Rise of Qinglian

Chapter 1,238 The Golden Crow Master

The Black Crow Mountain Range is located in the southern part of the Immortal Cultivation Realm of Northern Xinjiang. It stretches for 100,000 miles. The mountain is black and named Black Crow Mountain Range because of the large number of Black Flame Crows that live there.

Black Crow Valley is located on the outskirts of Black Crow Mountains and has many shops. Because Black Crow Valley has a good geographical location and there are several large metal mines in Black Crow Mountains, it attracts many business travelers to trade here.

The Treasure Appraisal Conference is a grand event held in Black Crow Valley. The participants are mainly alchemy monks. Participants bring out magic weapons, elixirs, talismans, seals and other various cultivation resources for display and exchange. Simply put, the Treasure Appraisal Conference is A big swap meet and networking event.

During the Treasure Appraisal Conference, various competitions will be held, and rewards can be obtained by gaining fame, attracting a large number of immortal cultivators to participate.

Jinya Zhenren's surname is Li Mingzhen. He is a casual cultivator. He participated in the treasure appraisal competition in his early years. He participated in beast fighting and ranked among the top five. He was favored by an elder of Jiuyou Sect. He became a disciple of Jiuyou Sect and became a disciple of a certain alchemist. Elder Qi has been on a meteoric rise since then.

Jiuyou Sect will open a sect to recruit disciples every twenty years. In addition, Jiuyou Sect will hold various celebrations, attracting a large number of monks to participate, and the best ones will be selected to join Jiuyou Sect. The Treasure Appraisal Conference is Jiuyou Sect. A way for the sect to attract new blood.

Jiuyou Sect's ability to secure its position as the largest sect in Northern Xinjiang has a lot to do with Jiuyou Sect's apprenticeship system, in addition to the fact that there are many Nascent Soul monks in the sect.

The Jiuyou Sect accepts disciples regardless of their moral character, qualifications, or age. As long as they have a skill and pass the assessment, they can join the Jiuyou Sect. It is easy to enter the Jiuyou Sect, but it is not easy to get out. Among the ten sects in Northern Xinjiang, Jiuyou Sect You Sect has the most relaxed entry requirements, but it is also the sect with the heaviest rules and precepts.

A huge golden crow appeared in the sky and flew quickly towards the Black Crow Valley.

Dozens of cultivators sat on the back of the golden crow, led by a man in gold robes with a high nose and a middle-aged Taoist nun with fair skin and beauty. The old man in gold robes was naturally Li Zhen.

They were ordered to host the treasure appraisal conference, recruit some disciples, and at the same time develop their own strength.

Not long after, the golden crow landed outside the Black Crow Valley. Li Zhen and the middle-aged Taoist nun jumped to the ground, and other Jiuyou Sect disciples jumped down one after another.

Li Zhen put away the golden crow and strode towards the Black Crow Valley, followed closely by the others.

Soon, they appeared on the bustling street, with a stream of people, shouts and bargains, a very lively scene.

"Fellow Daoist Li and Daoist Sun are here, long time no see."

"Long time no see, Fellow Daoist Li and Fellow Daoist Sun."

I met acquaintances on the road and greeted Li Zhen one after another, and Li Zhen responded with a smile.

Half a quarter of an hour later, Li Zhen and the middle-aged Taoist nun appeared in the Black Crow Tower, and three deacon disciples were reporting the situation to them.

"Master Uncle Li and Master Sun, here comes a spiritual master who is in the elixir formation stage. This man is good at expelling insects and controlling beasts, and has defeated many seniors."

After hearing this, Li Zhen became interested immediately. He practiced beast control techniques and was well-known in the world of immortal cultivation in Northern Xinjiang.

"Aren't the participants of the beast-fighting meeting a foundation-building monk? Why is there an extra pill-building monk? Have the rules been changed?"

Li Zhen asked curiously.

"That's not true. This senior's disciple lost the battle of beasts to a disciple of our sect. She became so angry that she went off in person to fight beasts with other alchemy monks. No one is her opponent so far."

The middle-aged Taoist nun frowned and said, "What is the origin of this person? We should have heard of the pill-forming monk who is good at expelling insects and controlling beasts."

"This person claims to be from the Central Plains Cultivation World. I only know her surname is Li, but I don't know anything else."

Li Zhen smiled and ordered: "It's interesting. It's rare to meet a spiritual master who is in the elixir formation stage, Master Nephew Zhao. Contact this person immediately. I want to fight beasts with her."

"Yes, Uncle Li."

In a unique courtyard, some red spiritual bamboos were planted in the courtyard. A tall young man in a blue shirt and a hot-looking young woman in a blue skirt were sitting in a blue stone pavilion. They were Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan who had changed their appearance.

It has been less than half a month since the Treasure Appraisal Conference was held, and the Golden Crow Master has not yet appeared.

The stone pavilion is located in the middle of an inner lake. Lin turtles are playing in the lake. It sometimes dives to the bottom of the lake and sometimes surfaces.

Wang Ruyan was concentrating on playing the piano, while Wang Changsheng sat aside, holding an ancient book in his hand and reading with gusto. A gust of breeze blew and messed up their hair.

Wang Changsheng suddenly put down the ancient book, took out a communication disk, and entered a magic formula. Wang Qingling's voice suddenly sounded: "Uncle Jiu, the fish is hooked."

"Proceed with caution and put your own safety first."

Putting away the interrogation tray, Wang Changsheng picked up the ancient book and started reading it. Wang Ruyan concentrated on playing, and the two of them acted like nothing was wrong.

A huge red stone square, thousands of immortal cultivators gathered here.

In a red arena hundreds of feet long, Li Zhen looked at a young woman in a green skirt with ordinary facial features opposite, with excitement on her face.

The young woman in the green skirt is Wang Qingling. She used the spirit bead to change her appearance.

"I heard that Mrs. Li is good at repelling insects and controlling beasts. Li came here specifically to ask for advice, and also asked Mrs. Li for advice."

Li Zhen said enthusiastically that he most enjoyed fighting beasts with other alchemy monks, but he won more than he lost and it was rare to encounter a powerful opponent, so he would not miss it.

"It's easy to say. I heard that Fellow Daoist Li is proficient in the art of expelling insects and controlling beasts, so I asked Fellow Daoist Li to teach me."

Wang Qingling agreed wholeheartedly, with an excited expression on her face.

The two looked at each other and each released a spiritual beast.

Li Zhen released a three-foot-long red crocodile with a wrinkled body and pale golden eyes. Wang Qingling released the Cloud-Stepping Elephant.

The two jumped off the ring, and a light red light curtain appeared out of thin air, covering the entire ring.

They controlled their own spiritual beasts and attacked each other's spiritual beasts.

The red crocodile opened its bloody mouth, revealing a row of sharp teeth, and sprayed out billowing flames, hitting the cloud-walking elephant.

The Cloud-Stepping Elephant flicked its thick and long trunk hard, roaring loudly, and the trunk suddenly lengthened, smashing the flames into pieces, and the flames scattered.

The Cloud-Stepping Elephant let out a strange roar and rushed towards the opposite side. Every time it took a step, the arena would shake slightly.

The red crocodile's tail swiped suddenly, and as soon as it approached the cloud-walking elephant, it was blocked by the thick and long trunk. The long trunk swung from side to side and hit the red crocodile. The red crocodile let out a scream.

The Cloud-Stepping Elephant has thick skin and thick flesh. No matter whether the red crocodile spits out flames or bites at close range, it can't do anything to the Cloud-Stepping Elephant. After a while, the Cloud-Stepping Elephant grabbed a flaw exposed by the red crocodile, and its thick trunk He slapped the red crocodile hard, and the red crocodile immediately flew backwards, its skin and flesh torn apart.

"Stop, Mrs. Li's cloud-walking elephant is quite powerful. Let's switch to spiritual birds. How about fighting against spiritual birds?"

Wang Qingling smiled lightly and agreed.

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