Rise of Qinglian

Chapter 1,696 Soul-Destroying Divine Light

Taiyi Immortal Gate, Patriarch Hall.

Zhang Zhanfeng put his hands behind his back and looked at the statue of the Four Seasons Sword Master with a complicated expression.

A familiar man's voice suddenly sounded: "Disciple Wang Qingshan asks to see the head master."

"Qingshan is here, come in!"

Zhang Zhanfeng smiled and turned around.

He and Wang Qingshan are both Nascent Soul cultivators, but Wang Qingshan's master Xiaoyao Jianzun and Zhang Zhanfeng are fellow apprentices, and Wang Qingshan wants to call Zhang Zhanfeng his uncle.

Wang Qingshan strode in with firm eyes.

"Master Nephew Wang, how do you think about what I told you? There is no conflict between the sect and the family. If you join our Taiyi Immortal Sect, your Wang family can do whatever you want, and you can continue to develop in the South China Sea."

Zhang Zhanfeng's voice was full of temptation. In this battle, the biggest loss was in Nanhai. Taiyi Immortal Sect also suffered a lot of losses. Taiyi Immortal Sect needed to absorb other forces to supplement and strengthen its own strength.

He hopes that the Wang family will be merged into the Taiyi Immortal Sect, and the Wang family will become an affiliated force of the Taiyi Immortal Sect and work for the Taiyi Immortal Sect.

The loss of the Wang family is not big. There are close to ten Nascent Soul monks. If the Wang family merges into the Taiyi Immortal Sect, it will be a good thing for the Taiyi Immortal Sect.

Wang Qingshan looked troubled and said tactfully: "The disciple understands the kindness of the master uncle. This matter is of great importance. I have to wait for the ninth uncle and the ninth aunt to come back to make a decision. The disciple cannot make a decision."

It would be too harsh to refuse outright. The war is not over yet. There are still many places where the Wang family relies on the Taiyi Immortal Sect. The Wang family's debt to the Taiyi Immortal Sect can be repaid. If it is merged into the Taiyi Immortal Sect, it will not take a hundred years for the clan members to recognize the Taiyi Immortal Sect even more. , the sense of belonging to the family will become weaker and weaker. Just look at the children of the Wang family who followed Wang Huashan and joined the Three Immortals Sect.

Now, whether it is fighting for resources or the environment, the Wang family cannot compare to the Taiyi Immortal Sect.

Zhang Zhanfeng had been prepared for this. After hearing this, he still had a disappointed expression on his face.

"There are still many high-level monks alive in the Tianlan Sect. You can practice in the sect with peace of mind! If you join this sect, you may have reached the Nascent Soul Dzogchen. What a pity."

Zhang Zhanfeng said in a regretful tone that with Wang Qingshan's swordsmanship talent, if he were to join the Taiyi Immortal Sect, he would definitely be a key training target.

Meng Tianzheng and Han Tianxuan are the key training targets of Taiyi Immortal Sect. Meng Tianzheng's Qi of Earthly Evil is building the foundation, Tiangang's Qi has advanced to the stage of pill formation, and Han Tianxuan's birth of a baby has attracted visions. They are the future of Taiyi Immortal Sect.

Meng Tianzheng has reached Nascent Soul Dzogchen and is in seclusion to enter the stage of spiritual transformation.

Han Tianxuan has been practicing in a secret place to achieve the perfection of Nascent Soul.

"Yes, Master Master."

Wang Qingshan agreed, turned and left.

As soon as he left, Xiaoyao Sword Master came out of the side room, his eyes full of admiration.

"I've told you, this kid is just a stubborn ass. The Wang family will not merge into the Taiyi Immortal Sect, and it is not necessarily a good thing for the Wang family to merge into the Taiyi Immortal Sect."

Xiaoyao Sword Master frowned and said, there are too many Nascent Soul cultivators in the Wang family. The Wang family has been merged into the Taiyi Immortal Sect. Over time, the birds may occupy the dove's nest. The sect pays attention to balance. Once any force becomes stronger, the sect will have internal strife. Danger.

Zhang Zhanfeng sighed and said: "I understand your concerns, but the current Wang family reminds me of the ancestor. The ancestor also caused visions. Since then, various geniuses have continued to emerge in our Taiyi Immortal Sect. Grow and grow.”

"The current situation of the Wang family is indeed somewhat similar to that of our sect, but it's just a similarity. The ancestor stole the show in the battle between immortals and demons. The Qinglian immortal couple went to Tianlan Realm. Whether they can come back is still a matter of two people."

Xiaoyao Sword Master said disapprovingly, judging from the current known situation, the monks from Dongli Realm who went to Tianlan Realm suffered heavy casualties, and not many monks survived.

"That's true. Most of them won't be able to come back. We are hunting down Tianlan Sect monks everywhere, and Tianlan Sect will also hunt down Dongli Realm monks everywhere."

Zhang Zhanfeng sighed.

The two chatted for a while and then went about their business.


There is a valley surrounded by mountains on three sides. There is a quiet manor in the valley. Wang Qingshan is talking to Su Bingbing and Ximen Feng.

Su Bingbing has also advanced to the Nascent Soul stage. She has been able to reach this day mainly because of the help of her sect and master. She went to Taiyi Immortal Sect to practice at a very young age, and she has a strong sense of belonging to Taiyi Immortal Sect.

Ximen Feng accumulated a lot of contribution points over the years, which were all converted into immortal cultivation resources and sent back to the Wang family to Wang Changjie.

"Uncle and aunt are not back yet, will everything be okay?"

Su Bingbing had a sad face. She had a good relationship with Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan. The Wang family members of the "Qing" generation were a little better, but Su Bingbing was average to other Wang family members.

"Don't worry! Ninth Uncle and Ninth Aunt are not weak. They have great luck. They will be fine."

Wang Qingshan consoled him.

Ximen Feng nodded and said with a smile: "Yes! I checked the sect's classics and found that there are very few Taoists in the Dongli world who have advanced to the Nascent Soul stage at the same time. It is indeed rare."

"Qingshan, since you have come to Taiyi Immortal Sect, you can practice with peace of mind! With your current cultivation level, if a war breaks out again, you will not be able to protect your family."

Ximen Feng warned.

Wang Qingshan nodded and said: "I think so too. During my retreat, if the family encounters any trouble, please help solve it."

Ximen Feng and Su Bingbing agreed wholeheartedly. This was not a difficult task for them.

After chatting for a while, Ximen Feng and Su Bingbing said goodbye and left.

Wang Qingshan came to the basement. He sat cross-legged on a green futon. With a flick of his sleeves, nine green glass swords and green lotus swords flew out, hovering above his head.

With a pinch of Wang Qingshan's sword technique, the Green Lotus Sword bloomed with dazzling green light and turned into a green lotus, floating above Wang Qingshan's head.

The nine green glass swords flew quickly, flying around him. Not long after, the nine green glass swords also turned into nine green lotus flowers, flying around Wang Qingshan.

Wang Qingshan closed his eyes, and his breath blended with the Qinglian Sword.

As he swallowed and exhaled, the green lotus above his head slowly rotated, and there were bursts of loud sword sounds.


In the South China Sea, the sky is empty and the sky is cavernous.

In a secret underground cave, five monks including Situ Mei, Jin Yun, and Liu Feng'er had expressions of fear on their faces.

Outside the underground cave, there were more than a dozen corpses lying. These corpses seemed to have been cut with sharp weapons. The corpses were in small pieces. Their faces were full of horror, as if they had encountered something terrible.

They accidentally triggered a powerful restriction, and all the other monks died. If they hadn't run so fast, they would have died too.

"Little friend Situ, why didn't you say there was a soul-killing divine light here before?"

Jin Yun gritted his teeth and said that the soul-killing divine light is a very powerful restriction. Even defensive spiritual treasures cannot block it. Creatures or objects that are touched by the soul-killing divine light will be dismembered.

"I don't know either. As far as I know, except for the great elder of Zhenhai Sect, few monks have broken into this place in the past ten thousand years."

There was a trace of panic in Situ Mei's tone. If the two god-transformation monks hadn't taken action, she would have died under the soul-destroying divine light.

"The deal is already done. It's useless to talk more. The soul-killing divine light will not disappear for the time being. Let's hide here for a while!"

Liu Feng'er suggested.

No one else objected, so they could only hide here. As for whether the space channel could be opened, they didn't have much hope. It would be good if they could leave alive.

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