Rise of Qinglian

2961 six hundred years

From spring to autumn, six hundred years have passed.

In Tianhaifang City, the streets are spacious and clean, full of voices, cars and horses, very lively.

Since Chen Yueying entered the Mahayana stage, the Lengyan sect withdrew most of its staff, and this square city was officially controlled by Zhenhai Palace. The Wang family, the Song family and many other affiliated immortal cultivating families all set up shop in Tianhaifang city.

- In a vast manor, more than 20 cultivators gathered in a blue stone pavilion, tasting tea and discussing Taoism. The leader was a white-faced and beardless old man in red robes. The old man in the red robe has a round face and small eyes, with kind eyebrows and kind eyes, and an approachable appearance.

"Fellow Taoist Yan, didn't you say that Fairy Wufeng and Daoist Lei Jiao from the Thirty-Six Heroes of the Wang family are also attending this gathering? Are they not coming?" asked a slightly hunchbacked old man in yellow robes. A yellow snake-headed cane, and a yellow spirit beast bracelet on his right hand. The old man in the red robe was about to answer, when a magnetic male voice sounded: "We have been delayed for a while, I am so sorry for being late. As soon as the words fell, a slim girl in red skirt and a handsome silver robe youth walked in.

The girl in the red skirt has exquisite facial features, willow-leaf curved eyebrows, almond-shaped eyes, no makeup on her face, long black hair scattered on her shoulders like a waterfall, her waist is tied into a bow with soft gold silk smoke, and a red phoenix is ​​inserted obliquely in her hair. hairpin.

Wang Xiuyuan, she is the cultivator of the Wang family who is focusing on cultivating the gods. She is currently in the middle stage of the gods. Tracing back to the source, she is a descendant of Wang Gonghu, and she has raised a fifth-level black phoenix. Wang Xiuyan killed many fifth-level monsters by virtue of the fifth-level Wufeng, and won the title of Wufeng Fairy. The young man in the silver robe is tall and tall, his eyes are piercing, and there is a faint silver light shooting out.

Wang Shenxiong, he is also a cultivator of the Wang family's focus on cultivating the spirit, and is currently in the middle stage of the spirit transformation. He is a descendant of Wang Mofei, and he has raised a fifth-level Leijiao. Both Wang Xiuyan and Wang Shenxiong are among the thirty-six heroes of the royal family. He is an elite child of the Wang family. With the rapid increase in the number of senior monks in the family, the training system has also changed

The Wang family formulated a training system of nine sons, sixteen masters, one hundred and eight talents, three hundred and sixty talents, and seven hundred and twelve outstanding talents. Thirty-six key trainings are called the thirty-six heroes, and one hundred and eight people are selected from the Nascent Soul Cultivators for key training, called the hundred and eight heroes, and so on. Wang Xiuyan and Wang Shenxiong are the elite children of the Wang family, and they attract attention wherever they appear. "Wang Daoyou, Wang Xianzi, it's good that you come, I'll wait for you." The red-robed old man said enthusiastically, calling them to sit down.

The red-robed old man is called Yan Yunfeng, who was born in the Yan family, one of the cultivating families affiliated to the Wang family, and the children of King Yan's family have frequent exchanges. Wang Xiuyan and Wang Shenxiong sat down and chatted with the monks. "Fellow Daoist Huang, I heard that when you green carps can hunt and kill monsters, you encountered people from the Black Eagle Clan.

Yan Yunfeng looked at the old man in yellow robe and asked curiously

The Green Carp Association is a casual cultivator organization, established by five monks who transform into gods. The old man in yellow robe is Huang Tao, the president, and half of the Wang family's young man who has cultivated in the late stage of transforming gods moved to a new site and developed a new site. As a result, there is a shortage of manpower , Lease out some islands. There are many islands in this sea area. The islands full of aura either have powerful monsters, or are controlled by humans or aliens. Most of the high-level casual cultivators rent islands controlled by humans. Huang Tao paid a large amount of spirit stones. Rent an island with the Wang family.

"When we fought against them, a group of people were killed or injured, and the losses were heavy. The mysterious powers of the Xuanying clan are not small, and they are proficient in the supernatural powers of the ventilation system. If I hadn't raised a fifth-level green carp beast, I'm afraid I couldn't survive.

Huang Tao's face showed fear.

After years of development, in the territory controlled by the human race, the number of high-level monsters

The quantity is getting less and less. In order to hunt high-level monsters, some casual cultivators have to go to remote sea areas to hunt monsters. There is a high chance of encountering alien black eagles. The strength is not weak. They also dare to haunt remote sea areas and dare not go to the hinterland of our human race.

Wang Xiuyan sneered and said, in recent years, there have been many fights between human monks and several foreign races, each of them was killed or injured.

After chatting for more than an hour, Yan Yunfeng proposed to exchange things, which was agreed by all the monks.


Yan Yunfeng was the initiator of the party, and he took the lead in exchanging things

Yan Yunfeng took out more than 50 kinds of materials, most of which were refining materials. If he wanted to exchange alchemy materials, he only exchanged out more than ten kinds.

The monks focused on Wang Xiuyuan and Wang Shenxiong. Wang Xiuyan produced more than 20 kinds of materials, such as spirit treasures, fifth-level puppet beasts, Tongtian Lingbao, fifth-level elixirs, fifth-level talisman seals, and so on. In exchange for materials of equal value, animal breeding is given priority.

Wang Xiuyan said in a deep voice, her eyes flicked over the monks present

Yan Yunfeng and other cultivators who transformed themselves into spirits communicated with Wang Xiuyan and took out things for her to check. "Fairy Wang, how about I exchange a puppet with you with a skill?"

A woman in a red dress with gorgeous features transmitted voice to Wang Xiuyan, and handed Wang Xiuyan a blue jade slip. Wang Xiuyan swept away her consciousness and frowned.

""Four Seas Forging Spirit Art" is the palace-suppressing exercise of the Four Seas Palace, but the Four Seas Palace has disappeared in the long river of history. I got this exercise by accident, and I haven't changed a single word.

The woman in the red skirt explained through voice transmission.

She went on a treasure hunt with others, and got some things in an ancient monk's cave. Among them was the cultivation method of "Four Seas Spiritual Training", which can be cultivated to the middle stage of fusion. This technique conflicts with the attributes of the technique she practiced, and it is not suitable for her to practice. It can be used to exchange for immortal cultivation resources.

The puppet beasts of the Wang family are well-known in this sea area. If you get a fifth-order puppet beast, it will be much more convenient to hunt and kill monsters in the future. Wang Xiuyan thought about it and agreed.

If the cultivator of Lianxu was exchanged with the Wang family, a fifth-order puppet beast would not be able to send away the cultivator of Lianxu. This time, Wang Xiu's son-in-law got a big deal, provided that there is no problem with the cultivation technique. Most of the things that Wang Xiuyuan took out were exchanged. All the monks took out things to exchange one after another, and only some of the monks exchanged what they needed. This is also a normal thing.

After the exchange, the monks continued to chat, and the topic came to the Four Seas Palace.

"The Four Seas Palace, like the Qianmu Sect, was wiped out by a large beast tide. I heard that the Qianmu Sect left behind several elixir gardens. I wonder if there is anything left by the Four Seas Palace.'

Yan Yunfeng said casually.

"I heard that the Four Seas Palace has left behind several secret realms, but after so many years, it may have been discovered by a big force!" Huang Tao said casually.

"Secret realm? If anyone gets the entire secret realm, then let it go." The young woman in the red skirt said with a light smile.

"By the way, Mrs. Fang, why don't you see Fellow Daoist Lin? Aren't your husband and wife together all the time? I haven't seen him for a while. Yan Yunfeng asked curiously.

"My husband is practicing in seclusion. When he leaves the seclusion, I will definitely go with him to pay a visit to Fellow Daoist Yan." The young woman in the red skirt explained.

Yan Yunfeng didn't think much about it, and responded with a smile. After chatting for more than half an hour, all the monks left one after another and went back to their homes.

Huang Tao appeared in a secluded small courtyard with blue tiles. There was a two-story yellow pavilion and a blue stone pavilion in the courtyard. - A tall and thin young man in green shirt stood in the stone pavilion with an anxious expression on his face.

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