Rise of Qinglian

Chapter 1,668 The Power of Lingbao Tiangui Banner

An astonishing sword intent rushed out of Wang Qingshan, and countless green lights emerged from his body. With a flash of inspiration, the dense green light turned into a series of extremely sharp green sword energy, and the dense green sword energy faced the silver arc.


There was a huge roar, the silver arc was shattered by the dense cyan sword energy, and the silver peak quickly crashed down.

Wang Qingshan took his time and spewed out a burst of green flame, which was the Green Lotus Karmic Fire.

As soon as the Green Lotus Karma Fire appeared, the temperature of the void suddenly increased.

The Green Lotus Karmic Fire hit the silver peak and spread quickly, causing the silver peak to fall much slower.

The Green Lotus Sword bloomed with dazzling green light, and the sword roared loudly, turning into a blue rainbow and hitting the silver giant peak.


The giant silver peak flew backwards, and some small cracks appeared on the surface.

"Break it for me!"

Wang Qingshan shouted loudly, and the nine green glass swords turned into nine blue rainbows and headed straight for the silver giant peak.

There was a huge roar, the silver giant peak was smashed into pieces, and dust flew into the sky.

The void above Wang Qingshan's head fluctuated, and a silver thunder light lit up, revealing a palm-sized silver round bowl. The surface of the round bowl was covered with a large number of silver arcs.

Before the silver round bowl fell, Wang Qingshan turned into dots of blue light and disappeared.

Wang Qingshan turned his palm, and a mirror with shining yellow light appeared in his hand. It was the Xuanhuang Mirror.

The mirror lit up with a dazzling yellow light, and sprayed out a large yellow glow, covering the silver round bowl.

The silver round bowl suddenly turned to stone when it touched the yellow glow.

A large piece of green sword energy fell from the sky, smashing the petrified silver round bowl into pieces.


There was a huge roar, and the seawater with a radius of more than ten miles rolled back, forming a huge water curtain, trapping Wang Qingshan inside.

The four of Shen Haoran each held a light blue flag in their hands. They changed their strategy and planned to trap Wang Qingshan first and deal with the others. The Zhenhai Ape was too much in the way. If it hadn't used the Zhenling Roar several times, it would have interrupted Shen Haoran and others cast spells, and they had already killed Wang Qingshan.

Tianlei layman looked at Wang Qingling and others with a cold look on his face.

He waved the silver flag in his hand, thunder roared loudly, countless silver arcs emerged from the flag, and more than a dozen silver thunderballs as big as water tanks flew out, hitting Wang Qingling and others.

Zhao Hengbin and others stepped up their offensive and attacked Wang Qingling and others.

Wang Qingling and others cast spells to resist, the explosions continued, and various auras bloomed high in the sky.

Wang Tianwen held a jade pen magic weapon and made gestures in the void. A green shield appeared out of thin air, blocking it in front of him like an entity.

Two huge silver thunderballs hit the blue shield and suddenly exploded. Wang Tianwen flew backwards, and his body was enveloped in a large white light.

At this moment, the void above his head fluctuated, and a silver thunder palm more than ten feet in size appeared out of thin air and was photographed instantly.

Wang Tianwen reacted quickly. He took out a light golden book and entered a magic formula. Countless golden words flew out. The golden words turned around and turned into a thick golden armor, wrapping it. Covering his whole body.

The giant silver palm struck him, turning into dazzling silver lightning and flooding Wang Tianwen's body.

A huge roar came from high in the sky, and more than a dozen golden thunder spears shot out, immersed in the silver lightning, and a painful scream came out.

Golden sword light, blue ax blade, and red sword light shot out one after another, piercing the silver thunder light.

A Nascent Soul with facial features similar to Wang Tianwen flew out of the silver thunder light, and Wang Tianwen's body was destroyed.

He never expected that the Yuanying Dzogchen monks would take action against him. It was useless even if he thought about it. Several Yuanying monks joined forces to deal with him, and he couldn't stop him at all.

Seeing this scene, Murong Yuyao lost her fighting spirit. If she hadn't relied on the Wang family to open the Tianpin secret realm, she would have run away long ago. After all, she was not a monk of the Wang family.

Master Tianlei's face turned cold, a large silver arc emerged from his right middle finger, and he tapped Wang Tianwen's Nascent Soul lightly.

A ray of silver light flew out and headed straight for Wang Tianwen's Nascent Soul.


An angry dragon roar sounded, and a white cold wind more than twenty feet high swept in, facing the silver light.


The silver light collided with the white cold wind and died together, erupting into a powerful air wave.

Wang Tianwen's Nascent Soul took the opportunity to fly into Wang Qingling's sleeve, and after finding a suitable body to seize it, it was only a matter of time before he spent more time cultivating and regained his cultivation.

Master Tianlei frowned slightly and sneered: "Hmph, it looks like you haven't been promoted to the fourth level for long! If you want to die, then I'll send you on your way."

He turned over his hands and took out a small shining silver tower, which was wrapped in countless silver arcs.

At this moment, a deafening roar sounded, and a light silver spiritual light lit up on Tianlei's chest. A soft silver light enveloped Tianlei, and his expression was as usual.

He brought two fifth-level talismans. One fifth-level talisman was specially designed to restrain the magical power of Soul-Suppressing Roar. Unfortunately, it was a consumable item. When the battle was over, this talisman would also be scrapped.

There was a sound of breaking through the air, and a huge stick fell from the sky and hit the Tianlei layman. It was Zhenhai Ape.

Countless silver lightnings of lightning emerged from the surface of Master Tianlei's body, and suddenly disappeared from the place, using the Thunder Escape Technique.

He is a Leilinggen monk and is proficient in thunder magic. It is very difficult to hurt him.

Ye Haitang flicked his sleeves, and eighteen black lights flew out, which were the Heavenly Ghost Flags. A sinister wind blew around, the sounds of ghosts crying and wolves howling continued, and the temperature of the nearby sea area suddenly dropped.

On the flags of the eighteen Heavenly Ghost Flags emerged a series of ferocious faces, with a sinister aura rising to the sky.

Ye Haitang pinched the magic technique, and the eighteen Heavenly Ghost Flags erupted with dazzling black light. Hundreds of thousands of ghosts poured out from the Heavenly Ghost Flags, including eighteen ghosts in the Nascent Soul stage.

Seeing hundreds of thousands of ghosts, Master Tianlei was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat. The intelligence did not say that there were ghost cultivators in the Wang family! There were hundreds of thousands of ghosts, and he could only retreat when he encountered them.


Hundreds of thousands of ghosts let out a low roar at the same time, and all ghosts cried together, using high-level spells.

Layman Tianlei and other Nascent Soul cultivators felt dizzy and weak, and the energy and blood in their bodies surged, as if they were about to burst out of their bodies.

The high-level spells cast by hundreds of thousands of ghosts will have a certain impact on the God Transformation monks, let alone the Nascent Soul monks.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, a dot of purple light suddenly emerged from Ziyue Fairy's head, turning into a purple mirror. The purple light flashed, and a piece of purple spiritual light flew out, accurately hitting Tianlei Layman's body, which was Ziyue Xuanguang.

Master Tianlei's body could not move, as if he was frozen.

A giant stick holding up the sky fell from the sky and hit the layman Tianlei.


The Tianlei layman was smashed to pieces by the huge stick holding up the sky, and turned into a rain of blood all over the sky.

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