Rise of Qinglian

Chapter 3465 Purple Jade Soul Fruit

Amidst the undulating green mountains, there were bursts of explosions, accompanied by bursts of loud piano sounds.

There was a loud noise, and a huge ball of red fire shot into the sky. Immediately afterwards, the ground shook violently, and more than a dozen mountain peaks were torn apart, and smoke and dust filled the air.

Deep in the mountains, Zhao Yunxiao, Qin Tianxue, Li Yaoyao and Lin Youxin stood in an open area, their faces pale, and they looked like they had exhausted their mana.

Lying on the ground in the distance were three all-red turtles, all breathless. There were thousands of huge pits with black smoke on the ground.

"Finally we have solved it. Use their turtle shells to refine defensive treasures. The defensive effect will definitely be very good." Lin Youxin said with a smile.

Zhao Yunxiao nodded, they put away the body of the red turtle and left here.

There was a towering mountain peak with a huge cave on the mountainside, and bursts of explosions came from the cave. Inside the cave, Wang Chuanming and four others were mining the raw Tianhun Divine Crystal ore, and the stone walls were full of holes.

"It's almost done! We have been mining for less than half a month and have obtained a lot of raw ore of the Heavenly Soul Divine Crystal. We can go to other places."

Wang Chuanming said in a deep voice.

Wang Yibing nodded and said, "Fellow Taoist Lan, what do you think?"

"I have no objection, I listen to you."

Lan Fukong said with a smile, he didn't know how to refine weapons, so he was given the Heavenly Soul Crystal in exchange for resources for cultivating immortals.

Wang Yibing nodded and said, "That's it. Let's go to other places and write down the location of this place. Maybe the clan members will use it in the future."

Lan Fukong only wanted five pieces of the Heavenly Soul Crystal ore, and he didn't want any more. Wang Chuanming and Wang Yibing didn't force it. If they get other good things next, they can give Lan Fukong more.

After leaving the cave, Wang Chuanming took out the spirit-seeking bead and injected it with mana. The spirit-seeking bead lit up with a dazzling aura. There was a spiritual medicine in the southwest. Go and take a look.

They headed southwest. After a cup of tea, they appeared in a red bamboo forest. The bamboo leaves on the ground were several feet thick.

They walked forward with a look of caution on their faces.

After advancing for three miles, they stopped. Under a red bamboo in front of them, there were five yellow Ganoderma lucidum growing.

"Huang Yuanzhi!"

Lan Fukong recognized the origin of the yellow mushroom. This is the main medicine for refining Huang Yuan Miaoxin Pill, which has the effect of strengthening the foundation and strengthening the body.

Wang Yidao's expression turned cold, and he slashed his right hand into the void on the ground. A golden sword energy swept out and struck the ground.

The ground exploded with a loud rumble, and a yellow centipede emerged from the ground. As soon as the yellow centipede appeared, it immediately opened its bloody mouth and spewed out a stream of pungent yellow poisonous fire, heading straight for them.

Wang Chuanming sacrificed a small bell with glittering golden light and inserted a magic spell.


A loud bell rang, and a golden sound wave swept out, defeating the yellow poisonous fire. Wang Yidao and the four others took action one after another to attack the yellow centipede.

There was a loud rumbling sound and the dazzling spiritual light drowned the yellow centipede.

Lan Fukong flicked his wrist, and the aura of the cyan whisk in his hand surged, and countless slender threads flew out, heading straight for the yellow centipede.

Wang Chuanming sacrificed a golden seal and inserted a magic spell. The golden seal instantly expanded and hit the yellow centipede.

A misty yellow glow swept out. The yellow glow came into contact with the golden seal and cyan silk thread. The golden seal and cyan silk thread instantly petrified and then fell apart.

Wang Yidao was about to use his magical power to attack the yellow centipede. He frowned and looked northwest. Just as he was about to attack with his sword, a familiar female voice sounded: "Yidao, it's one of our own."

After hearing this, Wang Yidao stopped.

Wang Zongyun and four others flew from a distance and landed in the bamboo forest.

Murong Yushuang and Wang Yulan took Tan Yuan Fruit and were already in the late stage of integration.

The eight of them joined forces and quickly eliminated the yellow centipede.

Wang Chuanming gave two of the five Huang Yuanzhi plants to Lan Fukong. Lan Fukong refused to accept them at first, so Wang Chuanming gave them to him directly.

Where are the other tribesmen! "

Wang Yibing asked curiously.

Wang Zongyun let out a long sigh and briefly talked about what happened.

Wang Yidao, Wang Chuanming and Wang Yibing frowned when they learned that three tribesmen were killed.

"After we go back, we will report to the head of the family and select a few more of their descendants to focus on training!" Wang Yibing sighed.

"That's all we can do, let's go on the road together! It's good to have someone to take care of us."

Wang Zongyun suggested.

Wang Chuanming and the other four people had no objection, and the eight of them disappeared into the bamboo forest.

Seven days later, they appeared in a long and narrow valley, their faces full of alertness.

Wang Zongyun was holding a red-gleaming round bead in his hand, a middle-grade Tongtian Lingbao Crystal Flame Bead, which was seized from a Jinghuo Tribe monk. He could see the situation in the distance.

"Hey, there is a demon tiger going through the great tribulation!"

Wang Zongyun let out a light sigh, with an expression of interest on his face.

"Come on, let's go over there and take a look. I hope we can find something good."

They turned into eight rays of light and flew towards the southeast. Within half a quarter of an hour, they landed on the top of a majestic peak and looked at a huge thundercloud in the distance.

Below the thundercloud was an open field, with a huge red tiger lying on the ground, its body covered with blood. Judging from its aura, it was clearly an eighth-level monster.

There was a rumble of thunder, and thick silver lightning struck down and landed on the giant red tiger. The giant red tiger let out a shrill roar.

"The eighth-level low-grade Yan-devouring tiger!"

Wang Zongyun's expression condensed, and he poured mana into the Crystal Flame Bead to search for the Yan-Eating Tiger's lair.

If there are elixirs and fruits in Yanyan Tiger's lair, they can take the opportunity to pick elixirs and fruits.

After a while, Wang Zongyun's eyes widened, he took a breath of cold air and exclaimed: "Purple Jade Soul Fruit!"

Purple Jade Yuanhun Fruit is one of the ten most amazing fruits. It takes 150,000 years from flowering to fruit maturity. This fruit has the effect of strengthening the soul and is the main medicine for refining Yuanhun Pill. If the soul is injured, taking it This elixir will heal you quickly.

Unlike the Heavenly Soul Fruit and the Heavenly Soul Nether Lotus, the Purple Jade Yuanhun Fruit is a holy medicine that heals the injuries of the soul. To put it bluntly, a Mahayana monk only has a ray of residual soul left. After gaining the body, he takes a Purple Jade Yuanhun Fruit. Soul fruit can restore most of the soul. Two purple jade soul fruits can restore the original soul without affecting cultivation. However, taking Tianhun fruit and Tianhun Youlian does not have such a good effect.

In terms of growth cycle alone, the Purple Jade Soul Fruit leaves behind the Heavenly Soul Fruit and the Heavenly Soul Nether Lotus.

There was a rumble of thunder, and the thunder clouds rolled violently, turning into a huge silver thunder dragon and pounced from high altitude.

As soon as the silver thunder dragon approached Baiyan Tiger, the void shook and twisted, and countless red fireballs appeared and hit the silver thunder dragon.

Loud rumble!

A ball of dazzling silver lightning shot into the sky, which was very conspicuous.

After a while, the silver thunder light dissipated, and the Yan-eating Tiger's body was charred and black, and its breath was sluggish. It was still alive, turned into a ray of light and walked through the air, landing at the foot of a towering giant mountain. At the foot of the mountain, there was a huge In the cave, Yan Yanhu entered the cave.

Not long after, it appeared in a cave that was several acres in size. There was a purple fruit tree in the lower left corner of the cave. The leaves were narrow and there were more than twenty purple fruits hanging on the tree. There were some black lines on the surface of the purple fruits. The Yan-Eating Tiger walked over, ate a fruit, lay down under the tree, and closed his eyes.

The Purple Jade Soul Fruit does not help its injuries, but this does not prevent it from eating the Purple Jade Soul Fruit.

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