Rise of Qinglian

Chapter 2624 melee

A ray of blue light soared into the sky and turned into a phantom of a blue giant sword. The swords competed and the sword light flickered.

The phantom of the giant sword shook slightly, and a cloud of green sword energy swept out, heading straight for Liu Mi.

Liu Mi's reaction was quick, his body flickered, and disappeared into a gust of wind. The sword energy hit the ground, and the ground was torn apart.

"Wang Daoyou, what do you mean? Want to monopolize the treasure?"

A hundred feet away, Liu Mi's figure appeared, and Liu Mi's face was full of anger.

As soon as these words came out, the others dispersed and sacrificed their treasures one after another, their faces full of vigilance, even Zeng Yusen was no exception.

Wang Qingshan's cultivation base is not high, but his Dharma appearance is more concise than Zhang Zihao and the other five, which is already eye-catching. Wang Qingshan urged the Dharma appearance to attack Liu Mi, and suddenly became the target of public criticism.

"To monopolize the treasure? I would like to ask you, what is your intention in colluding with demons and heretics?"

Wang Qingshan sneered, with a pinch of the sword formula, the phantom aura of the giant sword surged, and tens of thousands of blue sword energy swept out, cutting towards the skeleton and the treasures on the shelf.

With a loud bang, the treasures on the shelves were shattered by the dense cyan sword energy.

The environment in front of him blurred and disappeared, replaced by a dark underground cave, with countless patterns emerging on the stone wall, and a golden coffin appeared in front of the monks.

There was a deafening roar, and a dazzling golden flame lit up.

A shrill man screamed, and the yellow-robed old man flew upside down, his left arm was missing, bleeding profusely, and a middle-aged man with firm facial features suddenly appeared, holding a golden flying sword in his hand , the body of the sword is covered with a golden flame.

Almost at the same time, Wang Qingshan pinched the sword art, the phantom of the huge sword flickered slightly, and countless cyan sword energy swept out and shot towards the surroundings.

A bloody light appeared out of nowhere, it was a ferocious blood-colored ghost with a blood-colored horn on its head, its eyes were scarlet, and its body exuded astonishing Yin Qi fluctuations, it was a ghost in the Void Refinement Stage.

Lei Yuting and Zeng Yusen also reacted and attacked Zhang Zihao and Liu Mi.

The old man in the yellow robe also activated his dharma form, a phantom of a yellow giant appeared above his head, and a huge yellow bell floated above his head.

The golden coffin flew up, heading straight for the yellow-robed old man.

The yellow-robed old man pinched the magic formula, and the huge yellow clock shook slightly.


A heavy bell rang, and the huge yellow bell spewed out a yellow sound wave, heading straight for the golden coffin.

With a loud bang, the yellow sound wave was smashed into pieces by the golden coffin.

The phantom of the giant clapped his hands, the void vibrated and twisted, two big yellow hands emerged out of thin air, and slapped towards the golden coffin.

The result was the same, the two big yellow hands were crushed by the golden coffin.

The phantom of the giant opened its mouth and spewed out a yellow glow, which covered the golden coffin, and the golden coffin stopped.

As soon as the coffin lid flew up, an old man wearing a golden python robe flew out. His eyes were sunken, his fingers were pitch-black, and a pair of fangs were exposed. His body exuded a rotten smell. It was obviously a corpse.

The phantom of the giant spewed out another yellow glow, which landed on the golden robed old man.

The yellow-robed old man pinched the magic formula, and the huge yellow bell blazed loudly, covering the golden-robed old man, and fell to the ground.

"Clang clang clang!"

A loud bell rang and the ground shattered.

With a muffled sound of "bang bang", the huge yellow clock shook, and cracks appeared one after another.

The old man in the yellow robe turned pale with shock, and quickly cast out a small yellow seal the size of a palm. With a light tap of his finger, the yellow seal suddenly became brighter and his body size skyrocketed.

After the loud bang of "Boom", the huge yellow clock was torn apart, a stream of golden corpse flames swept out, and the old man in golden robe appeared with a ferocious expression on his face.

At this time, the giant yellow seal also came down.

The golden-robed old man pinched the magic formula, and a golden human-shaped phantom appeared in the void above his head, with a green face and long fangs, and scarlet eyes.

As soon as the phantom of refining the corpse appeared, he supported the huge yellow seal with both hands.

There was a loud noise, the earth shook and the mountains shook, accompanied by a shrill devil's cry, mixed with thunder.

A golden blue firebird flew out of the golden thunder, and landed in front of Wang Qingshan, and opened its mouth to spit out a blood-red ball.

The Golden Horned Thunder Lin Beast lay beside Wang Qingshan, releasing golden lightning bolts to attack Liu Mi.

Zeng Yusen released a giant tiger with a golden body and two wings on its back, breathing golden flames from its mouth.

This is a sixth-level Golden Winged Fire Tiger, which has been cultivated by three generations.

Zhang Zihao confronts Zeng Yusen, the middle-aged man confronts Lei Yuting, Wang Qingshan confronts Liu Mi, and the gold-robed old man confronts the yellow-robed old man.

Outside the golden light curtain, stone men are attacking the golden light curtain.

The stone man opened his mouth and spewed out a yellow light, which fell on the golden light curtain. The golden light curtain gradually turned off-white, as if petrified, and its fists smashed into the off-white area.

The golden light curtain shook, and the cave shook accordingly.

The defense of this formation is very strong. For a while, the stone man can't break the formation, so he can't help much.

Wang Qingshan frowned. With his current consciousness, he couldn't control nine Qingli swords at the same time. After all, he had been upgraded to a middle-grade Tongtian Lingbao, which consumed a lot of mana and consciousness.

The higher the rank of the treasure, the more mana and consciousness it consumes.

There was a gray ghost above Liu Mi's head, or it spewed out a gray will-o'-the-wisp, or released a gray hurricane to resist the attack of the golden-horned Thunder Scale Beast.

Countless blue thorns suddenly drilled out of the ground, entangled Wang Qingshan and others.

Wang Qingshan had been on guard for a long time, the blue fire bird flew on top of the blue thorns, and the blue thorns were instantly wiped out.

The golden-horned Thunder Lin beast opened its mouth wide, and a huge golden thunder ball flew out, hitting Liu Mi.

Liu Mi was taken aback, and when Fa Jue urged, the gray ghost spewed out a gray hurricane and rushed towards it.

The gray hurricane collided with the golden thunderball, the golden thunderball exploded, and the dazzling golden thunder light lit up, flooding half of the cave, the momentum was astonishing.

Not long after, the golden thunder light dissipated, Liu Mi's body was covered with a thick black light curtain, and he was safe and sound. The gray ghost above his head became faintly visible, obviously affected to a certain extent.

A blue shadow of a giant sword shot out, Liu Mi was taken aback, and hurriedly moved the gray ghost, each of the eyes of the gray ghost shot a black light, the giant sword swayed lightly, and the dense cyan Sword Qi swept out and defeated the two black lights.

Liu Mi sacrificed a small mirror with black light flickering, spraying out a gray glow, covering the phantom of the giant sword.

There was an ear-piercing sound of piercing through the sky, and a blue sky-lifting giant sword descended from the sky, slashing towards the gray ghost.

The gray ghost clasped his hands together, clamping the Qingtian giant sword, and at the same time spewed out a gray will-o'-the-wisp, which landed on the Qingtian giant sword. The Qingtian giant sword flickered non-stop, and the aura dimmed.

Liu Mi's eyes showed a bit of complacency. With this supernatural power, countless treasures were defiled by her Dharma, and their spirituality was severely damaged, and their power was greatly lost.

A cyan firebird descended from the sky, landed on the giant sword that held the sky, and turned into a cyan flame that spread.

The gray ghost let out a miserable cry, and let go of the giant sword that held the sky, but the blue flames had already landed on it and spread rapidly.

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