Rise of Qinglian

2792 three hundred years

Spring went to autumn, and three hundred years passed quickly.

On Qinglian Island, a vast manor, Wang Moshan was talking to Wang Moxin.

"What? The Tiangang Zhanling Blade, the treasure of the Beiming family, is here?"

Wang Moshan frowned, surprised.

The Beiming family has disappeared in the long river of history. Logically speaking, the family treasure of the Beiming family has also been destroyed. Even if it is obtained by outsiders, it will be difficult for outsiders to use it.

The treasures of the Immortal Cultivation Clan will be refined using secret methods, and only the high-ranking monks of this family can use them. It is difficult for outsiders to use them. The treasures of the Immortal Cultivation Sect do not have this restriction.

"Yes! It was taken away by Huang Yilong's second disciple."

Wang Moxin said in a regretful tone, Huang Yilong was born in the Wanling Sect. In the last race war, Huang Yilong led a team to fight, and with the help of the Wanshougong, he repelled the monsters driven by alien races.

The Wang family formed their own business alliance to purchase resources for cultivating immortals, buy low and sell high, and earn the difference.

He is responsible for managing the family's business and is the head of the Qinglian Merchant Alliance. He often represents the Wang family and participates in auctions, celebrations, and so on.

The Wang family is now also the top force in the Xuanling Continent's human race platoon. Whenever the human race forces hold large-scale auctions, the Wang family will receive invitations. This is both face and recognition.

A few years ago, on behalf of the Wang family, he was invited to participate in an auction, and the organizer took out the Tiangang Slaying Spirit Blade.

There are a total of nine Tiangang Slaying Spirit Blades, which are a complete set of treasures. The organizer only took out two Tiangang Slashing Spirit Blades, which were taken away by Huang Yilong's second disciple.

"I remember that Huang Yilong raised a batch of King Kong worms, maybe they used them to feed the King Kong worms."

Wang Moshan analyzed that King Kong worms are ranked 40th on the list of 10,000 worms. They like to eat hardware and things with spiritual energy. They are invulnerable to swords and guns, water and fire! Even Tianlingbao can swallow it.

Tiangang Zhan Lingblade is a mid-grade Tongtian Lingbao, not a member of the Beiming family, so it should not be able to use it. If it is used to feed the King Kong Bug King, then it makes sense.

"Maybe! He may be able to cultivate a seventh-level King Kong bug king. Wanlingmen has experience in this regard."

Wang Moxin guessed that Wanling Sect has a long heritage, and many fit monks have cultivated seventh-order spirit insects, and the magical powers of seventh-order spirit insects are not small.

Just as Wang Moshan was about to say something, he took out a gleaming communication disk from his arms and typed in a formula. Wang Ruyan's voice sounded: "Moshan, are you busy? Come to Qinglian Peak, I have something to ask you."

"Yes, old ancestor, I'll go there right away."

Wang Moshan agreed to come down, put away the summons tray, and ordered Wang Moxin to step down after a few words.

He came to Qinglian Peak and met Wang Ruyan in a secluded courtyard.

"These are two Tiangang God Thunder Talismans. You store them in the family treasure house. Don't use them casually if there is no emergency."

Wang Ruyan took out two pale silver talisman seals. The surface of the talisman seals was covered with mysterious runes, flashing a dazzling thunder light and emitting a terrifying energy fluctuation.

It took her more than 700 years to refine four Tiangang God Thunder Talismans, two of which were stored in the family treasury, serving as background information, and clan members could apply to call Tiangang God Thunder Talismans when they performed dangerous tasks.

There were two Thunder Talismans left, she planned to give one to Wang Yidao for self-defense and the other to Wang Qingfeng.

"Seventh-order talisman!"

Wang Moshan took the silver talisman with both hands, his expression excited.

"You call Yi Dao, I have something to tell him."

Wang Ruyan ordered.

"Yidao has left Qinglian Island, fellow Daoist Duan took him to experience it."

Wang Moshan said truthfully that Wang Yidao has been in the refining stage for more than 300 years, and his dharma has been condensed by one tenth.

Duan Tongtian took Wang Yidao to practice, Duan Tongtian watched, it was no problem.

"Have you gone to practice? Forget it, go get busy!"

Wang Ruyan suddenly realized, and waved his hand to make Wang Moshan retreat.


The Huochan Mountain Range stretches for tens of thousands of miles. It is filled with miasma all the year round, and there are many kinds of elixir that are rarely seen in the outside world. It attracts many high-level monks to pick elixir here. will fall.

In the depths of the Huochan Mountain Range, there is a steep mountain peak, and at the foot of the mountain there is a cave more than ten feet in size. From time to time, there is a deafening roar, the ground shakes, and a large amount of gravel rolls down from the mountain.

After the loud rumbling noise, the peak split into two, countless gravels splashed, and a huge red toad flew out, with bloodstains on its surface, and bones could be seen faintly.

There was a sound of the sword that resounded through the heavens and the earth, and a golden sword that lifted the sky swept out, heading straight for the red toad.

Qingtian Dao Qi blurred and turned into a golden dragon more than a thousand feet long. It opened its teeth and claws and rushed towards the red toad. Wherever it passed, rough cracks appeared in the void.

The red toad opened its bloody mouth, spewed out a thick red flame, and greeted it.

The red flame collided with the golden dragon, like an egg hitting a rock, and collapsed instantly. The golden dragon hit the red toad, and the red toad flew upside down. Its huge body hit a peak, crushing the peak, and the smoke billowed.

There was a wave of ripples in the void, and a silvery giant blade emerged out of thin air, directly submerged in the smoke and dust, and there was a miserable roar.

A miniature toad just flew out of the smoke and dust, a golden glow descended from the sky, covered the miniature toad, and was involved in a porcelain vase that shone with golden light.

Wang Yidao flew out from a pile of chaotic rocks, holding a long knife with golden light flowing non-stop. On the body of the knife was engraved with a miniature golden dragon, which looked like swallowing clouds and mist, and its aura was amazing.

Wang Yidao had no expression on his face, showing no emotions.

A tall and thin golden robed old man flew down beside Wang Yidao, it was Duan Tongtian who had changed his face.

Duan Tongtian specially took Wang Yidao out to practice. Wang Yidao had too few life-and-death fights, so he needed to improve his fighting experience.

Wang Yidao inserted the golden long knife back into the scabbard, and ignored the red toad.

For him, the knife is everything, and there is no need for other things to mess with his mind.

Anyway, whatever resources are needed, the family will provide them to him.

Duan Tongtian put away the corpse of the red toad, which can sell a lot of spirit stones.

A deafening explosion sounded, and a white light and a blue light appeared in the distant sky.

Duan Tongtian frowned, his spiritual sense sensed that a cultivator of refining the void and a cultivator of transforming spirits were flying towards here, and a monster bird was chasing them.

"Du Yunfeng in the Baihua Villa, I also asked two fellow Taoists to help. Afterwards, Du will definitely thank you very much."

A hurried male voice sounded.

The speed of the two flashes of light was very fast. It didn't take long for Duan Tongtian to see their true faces clearly. They were a gentle man in green shirt and a slim girl in white skirt. The girl in white skirt had an oval face. With cherry mouth and fine nose, and creamy skin, she looks like the embryo of a beauty.

A blue-colored giant falcon followed closely behind, flapping its wings from time to time, releasing tens of thousands of huge blue-colored wind blades, slashing at them.

Wang Yidao pulled out the golden long knife and slashed towards the void.

Accompanied by a piercing sound of knives, tens of thousands of golden knives swept out like a golden torrent, heading straight for the man in green shirt and the girl in white skirt.

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