Rise of Qinglian

Chapter 3093 Space Restriction

Seven days later, in the depths of Wanlingxu, in a long and narrow canyon, seven people from Wang Qingshan were attacking a huge black giant scorpion with a pair of thin purple wings on its back, golden tail thorns, and poisonous mist from its mouth. Only the Purple Wing Flame Scorpion of the seventh rank.

They followed the route map of the Thousand Puppet Sanren, and along the way, they didn't encounter any restrictions, but encountered many fifth- and sixth-level monsters, which could not threaten them.

When passing through this canyon, Wang Tuntian found the purple-winged flaming scorpion, Wang Xiangrong formed a formation, and Wang Qingshan's seven people cast spells to attack the worm.

A huge cyan light curtain covered Wang Qingshan's seven people, and more than a dozen thick yellow ropes wrapped around Ziyi Yanscorpion's body, and Ziyi Yanscorpion's body was covered with scars.

The Purple Wing Flame Scorpion let out an ear-piercing hiss, and opened its mouth to spit out a foul-smelling, pungent black poisonous fire, which hit the purple light curtain, emitting a puff of blue smoke.

The small golden mirrors in Wang Qingfeng's and Dong Xueli's hands lit up with a dazzling golden light, and each spewed out a thick golden lightning bolt, hitting Ziyi Yanscorpion's body.

After the rumbling explosion sounded, the dazzling golden thunder light flooded the Purple Wing Flame Scorpion, and the air wave rolled.

Duan Tongtian waved the blue long knife in his hand, and slashed towards the void, a blue cloud of Qingtian knife swept out, turning into a blue cloud of wind dragon, and rushed towards the golden thunder light.

A shrill hiss sounded, and the Purple Wing Flame Scorpion flew out of it, a puff of black smoke billowed from its body, its right pincers disappeared, and its breath was sluggish.

Before it flew far, there was an ear-piercing sound of piercing through the air, and a cyan rainbow flew towards it, and it immediately spewed out a jet of black flame to meet it.

The black flames were like paper paste, smashed to pieces by the cyan Changhong. The Purple Wing Flame Scorpion sprayed out a black circle of light. The cyan Changhong hit the black circle of light and stopped, as if it was fixed in mid-air. Qingtian giant sword.

Wang Qingshan opened his mouth, and a cyan-golden flame flew out, turning into a cyan-golden lotus flower, and landed on Qingtian Giant Sword.

After a shrill hiss sounded, a blue-gold flame engulfed the body of the Purple Wing Flame Scorpion. The Purple Wing Flame Scorpion split into two. As soon as a miniature Flame Scorpion separated from its body, it was covered by a red glow. Involved in a red jade bottle.

With a pinch of Wang Qingshan's sword art, the giant Qingtian sword turned into nine blue glass swords, flew back into the sword box, and the blue-golden flame disappeared into his sleeve.

His spiritual flame is at the sixth level, and it is very difficult to advance to the seventh level. If you refine a group of seventh-level spiritual flames, it will definitely be no problem to advance to the seventh level.

Wang Qingshan's spiritual flame is extremely yang and rigid, and is not suitable for refining seventh-order ice flames. They are also flames, and different flames have different powers.

Wang Qingfeng put away Ziyi Yanscorpion's body, Wang Xiangrong withdrew the formation, and Wang Tuntian walked towards a cave in the distance. There were many ten thousand year elixir in the cave.

After a while, Wang Tuntian came out. There were more than 20 plants of heartbroken grass in the lair of the Purple Wing Flame Scorpion, the age of which was between 10,000 and 30,000 years. eaten.

After resting for half an hour, they continued on their way.

Passing through the canyon, a black dense forest appeared in front of you.

The dense forest is full of black trees with luxuriant branches and leaves. The leaves are diamond-shaped, and the trunks are covered with black sharp thorns, and there are no fruits.

Wang Tuntian's eyes lit up with a dazzling yellow light. His eyes have mutated, and they can be used for treasure hunting and exploration, and can avoid some dangers.

"It doesn't look like a problem, but we should be more careful."

Wang Tuntian said solemnly.

He is only in the refining period, if the restraint is too clever, he will not be able to find out.

Wang Qingfeng released hundreds of bee puppets, let them fly around, and surrounded them together.

In this way, if there is a restriction ahead, they can discover it immediately.

This method is no problem against general restrictions, but it is difficult to say when encountering some powerful restrictions.

Cui Yao collected and sorted out the information about Wanlingxu, including the introduction of the restrictions of Wanlingxu. Some powerful restrictions are difficult to find, and the restrictions have already been triggered when they are discovered.

The bee puppet flew around in the dense forest without touching any restrictions.

They walked slowly, not fast.

After passing through the black dense forest, a towering black giant peak appeared in front of them. The mountain was covered with black stones, with no grass growing, and there was a huge cave on the top of the mountain.

Wang Tuntian's eyes lit up with a dazzling yellow light, and said: "I didn't find any restrictions."

With Wang Qingfeng's tactic, hundreds of bee puppets flew towards the mountain without touching any restrictions.

"There are space fluctuations here, maybe there are space restrictions, be careful."

Wang Huanyu reminded, with a serious face, she is very sensitive to the power of space.

Dong Xueli released two spider puppets and climbed up the mountain. At the beginning, there was nothing abnormal. At the halfway up the mountain, a gray vortex emerged out of thin air. The two spider puppets were sucked into the vortex uncontrollably, and were strangled. of crushing.

A large number of bee puppets were also involved in the vortex and smashed to pieces.

The two third-order puppet beasts were scrapped just like that. Fortunately, the restriction was discovered, otherwise they would be in trouble.

"According to the map left by the Thousand Puppet Sanren, there is no restriction here. It seems that the restriction has indeed changed. Let's take a detour! I hope everything goes well."

Wang Qingshan suggested.

They returned along the way they had come and left this place.


Near a turbulent river, Shang Li and more than a dozen monks of the Wu tribe stood by the river, looking at a peach blossom forest across the river, their faces were solemn.

"Sure enough, the restriction has changed. It is impossible to pass here, so we can only change the route."

Shang Li frowned and said.

"It's nothing to change the route, as long as you can get the inheritance of the True Monarch Hundred Puppets, no matter how far you go, it's worth it."

A man in a golden robe with a big belly didn't take it seriously, a small golden snake with the thickness of a finger was wrapped around his arm.

Jin You, in the middle of the fusion.

"I hope! I have made several trips in vain before, and I hope I won't make another trip in vain this time."

Shang Li nodded, and they left here.


In a long and narrow valley, more than a dozen barbarians stood in the valley with gloomy faces. There were three corpses in the valley. They looked like they were dressed in the same clothes. They were barbarians. Two colorful lizards lay on the ground not far away.

The leader was a big man in a golden shirt with a big shoulder and a round waist, his eyes were wide open, and he exuded a strong evil spirit.

Wu Tian, ​​the leader of the barbarian treasure hunt in the middle stage of integration.

The barbarians sent five combined bodies and a dozen or so Void Refining monks to enter the Wanling Market to hunt for treasure.

When they passed by here, they were attacked by two seventh-order multicolored lizards, and three Lianxu were killed.

In addition to prohibition, the monsters and poisonous insects in Wanling Market should not be underestimated.

"I actually met a seventh-level colorful lizard. Damn it, this kind of monster is proficient in concealment, so it's really hard to find."

A woman in a purple dress with gorgeous facial features frowned and said.

Sang Li, in the early stage of fusion.

"Be careful! Fortunately, you didn't encounter a seventh-order six-eyed sand spider."

Wu Tian reminded, put away the corpses of their companions and colorful lizards, and they left here.

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