Rise of Qinglian

Chapter 1527: Double Eyed Rat Advanced (Please subscribe and vote monthly)

The advancement of the Soul-eating Golden Cicada is particularly difficult. The Soul-Eating Golden Cicada raised by Wang Changsheng devoured the Ghost King in the Nascent Soul stage, but failed to advance to the fourth level. Everything has advantages and disadvantages. The Soul-Eating Golden Cicada can slowly increase the controller's consciousness. , it is not easy for spiritual insects to advance, let alone auxiliary spiritual insects like the Soul-eating Golden Cicada, which is naturally not easy to advance.

"Haitang, you've done a great job. The Soul-Eating Golden Cicada is not easy to advance to begin with. You can raise it to a small level, which is already very good."

Wang Changsheng put away the Soul-Eating Golden Cicada. According to Hai Xinshang from Ten Thousand Beast Island, the Soul-Eating Golden Cicada can only be advanced in pairs. She shouldn't be wrong.


A deafening roar sounded, suddenly dense clouds gathered, and strong winds rolled back.

A huge thundercloud appeared in the sky above Qinglian Peak without any warning. The thundercloud made rumbles of thunder, lightning and thunder.

Wang Changsheng and Ye Haitang were slightly startled, Ye Haitang was dumbfounded, and Wang Changsheng's eyes widened.

Needless to say, the thunder disaster was caused by the double-eyed rat. He had taken two Heavenly Beast Pills, which was enough to strengthen its bloodline. If it didn't advance, it would be unreasonable. After all, the double-eyed rat had devoured many elixirs.

"Haitang, you must have had a hard time rushing back from the Ten Thousand Ghosts Sea. Go back and rest first!"

Wang Changsheng said warmly, looking at the thunderclouds high in the sky with an excited expression.

Since entering the world of immortality, the double-eyed rat has brought him many opportunities. If it reaches the fourth level, the double-eyed rat can play a huge role in future treasure hunting adventures.

Ye Haitang responded, turned into a black rainbow, and left Qinglian Peak.

There is a courtyard planted with hundreds of spiritual peach trees. Each of the spiritual peach trees has dozens of red spiritual peaches hanging on it, exuding an alluring aroma.

A bag of earth bulged out from the ground, and the double-eyed rat emerged from the ground. After a burst of yellow light lit up its body, its size skyrocketed and became the size of a house. Its hair stood up and its eyes kept moving, like a Like a huge hedgehog.

It made a weird neighing sound, opened its bloody mouth, and a powerful suction force emerged out of thin air. Hundreds of spiritual peach trees swayed left and right, and countless leaves fell, flying towards the double-eyed mouse.

Hundreds of spiritual peach trees shook violently, branches broke, and the spiritual peaches fell off one by one, flying towards the double-eyed mouse. Some of the spiritual peaches, along with their branches, fell into the double-eyed mouse's mouth.

The double-eyed rat started chewing with its bloody mouth, making a cheerful neighing sound.


There was a deafening sound of thunder from high in the sky. A look of fear appeared in the eyes of the double-eyed rat, and it made a miserable "chichi" cry. The soil beneath it tore apart, and countless dust gathered towards the double-eyed rat. Unable to breathe, a yellow ball with a diameter of ten feet appeared in the courtyard. The yellow ball kept shaking and its size was still expanding.

After a huge thunder sounded, a silver lightning as thick as an adult's arm fell from the sky and struck the yellow ball.

There was a loud noise, and a large hole exploded on the surface of the yellow ball. The hole was scorched black and steaming out, but soon, the yellow ball lit up with a dazzling yellow light, and the hole healed quickly, as if it had never appeared before.

The rumble of thunder sounded, and thick silver lightning fell from the sky, hitting the yellow ball one after another. The air waves rolled, the roar was loud, and the powerful air waves rolled up a lot of dust. From a distance, it looked like it was high in the sky. It was like a thunderstorm, and thick silver lightning struck the courtyard where the double-eyed rat was.

Wang Changsheng stood on the eaves of a blue attic, looking at the courtyard where the double-eyed mouse was.

Different from the immortal cultivators, the biggest difficulty for the immortal cultivators when entering the Nascent Soul stage is the inner demon barrier. Spiritual beasts do not have the inner demon barrier. As long as they can survive the thunder tribulation, they can advance to the fourth level. Even if the double-eyed rat advances to It is impossible to transform into a human form at the fourth level. The monsters in the South China Sea are mainly birds and beasts. Rat monsters are rare to begin with, and there are only a handful of high-level rat monsters.

After a cup of tea, the thundercloud was still more than a hundred feet in size. In a huge roar, the thundercloud rolled violently and suddenly turned into a silver thunder python that was more than a hundred feet long. The silver thunder python grinned and its body surface flashed. With a dazzling silver arc, it swooped down from high altitude.


Qinglian Peak lit up with a dazzling silver light, like a silver sun, which could be seen hundreds of miles away.

The powerful air wave directly flattened several courtyards. Hundreds of spiritual peach trees were shattered by the air wave at the first moment, turning into countless tiny sawdust and flying everywhere.

After ten breaths, the silver sun disappeared, and the smoke and dust also dispersed.

Areas with a radius of several miles were razed to the ground, and all the original gardens, pavilions, and exotic flowers and plants disappeared.

There was a muffled sound from the ground, and the double-eyed rat emerged from the ground. Half of its body was steaming, and half of its hair was burnt.

The double-eyed rat successfully advanced to the fourth level, but compared with before, it has not changed much.

It advanced to the fourth level and must have mastered new magical powers. Considering that it had just successfully overcome the tribulation, Wang Changsheng did not let it show its new magical powers immediately. He took out a blue sea snake that was more than ten feet long. The waist of the blue sea snake was as thick as a bucket. It has been dead for a long time. This is the body of a third-level high-quality blue light python.

The double-eyed rat let out an excited cry, and after a burst of dazzling yellow light lit up its body, it quickly grew in size, becoming the size of a house, and began to gnaw.

In less than half a quarter of an hour, the entire blue-light python was eaten by the double-eyed rat, leaving no bones or residue.

After eating and drinking enough, the double-eyed rat quickly shrank in size, crawled along Wang Changsheng's trousers, and climbed onto Wang Changsheng's shoulders.

"Congratulations, you have also entered the Nascent Soul stage. I hope you can master more powerful magical powers."

Wang Changsheng said with a smile and touched the head of the double-eyed rat.

There are only a handful of fourth-level rat demons. Before the double-eyed rat advanced to the fourth level, it mastered earth armor and earth escape techniques. Wang Changsheng hoped that it would master powerful magical powers after it advanced to the fourth level. However, it is difficult to say this kind of thing. After all, the double-eyed rat The pupil rat is an upgrade from an ordinary rat.

As the saying goes, a dragon gives birth to a dragon and a phoenix gives birth to a phoenix, and the son of a mouse can dig holes. Wang Changsheng just held an idea. He checked some classics about spirit rats. Most spirit rats do not have great supernatural powers and it is difficult for them to grow to high levels. Of course, , there is a kind of spiritual rat with great magical powers, and that is the sky-swallowing rat.

The Sky-Swallowing Rat is good at finding all kinds of heavenly materials and treasures. Even high-level restrictions cannot stop it. It is invulnerable to weapons, water and fire. According to ancient records, adult Sky-Swallowing Rats feed on real dragons and phoenixes. I don’t know if it is True or false.

The double-eyed rat is far inferior to the sky-swallowing rat. Wang Changsheng doesn't have much expectations for it. Even if it doesn't have great supernatural powers, as long as it is good at finding heavenly materials and earthly treasures, it will be fine.

Within one day, Wang Changsheng received a fourth-order spiritual insect and a fourth-order spiritual beast, and he was overjoyed.

He put the double-eyed rat into the spirit beast bead, contacted Wang Mengfen, and asked him to send people over to rebuild the damaged building.

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