Rise of Qinglian

2845 Zen Master Daren

Half a month passed, and a large number of high-level monks entered Qingjiao Valley, making Qingjiao Valley more and more lively.

On this day, when the sky was just dawning, there was a long queue at the entrance of a majestic giant tower. A large number of monks lined up to enter the giant tower. Du Xueyao and Wang Yidao were also among the queued crowd.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, your Wang family is also involved in planning this auction, so you can tell me now, what good things do you have?"

Du Xueyao asked.

"have no idea!"

Wang Yidao's attitude was rather cold.

For the past half a month, Du Xueyao has been by his side, participating in gatherings and exchanges, and exchanging Taoism with other cultivators.

Du Xueyao was a talker, she never stopped talking, Wang Yidao was taciturn, and had nothing to say to his clansmen, the complete opposite.

At first, Wang Yidao would answer a few words politely, but then he didn't bother to reply. Du Xueyao talked too much, and Wang Yidao couldn't finish it.

"I heard that there will be precious knives in this auction, but you should not look down on them. There are many high-level craftsmen in your family. I heard from Fellow Daoist Long that there will be seventh-order spirit wine, golden branch and jade liquid in this auction. The effect of improving mana, I haven't tasted the seventh-level spirit wine yet!"

At the end of Du Xueyao's speech, a longing look appeared on her face.

She is a winemaker, and the Du family is good at wine making.

Wang Yidao ignored Du Xueyao, and Du Xueyao didn't care, and told Wang Yidao how to make wine.

Not long after, they came to the gate of the giant pagoda. This time the auction was jointly held by the Long family and the Wang family, and naturally the children of the Wang family did not have to pay the fee.

Du Xueyao followed Wang Yidao, and the children of the Long family let him go.

As one of the organizers of the auction, the children of the Wang family have their own private box.

Wang Yidao and Du Xueyao, led by an attendant in green clothes, walked into an independent box. There was a mirror in the box, through which they could clearly see the situation of the auction venue.

Du Xueyao took out an exquisite white jug and two blue wine glasses, and poured two glasses of spiritual wine.

"Wang Daoyou, this is the snow mulberry juice I brewed. It is made from the snow mulberry fruit that grows in the Wannian Glacier as the main material. Try it!"

Du Xueyao picked up a wine glass and handed it to Wang Yidao, her face full of anticipation.

Wang Yidao frowned and said, "I don't like drinking."

"The spirit wine I brew is different from other people's. Why don't you try it, this is the first jar of sixth-order spirit wine I brewed."

Du Xueyao persuaded.

Wang Yidao took the wine glass and drank it down.

"How is it? Is it good?"

Du Xueyao asked, looking at Wang Yidao expectantly.


Wang Yidao responded.

"It's delicious, drink more, I brewed a lot of jars."

Du Xueyao smiled brilliantly, and poured another glass for Wang Yidao.

In a vast manor, Wang Changsheng and Long Tianheng sat chatting in a blue stone pavilion, their expressions solemn.

"According to the plan, the five-yin girl we found showed some flaws. As long as they are not too stupid, they should be able to find out. The rest is up to you."

Long Tianheng said seriously.

The three five-yin women all appeared in Qingjiao Valley. The murderer knew there was something wrong with his brains. The murderer missed at least twice, so he must be vigilant.

They found three five-yin girls, and deliberately exposed one of them, leaving Wang Shenfeng and Du Xueyao behind. The reason why the five-yin girls found by the Long family were exposed was that the five-yin girls were too low-level, and they only had the alchemy stage. .

The murderer has the cultivation base of the Void Refinement Stage, and the five-yin girl of the Alchemy Stage will be caught by the murderer if she is not careful.

Wang Shenfeng and Du Xueyao's cultivation bases are relatively high, even if the cultivators of Xuxu made a move, they wouldn't be able to kill them instantly.

Wang Changsheng nodded and said: "At that time, follow the plan. After the auction is over, you should send people to follow and protect. You should be more cautious. They might take action against this girl. As for Shenfeng and Xueyao, after a period of time, they will go back to you." Let them leave Fangshi, I don't believe it, the three five-yin girls, none of them are tempted."

According to the information collected by Wang Chuanming, at least eighteen Wuyin girls were killed, the real number must be more than that, and it is unknown how long it took the other party to collect the spirits of the Wuyin girls.

Just as Long Tianheng was about to say something, he took out a pale golden Dharma plate from his arms, and entered a Dharma formula with a happy expression on his face.

"A good friend is visiting, Wang Daoyou, let me introduce you."

Long Tianheng got up and walked out. Not long after, he came in with a tall and thin monk in green robe. The monk in green robe had a square face and big eyes. He wore a string of blue Buddhist beads on his chest and held a A cyan Zen stick.

Judging by his aura, he was clearly an early-stage monk.

"Buddhist cultivator!"

Wang Changsheng was slightly taken aback. Wang Chuanming has collected portraits of some well-known body monks in Xuanling Continent, but he has never seen a green-robed monk. Could it be a newly promoted body monk?

"Wang Daoyou, let me introduce you. This is Zen Master Daren. He is my good friend for many years. He saved me in the Ten Thousand Fire Mountains. If it wasn't for him, I would have died at the hands of the Lizard Race."

Long Tianheng introduced.

"Poor monk Daren, I have met fellow Daoist Wang."

The green-robed monk clasped his hands together and said politely.

"Chan Master Daren? I don't know where Zen Master Daren is practicing?"

Wang Changsheng asked curiously.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, Chan Master Daren is indifferent to fame and wealth by nature, and rarely attends gatherings or celebrations. Not many fellow Daoists know of his existence. Mrs. Liao and Fairy Li all know him."

Long Tianheng saw Wang Changsheng's confusion and explained.

Wang Changsheng suddenly realized, and did not pursue further.

"By the way, Zen Master Daren, are you here to participate in the auction? The auction is about to be held, and now it's just in time."

Long Tianheng said with a smile.

"When the poor monk was traveling, he found that there were evil cultivators who killed innocent female monks and shot and wounded a murderer. Unfortunately, the thief exposed himself and did not get any useful information. This time, the poor monk came here to inform you. I hope you will call people. Find the murderer and let the dead rest in peace."

Zen Master Daren looked solemn.

"Crueled the nun?"

Long Tianheng frowned, asked about the details, and Zen Master Daren answered truthfully.

"To tell you the truth, Master, we also found out that there are evil cultivators who have harmed female monks. It is estimated that evil spirits and heretics did it, but they did it very secretly. We thought of a way to lure the snake out of the cave."

Long Tianheng said seriously.

"Leading the snake out of the hole? Do you need the help of the poor monk? It is the responsibility of our generation of monks to eliminate demons and defend the way."

Zen Master Daren looked upright.

"No need for now, if necessary, we will speak."

Wang Changsheng said politely.

Zen Master Daren nodded, changed his tone, and said, "I heard that Daoyou Wang and Mrs. Zun jointly killed a foreign race in the middle stage of fusion. I don't know that Daoyou Wang killed a monk from the Jinghuo clan?"

"It's the past, there's nothing to talk about."

Wang Changsheng didn't want to say more.

The news spread that the two hybrid alien races he beheaded also had relatives and friends. Who knows if their relatives and friends will avenge them.

Seeing this situation, Zen Master Daren didn't ask any more questions.

After chatting for half an hour, Zen Master Daren left.

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