Rise of Qinglian

Chapter 1,468 Dragon Transformation Grass

After a cup of tea, Wang Meng Yang took out a black flag that was as black as ink. On the flag, ferocious faces could be faintly seen. The atmosphere was gloomy. The temperature of the venue dropped sharply, and the monks sitting in the front row felt it most clearly. , as if you were in an ice cellar, with chills all over your body.

"Thousand Ghost Banners, this treasure has been refined into three pill-forming ghost kings, as well as hundreds of second-level ghosts. This magic weapon can only be exchanged, not sold, in exchange for a set of attack magic weapons, with priority given to fire-attribute magic weapons."

Wang Meng Yang said loudly that it is not surprising that some monks will send goods for auction, and the organizer will charge a fee as a commission.

Wang Changsheng's heart moved. Ye Haitang's natal magic weapon, the Heavenly Ghost Banner, had not yet been refined with many ghosts. This magic weapon was just right.

Not many monks were interested in the ghost magic weapon. Wang Changsheng used four fire cloud blades to get this Thousand Ghost Banner.

"A bottle of Blood Dragon Pill can enhance the dragon's bloodline, and has certain benefits for the dragon's advancement. The base price is 150,000, and each increase in price must not be less than 20,000."

Wang Meng Yang held a white porcelain bottle in his hand and said loudly.

"Blood Dragon Pill!"

Wang Changsheng immediately became interested. Taking the Blood Dragon Pill should be beneficial to the Ice Wind Jiao's advancement.

In addition to dragons, spiritual beasts with dragon bloodline would also benefit greatly from taking blood dragon pills. The competition was fierce, and before long, the price reached 400,000.

Four hundred thousand was already more than the value of the Blood Dragon Pill, but Wang Changsheng didn't care and shouted: "Four hundred and fifty thousand."

Money can't buy a good thing, so if I miss this opportunity, I don't know how long it will take to get the Blood Dragon Pill.

"Half a million."

A majestic male voice sounded, coming from the front.

"Senior Brother Wang is from the Huangfu family."

Fairy Ziyue sent a message to Wang Changsheng. Huangfu Xiong did not change his appearance. With the strength of the Huangfu family, many high-level monks recognized the Yuanying monks of the Huangfu family.

"Huangfu's family!"

Wang Changsheng hesitated for a moment and did not raise the price. He was not afraid of the Huangfu family, but looking at the posture of the Huangfu family's Yuanying monks, he was bound to get this bottle of blood dragon pill. If he continued to compete, it would attract attention.

Huangfu Xiong successfully bought this bottle of blood dragon pill for a high price of 500,000 yuan.

Next, Wang Meng Yang took out more than a dozen auction items one after another, most of which were third-level elixirs, and they all fetched high prices.

"Then it's time for the final auction items. Seniors are welcome to bid enthusiastically."

As Wang Meng Yang spoke, he took out three black wooden boxes and opened them. Each contained a black demon pill as big as an egg.

"The fourth-level Yin Beast Demonic Pill has a base price of 200,000 spiritual stones. They will be auctioned separately. Each increase in price must not be less than 10,000."

The technique that Ye Haitang practiced was quite special, requiring the fourth-level demon pill to be refined and the Huangquan Pill to assist in the practice. These three fourth-level Yin Beast Demon Pills were exactly what Wang Changsheng wanted.

"Twenty-one thousand."

"Two hundred and twenty thousand."

"Two hundred and thirty thousand."


The competition was fierce. Wang Changsheng spent 750,000 spirit stones to buy two fourth-level Yin Beast Demon Pills, while Huangfu Xiong bought one fourth-level Yin Beast Demon Pill.

Wang Meng Yang flipped his hand, and a palm-sized golden cauldron appeared in his hand. He inserted a magic spell. The size of the cauldron surged and turned into a three-legged cauldron as tall as a person. The whole body was shining with golden light, and a golden cauldron was engraved on the body. Sun pattern.

"The pure Yang cauldron of the alchemy furnace has a certain bonus for alchemy. The base price is 300,000 spirit stones, and each increase in price must not be less than 20,000."

Alchemy furnaces of the magic weapon level are relatively rare. Wang Changsheng opened the bidding, but unfortunately he failed to do so. Huangfu Xiong bought this pure Yang furnace for a high price of 950,000.

Six burly men carried two huge golden iron cages, which contained a blue spirit horse with four wings on its back and a red shark.

"The third-level high-grade sea-winged horse can run on the sea as if it were on flat ground. The next step is the fourth-level, which is most suitable for transportation. The base price is 300,000 spirit stones, and each increase in price must not be less than 30,000. The third-level high-grade The Fire Cloud Shark is extremely ferocious, with a base price of 300,000 spirit stones, and each increase in price must not be less than 50,000."

The Sea Winged Horse can fly at high altitudes and can walk on the sea as if on flat ground. It is good for escaping or traveling. The Fire Cloud Shark is suitable for fighting or hunting for monsters.

The Wang family's guardian spirit bird, Thunder Phoenix, has grown to the third level of high-grade. If you want to advance to the fourth level, you need some special rare spiritual objects.

Wang Changsheng was not interested in these two third-level high-grade spiritual beasts and did not bid for them.

The two spiritual beasts were sold at high prices of 850,000 and 1 million respectively. Wang Mengfen was very satisfied with the transaction price.

Wang Meng Yang flipped his hands and took out three sparkling metal balls, and inserted a magic spell into each. Three puppet beasts with flashing auras appeared in front of everyone. Each puppet beast had a lotus mark on its body, which seemed to represent What.

"A set of three-talented puppet beasts refined by the Fairy King of Qinglian Island. Each one is a third-level mid-grade puppet beast. Together they can set up a three-talented demon-slaying array. How powerful the set of puppet beasts from Qinglian Island is, there is no need to place more Let’s talk! The base price is 500,000 spirit stones, and each increase must not be less than 50,000.”

In order to open up the market, Qinglian Island sold sets of puppet beasts on a large scale at the beginning. To this day, Qinglian Island rarely sells sets of puppet beasts, especially sets of third-level puppet beasts. Three sets of puppet beasts usually only appear when large-scale auctions are held. A complete set of first-level puppet beasts and a third-level complete set of puppet beasts can be passed down as family heirlooms for some small forces. Having a set of third-level puppet beasts for hunting monsters will be much more convenient and reduce casualties.

The price soared and soon exceeded the one million spirit stone mark.

A smile appeared on Wang Changsheng's lips. Today, the Wang family's puppet beast has become famous in the South China Sea and is favored by immortal cultivators.

This set of three-talented puppet beasts was finally sold at a high price of two million, and was auctioned off by a medium-sized sect.

"A piece of Ten Thousand Years Ghost Yin Wood can be exchanged for glazed bamboo that is over a thousand years old or materials of equivalent value."

Wang Meng Yang held a piece of black wood three feet long in his hand and said loudly.

This piece of ghost wood came from the Wang family, and Wang Meng Yang used large-scale auctions to collect materials for the Wang family.

Thousand-year ghost Yin wood is rare, and it is an excellent material for refining Yin attribute magic weapons. Many monks flew to the high platform to communicate with Wang Mengfen, and Huangfu Xiong was one of them.

Wang Changsheng naturally knew that the ten thousand-year iron wood came from the Wang family, and it was just a means for the Wang family to collect materials.

At this moment, he frowned and sent a message to Wang Meng Yang: "Meng Yang, I am your ancestor. Who came up with Yin attribute materials? Or something special."

Wang Meng Yang was slightly startled and looked towards the venue. He did not see Wang Changsheng, but a tall man in blue robe nodded to him.

"A fourth-level demon elixir, said to be the inner elixir of a strange insect called the Soul-Eating Spider."

Wang Meng Yang explained via voice transmission.

"Exchange with him to get the fourth-level demon pill. It's best to exchange it for other materials from the Soul-eating Spider."

Wang Changsheng sent a message and ordered that the ranking of the Soul-Eating Spider is higher than that of the Soul-Eating Golden Cicada. The Soul-Eating Golden Cicada has stayed at the third level for many years. During this period, it has devoured the souls of monsters and beasts, even ghosts in the Nascent Soul Stage. Still unable to advance to the fourth level, this time might be an opportunity for the Soul-eating Golden Cicada to advance.

Wang Meng Yang agreed and exchanged it with a monk wearing a black cloak. Huang Fuxiong returned disappointed.

"A three-thousand-year-old Dragon Transformation Grass will be exchanged for materials of the same value, with priority given to spiritual objects that will produce babies."

Wang Meng Yang held a blue wooden box about a foot long in his hand and said loudly.

"What? Dragon Transformation Grass, no way!"

There was a commotion among the monks present. The dragon-changing grass is a very rare elixir. Not to mention the three-thousand-year-old dragon-changing grass, the thousand-year-old dragon-changing grass is not uncommon.

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