Rise of Qinglian

2171 Xueyanfang City, Cross Spirit Treasure Ship, HLD Han Family

A gust of wind roared past, and there was no ripple in the sea water under the blue rainbow bridge. It was obviously a formation.

If you look closely, you will see that the blue rainbow bridge flows slowly like sea water, which is very magical.

There is a special ore called rainbow stone in the Qingli Sea area, which can be used to create artificial rainbow bridges, such as the rainbow bridge in front of you.

The Cold Flame Sect certainly did not arrange Hongqiao to show off.

Beast tides often break out in this sea area, and Xueyanfang City is a key target for monsters to attack. If the scale is large enough, sixth-level monsters will appear. Whenever a large beast tide breaks out, a large number of monks will rush to Xueyanfang. City, maybe even before arriving at Xueyanfang City, they were being chased by monsters.

Once a large beast tide breaks out and a large number of monks move towards Xueyanfang City, the Cold Flame Sect will urge the Hongqiao to guide the immortal cultivators to reduce casualties and greatly increase the rescue rate of the immortal cultivators within 50,000 miles of Xueyanfang City.

With Xueyanfang City as the center, there are no large islands within a radius of 500,000 miles. The Lengyan Sect once built a large island, intending to serve as a forward observation post, but it was quickly destroyed by monsters. The number of times the Lengyan Sect also I gave up and could only strengthen the defense of Xueyanfang City.

More than 20,000 years ago, six sixth-level monsters led hundreds of millions of monsters to attack Xueyanfang City. The human race paid a heavy price before repelling the monsters. Hongqiao was also built at that time.

Wang Changsheng seemed to have noticed something and turned to look behind him. A blue light appeared in the distant sky and flew towards here quickly.

Not long after, the blue light stopped, and it turned out to be a huge ship more than a thousand feet long. The huge ship was narrow at the front and wide at the back. From the side, it looked like a huge gourd.

There is a huge gourd pattern on the sail, which seems to represent something.

A large number of mysterious runes were engraved on the surface of the giant ship, and it exuded a terrifying spiritual energy fluctuation. It was a mid-grade heaven-reaching spiritual treasure.

"HLD Han family, crossing the spiritual treasure ship!"

Wang Changsheng was a little surprised. The HLD Han family is a human force in the Qingli Sea area, with many experts. The entire human force in the Xuanyang world, the HLD Han family uses the gourd as their family emblem.

The cross-spiritual treasure ship is a special flying magic weapon. In addition to its extremely fast flight speed, it also has powerful restrictions that can also deal with high-level monsters. It is said that a caravan encountered a seventh-order monster and drove the cross-spiritual treasure ship to follow the seventh-order monster. After a few moves, he fled with the caravan.

The Han family can drive the cross-spiritual treasure ship from the Qingli Sea to the Xuanling Continent to do business, which is naturally not comparable to ordinary forces.

The refining of a cross-spirit treasure ship is very difficult, and the materials required are unusual. It is said that the cost of a cross-spirit treasure ship exceeds 100 million spirit stones, which is more than ten times more valuable than an ordinary low-grade Tongtianling. Even so, there is one Billions of spirit stones may not necessarily be able to refine a cross-spirit treasure ship.

The cross-spiritual treasure ship is a symbol of great power. As far as Wang Changsheng knows, Zhenhai Palace does not have a cross-spiritual treasure ship for the time being, and I won’t know about it in the future.

Wang Changsheng put away the Qingluan boat and flew to the Hongqiao with Wang Qiuya and the others.

They didn't need to move. Hongqiao moved them forward very quickly.

In less than half a quarter of an hour, they landed on Xueyan Island. A road paved with bluestones led to Xueyanfang City. On both sides of the bluestone steps was a swamp with tens of thousands of fire miasma trees growing there.

The fire miasma tree is red all over, with pits on its surface, as if it has been bitten by insects, and has few leaves. The fire miasma tree that is more than a hundred years old will release a special miasma. If a cultivator inhales too much, it will cause hallucinations.

Fire Miasma Trees have very high requirements on the environment. They usually grow in swamps and originate from wild lands. The Cold Flame Sect spent a lot of manpower and material resources to cultivate tens of thousands of Fire Miasma Trees.

If the monsters attack Snow Goose Island and inhale too much miasma released by the Fire Miasma Tree, they will fall into an illusion and kill each other, reducing the pressure on the human monks.

Following the blue stone steps, they arrived at the gate of a majestic giant city. The city wall was more than a thousand feet high, with blue light flowing erratically throughout the body and runes flashing.

There are tens of thousands of animal heads inlaid on the wall. If you look closely, you will see that the animal heads are magic weapons with sparkling auras. Behind each animal head, there is a formation, which is also used to resist monsters.

Two blue-armored guards hundreds of feet tall stood at the city gate, one holding a blue spear and the other holding a blue giant sword. beast.

It can be seen from these measures that the Lengyan Sect attaches great importance to Xueyanfang City. There are even rumors that the Lengyan Sect has sent a combined monk to take charge. However, no monk has ever seen a combined monk from the Lengyan Sect. Since the establishment of Xueyanfang City, No one dares to cause trouble in Xueyanfang City.

Wang Changsheng didn't find it strange at all. Given the important status of Xueyanfang City, it was a matter of course to send the combined monks to take charge. How could the combined monks show up so often.

He has been to many cities. In terms of scale, Xueyan City is definitely the largest city he has seen so far.

The Wang family has settled here for more than two hundred years, and Wang Changsheng has never been to Xueyanfang City!

Walking into Xueyanfang City, you are greeted by a spacious and bright bluestone square. There is a white stone tablet more than a hundred feet high standing on the square. On it is a topographic map of Xueyanfang City, with each large store marked.

Behind the white stone monument are nine streets leading in different directions, with a surging flow of people.

Dozens of feet-high snow apes stood under the white stone stele. They were wearing uniform white shirts and different jade plaques on their chests. The jade plaques read "accommodation", "elixir", "demon pill", " Words such as "weapon" and "spiritual beast".

These snow apes are spiritual beasts domesticated by the Cold Flame Sect. They are docile and humane. They are mainly used as guides. They charge a fee, but they are very cheap.

Some merchants will buy some snow apes from the Cold Flame Sect, take them back and train them, and use them as servants. Sometimes spiritual beasts are more reliable than people. It is enough that the spiritual beasts do not let them starve to death. They do not dare to disobey their masters. Human beings will It’s hard to say.

Seeing these snow apes, Wang Changsheng thought of Zhenhai Ape. According to Wang Qingshan, when he left Dongli Realm, Zhenhai Ape was still alive, but it was hard to say how long it could live. After all, it was only the fourth level.

The lifespan of monster beasts is much longer than that of monks of the same level. Different races have different lifespans. The life span of turtle monsters is particularly long.

Wang Changsheng came to a snow ape. The snow ape squatted down obediently. The jade sign on its chest read the word "Material".

"Take us to the material store."

Wang Changsheng took out a spiritual stone and threw it to Snow Monkey.

Xueyuan seemed to understand Wang Changsheng's words, put away the spirit stone, and strode towards a street. Wang Changsheng and the other four quickly followed.

The streets were spacious and clean, and there were a lot of people. They were all human beings, and no aliens were seen.

These human monks dress differently and have very different accents.

The shops on both sides of the street are all material stores, including alchemy, talisman making, formation formation, weapon refining, etc. Most of them are specialties of Xuanling Continent, and some are specialties of other places, including many specialties of Qingli Sea Area.

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