Rise of Qinglian

2271 Sun Tianhu visits

If he knew that Sun Tianhu was in Xuanyang Realm, he would inform Gongsun Yang and let the master and disciple meet.

"Congratulations, fellow Daoist Wang, I heard that you killed three sixth-level monsters on your own. I heard about your deeds at Wanling Sect."

Sun Tianhu praised.

"Fellow Daoist Sun is ridiculous. I didn't kill it alone. My wife and I worked together and spent a lot of effort to kill the sixth-level monster."

Wang Changsheng said modestly, what he said was true.

He changed the topic and said: "Fellow Daoist Sun is now at Wanling Sect?"

Sun Tianhu nodded and said proudly: "Yes, the deputy sect leader of Wanling Sect is the master."

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan looked a little strange. The deputy sect leader of Wanling Sect was Su Yuntao, and Sun Tianhu actually became a disciple of Su Yuntao. They had also fought against Su Yuntao's clone.

"Fellow Daoist Sun, why don't you think of a way to bring fellow Daoist Gongsun up to the Xuanyang Realm? Isn't it a good idea to leave him in the lower realm?"

Wang Changsheng said doubtfully.

Sun Tianhu was slightly startled. After he became a disciple of Su Yuntao, he mentioned the matter of Gongsun Yang.

The Xuanqing Sect would not easily borrow the World Breaking Disk, and the Wanling Sect could only rely on itself. The two Void Refining monks used the World Transformation Stone to plan to use the Soul Splitting Lower Realm, but unfortunately, they both failed.

It was not easy to get a world-transforming stone. Wanlingmen had no choice but to give up and let Gongsun Yang fly to the Xuanyang world on his own. After all, Sun Tianhu succeeded, and Gongsun Yang could also successfully fly to the Xuanyang world.

How did Wang Changsheng know that Gongsun Yang was still in the lower realm? Is it a guess? Or is it that Wang Changsheng has gone to the lower world?

"Fellow Daoist Wang, are you going back to Dongli Realm?"

Sun Tianhu's face hardened and his voice became heavy.

Wang Changsheng nodded and said: "I just came back not long ago. I have established a communication array that can communicate with the tribesmen in the lower realm. I spent a lot of energy to build a flying spirit array. The monks in the middle stage of becoming gods can fly to Xuanyang Realm. Qing Hao has already come up. I asked fellow Taoist Gongsun to use the Feiling Formation, but he politely declined, probably because your method is feasible! I remember that his life span is running out, and if he continues to stay in the lower realm, I'm afraid Will sit down."

"Fellow Daoist Wang, is what you said true?"

Sun Tianhu's breathing became heavier. If Gongsun Yang could ascend to Xuanyang Realm, he would have a lot of help, and he would have one more helper in Wanling Sect.

"I can contact the tribesmen in the lower realm now and ask them to invite fellow Taoist Gongsun to come over. However, activating the formation requires consuming Jinhuan Divine Crystal, so use it less once."

Wang Changsheng looked troubled.

If he didn't know that Sun Tianhu was under Su Yuntao's sect, Wang Changsheng could help Gongsun Yang ascend to Xuanyang Realm because of his past friendship. Now, Wanling Sect has to pay a big price.

You must know that Gongsun Yang is a spirit person and has great hope of advancing to the combined stage. The Wanling Sect has a great cause and the Wang family is very poor. The cost of the points is not excessive.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, please make an offer! How can we help Yang Er ascend to Xuanyang Realm?"

Sun Tianhu said in a deep voice, he naturally understood what Wang Changsheng meant.

"I'll let you meet with fellow Taoist Gongsun first! That way you can feel at ease."

Wang Changsheng smiled slightly and took Sun Tianhu to the entrance of a magnificent palace. The plaque read "Dongli Palace" in three large characters.

Two pill-forming monks were guarding the door, and Wang Changsheng personally led the way. Naturally, no one blocked the way. When they walked into the main hall, a huge magic circle came into view. Bai Yuqi walked out of the side hall and bowed in salute.

"This is Fellow Daoist Sun. You should immediately contact the clansmen in the lower realm and ask Zong Lang to personally go to Ten Thousand Beast Island. Find Fellow Daoist Gongsun and tell him that his master wants to see him."

Wang Changsheng ordered that with Gongsun Yang's qualifications, ascending to Xuanyang Realm will definitely become the focus of Wanling Sect's training.

"Yes, ancestor."

Bai Yuqi responded and inserted a magic spell into the formation disk. The formation shook violently and all the formation patterns lit up.

After a while, Wang Zongming's shadow appeared on the mirror.

"Ancestor, what are your orders?"

Wang Zongming said respectfully.

"The ancestors have ordered Zong Lang to go to Ten Thousand Beasts Island and tell Fellow Daoist Gongsun that his master, Senior Sun, wants to see him. Daoist Fellow Gongsun will activate the formation when he arrives."

Bai Yuqi ordered.

"Yes, ancestor." Gu Yu

Wang Zongming agreed, and the shadow suddenly disappeared.

"Fellow Daoist Sun, please stay on Qinglian Island first, contact Daoist Friend Gongsun, and I will inform you immediately."

Wang Changsheng said with a smile.

Sun Tianhu nodded and agreed.

After settling Sun Tianhu, Wang Changsheng returned to Qinglian Peak. Wang Ruyan was talking to a burly young man in blue shirt.

Wang Tianlong, in the late Nascent Soul stage, was a spiritual master, and Qixia Que was entrusted to him to take care of.

"Meet the ancestors."

When Wang Tianlong saw Wang Changsheng, he quickly bowed and saluted with a respectful expression.

"From now on, Zhenhai Monkey will be taken care of by you. In addition to taking care of Qixiaque and Zhenhai Monkey, you don't have to do other chores."

Wang Changsheng ordered that Zhenhai Monkey and Qixiaque have great potential. Whoever can go further should be trained. It is best if they both go further.

"Yes, ancestor."

Wang Tianlong agreed.

After a few words of warning, Wang Changsheng walked into the basement. He had many things to deal with.

Wang Mengbin is practicing in seclusion, and Lei Penglingyu is temporarily keeping him. When he comes out of seclusion, he will help him promote Lei Pengling to a Tongtian Lingbao.

He took out a variety of five elements materials such as the Five Element Stone, and planned to refine a heaven-reaching spiritual treasure for Wang Yingjie to improve his strength.

The Five Spiritual Roots can directly attack the Void Refining Stage, but the Five Spiritual Roots monks still need a lot of resources to cultivate immortals. The Wang family now has hundreds of Five Spiritual Roots monks, and only one person has advanced to the Nascent Soul Stage, and most of the rest are pill forming. Expect.

Many members of the Five Spiritual Roots are not diligent in their cultivation. After all, the family is developing well now, so they can enjoy what they deserve.

Not long after Wang Yingjie returned to Qinglian Island, he went into seclusion and modified his exercises. He will not be leaving seclusion in the short term.

When he comes out of seclusion, he will get a suitable spiritual treasure.

Wang Changsheng threw the Five Elements Stone into the air, opened his mouth and sprayed out glazed ice flames, wrapping the Five Elements Stone.

As time passed, the Five Elements Stone slowly softened and showed signs of melting.


Dongli Realm, Ten Thousand Beasts Island.

In the living room, Wang Zonglang sat on a chair and waited quietly.

After a while, Gongsun Yang flew in with a smile on his face.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, long time no see, but what does Senior Wang need from Ten Thousand Beasts Island?"

Gongsun Yang said politely.

"Fellow Daoist Gongsun, by the order of our ancestors, I invite you to Qinglian Island. Your master wants to see you."

Wang Zonglang said solemnly.

"Master wants to see me? Has he gone down to the next world?"

Gongsun Yang was slightly startled.

"No, your master is already in Xuanyang Realm. He is now with our ancestors. We will use the formation to let you meet. I don't know the specific situation."

Wang Zonglang said truthfully.

"Okay, then I'll go on a run with you!"

Gongsun Yang agreed. He had no grudges with Wang Changsheng, and he expected Wang Changsheng would not harm him.

He took out the communication tray, gave a few instructions, and followed Wang Zonglang to leave Ten Thousand Beast Island and go to Qinglian Island.

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