Rise of Qinglian

Chapter 1891 Sonic Destroy Demons

Before the blue water column came close, a strong strong wind blew in his face, and the hair of the man in golden shirt was flying in the wind.

He was not afraid at all. The golden light on his body shone brightly, and a golden mini tiger cub appeared on his body. The golden tiger seemed like a living creature and made a deafening roar.

The giant golden stick in the hand of the man in the golden shirt suddenly shook, and a sound that hurt the eardrums was heard in the void. A large golden stick shadow swept out, like an endless river, towards the blue water column.

With a loud rumbling sound, the golden stick shadow collided with the blue water column. The nearby void was violently distorted and deformed, creating a powerful air wave. The blue water column suddenly exploded and turned into countless waves. The sea surface rolled violently, setting off a wave of A huge wave spread out in all directions like a flood that broke a bank. A large number of low-level monsters were killed by the waves, and their bodies turned into a rain of blood.

Taking this opportunity, the sea-swallowing rhinoceros dived into the seabed with its huge body, intending to use water escape to escape.

At this moment, a huge blue jade bowl appeared above the head of the Sea Swallowing Rhinoceros without any warning. With a twist, the blue jade bowl spurted out a blue misty glow, covering the area where the Sea Swallowing Rhinoceros was. In a large area of ​​​​the sea, the originally soft water suddenly turned into an iron wall, making it impossible for the Sea Swallowing Rhino to dive into the bottom of the sea.

The girl in the red dress pinched the magic technique and shouted in a low voice: "Take it."

Countless mysterious runes lit up on the surface of the blue jade bowl, and a fat blue carp could be vaguely seen swimming around.

The sea-swallowing rhinoceros shrunk at a speed visible to the naked eye, was swept up by the blue glow, and flew towards the blue jade bowl.

Countless golden arcs emerged from the surface of the sea-swallowing rhinoceros, and tens of thousands of thick golden lightnings flew out and struck the blue glow. The blue glow rippled and the aura dimmed.


The sea-swallowing rhinoceros' horn spurted out a stream of blue light, which hit the blue glow. The blue glow was torn to pieces by the blue light like paper, and the sea-swallowing rhinoceros escaped from the trap.

As soon as it got out of trouble, there was a sound that hurt the eardrums above its head, and a golden stick shadow fell from the sky, like a majestic golden mountain, and hit the sea-swallowing rhinoceros on the head.

The sea-swallowing rhinoceros roared in agony, and its huge body quickly fell towards the sea.

Before it fell into the sea water, two thick and long blue chains fell from the sky. There were countless mysterious runes on the surface of the blue chains, and the blue light was flowing erratically.

The two blue chains circled around the huge body of the Sea Swallowing Rhinoceros several times, and the ends were submerged into the sea water.

Waves of ripples appeared on the sea surface. The sea-swallowing rhinoceros' huge body hit the sea surface as if it had landed on a ball. The sea surface sank and quickly returned to normal.

The sea-swallowing rhinoceros struggled violently, and the chains kept twisting, making a muffled sound of "clatter", but the two blue chains locked the sea-swallowing rhinoceros firmly on the sea surface.

The Four Seas Demon Chain, a low-grade heaven-reaching spiritual treasure, is specially designed to restrain the water-type magical power of the sea-swallowing rhinoceros.

A golden rainbow fell from the sky, hitting the sea swallowing rhinoceros like a meteor falling to the ground.

Before the golden rainbow fell, the seawater near the Swallowing Sea Rhino suddenly rolled violently, setting off huge waves.

The sea-swallowing rhinoceros showed a look of reluctance, its vision turned golden, and it felt like the world was darkening.

In its desperate eyes, the golden rainbow hit its head, pierced through it, and the blood flowed endlessly, dyeing a large area of ​​​​the sea water red.

A mini sea-swallowing rhinoceros flew out of the body. As soon as it left the body, a blue jade bottle fell from the sky, sprayed out a blue glow, and took away the spirit of the sea-swallowing rhinoceros.

The big man in golden shirt stood on Tun Haixi's head, panting and looking pale.

"Junior sister Sun, it's a good thing you helped me, otherwise this evil beast would have run away."

The big man in gold shirt took a long breath and said with a smile.

"I didn't help much. The two fellow disciples who came for reinforcements were a bit unfamiliar. I seemed to have never seen them before. If they hadn't killed a fifth-level mid-grade sea-swallowing rhinoceros, they also cast a spell to trap a sea-swallowing rhinoceros. Xi, I can’t spare the time to assist Senior Brother Chen.”

The girl in the red dress smiled bitterly and said that this time it was thanks to her fellow disciples who came to help, otherwise she would have been in trouble.

"Are they so strong? Are they taking over from Junior Brother Yang to guard Xuanling Island?"

The big man in gold shirt's eyes flashed with surprise, and he looked at the blue water curtain in the distance.

Waves of cheerful flute sounds came out, and the blue water curtain twisted and deformed.

They jumped towards the blue water curtain and flew towards it, the sound of the flute continued.

"Junior brother and sister, please remove the restriction and I will help you. This evil beast is not easy to deal with."

The big man in gold shirt said sincerely, his voice like a bell.

"Thank you, Senior Brother Chen, for your kindness. We can solve it. You should stay away from us to avoid being affected."

A gentle man's voice came from within the blue water curtain, full of confidence.

The man in golden shirt was slightly startled. Just as he was about to say something, he looked at a dozen Nascent Soul cultivators and found that their expressions were in a daze and their bodies were swaying.


The big man in gold shirt's eyes flashed with surprise, and he shouted loudly: "Disciples, listen to the order and leave here immediately."

His voice was so loud that it vibrated and twisted the void.

Tianhu roars!

When more than a dozen Nascent Soul cultivators heard this, they suddenly regained consciousness. They did not dare to be careless and flew towards the distance.

The fairy sounds are bursts, sometimes passionate, sometimes tactful, sometimes cheerful, and unpredictable.

After a while, the blue water curtain suddenly collapsed, and a huge sea-swallowing rhinoceros floated on the sea. There were no serious scars on its body and it was motionless. Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan stood on the head of the sea-swallowing rhinoceros, looking as usual.

The physical bodies of fifth-level monsters are too powerful, and sonic attacks are more likely to severely damage them.

After Wang Ruyan obtained the Heavenly Spiritual Treasure Red Dust Flute, her magical powers became even stronger. Even fifth-level mid-level monsters quickly fell into illusions and were killed by her using sonic attacks.

Seeing the motionless Swallowing Sea Rhinoceros, the man in gold shirt and the girl in red skirt looked at each other with shock on their faces.

"Your Excellency, Wang Changsheng, this is my wife Wang Ruyan. I have met Senior Brother Chen and Senior Sister Sun. We are here to take control of Xuanling Island under the orders of Uncle Fang."

Wang Changsheng clasped his fists and said in a sincere tone.

"It turns out to be Junior Brother Wang and Junior Sister Wang. This is Chen Xin. This is Junior Sister Sun Wu."

The big man in gold shirt showed a look of realization on his face and called the door.

"Junior Brother Wang. Junior Sister Wang, this is not the place to talk. Let's go back to Xuanling Island to talk!"

Chen Xin suggested.

Wang Changsheng did not refuse and agreed.

Wang Changsheng shook his sleeves, and two green ropes flew out and entangled the bodies of the two sea-swallowing rhinos. They flew towards Xuanling Island, and the two sea-swallowing rhinos were dragged by them towards Xuanling Island. This is millions of spirit stones.

He dragged the body of the sea-swallowing rhinoceros to the beach of Xuanling Island and asked the disciples of Zhenhai Palace to deal with the corpse of the monster. In return, Wang Changsheng would give them some scraps as a reward, which the disciples of Zhenhai Palace could only ask for.

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