Rise of Qinglian

2805 Green Chestnut

A black swamp that stretches for millions of miles, the vegetation and land are black, there are a lot of black mud and puddles on the ground, rotting trees of different heights stand, and there is a rotten smell in the air.

There was a deafening explosion sound from the depths of the swamp, and a huge red mushroom cloud soared into the sky, which was very conspicuous.

A ray of light quickly flew out from the swamp, and the ray of light converged, revealing Wang Mofei's figure, with a tense expression and frightened eyes.

A huge blood-colored cloud followed closely behind. Upon closer inspection, the blood-colored cloud was hundreds of thousands of flying bloodthirsty ants, and the queen was a sixth-level mid-grade.

Wang Mofei frowned, turned his right hand, and a golden light flashed, a folding fan with erratic golden light appeared in his hand, with a light fan, a golden flame swept out, the golden flame suddenly condensed and turned into a A huge golden phoenix, wrapped in a stream of golden flames, rushed towards the flying bloodthirsty ants.

Naturally, the flying bloodthirsty ants wouldn't take it hard. At this moment, a man shouted loudly in the sky, and the god roared.

A large number of flying bloodthirsty ants lost consciousness and quickly fell towards the ground, and the queen was also affected to a certain extent.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the golden phoenix collided with the bloody cloud.

After the loud bang, a golden flame flooded the blood-colored cloud, and a large number of low-level flying bloodthirsty ants were wiped out.

Wang Mofei's light soared, and disappeared into the sky after a few flashes.


A rolling black mountain range, the place is filled with miasma and sparse vegetation.

There was an earth-shattering explosion sound from the depths of the mountains, shaking the earth and shaking the mountains.

A cyan tornado hundreds of feet high flew out from the depths of the mountain range at a particularly fast speed.

A somewhat noisy hiss sounded, and the cyan tornado stopped, revealing Wang Xiangrong's figure.

He has advanced to the mid-stage of Void Refinement, and as Wang Changsheng's avatar, Wang Xiangrong has a lot of treasures on him, and his strength is not weak, but his eyes are full of horror, as if he has encountered something terrible.

A huge yellow spider rushed out of a huge valley. The head of the yellow spider was extremely small, with six khaki eyeballs.

Six-eyed sand spider, ranked eleventh on the list of ten thousand insects, extremely poisonous.

Wang Xiangrong turned pale with shock. This six-eyed sand spider is a top-ranked sixth-level spider. The poisonous fire can corrode the heaven-reaching spiritual treasure, and it has also mastered the supernatural power of petrification.

True Lord Golden Spider of Wanlingmen raised a seventh-level six-eyed sand spider, and killed the aliens at the fusion stage, making this poisonous insect famous.

Wang Xiangrong took a deep breath, and let out a loud shout, which was the Zhenshen roar.

Only the core disciples of the Wang family can master this supernatural power. Most members of the clan can only practice "Taixu Forging God Art" to the fourth level. After the fifth level, jade soul crystal arrays are required to practice. The children are a little more dependent on the enemy.

When the six-eyed sand spider heard this sound, its body trembled slightly, the sound of breaking wind was loud, and dense cyan wind blades shot out.

The six-eyed sand spider let out a sharp hissing sound, and spewed out a khaki aura. When the cyan wind blade touched the khaki aura, it quickly petrified, and then fell from the sky.

At this time, Wang Xiangrong had already used escape speed to escape.

The six-eyed sand spider didn't chase after it either, and returned to the nest.


A steep mountain peak, the place above the mountainside is covered by a white mist, and the situation inside cannot be seen clearly, and there are deafening explosions from the top of the mountain from time to time.

There was a deafening roar of a tiger, and a group of dazzling red flames soared into the sky, dispelling a large amount of white mist, and a vast manor was faintly visible.

Most of the manor collapsed, and some buildings can be seen.

A giant red tiger flew out from the depths of the manor. The giant tiger had a pair of blue fleshy wings on its back.

Just as the giant red tiger flew out of the manor, there was a wave in the void. A big hand with red light appeared out of thin air and slapped on the giant red tiger. The giant red tiger quickly fell towards the ground, crushing the wall, and the smoke and dust billowed.

Four blue rainbows descended from the sky and headed straight for the giant red tiger.

The giant red tiger roared angrily, and a red sound wave swept out, blocking the four blue rainbows.

With a flash of blue light, four flying swords with erratic blue light appeared.

The aura of the four blue flying swords rose sharply, and four fierce blue sword qi swept out, like four huge waves reaching the sky.

The red giant tiger screamed again and again, bleeding profusely, and bones could be seen faintly.

The four blue flying swords spun quickly, and suddenly merged into one, revealing a blue sky-lifting giant sword, which went straight to the red giant tiger.

The red giant tiger felt the astonishing momentum of the giant sword that held up to the sky, so naturally it didn't dare to be stubborn. At this moment, a woman's shout resounded through the world.

The red giant tiger's body trembled slightly, dizzy, and when it regained consciousness, the Qingtian giant sword had already chopped down, cutting it in half.

Wang Liangyan flew over, landed beside the giant red tiger, and put away the spirit of the giant red tiger.

In the depths of the manor, Wang Lihe stood in front of a cyan fruit tree about ten feet high. The leaves of the cyan fruit tree were round. Dozens of light cyan fruits hung on the tree. The surface of the fruit was covered with cyan thorns.

The green chestnut fruit tree, the green chestnut fruit has the effect of strengthening the blood, and the fit monk can also use it.

"Thanks to Patriarch Qingshan's map this time, otherwise we wouldn't be able to find this place."

Wang Lihe said with a smile, carefully picked off these green chestnut fruits and put them into the jade box.

The map that Wang Qingshan got was the map of this secret place, otherwise they would not have found it smoothly.

"It's a pity that the other elixir was eaten by this green-winged fire tiger, and the green chestnut fruit also ate a lot."

Wang Liangyan said in a regretful tone.

"After so many years, there are no monks to maintain the formation. It is normal for the restriction to loosen. This is just a elixir garden, and there are many elixir gardens. Search slowly."

Wang Liangyan sacrificed a small pagoda with flashing blue light, the aura is amazing, Bailing Pagoda, a Tongtian Lingbao specially transplanted with elixir and spiritual fruit trees, Bailing Pagoda emits a blue glow, covering the green chestnut fruit tree, the green chestnut fruit tree slowly rises, He was uprooted, and was swept into the Bailing Pagoda by the cyan glow and disappeared.

The two left here and rushed to the next elixir garden.


In a vast and boundless blue grassland, thousands of giant blue dogs were frozen into ice, and a white dragon hovered in the sky.

The white flood dragon opened its bloody mouth wide, and spewed out a stream of white rays of light, covering all the icicles, sucking them into its mouth and disappearing.

With a flash of white light, the white flood dragon turned into Wang Qinghao's appearance, with an indifferent expression.

There are a lot of sixth-order monsters here, and ordinary sixth-order monsters can't do anything to Wang Qinghao.

He seemed to have noticed something, and took out a gleaming blue Dharma plate from his arms. There was a blue lotus pattern on the surface of the Dharma plate, and after entering a formula, the blue lotus flower turned slightly.

Wang Qingyu looked happy, and there were clansmen nearby.

He turned into a ray of white light and broke through the air, flying towards the sky.

Before it was time for a cup of tea, Wang Qingyu appeared above a dense black forest, and Wang Yingjie flew towards him.


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