Rise of Qinglian

Chapter 1938: Three years later, Song Yunxiang asked for help

Three years later, hundreds of islands of different sizes were scattered in a certain sea area.

A ray of green light pierced the sky, followed by more than a dozen red lights, and the speed of the red light was particularly fast.

The green light faded, revealing a flying boat with green light flowing continuously. Wang Changsheng and more than 20 monks stood on the green flying boat. Their expressions were tense, as if they had encountered something terrible.

The dozens of red lights were clearly a dozen red monster birds with wings spread more than ten feet. They all had a red flesh crown on their heads, with small heads and large bodies, fiery red eyes, and black claws. Look at their auras. They are all fifth-level demon birds, and the leader is a fifth-level high-grade demon bird.

They all let out a sharp neighing sound, their bodies glowed red, they flapped their wings fiercely, and suddenly disappeared from the place.

Wang Changsheng had been paying attention to the movements of the demonic birds. He seemed to have thought of something, and said quickly: "Be careful, Senior Brother Chen, they are using the wind escape technique again, preparing to intercept us in front, and quickly land on the bottom of the sea. This is the only way."

Chen Xin controlled flying spirit treasures, and their flying speed was far slower than those of these demonic birds. This was because Wang Changsheng discovered them in advance. If not, they would have been overtaken by the demonic birds.

Flying Tongtian Lingbao is relatively rare, and it either costs a lot of money to build or buy at auction. However, flying Tongtian Lingbao is more popular and is often bought out as soon as it appears on the market. Even if there are Unless it is a flying Tongtian Lingbao, it is difficult for them to get rid of these fifth-level demon birds.

Chen Xin also knew the seriousness of the problem. With a pinch of the secret, the green flying boat suddenly changed direction and flew quickly towards the bottom of the sea.

Considering the monsters on the bottom of the sea, he did not choose to escape into the bottom of the sea, but now that the situation was critical, he could not care about the monsters on the bottom of the sea.

At this moment, a deafening roar came from high in the sky, and a huge fire cloud covering 50,000 miles appeared in the high altitude without warning, reflecting the sea water into red, and the temperature suddenly increased.

Several demon birds appeared around the cyan flying boat, surrounding the cyan flying boat.

Their wings flapped fiercely, and red hurricanes swept out. If you look closely, you can see that the red hurricanes are condensed from countless red flames, emitting a terrifying high temperature.

Several red hurricanes swept in from all directions, and heat waves rolled in.

Twenty Nascent Soul monks sacrificed their magic weapons to fight the incoming red hurricane.

Sun Wu and the others were not idle, and they all took action to resist.

The red fire clouds in the sky rolled violently like boiling water, and huge fireballs as big as houses flew out, hitting the blue flying boat like meteorites.

Wang Changsheng snorted lightly, raised his hands high, and huge waves suddenly set off on the sea surface, turning into heavy water curtains to protect them.

There was a loud rumble and white mist filled the air.

A hot wind blew by, and two red demonic birds suddenly appeared in front of the blue flying boat, attacking Wang Changsheng and his party one after the other.

Chen Xin snorted lightly, and dense golden runes appeared on his body. He moved his fists, and dense golden fist shadows flew out, hitting a red demon bird one after another. There was a muffled sound, and the red demon bird flew backwards. .

A large piece of blue water vapor emerged from Wang Changsheng's right fist, turning into a blue water curtain surrounding his right fist and hitting a red demon bird.

The red demon bird's sharp claws hit the blue water curtain, causing ripples, but it was unharmed.

A large amount of blue water vapor emerged from Wang Changsheng's right fist, and suddenly turned into a blue anaconda with a thick waist, and hit the red demon bird.

A cheerful flute sounded, and a light blue sound wave swept out and hit the red demon bird.

The red demon bird flew out upside down, with hundreds of feathers falling off its body, dripping with blood.

Taking this opportunity, the green flying boat dived into the seabed, but huge fireballs fell down and hit the sea. The flames shot into the sky, and the sea seemed to be ignited, with white mist billowing.

Wang Changsheng sacrificed six Dinghai Pearls, which turned into six blue lights and flew towards the depths of the seabed.

With a pinch of his magic technique, the six Dinghai Pearls lit up one after another, blooming with dazzling blue light.

An astonishing scene appeared. With them as the center, the sea water with a radius of thousands of miles rotated violently, generating a powerful air current. Some low-level monsters were directly crushed by the powerful air current, and their bodies exploded directly, turning into a ball of blood mist. In the sea water.

Huge waves arose on the sea surface, and soon a huge whirlpool with a diameter of thousands of miles appeared. The huge whirlpool rotated rapidly, producing a powerful air flow. The void was distorted, and more than a dozen small islands suddenly exploded and turned into powder.

The bodies of several red demon birds quickly fell towards the huge whirlpool. They made a sharp neighing sound and flew high into the sky, but it was of no use. Their bodies quickly fell into the huge whirlpool and were twisted into pieces of blood by the whirlpool. Fog, not even the soul can escape.

The cyan flying boat swayed left and right, and a strong pressure squeezed and deformed the cyan light curtain.

Wang Changsheng's magic formula kept stirring, and the vortex rotated faster and faster. The void vibrated and made a muffled "buzzing" sound, as if it was about to collapse.

The red fireballs fell one after another and fell into the huge whirlpool, just like the mud in the sea, and the huge whirlpool was not affected.

Thousands of red fireballs were swallowed up by the huge whirlpool, and the huge whirlpool was unharmed.

The red demon bird seemed to realize that the other party was not easy to mess with, so it flapped its wings and fled, and the red fire cloud dispersed.

Wang Changsheng and others did not show up and have been hiding under the sea.

An hour later, the green flying boat flew out from the bottom of the sea, and Chen Xin and others showed lingering expressions of fear on their faces.

"Fortunately, Junior Brother Wang discovered this group of demonic birds in advance, otherwise this time it would have been really bad."

Chen Xin breathed a sigh of relief. He was also a physical practitioner, but the demon bird's body was flexible and difficult to deal with.

"According to our current speed, if nothing unexpected happens, we will be able to reach our destination in less than a year."

Sun Wu showed joy on his face and said with a smile.

Because they kept taking detours, they wasted a lot of time, but fortunately they were safe.

Along the way, Wang Changsheng relied on his powerful spiritual consciousness to avoid danger and losses many times.

"Speed ​​up! Don't waste too much time. It's better to reach your destination as soon as possible."

Lu Guanghong suggested.

Wang Changsheng frowned, looked into the distance, and said, "Someone is coming, it seems to be Fellow Daoist Song from Chiyan Mountain."

"Fellow Daoist Song?"

Chen Xin and the other two looked at each other in confusion. Three years ago, they met Song Yunxiang, and now they meet Song Yunxiang again? Could it be that Song Yunxiang's destination is the same as theirs?

"Song Daoyou seems to be being chased by the monks who transform themselves into gods, so be careful."

Wang Changsheng reminded, his expression solemn.

"Fellow Taoist in front of me, I am Song Yunxiang. People from the Bat Clan are chasing us. I would like to ask you fellow Taoists to help me. I am very grateful. I will definitely thank you deeply."

A somewhat urgent male voice suddenly sounded.

"Bat clan?"

Wang Changsheng had a thoughtful expression on his face. The bat tribe is a race next to the human race. It is cruel and very bloodthirsty. However, it is indeed too much for the bat tribe to dare to kill humans on their territory.

"Junior Brother Wang, Junior Brother Lu, the Bat Clan is the enemy of all races, come with me to fight."

Chen Xin said solemnly, his consciousness sensed that the aura of the Digital God Stage was flying towards here. With their strength, it should not be difficult to kill several Bat Tribes in the God Stage, and they could also make Song Yunxiang owe money. What a huge favor, why not do it.

Lu Guanghong frowned. He wanted to refuse, but what Chen Xin said was reasonable. The aliens were killing human monks, and it was unjustifiable to ignore them.

A red light appeared in the distant sky, and a golden light appeared behind the red light at an extremely fast speed.

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