Rise of Qinglian

2132 Count your belongings, claim territory, build a family, and stay away from faction fights

Piaoyun Island, Zhenhai Palace General Altar.

In the Ancestral Master Hall, Song Yuchan was talking to Song Yiming, their faces solemn.

Zhenhai Palace suffered heavy losses last time, and only two people survived. This time, Zhenhai Palace sent additional manpower, and there were less than ten survivors, so the situation did not improve much.

Song Yuchan sent his clones into the Xuanling Cave, but they all died in the Xuanling Cave.

"It seems that there is something strange happening in Xuanling Cave. Maybe it's caused by aliens."

Song Yiming sighed.

"It's a pity my clone. I hope a few more disciples come back alive!"

Song Yuchan sighed and said that the avatar is an independent individual with its own thoughts and wisdom. However, the main body cannot immediately know what the avatar sees. This makes Song Yuchan not aware of what happened in the Xuanling Cave.

"Hey, they seem to be back."

Song Yiming let out a light sigh and looked out of the hall.

Song Yuchan turned her head and looked outside the hall with a solemn expression.

A red light appeared in the distant sky and quickly flew into the Patriarch Hall. It was Wang Changsheng and his party.

"Junior Sister Chen, Junior Brother Li, you are back, what happened? Where are Junior Nephew Zhao and the others!"

Song Yiming frowned and asked. The local faction and the ascending faction each sent fifteen people into the Xuanling Cave. As a result, only three people from the ascending faction came out, and five people from the local faction came out alive.

"A Xuantian object was born in the Xuanling Cave, and it was snatched away by Senior Nephew Wang and others. Unfortunately, Junior Nephew Zhao and the others were killed trying to protect Senior Nephew Wang."

Chen Yueying explained.

"What? Xuantian's thing? Where is Xuantian's thing?"

Song Yiming's expression changed and he asked, looking nervous.

"People from other forces also know the existence of Xuantian's Object. The news leaked and they were unable to preserve the object. They gave it to Daoist Sun from the Xuanqing Sect. In return, they will give us a sum of resources for cultivating immortals."

Li Yan explained that this time Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan made meritorious deeds, and the Ascension Faction would naturally take the lion's share of the resources for cultivating immortals they obtained.

Song Yiming had a look of realization on his face, looked at Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan, and asked kindly: "Nephew Wang, are you okay?"

"Thanks to the care of the master, the disciple has taken the elixir given by Master Chen and is no longer in serious trouble. Originally, Senior Brother Zhao and the others did not need to be in trouble, but Senior Sister Ma did not save him and stood idly by."

Wang Changsheng's face was filled with grief and anger. If Sun Yan and others had not fought tooth and nail to stop the enemy, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan might not have been able to escape alive. Wang Changsheng must seek justice for them.

Song Yiming's face darkened, he looked at Ma Qianqian and asked, "Master Nephew Ma, is this the case?"

"Master, Master Rongzhen, this disciple is not just sitting idly by, but is trying to contain the enemy. Junior Brother Wang has wronged us."

Ma Qianqian explained.

"Humph, contain the enemy? The six of you can contain three god-transformation monks? In order to stop the enemy, Senior Sister Sun was besieged and killed by many people."

Ning Lan said with red eyes, full of grief and anger. He was one of the few survivors and was also seriously injured.

"You can't say that. The monks of Wanlingmen are not easy to deal with. They all raise spiritual beasts and birds. We can contain three people, which is already very good."

Ma Qianqian explained.

"Hmph, once Junior Brother Wang and Junior Sister Wang escape, you will not be able to contain the enemy and let them hunt down Junior Brother Wang and Junior Sister Wang. Is this what you call containment?"

Ning Lan retorted.

"Master Nephew Ma did not sit idly by. He managed to contain the three god-transforming monks. At best, it was a disadvantage."

Li Yan spoke up for Ma Qianqian. If Ma Qianqian got Xuantian's things, the local factions would gain huge benefits. It was understandable that Ma Qianqian did this, but he just didn't succeed.

Brothers must settle accounts openly, not to mention brothers from the same sect. Whoever brings out Xuantian's things will benefit greatly from their faction.

Song Yiming felt a headache after hearing this. This matter is not certain. Ma Qianqian did not completely stand by and just pretended. The Ascension faction gained huge benefits this time, and more masters will appear in the future. If Ma Qianqian is severely punished, this will disappear. He said, the local factions will become weaker and weaker, which is not what he wants to see.

He had always hoped that the two major factions would maintain a balance. This time, Wang Changsheng brought out Xuantian's objects, which had a tendency to break the balance. With this great achievement, the ascending faction could obtain more resources for cultivating immortals in an open and honest manner.

You can never mistreat a minister who has made great contributions, otherwise no one will work hard for the sect.

"Dad, let's count the belongings brought out by Master Nephew Wang and others first! Mark their merits for them."

Song Yuchan opened her mouth to relieve the siege. If people from the local faction brought more resources for cultivating immortals, Song Yiming could use this to excuse Ma Qianqian. Ma Qianqian wanted to punish, but he could not destroy Ma Qianqian, otherwise he would just sit back and watch the Ascension faction grow bigger. The two factions The contradictions cannot be reconciled. The cake is so big and everyone wants to eat more. If you have more, I will have less.

"Let's take stock of the resources for cultivating immortals first!"

Song Yiming nodded, flicked his wrist, and a ray of white light flew out. It was a white mink with three tails, and its eyes were all white. Judging from its aura, it was a sixth-level spiritual beast.

Three-tailed ferrets have a keen sense of smell and are good at finding natural and earthly treasures.

The three-tailed ferret circled Ma Qianqian, swishing its tail from time to time.

Ma Qianqian flicked her wrist, and a ray of light passed by. There were more than 500 jade boxes on the ground, as well as many ores and spiritual trees.

Song Yiming nodded with satisfaction, and Song Yuchan stepped forward, opened each jade box, and counted them carefully.

After counting the belongings of the five local disciples, there were 855 elixirs, including 35 elixirs that were more than three thousand years old, and not a single elixir that was ten thousand years old.

The three-tailed ferrets circled around Ning Lan. Ning Lan's broad sleeves shook. After a ray of sunlight passed by, there were more than a hundred wooden boxes on the ground, as well as some ores and spiritual trees. The number was not large.

Wang Changsheng flicked his wrist, and after a blue glow passed by, there were thousands of jade boxes on the ground, as well as a large number of ores and spiritual trees.

Except for Chen Yueying, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan, the other monks were stunned. They did not expect that Wang Changsheng had obtained so many elixirs.

Wang Ruyan also took out part of the income. It was okay to withhold some ore or spiritual wood. Older elixirs were not allowed to be withheld. This was a rule.

After the inventory was completed, Wang Changsheng and the other three took out a total of 1,535 elixirs, including seven elixirs that were ten thousand years old and 235 elixirs that were more than three thousand years old.

"Senior Nephew Wang, Junior Nephew Wang, you have done the most great work this time. If you want something, you can boldly tell the head brother, and the head brother will definitely not treat you badly."

Chen Yueying said, Ma Qianqian stood by and watched. Naturally, she would not sit idly by and just wait and see what Song Yiming would reward. If she was satisfied, that would be okay. If she was not, she would definitely pursue it to the end.

"Master Nephew Wang, as long as the request is not too excessive, you can make it."

Song Yiming said pleasantly that he was originally partial to Ma Qianqian, but Wang Changsheng brought out too many things, including the Nine-leaf Blood Lotus, and he really couldn't be partial.

Wang Changsheng took a deep breath and said respectfully: "This disciple wants a piece of land to establish his own family."

The struggle between the local faction and the ascended faction is fierce. It can be seen from this time that Wang Changsheng does not want to get involved in the fight between the two factions. He is used to giving orders and feels very comfortable with a bunch of uncles and uncles on his head.

"I agree that Wang's nephew has done the most great work and should be given a piece of land to build a family."

Li Yan immediately expressed his hope that Wang Changsheng would leave Zhenhai Palace. With the great achievements Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan had made this time, their status in the future would definitely be high and they would be a huge threat to the local factions.

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