Rise of Qinglian

Chapter 2948 Searching for Immortal Cultivation Resources

Yan Que's eyes were full of jealousy, the three Mahayanas of the human race rushed over, if there was a fight, he would definitely suffer.

After finally breaking into the Sky Lizard Mountain Range, he left anyway because it was related to the interests of the Jinghuo Clan.

"Friend Lin, you have finally arrived."

Chen Yueying looked happy when she saw Xuan Qingzi.

Xuan Qingzi nodded, looked at the sky far away, and said in a deep voice, "Yan Hao, since we're here, why hide in the dark?"

"Can't talk about being sneaky? The old man has just arrived."

A masculine voice sounded.

As soon as the words fell, a group of red flames emerged out of thin air, and the red flames swelled up, turning into the appearance of Yan Xin.

The six Mahayanas confronted each other, and Wang Changsheng and others returned to their respective camps one after another, with solemn faces on both sides.

"The war has been going on for so long, Fellow Daoist Lin, do you still want to fight? If you want to fight, we will accompany you to the end."

Yan Xin's expression was solemn.

"If Fellow Daoist Yan wants to fight, we will accompany you, but if we continue to fight, I'm afraid it will be cheaper for the Jinlin Clan and Silver Shark Clan, and share the territory of the Lizard Clan. How about it?"

Xuan Qingzi suggested.

"How do you divide it? Fellow Daoist Lin, tell me?"

Luo Xiao's tone was cold.

If they can't reach an agreement, they still have to fight, but the war has been fought so far, and their losses are not small. If they continue to fight, it will be cheaper for the Golden Scale Clan and the Silver Shark Clan.

"Seven to three, we seven, you three."

Xuan Qingzi said with a smile, if it was in the past, seven or seven points would have been enough, Tian Xuyu entered the Hinayana stage, Yan Que was seriously injured, and the human race would naturally take less.

"Hmph, they are all eight Hinayanas, so your family will take 10%?"

Yan Hao snorted hotly, and said with some satisfaction.

"Since Fellow Daoist Yan is willing, let's have a spar and try the old man's spiritual realm."

Wang Ruyan flipped his left hand, and a gleaming green cultivator appeared under his hand. Xu Lan had no flower patterns engraved on the surface, and the aura flickered on and off. There were no small and large cracks on the surface, and there were no small gaps in the fingers, exuding amazing fluctuations of wood aura .

He opened his mouth and spewed out a blue light, before the blue Xu Lan absorbed the blue light, a dazzling blue light burst out, with a heavy shake of his wrist, the blue Xiuxian came out of his hand, landed on the ground, and took root.

After eight breaths, the blue Xu Lan grows into a small tree with a height of 100,000 feet. The leaves are green and shiny, and there are no mysterious lines under the thick and small trunk. .

Big trees grew out of the ground, and the big trees quickly grew smaller and turned into small trees with a height of more than a thousand feet. Apart from the trees, there were also rare vegetation such as spiritual flowers, rattans, and thorns.

"Xuantian Lingyu!"

The faces of Yan Hao, Yan Que and Luo Xiao froze, and their faces were full of fear.

"The treasure of Tianxuyu is even more powerful than our clan's treasure, the Golden Crow Fan, so it's easy to deal with."

Yan Que transmitted the sound to Yan Xin with a light tone.

"18 points? Hmph, Chen Yueying made a good calculation, at least 80 or 70 points, if it works, then let's fight!"

Luo Xiao said with a hot face, 18 points, thanks to Xu Lanwei who can speak.

Wang Ruyan communicated with Tianxuyu and Tianhe Jianzun through sound transmission, and the eight nodded to each other.

"Okay, then eighty-seven points, eight for us, seven for you."

Wang Ruyan agreed to come up, he just wanted 80% or 70% as soon as he finished, saying that 18% was for the Jinghuo clan and Yasha clan to bargain, if he wanted 80% or 70%, the Jinghuo clan and Yasha clan would refuse, and wanted 70% .

He took out a piece of light blue animal skin. The animal skin is the territory of the Lizard Race, and they came here obviously unprepared. The eight Hinayanas pointed to the map to divide the territory.

There is no way to say 80% or 70%. You must know that the first-order ore veins and the first-order Lingshan are distributed in the same place, and the reason for dividing the land is to occupy less jade flute resources.

They were discussing at the side, while Lin Daoyou and Wang Changsheng stared at the ghost clan's corpse with serious expressions.

Wang Changsheng hesitated to speak, but Fellow Daoist Lin said via voice transmission: "Go back and talk."

Eight hours ago, Wang Ruyan and the others finally reached an agreement and determined the division of the land.

The human race occupies 80% of the lizard race's territory, the Jinghuo and Yasha tribe account for 70%, the Tianli mountain range is divided into eight parts, the human race occupies a part, the Jinghuo tribe and the Yasha tribe occupy a part, and the remaining part serves as a rush period.

Fortunately, there are fewer ghosts coming, otherwise the Tianli Mountain Range will become a place like Wanguiyuan.

After dividing the territory of the Lizard Clan, there is still nothing outside the Lizard Clan's treasure house. How to allocate it is another problem.

Tian Xuyu slashed open the small door of the Lizard Clan's treasure house with an axe, and retreated, and the seven of Luo Xiao retreated one after another, while Lin Daoyou and other fit monks searched for other jade flute resources inside.

Most of the quarter of an hour ago, they came out, all smiles on their faces.

There are no seven pages of Xuanqingzi's book outside the treasure house. The human race took two pages, and the Jinghuo clan and Yasha clan took two pages. As for the content, they all know it. It depends on whose luck is better, and the content of Xu Lanwei's book is better. .

It's strange that Yifeng actually left them seven pages of Xuanqingzi's book. Could it be that he was worried that the Hinayana of the Eight Clans would get good things and wipe out the remnants of the Lizard Clan? Or is it time to transfer? Or other reasons?

In addition to the seven pages of Xu Lanwei's book, there is no small amount of materials, 800 million spirit stones, less than 20,000 top-grade spirit stones, no batch of fourth-level refining materials, less than 20,000 copies of dharma materials, and 80,000 years. There are no two hundred plants of elixir, are there any elixir that is more than 80,000 years old, there are no eighty bottles of first-order elixirs, and are there any first-order puppet beasts.

There are seven low-grade Tongtian Lingbao, all of which are attacking.

There are first-order lightning-absorbing beads, Dongyi sacred wood, and Siguang sacred mud, and there are no eight sky lizards. Obviously, the lizard tribe transferred a lot of property, and all the more precious things were taken away.

Even so, the eight tribes are still fed up, without these things, it is enough for them to cultivate a group of low-handed.

They came to the Sutra Pavilion of the Lizard Tribe. There are hundreds of millions of exercises and books. None of the exercises can be cultivated from the qi refining stage to the early stage of the Hinayana. There are seventy-eight gates of law.

The exercises that have been cultivated to the early stage of the Hinayana belong to the human race, and there are no eight exercises that can be cultivated to the middle stage of the Hinayana.

The lizard tribe definitely has no backup, and the exercises left in the Sutra Pavilion are sure to be fine, and it takes time to distinguish the authenticity from the fake.

Daoyou Lin and the others are also idle, searching for jade flute resources in the Tianli Mountains, and the residences of some lizard elders are still very good things.

It is a red valley surrounded by mountains on eight sides, and there is not a single manor in the valley that occupies an extremely large area.

Xu Lanwei and Wang Changsheng stood at the door of a secret room. When they opened the small door, a stone room more than a hundred feet small appeared in front of them. There was not a red magic circle and a red cauldron in the stone room. Floating in the air under the magic circle, the body of the red cauldron is engraved with four lifelike patterns of dragons, the aura is amazing.

"Low grade Tongtian Lingbao!"

Lin Daoyouxi is self-victory, if Wang Changsheng used Lihuo True Eyes, this treasure would definitely be found first.

There are many alchemy materials in the stone room, and this should be the cave of an alchemist.

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