon as he finished speaking, a large number of Chaos Beasts walked in. They all carried immortals on their backs. Zhenjun Jade Chan, Madam Jade Spider, Zhang Yilei, Jin Yulan, Meng Yudie, Qin Chuan and Wang Yunchen were all inside, and there were thousands of them. Most of them were True Immortal cultivators, and there were more than a hundred Golden Immortal cultivators.

Their faces were full of despair, unable to mobilize the immortal power. They were just fish on the chopping board. Qin Chuan tried hard to tear the black rattan, but it was of no use. .

Wang Yunchen's ribs were pierced by a black vine. Like him, the six True Immortal monks had their ribs pierced by black vines and were strung together. A five-color chaos beast that looked like a bat was grabbing the black vine.

The five-color chaos beast carried them and flew into the huge black tower. What greeted them was a spacious and bright black hall with a circular pool in the center.

The five-color chaos beast flew over the pool, released its claws, and Wang Yunchen and the other seven fell into the pool.

They struggled to climb out of the pool.

Countless mysterious black runes suddenly emerged from the pool, and a black glow rose into the sky, drowning the seven figures of Wang Yunchen.

Wang Yunchen felt a mysterious force envelope him, his life force was flowing away, and his body was disappearing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

He felt a strong sleepiness coming over him and lost consciousness.

Not long after, Wang Yunchen regained consciousness. He was surprised to find that he was in a magnificent palace, with a blue lotus lantern placed in front of him.

He Himself is in a golden body, as if made of gold.

"What's wrong with me? Wasn't it that I was sent to the sub-tower of the Shifang Zi-Mother Pagoda for sacrifice by the Chaos Beast?"

Wang Yunchen said.

A girl in a gold dress with gorgeous features walked in.

"Yunxi, why are you here? Where are you?"

Wang Yunchen said confused.

"I have always been here. This is the inheritance list. Brother Yunchen, it seems that something unexpected happened to you. Don't worry! I will notify the head of the family and let you absorb enough power of incense to revive you."

Wang Yunxi said.

"Inheritance list! Resurrection!"

Wang Yunchen's tone was full of doubts.

"We will know when you are resurrected, but it will take a long time. You are in the middle stage of true immortality. If you want to be resurrected, with the incense provided by our family, it will take at least 500,000 years. Fortunately, after your resurrection, your cultivation will be the same, and your longevity will be the same. Calculated as before the fall."

Wang Yunxi said.

Under the current conditions of the Wang family, it would take half a million years to resurrect a middle-stage True Immortal monk. This is still a conservative estimate. No members of the clan have been resurrected so far. If the Wang family has a particularly large territory and builds golden bodies everywhere, and the monks provide incense, Wang Yunchen can be resurrected. time can be shortened.

This is still to resurrect a true immortal monk, but it is even more difficult to resurrect a golden immortal monk.

"In other words, other members of the True Immortal stage who were killed can be resurrected?"

Wang Yunchen said.

"Well, you have a good rest first, I'm going to inform the head of the family."

Wang Yunxi warned, turned around and walked out.

4045 was written incorrectly as Seven-Star Golden Pill. I revised it and changed a bottle. The result was the same. I remembered it wrong. It needs to be refined with mutated seven-color crystal cores. It is still difficult to obtain the seven-color mutated crystal cores.

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