Rise of Qinglian

2435 Tempering the clansmen (gone today)

"Out of your mind? You can't stop playing?"

Wang Qingshan was a little surprised.

"Yes, a friend of mine has a cultivation level in the middle stage of Void Refining. He tried to play Lost Soul, and he couldn't stop until the mana was exhausted. The soul was also injured. By the way, this piece of music also has a lot of influence on the caster's consciousness. The other two songs are not weak in power, but the casting time is relatively long, which is the biggest drawback of music cultivation."

Lin Buer said seriously, if Yin cultivators could easily make people fall into illusions, the human race would have cultivated Yin cultivators in batches long ago. Even if there were treasures, it would only shorten the time, and all things would be mutually reinforcing.

Wang Qingshan nodded and said with a smile: "Friend Daoist Lin, Uncle Nine and Aunt Nine have brought many strange birds and animals from Xuanling Cave. If you are free, you can come to Qinglian Island as a guest."

"Qinglian Island, if I have time, I will definitely pay you a visit."

Lin Buer agreed.

After chatting for a while, Lin Buer said goodbye and left.

Seven days later, the celebration was officially held.

Thousands of monks gathered in a bluestone square covering an area of ​​10,000 acres. Ma Baozong and Ma Yulin sat behind a purple jade table, with smiles on their faces.

Thousands of cyan jade tables are placed on the left and right sides. Wang Qingshan and others sit behind the cyan jade tables. The higher the cultivation level, the closer they are to the front.

Wang Qingshan sent a fifth-level puppet beast and some weapon refining materials as a show of goodwill. In the future, the Wang family will hold celebrations and the Ma family will be invited to participate.

Lan Fukong gave a pair of spiritual treasures and ten thousand-year-old elixirs, Su Chenguang gave a low-grade Tongtian spiritual treasure and some refining materials, and Zhang Yuqian gave a bottle of sixth-level elixir and two sixth-level demon pills.

Of course, these gifts are not given for free. When these guests hold a celebration, the Ma family will also be invited to participate. There are many favors.

"Fellow Daoist Ma, today is a happy day. Why not hold a competition so that junior Yuanying can also feel happy? Yuanwei, come out and compete with others."

Wang Qingshan suggested that he was giving Wang Yuanwei a chance to perform.

When each force participates in the celebration, they will bring their juniors with them so that they can make friends and compete with the juniors of other factions. This is an old tradition.

People are in high spirits when happy events happen, so Ma Baozong readily agreed and gave some immortal cultivation resources as a reward.

One-on-one was too time-consuming, so Wang Qingshan proposed a group fight. Each force sent multiple Nascent Soul monks to form a small group.

Nine people from Wang Yuanwei held various musical instruments. At the beginning of the competition, they each presented a sparkling command flag. The runes on the command flag flashed, and the aura was amazing. It was a complete set of spiritual treasures.

The nine flags flew around them and turned into a thick nine-color light curtain, covering the nine of them, and then activated the musical instruments to fight the enemy.

For a moment, bursts of fairy sounds, fireballs, wind blades, thunder, sound waves and other attacks went straight towards the enemy.

The opponent could not break through their defense. It didn't take long for the opponent to fall into the illusion formation. Some Nascent Soul monks had exotic treasures to protect themselves and were not afraid of illusions. However, the dense sound waves swept over them and they could not stop them at all. They were defeated. Array is coming.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, I have long heard that your family is good at driving puppet beasts. Multiple clan members can use puppet beasts to set up puppet arrays and cooperate with each other. I didn't expect that the sound cultivator is also so good."

Zhang Yuqian praised that various forces will purposely cultivate such powerful groups. Most of them are sword cultivators, and there are relatively few sound cultivators. It's not that they don't want to, but the sound cultivators are too slow, and there are few things to assist them. .

There are not many music cultivators above the Void Refining Stage in Xuanling Continent, so Wang Ruyan is somewhat conspicuous.

"Aunt Ninth taught me well, and they are also willing to work hard. The Tiger Guards of Zhang Xianzi's family are also very powerful."

Wang Qingshan praised, each of the nine Zhang family children were riding on the back of a Red Flame Tiger. They were wearing uniform red armor and holding various weapons. The leader was a young man in a red shirt with handsome features and bright eyes. There is God.

The Scarlet Flame Tiger carried the children of the Zhang family and rushed towards Wang Yuanwei and others. Before they could get close, the Scarlet Flame Tiger spouted flames and attacked Wang Yuanwei and the others. The children of the Zhang family sacrificed their magic weapons one after another.

The expressions of the nine Wang Yuanwei people did not change. They often entered the Lihuo Demon Refining Tower for training, and fought against the monsters individually or as a group. They had rich experience in fighting.

Wang Yuanwei's ten fingers passed over the strings, and amidst the passionate sound of the piano, a golden sound wave swept out, defeating the incoming flames.

More than a dozen spiritual treasures were knocked away by sound waves of various colors before they even touched the nine-color light curtain.

Half a quarter of an hour later, the Zhang family monks were still unable to defeat the nine Wang Yuanwei. Some Zhang family monks had already fallen into the illusion, and many Scarlet Flame tigers had also fallen into the illusion.

Seeing that they could not break through Wang Yuanwei's nine defenses, and more and more Zhang family disciples fell into the illusion, the Zhang family monks had no choice but to admit defeat.

"My Excellency Zhang Zhiwei, Fairy Wang has profound Taoist teachings, and Zhang admires her."

The young man in red shirt cupped his fists and said.

"Fellow Daoist Zhang is ridiculous. It's just a discussion, not a life and death battle."

Wang Yuanwei said calmly, not feeling proud.

The nine Wang Yuanwei defeated Nascent Soul cultivators from multiple forces, attracting the attention of many guests.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, you are a very good junior."

Ma Yulin praised that such an outstanding tribesman would not marry outside easily.

"Mrs. Ma is so complimentary. Yuanwei is still young and has a long way to go. She needs to learn more from other people."

Wang Qingshan said politely, looking at Wang Yuanwei with eyes filled with approval.

Wang Liangpu died on the front line. Wang Yuanwei practiced hard and had a firm heart towards the Tao. She stood out among more than 700 people. Wang Qingshan was very optimistic about Wang Yuanwei.

After the competition, Wang Yuanwei and nine others successfully won the first place and received a set of spiritual treasures.

Two hours later, the celebration ended and the guests left one after another. Wang Qingshan and Lan Fukong left the Ma family with their clan members.


Qinglian Valley, a quiet manor.

Wang Yingjie was talking to Wang Huashuo. Wang Huashuo was Wang Yingjie's eldest son. He had advanced to the stage of becoming a god and was a fifth-level alchemist.

His two sons and daughters are both outstanding, Wang Huashuo is a fifth-level alchemist, and Wang Huayue is a sword cultivator. In addition to their own efforts, Wang Yingjie and Liu Hongxue also help them.

"Communicate more with other alchemists, and don't put on airs. Humility makes people progress, and pride makes people fall behind. In addition to alchemy, you can't slack off in cultivation, you know?"

Wang Yingjie warned that his children are outstanding and he is sincerely proud.

"I got it, Dad."

Wang Huashuo agreed wholeheartedly. He had practiced hard, but compared with Wang Yingjie, there was still a big gap.

Wang Yingjie was about to say something when he seemed to sense something. He took out a sparkling magic disk from his arms and entered several magic formulas. Wang Qingshan's voice then sounded: "Yingjie, I'm back. I have something to talk to you about." talk."

"Okay, Ancestor Qingshan, I'll be there right away."

Wang Yingjie agreed, put away the interrogation tray, left his residence, and came to Wang Qingshan's residence.

Wang Qingshan briefly told what happened. He was going to Zhulong Mountain with Lan Fukong to look for the sixth-level blood earthworm. He planned to take Wang Yingjie with him to train Wang Yingjie and enrich his fighting experience.

This is what Wang Qingshan did when he was in the lower realm, taking his tribe out to hunt monsters and enrich their fighting experience.

Wang Yingjie naturally had no objection. He also wanted to practice and help Wang Changsheng. Wang Changsheng gave him many Dharma materials and helped him refine Five Elements treasures.

Wang Yingjie exchanged a few words with Liu Hongxue and followed Wang Qingshan and Lan Fukong to leave Qinglian Valley and rush to Zhulong Mountain.

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