Rise of Qinglian

Chapter 4070 Divination

Old Jin Lin grabbed it with one hand, and the Jin Lin Ling flew towards him and landed on his hand. He injected immortal energy into it, and the mini unicorn in front of the Jin Lin Ling seemed to come to life, lit up with a dazzling red light, and made a sound. A loud beast roar.

"Yes, it's the Golden Lin Order sent by me."

Old man Jin Lin nodded and asked: "Mrs. Wang, what is your birthday? I can deduce it for you. By the way, you guys didn't hide your cultivation, did you? The world is so big, we have the same year, the same month, the same day and the same time as you. There are quite a few female monks giving birth, and I guarantee that there will be some who are like you and have reached the Golden Immortal Stage. If you don’t tell me clearly, my divination may not be accurate."

"Fellow Daoist He, if it is true as you said, there is someone born at the same time as my wife, and both have cultivated to the Golden Immortal stage, the opportunity you divined is hers?"

Wang Changsheng asked curiously.

"If you don't make it clear, there is a possibility. In this case, you may not be able to find this opportunity. The fairy world is so big, and your locations may be different. If it is too far apart, you will not be able to find her opportunity at all. If we are very close together, you may have a chance to get her, but of course, this probability is so low that we can't count it. To be cautious, you should tell me your true cultivation level."

Old Jin Lin said.

Wang Ruyan nodded and said, "I am in the middle stage of Golden Immortal."

"follow me!"

After saying this, old man Jin Lin flew out, followed by Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

Old Man Jin Lin stood in front of a thousand-foot-long magic circle. In the center of the magic circle was a huge cauldron with flashing blue light. The cauldron was engraved with nine lifelike dragon patterns, and the heavenly stems and earthly branches were engraved on the magic circle.

He took out a piece of golden paper, wrote Wang Ruyan's birth date, folded it into a golden paper crane, and began to mutter something.

"Looking for fate origami crane, rise."

Old Jin Lin shouted low and punched a spell into the golden paper crane. Countless writings lit up on the surface of the golden paper crane. These were Wang Ruyan's personal information.

The size of the golden paper crane skyrocketed and flew towards the blue giant cauldron. It kept hovering over the blue giant cauldron.

Old man Jin Lin injected a magic spell into the giant blue cauldron. The blue cauldron suddenly burst into light. A roar of thunderous waves rang out. A large amount of blue water surged out of the cauldron, spinning rapidly, creating a powerful airflow. Inhale the golden paper crane into the cauldron.

There was a deafening dragon roar, and a blue dragon on the tripod came to life and flew out from the tripod.

Old man Jin Lin nodded. Flying dragons represent opportunities. The more dragons there are, the greater the opportunities.

Soon, the second dragon flew out, followed by the third, fourth, and fifth...

When the sixth blue dragon flew out, Old Jin Lin's expression became solemn. With a flick of his sleeves, a round bowl with glittering golden light flew out. It expanded instantly and sprayed out a golden light curtain, covering the entire square.

The seventh dragon flew out, followed by the eighth dragon.

Old Jin Lin was stunned, not daring to take a breath, and stared at the giant blue cauldron.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan looked confused. They had seen Wang Qiulin perform divination with different methods. Could it be that the Jinxian monk's divination method was special?

The giant blue cauldron lit up with a dazzling blue light, and the ninth blue dragon flew out from the cauldron. The nine dragons circled over the giant blue cauldron, making deafening dragon roars. They slowly merged into one body and transformed into one body. A huge blue dragon.

"Nine dragons transform into dragons, a great opportunity!"

Old Jin Lin said to himself, his expression becoming more serious.

With a pinch of his magic technique, the true blue dragon opened its bloody mouth and sprayed out a burst of blue glow, covering the blue sea water in the cauldron and rolled into its mouth.

It circled in the sky, opened its huge mouth, and sprayed out a blue water arrow. The blue water arrow spun quickly and stopped soon after.

The true blue dragon transformed into nine blue dragons and flew back into the cauldron.

Old man Jin Lin kept making secrets with his fingers and began to deduce.

Half a quarter of an hour later, he flicked his sleeves and the blue water arrow disappeared.

"Congratulations, Mrs. Wang, you have a great opportunity!"

Old man Jin Lin said pleasantly, his attitude much better than before.

"Great opportunity! Where is it?"

Wang Ruyan asked.

"In the place with the word "Nine Stars", there are dense vegetation and lots of sea water. That's all I know."

Old Jin Lin said.

"The place with the word "Nine Stars" has dense vegetation? There is a lot of sea water. Fellow Daoist, what is the specific opportunity, can you deduce it?"

Wang Ruyan's face was full of confusion.

Old Jin Lin shook his head and said: "I can't figure it out. I have divined for many Golden Immortal monks. Ten Golden Immortal monks have great opportunities. Two of them have been promoted to Taiyi Golden Immortal. The great opportunity may be to be a top-grade Immortal." It may be the Taoist tool Qiankun Tower, or it may be the elixir and elixir that can be used to cultivate a true spirit. You will find out what it is by yourself."

"Is it the Nine Star Immortal Realm?"

Wang Changsheng's face was filled with curiosity.

"The place with the word "Nine Stars" has a lot of sea water, and he immediately thought of the Nine Stars Immortal Domain.

"Then I don't know. You need to find it."

Old Jin Lin said.

"Thank you very much, Fellow Daoist He. It's not disrespectful to be petty."

Wang Changsheng took out a golden storage bracelet and handed it to Old Jin Lin.

Old Jin Lin waved his hand and said, "No need, I always accept orders and not recognize people when doing divination, so there will be no extra charge."

Wang Changsheng insisted again and again, but the old man Jin Lin refused to accept it.

"Don't worry, fellow Taoists. I'm only responsible for divination and won't talk too much. Whether you can get a great opportunity depends on your ability. Five of the ten golden immortal monks who have a great opportunity have already died on the way to find the opportunity. Please do your best according to your ability." Okay, opportunities are not exclusive to you, others may also discover your opportunities, so it’s better for you to find them as soon as possible.”

Old Jin Lin said.

"Thank you very much, Fellow Daoist He."

Wang Changsheng thanked him and left with Wang Ruyan.

After leaving Jinyang Peak, they left Chiyangfang City directly, not daring to stay longer.

It is essential to be on guard against others. Who knows if Old Jin Lin will betray them? If other forces know that they have a great opportunity, it will be difficult to say.

"It's easy to handle if there are clues. Spend more time looking for it and hope to find it."

Wang Changsheng said to himself, and they turned into two rays of light and disappeared into the sky.


In Chiyangfang City, Jinyang Peak, the old man Jinlin holds a shining mirror of immortality in his hand, with Ye Guangxue on the mirror.

"Fellow Daoist He, our ancestors would like to invite you to Liuyun Island as a guest. I wonder if it would be convenient for you."

Ye Guangxue said politely.

"I have something important to deal with and I can't leave for the time being. I will definitely visit you when I have time."

Old Jin Lin declined politely, chatted for a few words, and cut off the contact.

"Will it be the third Taiyi Golden Immortal!"

Old Jin Lin said to himself.

He helped Fairy Liuyun divine fortune, and Fairy Liuyun had a great chance. Later, news came out that Fairy Liuyun had entered the Taiyi Golden Immortal stage. As for what Fairy Liuyun's great chance was, Old Jin Lin didn't know.

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