Rise of Qinglian

2160 The follow-up skills are obtained, and Yingjie becomes a god.

Piaoyun Island, Zhenhai Palace General Altar.

The door to a secret room suddenly opened, and Chen Yueying walked out with a smile on her face.

After the Xuan Qing Sect got the Xuantian's thing, they quickly sent over the promised resources for cultivating immortals. Naturally, Chen Yueying got the bulk of it, and the Ascension Sect also benefited.

In addition, Chen Yueying officially proposed the expansion of twenty Feiling Towers, which would be stationed by the Ascension Faction.

The contributions made by Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan were too great, and the local factions lacked confidence, so they bargained and agreed to expand ten Feiling Platforms.

Disciples from the Ascension Faction are stationed at the ten Feiling Towers and receive preferential treatment. This is a real benefit.

If Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan had not left Zhenhai Palace, they would at least be able to hold important positions.

Walking out of her residence, Chen Yueying saw a transmission note floating in the air.

She grabbed the transmission talisman and crushed it, and Fang Ming's voice rang out: "Uncle Chen, Junior Brother Wang has entered the Void Refining Stage. He returns to the main altar and wants to see you."

"Advanced to Lianxu!"

Chen Yueying nodded and was not surprised. Wang Changsheng had obtained a lot of resources for cultivating immortals. If he could not advance to the Void Refining Stage, he could only be said to be a waste.

She took out the interrogation tray, typed in a spell, and ordered: "Bring Junior Nephew Wang here!"

"Yes, Master Chen."

Chen Yueying came to the reception room and waited quietly.

Less than half an hour later, Fang Ming and Wang Changsheng walked in.

"Disciple pays homage to Master Chen."

Wang Changsheng bowed and saluted with a respectful expression.

"Yes, you have entered the Void Refining Stage. Your Taoist companion has also entered the Void Refining Stage?"

Chen Yueying complimented and asked casually.

Wang Changsheng quickly replied: "Thank you, Master Chen, for worrying about her. She is still in the stage of becoming a god. Thanks to Master Chen's great blessing, our family has developed well."

"This is your follow-up technique. If you are lucky enough to advance to the integration stage, you can change to a different set of techniques, or modify other techniques."

Chen Yueying flicked her sleeves, and a blue jade slip flew out and landed in front of Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng thanked him and accepted the jade slip. He hesitated for a moment and asked, "Uncle Chen, why don't you arrange a formation in the Dongli Realm so that more Zhenhai Sect disciples can ascend to the Xuanyang Realm and strengthen the power of the ascending faction?"

He had wanted to ask this question for a long time, but he was just a god in the past, and he was soft-spoken.

Zhenhai Palace comes from the Zhenhai Sect. Logically speaking, it should arrange formations to help disciples in the lower realms ascend. If nothing else, there is no problem in setting up large formations to contact the lower realms!

"The founder of Zhenhai Palace comes from Zhenhai Sect in Dongli Realm. However, when Zhenhai Palace was first built, like your Wang family, it had little background. As Zhenhai Palace developed, local factions occupied most of the important positions in Zhenhai Palace. They didn't If you’re willing to do that, that would degrade their treatment.”

"More than 10,000 years ago, a god from the Zhenhai Sect ascended to Xuanyang Realm. He created the art of combined attack. From that time on, our Ascension Faction slowly gained a place. But in general, our Ascension Faction It’s still not as good as the local factions. We don’t have a boundary-breaking disk. It’s very difficult to send people to the lower realm. Splitting souls to the lower realm is of little significance. At most, it helps Zhenhai Sect clear some obstacles. The local factions continue to obstruct it, so the matter will be settled. , if you stay in Zhenhai Palace and are lucky enough to advance to the integration stage, you may be able to get the master brother to agree."

Chen Yueying said slowly, the plate is only so big. Both the local faction and the ascending faction want to take more. The ascending faction hopes to send people to the lower realm, but the cost is very high. Zhenhai Palace does not lack those few god-transforming monks, so they put it aside.

"In addition to the boundary-breaking disk, isn't it possible to arrange formations in the lower boundary?"

Wang Changsheng said doubtfully.

"The parallel interface is okay. Going from a high plane to a low plane has too much resistance. You need to set up an eighth-level formation, and the chance of an accident is very high. In the entire Xuanling Continent, only the Xuanqing sect, a human force, has a boundary-breaking disk. If it were so easy to go down to the lower realm, other forces would have sent people down to the lower realm to unify the lower realm and use it as a talent reserve and a resource base for cultivating immortals."

Chen Yueying eloquently said that no one would object to the large amount of territory. If it was so easy to get to the lower realm, Zhenhai Palace would have sent people to the lower realm to unify the ten or eight lower interfaces.

Wang Changsheng was greatly disappointed. He originally wanted to use the power of Zhenhai Palace to build a spiritual ascension platform in Dongli Realm.

The lower world is so difficult, how did the spirit spirit do it? He can also refine a treasure like the Flying Spirit Plate. Could it be that the spirit of the weapon is a Mahayana monk? Or is it that the weapon spirit has a treasure similar to the world-breaking disk?

"Life and death are determined by destiny. Your tribe in the lower realm has their own creation. Just take care of yourselves. Even if you can send people to the lower realm to set up formations or give away resources for cultivating immortals, the monks in the lower realm cannot ascend to the Xuanyang realm if they have not reached the stage of becoming gods. ."

Chen Yueying persuaded her kindly. She turned her right hand and a cyan porcelain bottle appeared in her hand. With a flick of her wrist, the cyan porcelain bottle flew towards Wang Changsheng.

"This bottle of Purple Ginseng and Jade Dew Pill has the effect of improving mana. It is suitable for you to take. This is considered as congratulations on your advancement to the stage of refining the void."

Chen Yueying said, a bottle of sixth-level elixir that improves mana power is no less than a million spirit stones. If Wang Changsheng were in Zhenhai Palace, the reward would naturally be even greater.

The daughter who is married off is the water that is thrown out.

Wang Changsheng thanked him repeatedly. He had only come to ask for follow-up exercises and got a bottle of elixir to improve his magic power. This was something he did not expect.

Fang Ming suddenly took out a sparkling magic disk and inserted a magic formula into it, his eyes flashing with surprise.

He glanced at Wang Changsheng and said to Chen Yueying: "Uncle Chen, there is a god-forming monk who ascended from the Tianhai Realm and landed in Tianyang Valley."

"Where's the person? Let Master Nephew Zhao bring him back."

Chen Yueying's eyes lit up and she ordered.

"The man's name is Wang Qingshan. According to his explanation, he is Wang's nephew and has no plans to join Zhenhai Palace and go to Kowloon Island."

Fang Ming explained.

Wang Changsheng was stunned for a moment, then his expression became excited.

Wang Qingshan has actually ascended to Xuanyang Realm, which is great.

Chen Yueying frowned and looked at Wang Changsheng: "Nephew Wang, you have heard it. If nothing happens, go back!"

"Yes, Master Chen, this disciple is resigning."

Wang Changsheng agreed and turned to leave.


Ice Sea Realm, Honglian Island, one of the strongholds of the Wang family in the Ice Sea Realm.

A huge thundercloud floated over the island, lightning flashed, thick lightning fell, the wind and clouds rolled back, and the trees swayed left and right.

Tens of thousands of monsters frantically attacked Red Lotus Island, but their levels were not high and they were blocked by the Wang family members using puppet beasts.

After a while, with a deafening thunder, the thundercloud rolled violently and turned into a silver thunder python, rushing towards a valley below.

Wang Yingjie sat cross-legged on a boulder. Five flags with dim light fell to the ground, and the flags were in tatters.

Wang Yingjie's face was pale and he looked like he had consumed too much mana.

He took out a cyan porcelain bottle and poured out a drop of snow-white paste-like object, exuding a pure spiritual energy.

Ten Thousand Years of Spiritual Milk, Nascent Soul cultivator can instantly restore mana after taking it.

He took the Ten Thousand Years Spiritual Milk, and his pale face instantly returned to rosy.

His body surface lit up with a dazzling five-color aura, and a thick five-color armor suddenly appeared on his body surface.

The silver thunder python hit him and exploded instantly.

After a loud noise, the dazzling silver lightning drowned his figure.

After a while, the lightning dissipated, and Wang Yingjie was lying in a huge pit. His body was charred black, with white bones visible in many places on his body, his flesh and blood were blurred, and he was emitting terrifying spiritual pressure.

"Is this the transformation of a god!"

Wang Yingjie murmured to himself, looking excited.

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