Rise of Qinglian

Chapter 2621 Beiming Family

The fifth-order spiritual fire has a wide range of uses. It is good for refining alchemy, or hurting the enemy.

Lei Yuting was also tempted, and sent a voice transmission to Liu Mi.

Wang Qingshan was no exception, and he sent a voice transmission to Liu Mi: "Madam Liu, how about I use two ten thousand-year-old Yuyin flowers, a 30,000-year-old Xuanyin tree and three hundred catties of Xuanyou cold water?"

He traveled for many years and got a lot of good things.

After thinking twice, Liu Mi exchanged with Wang Qingshan.

Lei Yuting glanced at Wang Qingshan, but said nothing.

After Liu Mi exchanged, he sat down, Master Lei Peng stood up, with a flick of his sleeve, a small black tripod flew out, floating in the sky.

"Fellow Daoist Lei, what's in here?"

Zhang Zihao was full of curiosity.

"A drop of Xuanming heavy water! Refining it into heavy water-type treasures can increase its power."

Lei Yuting explained that Xuanming heavy water is a relatively high-grade heavy water, which is different from ordinary heavy water. Xuanming heavy water is yin and cold, and can be controlled by water.

"Xuanming heavy water! This is the seventh-level refining material. It is said that it took thousands of years for the fit monks to refine it."

Zhang Zihao said in surprise, ordinary heavy water is made by condensing seawater and river water, while Xuanming heavy water is made from condensing Xuanming heavy water. To condense a drop of Xuanming heavy water, first, you need to practice a body-fit monk who practices water attribute skills, and second, you need to find Sufficient Xuanming water is indispensable.

Xuanming Water is one of the top spiritual waters in Xuanyang Realm, and it usually only appears in places with strong Yin Qi, such as Wanlingyuan.

"Swap for lightning-attribute dharma materials, such as the Sky Thunder Crystal."

Lei Yuting said in a deep voice, the three magic phase materials of wind, thunder and ice are relatively rare, especially the magic phase materials of thunder attribute, which are even rarer.

The monks looked at each other, Liu Mi sent a voice transmission to Lei Yuting, took out a black jade box, and handed it to Lei Yuting.

"Fellow Daoist Lei, how about I exchange a piece of Heavenly Thunder Crystal with you?"

Wang Qingshan sent a voice transmission to Lei Yuting, and he exchanged a piece of Sky Thunder Crystal with other Xuxu cultivators.

"Only one piece? It takes thousands of years for a body-fit monk to refine a drop of Xuanming heavy water, at least two crystals of thunder."

Lei Yuting bargained.

"I just have a crystal of thunder. No matter how precious Xuanming heavy water is, it is a material for refining weapons. The crystal of thunder is a material for dharma."

Wang Qingshan said through voice transmission.

Lei Yuting thought about it again and again, but there was no exchange.

Lei Yuting couldn't be satisfied with what the other monks brought out, and Xuanming Heavy Water couldn't be exchanged.

When it was Wang Qingshan's turn, Wang Qingshan took out more than a dozen materials, among which was the Crystal of Heavenly Thunder.

"Exchange for the crystal of the silver gang, or the spiritual water of the cold attribute."

Wang Qingshan said in a deep voice.

All the monks sent voice transmissions to Wang Qingshan one after another, and they all wanted to exchange Dharma materials.

"Fellow Daoist Lei, do you have the water of the Styx River?"

Wang Qingshan was a little surprised, and sent a voice transmission to Lei Yuting.

This was the first time he had inquired about the whereabouts of the water of the Styx River, and he was a little excited.

"I only have more than a hundred catties. I found this from Wanlingyuan. I heard that the water of the Styx River can be used to condense Dharma."

Lei Yuting said via voice transmission, took out a black jade bottle and handed it to Wang Qingshan.

"Okay, I'll change it with you."

Wang Qingshan confirmed that it was correct, and agreed to exchange, and exchanged the crystal of sky thunder for the water of the Styx River.

In terms of value, the water of the Styx River is higher than the crystal of the sky thunder, but ordinary immortals cannot use the water of the Styx River to condense dharma, and it is more used for refining weapons.

For Lei Yuting, the water of the Styx River is a kind of refining material, which is dispensable, but the Sky Thunder Crystal is different, it can condense the Dharma and improve his strength.

In exchange for the water of the Styx River, Wang Qingshan was very happy.

After more than an hour, the exchange ended, and the monks started chatting.

"I heard that the Beiming family's township skills were born. Could it be that the secret realm controlled by the Beiming family is about to appear?"

Zhang Zihao said curiously.

"The Beiming family? Why have I never heard of this family?"

Lei Yuting was puzzled.

"The Beiming family is a family of cultivators with a long history. There are as many as four monks who are fit together. When the Xutian family was destroyed, the Beiming family also participated and got a lot of good things. Later, it was revealed that the Beiming family colluded with each other. The alien race was wiped out by other forces, and it is said that the Beiming family left behind a few secret realms, which stored a lot of good things, but no one has ever seen them."

Zeng Yusen explained.

Zhang Zihao nodded and said: "The Beiming family has five major clan skills. It is said that the "Tianyi Treasure" can be cultivated to the Mahayana stage, and it comes with many great supernatural powers. The Li family got it."

Liu Mi smiled, and said: "It is rumored that the Beiming family has obtained a certain treasure of the Xutian clan, and it is also said that it is a rare fruit that assists in the impact of the Mahayana period, but this matter is too long ago, and there are many theories."

"Who knows the exact truth! But the Beiming family is a big family after all, some members of the family should have survived the disaster! Maybe there are children of the Beiming family among us. By the way, Mrs. Liu, why don't you see your husband. "

Lei Yuting said casually.

"We went to the Wanhuo Mountains to hunt for treasures. When we met the Spirit Race, my husband was seriously injured and was recuperating. I came here this time to exchange for some healing elixir. If you have any healing elixir, please give priority to my concubine. The price is negotiable."

Liu Mi said sincerely.

All the monks agreed and chatted for half an hour before they went back to their homes.

Zhang Zihao and Liu Mi stayed, and the others left one after another.

"After these years of operation, many people should believe it, and it will be up to us next."

Liu Mi said in a deep voice.

"I often stand by the river without getting my shoes wet. I hope this time it goes well! I was almost run away last time, but luckily that guy took the shot."

Zhang Zihao was worried.

"I hope! Otherwise, it's really hard to explain to it. Who would have thought that the disciples of the Beiming family would change to the corpse path, so that's good. With what he provided, it would be easier for us to lure other alchemy monks. Wang Qingshan came from Qinglian Island. Maybe there is some hole card, so it is better not to invite him, after finishing this vote, we have to change places."

Liu Mi suggested.

Zhang Zihao nodded, and said with a wry smile: "I hope it can fulfill the agreement and give us that thing, so that we can advance to the fusion stage faster. It is a body for refining corpses, so it doesn't need this thing."

"As long as it can untie the restriction, I'm satisfied, and I'm afraid it will play our tricks."

Liu Mi said with some concern.

"Hmph, I exchanged a heavy treasure with Li Daoyou from Nine Flames Sect, which is specially designed to restrain corpse refiners. If he is interested, he will follow the agreement and give us the item. Otherwise, it will be difficult for everyone."

Zhang Zihao snorted coldly, with a murderous look on his face.

Liu Mi nodded: "I hope so!"


In a secluded courtyard with green tiles, Wang Qingshan was chatting with Zeng Yusen, asking about the situation of Beiming's family.

"The Beiming family was a force that fought with the Lengyan faction back then, but it was wiped out somehow. The specific reason is unknown. It is said that they colluded with the Jinghuo clan."

Zeng Yusen explained.

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