Rise of Qinglian

Chapter 322: Guarding the Land (First Update)

Half a quarter of an hour later, Wang Changsheng walked out, his expression as usual.

He sold the third-level dragon meat, dragon essence and blood, and the black dragon's hide in exchange for 80,000 spiritual stones, and now only the black dragon's life scales are left.

A third-level monster is full of treasures, and the corpse of a third-level dragon has been exchanged for a lot of resources for cultivating immortals.

If you can capture the third-level demon pill, you can take it back to Wang Qingqi to refine the foundation-building pill and train a few more foundation-building monks.

Wang Changsheng walked around the street several times and found nothing unusual, then came to Yifeng Teahouse.

Yifeng Tea House has five floors and is elegantly decorated. The lobby is full of seats and very lively.

As soon as Wang Changsheng entered the door, a young man in green clothes walked over quickly and said enthusiastically: "Senior, do you need any help?"

Wang Changsheng took out the jade talisman, handed it to Qingyi Xiaosi, and said, "I'm looking for someone."

Qingyi Xiaosi carefully checked the jade talisman. After confirming that it was correct, the smile on his face deepened: "The person senior is looking for is upstairs. Please come with me."

Xiaosi in Qingyi took Wang Changsheng to the fourth floor. There was no one on the fourth floor. Two foundation-building monks, a man and a woman, were holding hands at the staircase. A light blue light curtain sealed the staircase, isolating the fifth floor from the fourth floor. Come on.

The two foundation-building monks took turns to check Wang Changsheng's jade talisman. After confirming that it was correct, the female monk took out a blue array disk and hit a spell on it. A gap appeared in the blue light screen, and a burst of noise suddenly came, as if it was a bidding. the sound of.

"Fellow Taoist, please come in, the auction has been held."

The monk made a gesture of invitation, and Wang Changsheng walked upstairs.

As soon as his front feet reached the fifth floor, the gap was closed.

There is a red wooden table in the center, and a ruddy-faced old man in green robe is holding a blue porcelain bottle. Beside him, there are hundreds of monks in different clothes. Some wear ghost masks, some wear cloaks on their heads, and some use Show your true face.

These monks are all Foundation Establishment monks, and their cultivation levels range from the second level of Foundation Establishment to the eighth level of Foundation Establishment, but no one is wearing the costumes of the Taiyi Immortal Sect.

Wang Changsheng found an empty seat and sat down.

"Fifteen hundred spiritual stones, is there a fellow Taoist who bids higher? If not, this bottle of Burning Blood Pill will belong to this fellow Taoist."

The old man in green robe said loudly.

After taking away a bottle of Burning Blood Pill, the old man in green robe took out two blue wooden boxes and said in a deep voice: "The next auction will be the final auction item. The first final auction item, two Foundation Establishment Pills, will be auctioned separately. The reserve price is one Ten thousand spiritual stones, each price increase must not be less than one thousand spiritual stones."

"Ten thousand!"

"Just in case!"

"Thirteen thousand!"


Bids came in and the competition was fierce.

Wang Changsheng hesitated for a moment and then opened his mouth to bid.

Taiyuanfang City is rich in resources, and most of the foundation-building monks who participated in the auction have some wealth.

The two Foundation Establishment Pills were sold for 56,000 spiritual stones and 62,000 spiritual stones respectively. The transaction price was more expensive than the auction in Wei State.

Of course, this is because the bidder has a lot of money. If the price is fixed, there will not be so many business travelers traveling long distances to transport goods to other places for sale.

Wang Changsheng saw that the competition was very fierce, so he called out the price twice, but he couldn't compete, so he gave up.

The red-robed old man took out seven yellow porcelain bottles, glanced at everyone quickly, and said loudly: "Seven bottles of Shutu Zhensha are to be auctioned separately. Each bottle costs one thousand spiritual stones. Each increase in price must not be less than two hundred yuan. Spiritual stone.”

The success rate of using the True Evil Qi to build a foundation is not as good as the Foundation Building Pill, but there is a certain chance of building a foundation, and there are quite a few foundation building monks bidding.

Wang Changsheng participated in the bidding and bought two bottles of Shutu Zhensha at a high price of 20,000 spiritual stones.

After patting away all the garrison demons, the old man in red robe took out a blue wooden box about a foot long, opened the wooden box, and took out a green talisman seal, which was very spiritual and had a blue jade ruler pattern on the surface.

"A piece of Fu Bao Qing Yuan Ruler. I have used this item several times. It will still be no problem if I use it two or three times. The base price is 10,000 spiritual stones. Each increase in price must not be less than 2,000 spiritual stones."

"Fu treasures are all auctioned. The specifications of this underground auction are much larger than those of Wei State."

Wang Changsheng nodded secretly. From this, it can be seen that Taiyuanfang City is indeed rich in resources. It is no wonder that Wang Changfeng does not miss Shu.

After many biddings, this talisman was auctioned off by a tall, thin scholar in white for a high price of 67,000 yuan.

The Confucian scholar in white has a gentle face and holds a white paper fan in his hand. He is not very young and has already reached the ninth level of foundation building.

"The last auction item is a third-level mid-grade demon pill."

The old man in red robe took out a red wooden box and opened it. There was a red ball the size of an egg inside. If you look closely, you can see that a small piece of the red ball has been cut off, and the cut is extremely smooth.

"Fellow Daoist Li, what's wrong with your third-level demon pill? A quarter of it is missing."

The old man in red robe smiled bitterly and explained: "When the high-level monks killed this demon, they damaged the demon elixir. There is a discount for refining the third-level elixir, but there is no problem for using it to refine the second-level elixir." , the base price is 30,000 spiritual stones, and each increase in price must not be less than 1,000 spiritual stones."

"Thirty thousand!"

"Thirty thousand to one!"

"Thirty-two thousand!"


The price rose rapidly, and before long, it reached a high price of 40,000 spiritual stones.

"Forty-five thousand!"

Wang Changsheng added five thousand spirit stones in one breath, hoping to scare away some bidders.

This proved to be of no use and someone soon offered a higher price.

Wang Changsheng previously spent 20,000 spirit stones to buy two bottles of Shutu Zhensha. The total number of spirit stones on his body was more than 60,000.

"I'll pay 60,000."

A man's voice suddenly sounded, and many people's eyes focused on a white-clothed scholar.

The Confucian scholar in white previously took a photo of a talisman, and now he bids 60,000 spiritual stones for the third-level demon pill. He is really rich.

Wang Changsheng frowned and said in a deep voice: "Sixty-seven thousand."

This is all the spiritual stones he has. If the price increases, he will have to sell his magic weapon or puppet beast in exchange for spiritual stones.

The white-clothed scholar glanced at Wang Changsheng and said without changing his expression: "Seventy-five thousand."

"Eighty thousand!"

Wang Changsheng was calm on the surface, but he was extremely nervous inside. He had to sell many second-level puppets to get 80,000 spirit stones.

The Confucian scholar in white was a little surprised. He pondered for a moment and shouted, "Eighty-five thousand."

When Wang Changsheng heard this quotation, he hesitated for a moment and did not raise the price. The scholar in white was obviously not an ordinary person. Even if he could buy this third-level demon elixir, he would probably be selling it out.

As expected by Wang Changsheng, two people continued to raise the price, and the third-level demon pill was finally sold to a scholar in white for a sky-high price of 95,000 spiritual stones.

Wang Changsheng felt a little regretful because he failed to take the third-level demon elixir. Fortunately, he took two bottles of Guarding Earth True Evil, which was considered a gain.

After taking away the third-level demon pill, the red-robed old man announced that the auction was over, and the monks left one after another.

After leaving Yifeng Tea House, the white-clothed Confucian scholar was followed by several foundation-building monks. It was unclear whether they had other plans or it was a coincidence.

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