Rise of Qinglian

Chapter 3693 Qianhua

Qingmu Realm, Qixing Mountain Range, Cao Family.

In a quiet manor, Cao Yuzhen, Xun Tian, ​​Cao Yufeng, Xuanji Shenjun, a young woman in a blue dress with picturesque features, and a broad-waisted young man in a yellow shirt were sitting in a blue stone pavilion, talking about something.

"Why are the divination results different? Is she in the Tianhe Realm or the White Cloud Realm?"

The young woman in blue dress frowned and said.

Fairy Yuwei, the first Mahayana in the Ziwei world, in the middle stage of Mahayana, opened two orifices.

Cao Yufeng and the two fortune tellers divined the whereabouts of Bi Yan and others at the same time, and the results were different. Cao Yufeng calculated that they were in the Tianhe Realm, and Xuanji Shenjun calculated that they were in the Baiyun Realm.

"Explore the Baiyun Realm first, and then go to the Tianhe Realm."

Gou Tian suggested.

The Cao family was willing to give him a lotus seed from Jinxian Leilian as a reward, otherwise he would not come.

"You Daoist fellows Gou and Qian, plus other daoist fellows, should have no problem destroying those true spirits. When other daoist fellows arrive, they will immediately go to the Baiyun Realm. 「

Cao Yuzhen was full of confidence. In order to deal with Bi Yan and others, the Cao family invited two true spirits and many Mahayana monks with two orifices.

"Mrs. Cao, I heard that the Green Lotus Immortal Couple is extremely powerful. Are they participating in the war?"

The young man in yellow shirt asked.

Qianhua, in the middle stage of Mahayana, is a true spirit in human form.

"I have sent people to invite them, they should join the battle!"

Cao Yuzhen didn't mean what he said.

She actually hopes that Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan will join the battle. Regardless of their ignorance, the bean soldiers from the late Mahayana period will also be a big help.

The Wang family is so rich that it is not easy to invite the Qinglian Immortal Couple to come out. The defensive Xuantian remnant treasures or Xuantian treasures are also rare to the Cao family, and they are not so abundant that they can be given away to outsiders casually.

"If they join the war, they will be more sure."

Gou Tian said with a smile that he had never fought against Wang Changsheng, but Cao Yuzhen praised the Qinglian Immortal Couple, saying that they had great magical powers and were highly praised by Cao Yuzhen, so they must be very strong.

"That's right! Tong Shan has already fallen into their hands. After so many years, maybe they have developed a third orifice."

The mysterious god is full of envy.

He never imagined that Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan could grow to this point in more than 20,000 years.

"It's not that easy to open the third orifice. It's not easy for Mahayana monks from super rich families to open the third orifice. Many of the materials for opening the third orifice come from the fairy world."

Fairy Yuwei sighed.

"Yes! There are only a handful of Mahayana monks with three orifices in the Dongxuan Continent, and all of them are giant owls. As far as I know, more than 200,000 years ago, Fairy Yuexi fought one against two, and two opened Even the Mahayana monks with two orifices are no match for her. She has successfully ascended to the immortal world, and she doesn’t know what level of cultivation she has reached."

Qianhua said.

"Those true spirits killed hundreds of Mahayana monks and must have obtained the secret method of awakening. Now I am worried that they have awakened. Any living being can awaken. After the true spirit awakens, it will be stronger."

Cao Yuzhen looked solemn.

It is very difficult to kill the true spirit one on one. It will be even more difficult if the true spirit is enlightened.

"The secret methods of opening the orifice all come from the fairy world. It's good to be able to find the materials to open the first orifice. It's not easy to open the second orifice."

Fairy Yuwei analyzed.

"It's not easy to deal with a true spirit that has only one skill. Don't forget, that Bi Fang is in the late Mahayana stage. I have already contacted the Nangong family and asked them to take action to ensure nothing goes wrong."

Cao Yuzhen said.

The Nangong family, like the Cao family, is a super rich family with many experts.

"If the Nangong family sends experts to join the battle, they will be more confident."

The Xuanji Shenjun looked happy.

Cao Yuzhen took out a pale golden dharma plate and entered a dharma formula, his face sank.

"The ancestral land of the powerful clan was captured, and all fourteen Mahayana were killed, with no one left alive."

Cao Yuzhen frowned. This would make it more difficult for Bi Yan and others to deal with them.

"It seems that we need to gather more powerful people. If we don't destroy them, the world of immortality will never have peace."

Cao Yufeng's face was solemn.

If Bi Yan and others are not eliminated, they will not be able to practice with peace of mind.

Cao Yuzhen nodded and said, "I will contact fellow Taoist Nangong immediately and ask them to send someone over as soon as possible. Fellow Taoist Gou, you go and rest first!"

Gou Tian and the others agreed, got up and left.

Yuzhi Realm, a desert island with a radius of hundreds of miles.

The seven members of Wu Feng stood on the top of a peak, looking at Bi Yan high in the sky.

Bi Yan's face was slightly pale, and there was a nine-color ladder with flashing light in the void not far away, which was the ladder to immortality.

They destroyed many major forces and obtained many treasures, including eighth-level thunder-absorbing beads, eighth-level talismans, and defensive Xuantian remnant treasures.

With the help of the eighth-level seven-star thunder formation and Xuantian remnant treasure gold potential beads, Bi Yan successfully survived the ninety-nine thunder tribulations and was ready to ascend to the immortal world.

The powerful clan had just refined a defensive Xuantian remnant treasure, the golden potential bead. Bi Yan and others came to kill the powerful clan, wiped out the Mahayana, and obtained the golden potential bead.

"Chehuang, Wufeng, and Diewei, I'll take the first step. You can find a place to practice in hiding for a while, get out of the limelight, and then you can deal with those big forces, hoping to meet in the fairy world."

Bi Yan said.

"Sister Bi, don't worry! We will meet you soon."

A burly young man in a red shirt said with a smile.

Chehuang, in the middle stage of Mahayana, his true body is the nine-headed bird of true spirit.

Bi Yan nodded, walked up to the Immortal Staircase, disappeared at the end, disappeared into the void, and the Immortal Staircase disappeared along with it.

"Sister Bi, this method works! I hope we can also ascend to the fairy world."

Che Huang's face showed longing.

"At worst, if we destroy a few more big forces, we might even get some defensive Xuantian remnant treasures."

A young man in black shirt said.

Xiaosheng, in the middle stage of Mahayana, his body is the seven-headed owl of the true spirit.

"Let's find a place to hide first, and then we can regain our consciousness. There are many masters in the Dongxuanzhou Realm Group."

A tall, thin old man in black robe suggested.

Xuanfeng, in the middle stage of Mahayana, is the real spirit Xuanming Turtle.

His physical body is strong. After advancing to the late stage of Mahayana, he is completely sure to survive the ninety-nine thunder tribulations. He is forced to join this team. If he does not obey, he will die.

"If you don't provoke the super rich, there shouldn't be any big problems."

A big man in blue shirt with a simple and honest face said.

Niu Miao, in the middle stage of Mahayana, his true body is the True Spirit Prisoner Niu.

His physical body is powerful and he is also sure to survive the Nine-Nine Thunder Tribulation. However, he is discovered by Bi Yan and others and is forced to join the team.

Niu Miao and Xuan Feng were practicing well in the cave. Bi Yan and others came to the door and defeated them easily. They were given two ways to join them or die.

They choose to be born and join this small group.

They just want to cultivate steadily to the late stage of Mahayana, survive the ninety-nine thunder tribulations and ascend to the immortal world. They don't want to go around killing people. They can't run away if they want, so they can only obey orders.

"Hmph, so what if the super rich clan has a few people who can stop Diewei and me."

A thin young man in a black shirt snorted coldly, his face full of pride.

Jiu Wuying, in the middle stage of Mahayana, his true body is the true spirit Ghost Jiu.

"We have obtained a lot of materials for rejuvenation, let's rejuvenate them first!"

Che Huang said in a deep voice.

Wu Feng took out the Nine Yuan and took them away from here.

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