Rise of Qinglian

Chapter 2897 Ziyun Bayin

If you want to exchange for Nine Lights Divine Clay, you need more rare materials.

Nine Lights Divine Mud is refined into treasures, and the effect of resisting the great catastrophe is very good, but with the increase of the number of cataclysms, the power of the great catastrophe is getting stronger and stronger, and the treasures refined by the Nine Lights Divine Mud may not be able to stop it .

Of course, if you get a large amount of Nine Lights Divine Mud and refine a top-grade Tongtian Lingbao, it will not be a problem to resist eight or nine thunder calamities.

As far as Wang Changsheng knew, there were only a few top-grade Heaven-reaching Spirit Treasures of the Xuanling Continent's defense category, and no one was heard of that was made from a large amount of Nine Lights Divine Mud. Maybe there were such treasures, but the outside world didn't know about them.

If any faction has a high-grade Tongtian Lingbao refined from the Nine Lights Divine Mud, it will definitely block the news strictly and will not let the outside world know. Once the news is leaked, it will cause unnecessary trouble.

Wang Changsheng continued to check the catalog and saw the water of the Styx River, but according to the catalog, the amount of water from the Styx River was not much.

After a lot of weighing, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan made a decision.

They exchanged their good deeds for the Dongyi Shenmu, the water of the Styx River, four boxes of Tianyinsha, ten silver gang crystals, the soul-suppressing pendant, two panacea pills, one seventh-order talisman seal, and two sixth-level medium-grade talismans. Suction thunder beads and two pots of Huiyuan jade wine.

The mid-grade Tongtian Lingbao worn by Zhenhun can restrain the attack of the spirit and soul. This treasure is given to Wang Ruyan to wear, and Wang Changsheng can use all his strength to activate the shocking soul gong.

The Qiankun Locking Talisman is the Enemy Trapping Talisman Seal, one of the unique secret talismans of the Tianfu Sect. The fit monks are trapped, and it is difficult to get out of the trap for a while.

Huiyuan Yuniang is a seventh-level spiritual wine, which can quickly restore mana after being taken by a fit monk.

There was only one piece of Dongyi Shenmu, which was replaced by Wang Changsheng. The water from the Styx River in exchange was enough to condense Wang Changsheng's Dharma to eight-tenths.

The most precious of these things is Dongyi Shenmu, which is refined into treasures and is very effective in resisting the catastrophe.

There are still many good things, but due to the limitation of good deeds, they have not been able to redeem them for the time being, and it will not be too late to redeem them if they make contributions in the future.

"I will bring you what you want as quickly as possible."

Feng Xiaoyao said in a deep voice, and wrote a note to Wang Changsheng, which recorded the things they wanted to exchange.

After chatting for a while, Feng Xiaoyao said goodbye and left.

"How is it? Has Qinglian Baoyi regained her spirituality?"

Wang Changsheng asked, Wang Ruyan was trapped by the blood-transforming bowl, and the blood flame released by the blood-transforming bowl had the effect of defiled treasures, even with treasures protecting him, it could turn the enemy into a puddle of blood.

Even if the enemy is out of trouble, the treasures will be corroded by the power of blood and filth, and their spirituality will be greatly lost.

Bu Guang carried this treasure just to deal with Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan. Fortunately, Wang Changsheng's escaping method was better and he escaped.

Bu Guang raised a seventh-order soul-devouring clam, which combined with the blood-transforming bowl and the ten-thousand-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-spirited clam, could easily kill mid-stage monks, but it was a pity that he met Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

"I have used Liyang True Flame to dispel the power of blood filth, and Qinglian Baoyi has regained its spirituality."

Wang Ruyan nodded and said, she also has a sixth-level spiritual flame, named Liyang True Flame.

Wang Changsheng nodded, chatted for a while, returned to the secret room, and meditated to adjust his breath.


In Tianli Mountains, a secluded manor, Yi Feng and Bu Yi sat in a blue stone pavilion, and Bu Yi frowned.

Bu Guang, Bu Yu, and Bu Yi came from the same lineage, and when he learned that Bu Guang and Bu Yu had died in battle, Bu Yi asked Yifeng for an explanation despite his grief and indignation.

"According to the information sent back from the inside, Fairy Xuanyue and the other three went to support Celestial Couple Qinglian. It was only then that Bu Guang and the others fell. However, Celestial Couple Qinglian is really strong. It's a pity that the Ten Thousand Souls Banner fell into the hands of this person."

Yifeng sighed.

"Hmph, if you send Yuangang to go, there will be no such problem. We always let our own people rush forward. Our lizard masters are all dead, and we can't restrain the guys like Yuangang who joined the lizard clan halfway."

Bu Yi snorted softly, and said with some dissatisfaction.

He is a conservative and has always advocated peace talks, ceding some territories in exchange for peace.

"The three clans are dealing with our clan. We are under a lot of pressure. Ape Gang can't get away. If you are asked to make a move, you shirk."

Yifeng scolded unceremoniously, Bu Yi gathered a group of elders around him, most of these people's ancestors made great contributions, and after their meritorious service, they formed a small interest group, and Bu Yi was the representative of this group.

The conservative faction represented by Bu Yi occupies many important positions in the Lizard Race. As long as Bu Yi and others do not cooperate with the enemy, it is difficult for Yifeng to deal with them.

"We have to do everything by ourselves, why do we need those subordinate races?"

Bu Yi didn't take it seriously. His ancestor followed the Lizard Race Mahayana through life and death, and made a lot of contributions. After his ancestor finished his work, he should enjoy the blessings in the rear.

After hearing this, Yifeng wanted to refute, so he took out a pale golden Dharma disk from his arms, and entered a Dharma formula, his face darkened.

"What happened? Patriarch."

Bu Yi sensed something was wrong and asked.

"The Wuluo clan was wiped out by the Yasha clan. The leaders of the Yasha clan are Zi Yun and Bayin. We only have nine affiliated races left."

Yifeng said with a gloomy face, the defeat of the Sable Clan and the destruction of the Wuluo Clan severely hit morale.

"What? The Wuluo clan was wiped out? They have three fit monks, and we sent two fit monks to assist them."

Bu Yi's face was full of disbelief, and the two fit monks sent to support the Wuluo clan belonged to the conservative faction.

"Some members of the Wuluo clan rebelled and cooperated with the Yasha clan to attack the old nest of the Wuluo clan. It seems that we have to adjust our strategy."

Yifeng said in a deep voice.

Bu Yi frowned, and was about to say something, but when he saw Yi Feng's livid face, he swallowed back the words.


In the Wuluo mountain range, the old nest of the Wuluo clan, a large number of buildings have been destroyed, and many corpses can be seen.

In a resplendent and resplendent palace, a woman in a golden skirt with gorgeous features sat on the main seat, and Bayin sat beside them, smiling all over their faces.

The woman in the golden skirt is called Ziyun, and she is in the middle stage of fusion.

This time, the Wuluo clan was able to be wiped out, thanks to Bayin's rebellion against some members of the Wuluo clan, leading them into the Wuluo mountain range, cooperating with the inside and outside, and killing the leader of the Wuluo clan.

"This time you made a great contribution, and I will ask for credit for you."

Ziyun said with a smile.

Bayin nodded, and said modestly: "This is not my work alone. If Mrs. Zi hadn't killed the two integrated monks sent by the Lizard Clan, we would not be able to take down the Wuluo Clan."

A proud expression appeared on Zi Yun's face. She took out a pale golden Dharma plate from her bosom, and entered a Dharma formula, her eyes flashed with astonishment.

"Ba Yin, the Qinglian fairy couple has also arrived at the front line, and they beheaded four fit monks."

Ziyun said in a deep voice.


Bayin's face was full of shock. He had chased and killed the Qinglian fairy couple in his early years, but they escaped. After so many years, the Qinglian fairy couple both entered the fusion stage.

He thought that he had made great progress, but he didn't expect that Qinglian Xianlv made even greater progress.

"It's a pity, if they were exterminated back then, the human race would lose two masters."

Bayin said with a frown.

Ziyun smiled and said, "When they reach the front line, it's hard to say whether they will survive to the end. Maybe you will have a chance to meet."

"If that's the case, I'll let them taste my power."

Bayin sneered, with a murderous look on his face.

He was also killed from the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood, and he is not afraid of the Qinglian fairy couple.

"They killed two fit mid-stage monks."

Ziyun said solemnly.

After hearing this, Bayin was stunned, with fear on his face.

In the last chapter of the celebration treasure, I missed a pair of axes, so I added it. The seventh-order puppets are too precious. It’s really too much to get a seventh-order puppet just after starting the fight. Modify it. If you don’t get the seventh-order puppet, change it. into two lightning-absorbing beads

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