Rise of Qinglian

2704 Simon's Family's Plan

Wang Chuanming flicked his wrist lightly, and after a piercing sound of knives sounded, thousands of golden knives swept out, like thousands of golden pythons, rushing towards the surroundings.

With a loud bang, a large number of red bamboos were chopped off in the middle, sawdust flying, and smoke billowing.

A blue light lit up in a certain void, and a graceful girl in a green skirt appeared. The girl in the green skirt had blue skin, some blue spirit patterns on her body, and her aura was stronger than that of Wang Chuanming.


Wang Chuanming frowned. He had heard Wang Changsheng mention the Spirit Race, and he knew some of the Spirit Race's magical powers.

The dense golden light came straight towards the girl in the green skirt, and the girl in the green skirt pinched the magic formula, and the blue light on her body burst out, and countless blue vines grew on the ground, intertwined and woven into a high blue wall, blocking the front.

The high cyan wall was sieved by the dense golden light, a golden saber aura swept in, the high cyan wall was smashed to pieces, and the girl in the green skirt disappeared into little spots of blue light.

Countless blue thorns drilled out of the ground, and the surface was covered with sharp thorns. The green thorns shook suddenly, and the dense green thorns flew out, heading straight for Wang Chuanming.

A large number of blue thorns entangled the giant ape puppet and tied it into rice dumplings.

Straws of red bamboo broke through the ground and turned into red spears, stabbing at Wang Chuanming.

The void above Wang Chuanming's head fluctuated, and a big blue hand emerged out of thin air and patted Wang Chuanming's head.

Wang Chuanming's reaction was quick, the golden long knife in his hand slashed towards the top of the head, smashing the big blue hand, and sacrificed a small golden bell, and entered a spell, the size of the small golden bell skyrocketed.

"Clang clang clang!"

A loud bell rang, and a golden sound wave spewed out from the huge golden bell, shattering the attacking red spears and green sharp stabs.

The golden sound waves swept out towards the ground, and the red bamboos burst open and turned into countless fine sawdust, billowing in smoke and dust.

A certain red bamboo shone with a blue light, revealing the figure of a girl in a green skirt.

The surface of the giant ape puppet beast radiated golden light, and all the blue thorns entwining it were broken. The giant ape puppet beast opened its mouth and sprayed out a golden light, and a blur disappeared.

The girl in the green skirt thought of something, and quickly raised a shield with a flashing blue light, and blocked it in front of her.

The void fluctuated together, and a golden light emerged out of thin air, hitting the blue shield, and there was a muffled sound.

A giant golden fist smashed over, the cyan shield shook violently, and there was a faint fist mark on the surface.

A glittering golden dragon descended from the sky and came straight towards the girl in the green skirt. At the same time, a spiritual light lit up on the ground, and a huge five-color lizard suddenly appeared. It was the five-color lizard.

It spewed out a pungent five-color poisonous flame, and went straight to the girl in the green skirt.

Just as the girl in the green skirt was about to avoid it, a loud male voice yelled.

Shout out!

The girl in the green dress felt a splitting headache and was dizzy. When she regained consciousness, the five-color poisonous fire had already landed on her body.

The golden dragon's giant claws sent the cyan shield flying, and hit the girl in the cyan skirt, piercing through her body.

With a flash of blue light, the girl in the green dress turned into a piece of blue wood, wood escape technique!

Tens of miles away, a stalk of red bamboo shone with a blue light, revealing the figure of a girl in a green skirt. The girl in the green skirt was pale, with a look of severely injured vitality.

If she hadn't used the secret technique in time, she would have died.

There was a sound of piercing through the air, and dense golden saber energy swept over.

Just as the girl in the green skirt was about to avoid it, there was another loud shout from a man. The girl in the green skirt was dizzy and couldn't even stand still, watching helplessly as the dense golden saber energy engulfed her body.

A shrill woman's scream sounded, and the girl in the green skirt was chopped into flesh by the dense golden knife energy, and was smashed by the golden knife energy within a few miles, and the air waves rolled.

Wang Chuanming fell from the sky, landed in a huge pit, and found a cyan storage ring and a cyan spar.

The strength of the spirit clan is not weak, but it is a pity that they met Wang Chuanming. Before entering the Xuanling Cave to hunt for treasure, the family's alchemist trained Wang Chuanming for a period of time.

Wang Chuanming put away the puppet beast and the blue shield, and left here.


A valley extending in all directions, from time to time there was a huge explosion, and the roar continued.

A huge golden mushroom cloud rises, which can be seen from a long distance.

After a while, the golden mushroom cloud dissipated.

In the valley, Jin Ye stood in an open space, his face was pale, and his body was covered with scars. On the ground, there were more than a dozen pieces of Heaven-reaching Spirit Treasures that were shining with spiritual lights, and some stumps and arms could be seen.

Not far away were three dead bodies, each with a blood hole the size of a finger on their heads, bleeding profusely.

Judging by their attire, they are obviously disciples of the Shenbing Sect.

Jin Ye frowned. The human race sent more manpower this time, and sent more than 300 cultivators into the Xuanling Cave to hunt for treasures. However, there were not many quotas for the Jinghuo, Yasha, and Spirit clans, mainly because they couldn't get enough. Multiple keys.

Four disciples of the Shenbing Sect ambushed Jin Ye here. They were not targeting Jin Ye, but non-Shenbing Sect disciples. Ye was killed, and Jin Ye also suffered a small loss and was slightly injured.

"It seems that we need to meet with the tribe first! The human tribe sent so many masters this time, it can't be for the same purpose as ours!"

Jin Ye muttered to himself, took out a dharma plate that shone with golden light, and entered a dharma formula.

She collected the belongings on the ground, burned the body, and left here.


In a damp and dark black dense forest, there were constant explosions, and the ground shook violently.

In the depths of the dense forest, two men and a woman stood on an open field. Looking at their clothes, they were clearly disciples of Ximen's family. There were a large number of golden poisonous bees scattered on the ground, and these golden poisonous bees lost their breath.

Not far away lay a middle-aged man, his body turned black, obviously poisoned.

A huge golden bee was lying on the ground, its body scorched black.

"Finally, these poisonous bugs have been dealt with, what a pity for Uncle Ba."

A tall young man in blue shirt with sword eyebrows and starry eyes breathed a sigh of relief, showing regret on his face.

The young man in the blue shirt is white and clean, looking gentle and gentle.

Ximensen, the leader of the Ximen family, has the cultivation base of the late stage of transformation.

This time, Ximen's family sent thirteen monks who transformed themselves into the Xuanling Cave, either because they didn't have more places, or because they couldn't get more keys.

"Meeting with other clansmen, the three of us alone can't get that thing."

A girl in a white skirt with beautiful features suggested that the girl in the white skirt is as fat as fat and has a graceful figure.

Ximen Bing, in the late stage of Transformation, is the sister of Ximensen.

Listen to their words, they have a heavy responsibility this time.

Simonsen put away the corpses of the tribe and the queen bee, and left the place with the two tribesmen.

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