Rise of Qinglian

Chapter 143: Gold Swallowing Ants (Part 1)

Spring goes and autumn comes, and three years pass in the blink of an eye.

In a certain secret room, Wang Changsheng sat cross-legged on a green futon. Beside him, there were some refining materials and a few broken puppets scattered around.

In front of him lay a lifelike tiger-shaped puppet with gleaming spirit patterns all over its body.

Wang Changsheng took out a black gourd, shook it lightly, the gourd cover flew out automatically, and a green light ball flew out from it, and slowly sank into the mouth of the tiger puppet.

The tiger-shaped puppet seemed to come to life, moved its limbs, and ran towards Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng let out a sigh of relief, with a look of joy on his face.

This tiger-shaped puppet is a second-tier middle-grade puppet beast. It took him eight months to refine it, and it failed five times before it was refined.

Thanks to the miraculous effect of Kui Yuan Zhen Sha, Wang Changsheng's physique gradually improved. The sensitivity of the water spirit root increased from 60 to 62, and the sensitivity of the gold spirit root decreased by two points. Although it was only increased by two points, but in With the help of Xuanyin Lingshui, Wang Changsheng's cultivation speed was still much faster. In three years, he successfully advanced to the third level of foundation building.

During the trip to Guiyuan, he exchanged two bottles of Yangshen Pill, and after taking them all, his spiritual consciousness increased a lot.

Now he can control seven puppet beasts at the same time, and his strength has greatly increased.

Now his success rate of refining low-grade magical artifacts has increased a lot. With his current refining level, it is still difficult to refine high-grade magical artifacts, and the Biyin ore has always been kept in his storage bag.

Wang Changsheng put away the tiger-shaped puppet and came to the corner of the secret room.

There are some broken wooden puppets piled up in the corner, and some golden ants are crawling on the wooden puppets.

The golden ants are gold-swallowing ants, which Wang Changsheng obtained at the Yutian Dharma Conference.

This worm likes to eat hardware. Most of the puppets sold by the Wang family are made of spiritual wood. If the refining fails, they can't be used for refining, which is like a pile of waste wood.

Wang Changsheng used all these waste materials to feed the gold swallowing ants.

Two gold-eating ants, one male and one female, in addition to the refining materials, Wang Changsheng also fed them first-order spiritual grains. They never refused to come and ate them all. Hundreds of first-rank low-rank worker ants.

Wang Changsheng took out a handful of blue Lingmi and sprinkled it on the puppet.

Soon, a large number of gold-eating ants rushed out of the puppet and moved Lingmi back to the nest.

Several "cheep chirp" sounds came from the spirit beast bag on Wang Changsheng's waist, and the spirit beast bag became restless.

Wang Changsheng smiled lightly, patted the spirit animal bag, the head of the twin-eyed mouse came out of the spirit animal bag, and sniffed lightly a few times.

It got out of the spirit beast bag and climbed onto Wang Changsheng's shoulder.

The double-eyed mouse is already a first-tier top grade, with a round body and a fat head and big ears.

Wang Changsheng took out a green fruit the size of an egg and fed it to the double-eyed mouse. After eating the green fruit, it returned to the spirit animal bag.

Wang Changsheng put away the tiger-shaped puppet and walked out.

Not long after, he appeared in a secluded courtyard, where Wang Mingmei and Wang Mingzhong were refining puppet beasts.

After a lot of practice and Wang Changsheng's careful guidance, Wang Mingmei has been able to refine a first-order top-grade puppet beast with a success rate of 70%. Wang Mingzhong can also refine a first-order top-grade puppet beast, but the success rate is relatively low. He is mainly responsible for refining Control the first-order middle-grade puppet beast.

Encouraged by Wang Changsheng, Wang Changbin regained his confidence. After many times of practice, the success rate of refining first-rank low-grade puppet beasts has reached 60%. Besides the three of them, the clan also selected many members of the clan to train them. After several layers of screening, Wang Changhao and Wang Changping stood out, followed by Wang Changbin, and it was only a matter of time before the puppet was refined.

Wang Changsheng inspected their process of refining puppet beasts and gave them guidance, especially Wang Changhao and Wang Changping. Wang Changsheng explained them in detail and showed them by hand.

Two hours later, Wang Changsheng came to a spacious courtyard.

There are three simple stone houses in the courtyard, and a loud "bang" came from one of the stone houses.

With a "creak", the door opened, and Li Qiwen walked out from it. He was ashamed and disappointed.

Wang Changsheng smiled slightly at Li Qiwen and said, "Brother-in-law, are you okay!"

After being attacked, Wang Changyu's affection for Li Qiwen increased greatly, and the two communicated more frequently.

Wang Mingyuan found out the details of Li Qiwen, and after confirming that there was no problem, he sent someone to contact Li Qiwen and asked him if he would like to be his son-in-law.

At first Li Qiwen was very resistant, saying that he wanted to preserve the family blood and not be a door-to-door son-in-law.

After Wang Changyu persuaded him repeatedly, Li Qiwen agreed to be his son-in-law, but he had one requirement. Wang Changyu's first child, regardless of gender, must be named Li.

Li Qiwen's temper was very stubborn, because of this matter, he almost broke up with Wang Changyu, Wang Mingyuan didn't want to agree, but Wang Yaozong agreed, as long as the child grew up in Wang's family, it doesn't matter if the surname is Li.

Li Qiwen's talisman-making level is higher than Wang Changyu's, which can make up for the shortcomings of the Wang family. He has a clean background and is honest and responsible, so Wang Yaozong agreed to Li Qiwen's request.

Although Li Qiwen's aptitude is not good, but his ancestors came from Zixiaomen, and he himself is obsessed with the art of talisman and seal, and it is precisely because of the art of talisman that he knew Wang Changyu.

In the past, there were not enough spirit stones to buy talisman papers for practice. After marrying into the family, the Wang family provided Li Qiwen with a large amount of talisman papers, which allowed Li Qiwen to open up his practice.

Now there are four talisman makers in the Wang family, and Li Qiwen's talisman making level is the highest. Li Qiwen can draw a few first-grade high-grade talisman seals every month.

Wang Changyu's first child is a daughter named Li Yuehua. Li Qiwen likes this daughter very much. Wang Changyu is already pregnant with her second child.

The Wang family kept their promise, so Li Qiwen handed over the talisman-making experience left over from his ancestors to Wang Mingyuan, and carefully taught the descendants of the Wang family to draw talisman seals.

Li Qiwen is an honest person, that is, he is more stubborn, and will never change what he believes.

Li Qiwen shook his head and said, "I'm fine, Brother Ninth, are you here to look for Yumei? She just left the Talisman Institute, and I just want to go back to eat, let's go, go eat some at my place!"

"No need, brother-in-law, I'm just looking around, I have something to do later, next time!"

"Alright then! You can do whatever you want, by the way, you remember to ask Uncle San to send a batch of talisman blood, I'll go back to eat first."

The four talisman makers, besides Wang Yaozhen, Wang Changyu, Li Qiwen, and Wang Minghao.

Wang Changsheng walked into the stone house where Li Qiwen lived, and found that the ground was full of potholes, and there were some talisman-making materials on the table.

I heard from Wang Mingyuan that Li Qiwen has recently been refining some kind of special talisman, and I don't know if he can successfully refine it.

Wang Mingyuan didn't know what special talisman seals Li Qiwen wanted to refine, but Wang Mingyuan allocated all the talisman-making materials that Li Qiwen wanted to Li Qiwen according to the number.

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