Rise of Qinglian

Chapter 3201 Chaos

If one person supported the fit monks of Zhenhai Palace and one person attacked Qinglian Island, it would be impossible to invade Qinglian Island.

"I was sent to visit Qinglian Island. The Wang family suddenly stepped up their guard. The monks entering and leaving Qinglian Island have to go through a lot of investigations. The chances of outsiders sneaking into Qinglian Island are very low. It seems that something must have happened to the Wang family, otherwise it will not be suddenly strengthened. alert."

Master Tiansha frowned and said.

They brought their disciples to Tianhaifang City to inquire about the situation of the Wang family. Of course, the disciples did not know their real purpose.

Regardless of whether they succeed or not, they slipped away, and the life and death of their disciples is not important at all, they are just cannon fodder.

"I have already sent someone to inquire about the news, hoping to find out why the Wang family suddenly stepped up their guard."

Zhenjun Tianshi sighed, he originally wanted to cast spells to control the low-level monks of the Wang family, and then lead them in, but now that his guard has been strengthened, it is very difficult for them to sneak into Qinglian Island.

In addition, the fit monks in Zhenhai Palace are also a problem.

"You don't have a second plan! Don't tell me, you didn't take Daoist Taihao into consideration. If we attacked Qinglian Island, the Qinglian fairy couples were all on Qinglian Island, and the fit monks from Zhenhai Palace rushed over again. Come here, attack back and forth, we will definitely die, even if we can't survive the fifth catastrophe, I won't take my life too long, if I can live for thousands of years, I will live for thousands of years."

Venerable Tiansha raised doubts, but the news is difficult to confirm. If Qinglian fairy couples were all on Qinglian Island, they would not be able to invade Qinglian Island at all.

True Monarch Tianshi was about to answer, took out a golden communication plate, and entered a formula, a respectful man's voice sounded: "Master, the latest news, the core disciples of the Wang family snatched a page of Tianxu from the monks of the Fu clan. Yushu, a number of cultivators went deep into the hinterland of the foreign race to support them, and fought with the monks of the foreign race."

"Tianxu Yushu! Are you sure?"

True Lord Tian Corpse's breathing became rapid.

"No, this is news from the alien race. Maybe it's just to pour dirty water on the Wang family. Maybe it's true. In the last racial conflict, Zhenhai Palace got a page of the Heavenly Xu Jade Book from the Gray Quail Clan. Maybe the Fu clan also has the Heavenly Xu Yushu."

The man's voice is respectful.

"Understood, let's explore again."

Zhenjun Tianshi put away the communication tray, with a thoughtful expression on his face.

"The Heavenly Xu Jade Book! Could it be that the Wang family's sudden increase in vigilance is because they have snatched a page of the Tianxu Jade Book? This can be explained, but there is no evidence for it. Could it be fake news?"

Master Tiansha was puzzled.

"I don't know, but there is no storm without waves. What is certain is that the core children of the Wang family are killing people in the hinterland of the foreign race. Who is to blame for this? It must be the human race, and the most powerful human race in this sea area, apart from the Zhenhai Palace, is the royal family."

True Lord Tianshi said excitedly.

If it can cause racial conflict, foreign races can help to entangle the fit monks in Zhenhai Palace. Maybe they are lucky and get high-level materials or treasures from other small clans, so that they don't have to deal with the Wang family.

The most important thing is that they can do things under the banner of helping the Wang family find the Tianxu jade book, and if they can't beat the foreign masters, they can return to the territory of the human race.

"Just do it like this, maybe we can get the Tianxu Jade Book or high-level tribulation treasures from other small clans, so we don't have to deal with the Wang family."

Master Tiansha agreed with the National People's Congress.

"It's not too late, let's go right away."

Tianshi Zhenjun and Master Tiansha left Tianhaifang City, and took some disciples to the alien race's territory.


Tianfu Island, Tianfu Palace.

Tong Xiang sat on the main seat with gloomy eyes.

Dozens of elders stood on both sides, with different expressions.

"The Heavenly Xu Jade Book! Does He Guang have the Tianxu Jade Book?"

Tong Xiang asked in a deep voice.

The clansmen may not necessarily hand in the good things they get, and everyone has selfish intentions.

"I don't know, but he went on a treasure hunt with others, and everyone else was killed, so he came back alive. At that time, I sent someone to check him, and found that they were under illusion and forced to kill each other. He had a Nine Palaces Breaking Illusion Talisman , so that he can survive, as for what he gets, it is not clear."

A sweet-looking young woman in a red dress reported.

Tong Wei, the deputy head of the Fu Clan Intelligence Hall, is mainly responsible for controlling the movements of the Fu Clan monks, to see if they have been bribed or instigated a rebellion.

"Deploy manpower and re-investigate. In addition, stop the war with the fire porpoise clan. Regardless of whether the Wang family has obtained the Tianxu jade book or not, with the strength of our clan, we are no match for the Wang family."

Tong Xiang ordered, even if the children of the Wang family snatched a page of Tianxu jade book from the monks of the Fu family, they would have no choice but to kill Qinglian Island? The Fu clan does not have that strength, so it is possible for multiple races to join forces.

"Yes, patriarch."

Tong Wei agreed.

Tong Xiang gave a few words of advice and made the elders retreat.


Silver Shark Island, Silver Shark Palace.

Yin Yu sat on the main seat with majestic eyes, Yuan Gang and dozens of elders of the clan stood on both sides with different expressions.

"Tianxu jade book? Can it be confirmed?"

Yin Yu asked in a deep voice.

The last time many people were killed and injured were combined, it was because the fire porpoises mistakenly thought that there was a universe fruit in the secret realm, but it turned out that there was no such thing at all.

This time, she said that there is a jade book from Tianxu, so she naturally couldn't believe it rashly.

"Not for the time being, maybe the Jinlin clan wants to provoke us to deal with the Wang family, thus triggering a race war."

Yin Shan analyzed that they are not fools, they listen to the wind and it rains.

If there is really a jade book from Tianxu, if the content is very precious, Mahayana monks can do it in person. If there is no confirmation of the news, they will go to deal with the Wang family, that is to be used as a spear for others.

"Restrain the people below, I don't want another oolong incident to happen."

Yin Yu said in a deep voice, within five thousand years, she will go through the second great catastrophe, and she doesn't want to cause more troubles.

She looked at a slender girl in a golden skirt, and said with a pleasant face: "You should enter the fit stage early, and just tell me what resources you need."

The girl in the golden skirt is Yin Ling'er, a sixth-order nine-colored insect incarnation, and is currently in the middle stage of Void Refinement.

"Yes, old ancestor."

Yin Linger agreed.

Yin Shan took out a silver communication plate, entered a formula, and his face sank: "Old ancestor, the human race merged into our territory, and Yin Feng and He Daoyou were killed."

"Who moved the hand?"

Yin Yu said with a gloomy face.

"According to the survivors' confession, it's Tianshi Zhenjun and Tiansha Master. Their purpose is unknown. They sneaked into our territory suddenly. It happened that Yin Feng and He Daoyou were out on business. When they met them, a bloody battle broke out, and Yin Feng and He Daoyou died. Xiao, while they were fighting, some of the clansmen fled, and the Heavenly Corpse Lord has a refined corpse at the fusion stage."

Yin Shan said slowly.

Yin Yan's gaze was uncertain, she was indeed a little annoyed, she wanted to calm things down, but the human body monk attacked and killed the silver shark family body monk, didn't this slap her in the face?

The last race conflict was at the fault of the Silver Sharks. This time, the Terrans took the initiative to find trouble. If they ignored it, it would be difficult to lead the team.

The fusion of human race can kill the fit monks of the Silver Shark clan, and it can also kill the fit of the small clan.

The more at this time, the more calm she has to be, for no reason, how could the human race take the initiative to attack? Could it be said that the Fu clan really has the jade book of heaven? The core members of the Wang family died in their territory, and those two fit monks went deep into the hinterland of the alien race just to find the Tianxu jade book? Or is this a trap designed by the Jinlin clan? So that the Silver Sharks and the Humans could fight to the death.

"We have spies in the Golden Scale Clan! Let them trigger racial conflicts and deal with the Wang family. We don't want to end it ourselves for the time being. We will recruit experts and do our best to kill Master Tiansha and Zhenjun Tianshi."

Yin Qiang ordered to send people directly to deal with the Wang family, maybe they fell into the tricks of the Jinlin clan.

Let the Jinlin clan rush ahead first, and at the same time recruit fit monks to kill Master Tiansha and Tianshi Zhenjun. This can save face, reduce losses, and count the Jinlin clan, killing three birds with one stone.

"Yes, old ancestor."

Yin Shan agreed, with a serious look on his face.


Yaoguang Island, one of the seven subsidiary islands of the Wang family.

In the southeast corner of the island, there was a towering mountain peak. Bai Yuqi stood on the top of the mountain with a dignified expression.

Not long ago, Wang Moshan gave her a magic stone of heaven, and asked her to set up a magic formation on Yaoguang Island to strengthen the defense.

The seven sub-islands are the barriers of Qinglian Island. If the enemy wants to invade Qinglian Island, they must first break the blockade chain of the seven sub-islands.

If the seventh-order formation mage uses the magic stone to arrange the magic formation, the power will be even greater. Bai Yuqi has arranged the magic formation of the sixth-level formation, and the magic formation will be powered by the magic stone. The power of the magic formation is still very strong of.

Of course, the other clansmen didn't know what treasure the array eye was.

The big formations on important islands have multiple formation eyes, and the material of the formation eyes is also a secret, and the clansmen who are not high enough have no idea what the formation eyes are made of.

After a while, a purple skirt girl with beautiful features flew over. The purple skirt girl's eyes were like water, her lips were red and her teeth were white.

Wang Yuting, a fifth-order formation mage.

"Patriarch Yuqi, everything has been arranged."

Wang Yuting said respectfully.

Bai Yuqi nodded, and flew out of Yaoguang Island, she took out a shiny silver nine-pointed array disk, and entered a formula.

Yaoguang Island became blurred and slowly disappeared. The next moment, Yaoguang Island appeared on the sea thousands of miles away.

Bai Yuqi nodded in satisfaction. If the enemy attacked from Yaoguang Island, they activated the formation, and the enemy would be hit by an illusion, attacking an island that didn't exist at all.

Once Bai Yuqi's formula changed, the fake Yaoguang Island disappeared, and the real Yaoguang Island reappeared.

She returned to Yaoguang Island and ordered: "The owner of the house has an order to strengthen the guard and strictly guard against the enemy's sneak attack."

"Yes, Patriarch Yuqi."

Wang Yuhua agreed.

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