Rise of Qinglian

Chapter 1973: Prepare with both hands

The Hai Clan was originally dominated by the Golden Scale Clan, but decades ago, a Mahayana monk appeared in the Silver Shark Clan, and the Golden Scale Clan restrained themselves.

The Sea Tribe mainly lives under the sea and seldom leaves the bottom of the sea. They are not very interested in land. The resources for cultivating immortals on the bottom of the sea are abundant and the Sea Tribe can be self-sufficient. Because of this, the Sea Tribe has a relatively harmonious relationship with other races.

When we were in the Dongli Realm, the Sea Tribe of the South China Sea and the Monster Tribe and Barbarians could only fight against the Human Race. The main reason was that the resources for cultivating immortals in the Dongli Realm were limited, while the resources for cultivating immortals in the Xuanyang Realm were abundant. The resources for cultivating immortals in the sea area alone were inexhaustible. No need to go to land to compete with other races for immortal cultivation resources.

Races such as the orcs, bats, and bones mainly operate on the ground. They often conflict with the human race for resources for cultivating immortals.

Fortresses are often broken from within. There are hundreds of tribes in the Sea Clan, and they fight endlessly privately. The Golden Scale Clan has always wanted to unify the Sea Clan, but due to external pressure, there is no use in force.

Currently, the Sea Clan is divided into two major factions. One is headed by the Golden Scale Clan and has more than 70 tribes. The other is headed by the Silver Shark Clan and has more than 40 tribes. The Shark Clan is attached to the Silver Shark Clan and is naturally surrounded by the Golden Scale Clan. against.

Wang Ruyan suddenly realized and said: "What's going on? Before we went into seclusion, the Jinlin clan was not so excessive. After we came out of seclusion, the Jinlin clan was even more egregious than before."

"As long as you don't go to the territory of the Golden Scale Clan, the chance of encountering a member of the Golden Scale Clan is still relatively low. You can't afford to offend them and you can't afford to hide."

Hai Yunfan suggested.

At this time, a shark came up, handed Hai Yunfan a blue storage ring and then withdrew.

"This is what you want, fellow Taoist, check it out."

Hai Yunfan handed the storage ring to Wang Changsheng.

After Wang Changsheng confirmed that it was correct, Wang Ruyan paid the spirit stone and they left Tianji Tower.

They wandered around the street. The sky was blue, and they could see a large number of sharks walking on the street, as well as the Bone Tribe, Bat Tribe, Seahorse Tribe and other races.

Two hours later, the sky darkened.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan rented a beer belly courtyard and lived there.

They took out the classic nautical charts they purchased and looked at them.

According to the map, Black Turtle Island is located in the territory of the Golden Scale Clan. If they want to go to Black Turtle Island, they must pass through the territory of the Golden Scale Clan. Due to the conflict between the Golden Scale Clan and the Shark Clan, they may not have reached Black Turtle Island yet. , they were captured by the Golden Scale Clan.

"No wonder Huang Lizhi didn't go hunting for the treasure. It turns out that the cave where True Monarch Xuangui lives is in the territory of the Jinlin clan."

Wang Ruyan frowned and said, in this case, it would be best for them to follow the Uncle Turtle mentioned by Qing'er to Black Turtle Island. It would be very difficult for them to do it on their own.

"It's better to rely on yourself than to rely on others. We can't place all our hopes on that Taoist turtle fellow. We still need to be prepared with both hands. If it doesn't work, we can go there by ourselves."

Wang Changsheng said solemnly that the Shark Cloud Pendant was just a spiritual treasure. He purchased a batch of weapon refining materials and planned to upgrade the Shark Cloud Pendant to a heaven-reaching spiritual treasure. In this way, the chance of them being exposed would be lower.

He has never put all his hopes on others. He still has to rely on himself at critical moments.

Wang Ruyan nodded and said: "I plan to refine a few fifth-level talismans and make more preparations, hoping to successfully obtain the inheritance from True Lord Black Turtle."

They each got busy, Wang Changsheng made weapons and Wang Ruyan made talismans.


Yunqiao Tower, a secret room.

An old man in green robe with thin cheeks sat cross-legged on the futon. A green cauldron with four legs and two ears was placed in front of him. The green cauldron was surrounded by billowing flames.

The old man in green robe has gray hair on his temples and has long and narrow eyes, staring at the green cauldron.

After a while, a strong medicinal fragrance floated out from the green cauldron.

The green-robed old man's method changed, and the flames suddenly dissipated.

He stepped forward and opened the lid of the cauldron, only to see nine light blue pills inside, emitting a strange fragrance.

The old man in green robe took out a breath of turbid air, took out a blue porcelain bottle, filled it with nine pills, put away the green cauldron and walked out.

"How's it going, Fellow Daoist Turtle? It's been refined."

Qian Yao asked nervously when she saw the old man in green robe.

The old man in green robe nodded and threw the blue porcelain bottle to Qian Yao.

"With the blue marrow fruit brought back by Qing'er as a medicine guide, you can recover faster by taking these nine pills."

The old man in green robe is full of confidence.

"When I recover, I will go to Black Turtle Island with you to hunt for treasures. If we get the inheritance from that senior, our chances of advancing to the Void Refining Stage will be very high."

Qian Yao's tone was full of temptation and her eyes were deep.

The old man in green robe nodded. He remembered something and asked, "By the way, what are you going to do about the two people Qing'er mentioned?"

"It's better to do less than to do more. It's very risky to bring two more people. They saved Qing'er. I'm grateful to them. I can give them a few treasures as reward. I don't want to be dragged down by them."

Same Yao shook her head and said, her tone changed, "What do you mean!"

"I am thinking just as you are thinking. I saved fellow Daoist Jin in the early years, but he has lost power now. It is not easy for us to cross the territory of the Jinlin clan. It will be troublesome to bring two more people."

The old man in green robe agreed.

"Let's not talk about them anymore. I will take the elixir to heal my injuries first. When my injuries heal, we can go hunting for treasures."

"Okay, then I'm going back."

The old man in green robe said goodbye and left, and Qian Yao asked Qing'er to send the old man in green robe away in person.

Qian Yao flicked her wrist, and a light blue seal flew out from the spirit beast bracelet. She flicked her fingers, and a blue pill flew into the blue seal's mouth and disappeared.

She must be wary of others, even those who have been friends for many years, she is wary of.

Qing'er came back and was slightly startled when she saw the green seal.

"Grandma, do you doubt Uncle Turtle? Uncle Turtle won't harm you, right? If it weren't for you, he would have died."

Xiao Qing'er said doubtfully.

"Silly girl, you must be on guard against others. Qing'er, remember, except for grandma and Hong'er, everyone else in the world may harm you."

Qian Yao said earnestly.

"Grandma, where are the two seniors! They also want to go to Black Turtle Island, do you think?"

Qing'er asked.

"They saved you. I will give them two treasures to thank them. To reach Black Turtle Island, you must pass through the territory of the Jinlin Clan. The Jin Daoist who was saved by the Turtle Daoist Brother has lost power. We are too busy to take care of ourselves and cannot bring it with us. them."

Qian Yao said slowly.

Qing'er was a little disappointed, but she knew that Qian Yao would not harm her.

"Okay, you go down first! You are not allowed to leave Fangshi again."

Qian Yao ordered, and Qian Qing'er responded, turned around and left.

Sameao put away the blue seal and walked towards the secret room.

She sat down cross-legged and did not take the elixir immediately, but instead meditated.

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