Rise of Qinglian

Chapter 3891 Chaos Beast Tide (gone today)

Although their speed is fast enough, the flying Chaos Beasts are even faster.

Dozens of flying Chaos Beasts rushed toward them quickly. As long as Ni Tianlong and others were held back for a while, they would surely die when a large army of Chaos Beasts arrived.

Most of these dozens of chaos beasts are colorless, and a few are single-color chaos beasts.

"You retreat first!"

Ni Tianlong ordered, a golden halo of light overflowed from his body, and he went straight towards the attacking Chaos Beast.

The colorless chaos beast touched the golden aperture and immediately changed its target and attacked the one-color chaos beast. The one-color chaos beast was not greatly affected by the law of illusion, but was forced to fight against the colorless chaos beast's attack.

There are a little more colorless chaos beasts, but one-color chaos beasts can withstand beatings much better than colorless chaos beasts, so it's hard to tell the winner between them.

Wang Lihe and others stopped and wanted to stay and help.

"Quickly retreat! Don't worry, mother-in-law, Chaos Beasts are much more difficult to deal with than ordinary True Immortal cultivators."

Lin Yunyan urged, she had stayed in the Chaos Continent for many years and knew how powerful the Chaos Beasts were.

Wang Lihe and others have been in the Chaos Continent for tens of thousands of years. Today, they fight against the Chaos Beast for the first time. They are still not used to it. In the Tianchen Sea, they will not abandon their comrades and run away.

After hearing this, Wang Lihe and others no longer hesitated and flew towards Haoyang City. At the same time, they used the Immortal Mirror to notify the tribe and ask for support.

A large number of colorless chaos beasts rushed up, and a golden halo passed over their bodies. They quickly turned around and attacked the colored chaos beasts.

The Law of Illusion is still very powerful. The Chaos Beasts are in internal strife. The Colorless Chaos Beasts are not strong, but they are better in numbers.

Two fists were no match for four hands. More than a dozen colorless chaos beasts in the True Immortal stage swarmed up and attacked a one-color chaos beast. The body of the one-color chaos beast was dripping with blood.

With the Law of Illusion, Ni Tianlong can consume a batch of Chaos Beasts and reduce the pressure on Haoyang City. This is one of the reasons why the Wang family reuses Ni Tianlong.

"If you dare to attack Haoyang City, you are seeking death!"

Ni Tianlong said loudly, and at the same time, golden halos continued to overflow from his body. The colorless chaos beasts that came into contact with the golden halo changed their directions and attacked the colored chaos beasts.

Less than half an hour passed. A large number of colorless chaos beasts fell to the ground, and several one-color chaos beasts fell to the ground. They were not dead yet, but they just lost their fighting power. Their blood flowed into rivers, and the ground was dyed red with blood.

At this time, the large army of Chaos Beasts also arrived, and dozens of Chaos Beasts of one color rushed towards Ni Tianlong from all directions.

Ni Tianlong is only in the middle stage of true immortality. The law of illusion can affect the chaotic beasts of one color, but it is difficult to make them fall into the illusion. If they were replaced by immortals, the monks in the middle stage of true immortality would also be affected.

An afterimage rushed towards Ni Tianlong quickly and hit him. Ni Tianlong flew backwards and hit the ground hard. He quickly stood up with a few light scratches on his body.

He is also a true spirit, and his physical strength is no worse than the two-color Chaos Beast in the True Immortal Stage. However, he is not a physical practitioner, and his strength is not as good as Wang Changsheng. He cannot kill the three-color Chaos Beast with one punch like Wang Changsheng, but he is better than ordinary people. Immortals are more resistant to beatings.

It is very difficult for a one-color chaos beast to kill Ni Tianlong, but it is difficult for two fists to defeat four hands. If a large number of colored chaos beasts surround Ni Tianlong, he will still be in danger of his life.

An orc-shaped one-color Chaos Beast rushed over, and at the same time three flying One-color Chaos Beasts also rushed over.

At this moment, a burst of thunder came from the sky, lightning and thunder, and tens of thousands of silver lightning pierced the sky, accurately hitting the head of the one-color chaos beast that attacked Ni Tianlong.

They all let out wails of extreme pain, fell down, their bodies were charred, they had no breath and were killed directly.

Laws of the same level, cast by immortals of the same realm, the damage to Chaos Beasts from low to high is ordinary law, special law and supreme law.

A ball of silver thunder light lit up high in the sky, and Wang Mengbin appeared.

Judging from his aura, he has already entered the late stage of True Immortal.

Wang Mengbin opened the five orifices, had the cultivation of the late True Immortal, and cultivated into a True Spirit. He could kill a Chaos Beast of one color with one strike. It would not be easy for other late True Immortal monks to severely damage a Chaos Beast with one strike.

Being able to kill a Chaos Beast of one color with one strike, it is easy to kill an ordinary True Immortal early stage cultivator with one strike. The Chaos Beast is the whetstone.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, you have advanced to the late stage of true immortality!"

Ni Tianlong was surprised and said that the last time he saw Wang Mengbin, he was still in the middle stage of true immortality.

Wang Mengbin nodded. He returned to the Tianchen Sea and was selected as the captain of the Immortal Armor Army. He went into seclusion when he returned to Chaos Continent. He just came out of seclusion not long ago and successfully advanced to the late stage of True Immortal. He was tens of thousands of years slower than Wang Changsheng.

"Fellow Daoist Ni, you retreat first! I'll cut off the rear!"

Wang Mengbin said that when it comes to escape skills, he dares to be second, while no one in Haoyang City dares to be first.

Ni Tianlong also knew that Wang Mengbin's escape speed was extremely fast, so he flew towards Haoyang City at a very fast speed without hesitation.

A large number of Chaos Beasts of one color rushed towards Wang Mengbin and Ni Tianlong, trying to keep them.

"court death!"

Wang Mengbin pinched the magic technique, and a deafening roar came from high in the sky. Thousands of silver thunder pillars fell from the sky and struck at these chaotic beasts.

Multiple silver thunder pillars hit the body of the Chaos Beast. There were some terrifying blood holes in the Chaos Beast's body. The blood flowed endlessly, and the body was charred black. If it hit the vital part, it would be killed directly. If it hit other places, it might survive.

There was lightning and thunder in the sky, and thick silver thunder pillars pierced the sky and struck at the Chaos Beast. The whole world seemed to have become a sea of ​​thunder. Wang Mengbin's whole body was wrapped by countless silver arcs, like a thunder god.

The one-color Chaos Beast couldn't withstand his attack, and the two-color Chaos Beast in the early stage of True Immortal wasn't much better.

A silver lightning pillar struck the three-color Chaos Beast. The Three-color Chaos Beast shuddered slightly, and there were some terrifying blood marks on its body.

Wang Mengbin was not eager to fight. After killing dozens of one-color Chaos Beasts, he immediately flew towards Haoyang City. The Chaos Beasts chased him, and he killed many One-color Chaos Beasts.

By the time he returned to Haoyang City, Ni Tianlong had already returned to Haoyang City.

All the monks below the True Immortal level in Haoyang City hid in the Green Lotus Picture. All the True Immortal monks climbed onto the city wall to fight against the tide of Chaos Beasts.

The last Chaos Beast Tide broke out hundreds of thousands of years ago. The Nine Immortals Sect suffered heavy losses, and several Golden Immortal monks died. This time the Chaos Beast Tide broke out, and Wang Qingshan did not dare to take it lightly.

This is a major test for them. Compared with when they first took over Haoyang City, the defense force must be much stronger now. There are no less than forty true immortal monks, ten low-grade immortal-killing cannons, and a group of immortal armor troops.

Whether they can defend Haoyang City still depends on themselves.

Hundreds of Chaos Beasts rushed over, most of them were colorless Chaos Beasts. There was one five-color Chaos Beast, a dozen four-color Chaos Beasts, dozens of three-color Chaos Beasts, and more than a hundred one-color Chaos Beasts. This force was very powerful. .

"Five-color Chaos Beast!"

Wang Qingshan's face became more solemn. The five-color chaos beast was not easy to deal with. It was rare for the five-color chaos beast to attack the "yellow" city, and most of them attacked the "xuan" city.

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